HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/20/1974 xent, Washington
May 20, 1974
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons: Baffaro, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters,
McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public
Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Harris, Finance Director Winkle . Also
present: Parks Director Wilson, City Treasurer Drotz, Fire Chief Foster,
Planning Commissioner Cole, and Bill Chase, of Hill , Ingman & Chase .
MINUTES KITTO MOVED to approve the minutes of May 6, 1974, including
the following item which was omitted: "NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH
CORPS . A letter from King County Executive Spellman was
read requesting the City ' s assistance in developing the
Neighborhood Youth Corps program. KITTO MOVED to refer
the letter to Personnel Director Winkle, Johnson seconded,
motion carried . "
Just seconded, motion carried.
HEALTH & Two grant offers from the Department of Ecology have been
SANITATION reviewed, one for the 100th Avenue Sanitary Sewer Interceptor
and one for the Linda Heights Pump Station. The projects
are to be funded as follows:
100th Avenue Interceptor
Federal EPA Grant $187, 736
State or Dept. of Ecology Grant 37,550
*Kent Sewer Funds 25 .029
$250, 315
Linda Heights Pump Station -
Federal EPA Grant $ 49, 691
State or Dept. of Ecology Grant 9,938
*Kent Sewer Funds 25 ,029
$ 66, 255
*In 1974 Sewer Capital Outlay Budget
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign
the said Department of Ecology grant contracts in the amounts
of $37,550 and $9,938, Baff aro seconded, motion carried .
It was noted that in connection with the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) grants for these sewer projects, it is necessary
to submit a schedule of adoption of sewer rates wherein no
class of customer receives a volume discount. A difference
in rates may appear if a different cost factor can be ascer-
tained. The following schedule has been proposed by Joe Street:
1 . Review EPA requirements May 8-15 , 1974
2 . Review Sewer Revenue, 1971-72-73 May 8-30, 1974
3 . Review Sewer Expenditure,
1971-72-73 May 8-30, 1974
4. Extend Anticipated Revenue and
Expenditure 1974-79 June 1-30, 1974
5 . Develop Proposed Rate ( in house) July 1-August 30, 1974
6. Present to Council as a
Committee-of-the-Whole September, 1974
7. Present to Council in Ordinance
form October, 1974 to be effective
January 1, 1975 at the same time as
Metro Rate Change .
MASTERS MOVED that the schedule as submitted by the City
Administrator be directed to the EPA in accordance with their
requirements, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried . It was
determined that rate changes would be made at the same time
as Metro changes their rates.
HEALTH & Tukwila-Southcenter South Property. The Administrator reported
SANITATION that he had met with representatives of Tukwila on Thursday,
May 16, and had, as yet, nothing further to report. Masters
questioned whether or not it is true that Metro can own the
sewer lines in areas where the service is in excess of 1 ,000
acres and if it was appropriate to suggest that Metro buy
the lines back and serve whomever they wished . Ulett stated
that Tukwila had suggested that the line become a Metro line
and that Tukwila would then contract with Metro for sewer
service. Ulett noted that this sewer line does not meet
Metro ' s standards and further that the area is less than
1,000 acres. Masters stated that the entire LID area serves
over 1,000 acres.
Miles Drake. The Director of Public Works noted that a report
would be made at the next council meeting on the request of
Miles Drake for water and sewer service .
Late Comers Agreement. A letter was read from Robert N. Coates
of Cain Properties, requesting the City of Kent to enter into
a Late Comers Agreement with Cam Properties regarding their
two water lines running on the West Valley Highway and along
their north property line. The letter noted that the total
cost for the two lines was $14,580 .62 . JUST MOVED that the
letter be made a part of the record and referred to the Public
Works Department, Johnson seconded, motion carried .
Green River Valley Soil Conservation Service. A letter was
read from the Chamber of Commerce announcing a meeting on
May 22 at 7 : 30 a.m. at Kent ' s Puget Power Conference Room
to discuss the Valley Soil Conservation project. The letter
noted that the Soil Conservation Service is preparing an
impact statement and that comments from property owners and
businesses are needed . McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept the letter
and for it to be made a part of the record, Just seconded,
motion carried .
STREETS Six Year Construction Program. Notice was given of a letter
received from the State Highway Commission regarding a public
meeting to be held on May 23, 1974 at the Doubletree Inn in
Southcenter from 1: 30 to 5 : 30 p.m. , to discuss the budget
and plans for highway needs. It was noted that the following
persons have been invited to attend from the Kent area:
Gerald Ulett
James Harris
Thomas O 'Connell
Harvey Green
Norman Anderson
John Fournier, Jr.
Merville Bishop
Len McCaughan
Hal Cline
Dave Finstad
Mayor Hogan
Joe Street
JUST MOVED for acceptance of the letter and for it to be made
a part of the record, Storment seconded, motion carried.
TRAFFIC Parking - East Valley Highway Between 212th and 228th. The
CONTROL City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1870, prohibiting
parking on East Valley Highway from South 212th Street to
South 228th Street, in accordance with discussion held at
the last work session. JOHNSON MOVED that Ord. 1870 be
adopted, Kitto seconded . Upon McCaughan ' s question, Mirk
explained that other ordinances prohibited parking from
South 212th to a point 500 feet South of Morton Street
and that the "no parking" ordinances were now being reviewed
and would eventually be covered by only one ordinance.
Upon Mayor Hogan ' s question, Street explained that signs
will have to be posted indicating the "no parking" area,
due to the extremely hazardous conditions now existing.
Motion carried .
RAILROAD Railroad Crossing - Titus Street. It was noted that notification
CROSSING has been received that approval has been given for allocation of
Railroad Grade Crossing Protection Funds for placing gates on
the Titus-Burlington Northern Crossing as follows:
60% Grade Crossing Fund $39,519.00
CORRECTED - REFER TO 30% City of Kent 19, 795 .50
10/ Burlington Northern 6,586.50
$65,865 .00
It was noted that the City's share of this amount has not as yet
been budgeted but that it probably won 't be necessary to pay
the amount until 1975 .
POLICE Baffaro inquired as to what action was being taken on the matter
& FIRE of securing a lighted sign for the City Hall indicating the
location of the Police Department entrance. Mayor Hogan noted
that the matter has been taken care of and that a temporary,
spot-lighted sign will be installed on the 4th Avenue side
of the building this week, and if it proves satisfactory, a
permanent, lighted sign will be installed.
CBD PLAN The hearing on the proposed CBD Plan was containued until this
meeting to allow any additional input concerning the Environmental
Assessment and for any other input. The Mayor opened the continued
hearing. The Clerk reported that there was no further correspon-
dence regarding the plan. Planning Director Harris pointed out
that the Final Impact Statement has now been filed and that all
letters .regarding the CBD Plan and the response of the City to
those letters are attached to the Statement. He noted that a
copy of the Statement has been furnished to all council members.
BAFFARO MOVED to accept the Final Impact Statement and the
letters attached thereto, Just seconded, motion carried . There
were no comments from the audience and McCAUGHAN MOVED to close
the hearing, Masters seconded, motion carried. The City
Attorney introduced Resolution No. 764, amending the Comprehensive
Plan of the City of Kent, adopting the Kent Central Business
District Plan, pursuant to RCW 35A.63 .070,073 . JUST MOVED
for the adoption of Resolution No. 764, Baffaro seconded,
motion carried .
Street noted that a film would be shown now giving information
about the Eugene, Oregon Saturday Street Fair. The film
explained that booths were rented for a nominal fee and that
only goods made or grown by the participants were offered
for sale. The fair attracted as many as 4,000 people to the
downtown area on Saturdays. It was pointed out that a similar
operation was under consideration for Kent.
METRO Proposed Rate Charges. A presentation was made by Tom Jordan
of Metro regarding the proposed changes in Metro rates. He
pointed out that when Metro made their first rate increase in
1970, it was determined that a need would exist for additional
funds by the end of 1973 or the beginning of 1974, which has
not yet been implemented. Due to present inflation trends,
it is anticipated that the increases will be two or three
times greater than originally anticipated. Factors contributing
to the proposed rate increase were explained as follows:
A) Inflation - Present trends indicate that costs will continue
to increase over the next year, with respect to chemicals, power,
B) Interest and principal payments on existing bond issues.
Due to the economy of the area, the projected figure of 4
years ago for the number of consumers has dropped instead of
C) Continuing requirements to provide utitilitV service and
preserve rate pavers investment in sewerage facilities. Jordan
pointed out the need for additional services and for up-grading
or replacing existing facilities.
D) Federal Water Quality Regulations. New State and Federal
requirements must be followed or the system becomes ineligible
METRO for grants . Jordan explained that Federal grants in the amount
of 75% and State grants at 15% funding must not be jeopardized .
Charts were presented as follows:
1) Sewerage Income, Expenditures and Guidelines;
2) Operating Expenditures Showing Costs of Added
Requirements or Standards for 1967 - 1974 Budget;
3) Federal and State Regulations, Additions to
Construction Costs Since 1972;
4) Proposed Construction for the years 1974 through 1977;
5 ) Rate Increase Alternatives (Based on Receiving 90% of
Grants on Eligible Projects) :
Alternative Alternative Alternative
Tll "B it 11 C#1
Estimated to last One Year Two Years Three Years
(1975 ) (1975-1976) (1975-1977)
Planning Allowed for Minimal* Limited* Proper*
Monthly Cost 50(,, 75(� 80q
Followed by an
Increase in 1976 1977 1978
*Planning for continuing capital and operating costs
Jordan further noted that Metro is hoping that the proposed
80(,' increase under Alternate C would be allowed now rather
than at a later date. Upon Kitto ' s question as to when a
decision has to be made, he noted that an answer must be
ready and adopted by the Metro Council prior to June 6 .
Upon Mayor Hogan ' s request, Jordan reported that at the
meeting held in Seattle on May 14 most of the municipal
agencies, including the Municipal League, the Washington
Environmental Council, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and
an elderly citizens group ,were in favor of Alternate C.
He further noted that several sewer districts, including
Mercer Island, have already approved the 80(,' increase.
Street noted that the requirements listed in Chart Three
which Metro must meet under new State and Federal regulations
also apply to construction projects for the City and that
each one of the items will have to be faced eventually.
The Clerk noted receipt of an invitation to attend a reception
honoring Charles V. "Tom" Gibbs, on Friday, May 24, 1974 from
5 p.m. to 7 p.m. , Vashon Room, Washington Plaza Hotel .
KENT HIGHLANDS The Mayor opened the hearing on the Kent Highlands Special
SPECIAL USE Use Combining District. A letter was read from James P.
COMBINING Curran, attorney for the applicant, requesting that the hearing
DISTRICT on this matter be deferred until the June 3 council meeting
due to the large amount of material to be considered . MASTERS
MOVED that the request of James Curran, Attorney, be accepted
and for the hearing to be continued until June 3, 1974, Just
seconded, motion carried .
UPLAND WEST Upland Industries . A letter was read from Upland Industries
VALLEY requesting that the City accept ownership and maintenance of
INDUSTRIAL the sanitary sewer and water lines constructed in accordance
PARK with their approved application to extend the utility system
dated July 17, 1973 . The letter further requests that
the City of Kent prepare a late comers agreement to allow
for reimbursement of $38,989 .69 paid by Union Pacific Land
Resources Corporation for the water line constructed in West
Valley Highway. JUST MOVED to accept the letter and refer
it to the Public Works Department, Johnson seconded . Motion
carried . Upon Street ' s recommendation, JUST MOVED for the
City to accept the Bill of Sale for the sanitary sewer and
water lines, McCaughan seconded, motion carried .
STUART WATTLES The City Attorney has reviewed his opinion concerning the
SHORT PLAT Stuart Wattles Short Plat which was approved on January 21,
1974, and on his recommendation, KITTO MOVED that the require-
ment of a 12 foot dedication adjacent to East Valley Highway
be changed to a 12 foot reservation, McCaughan seconded, motion
carried .
FEDERAL Kent Valley Youth Services . It was noted that letters have
REVENUE been received from the following encouraging use, of Federal
SHARING Revenue Sharing Funds
1 ) Letter from S . W. Shaw, M.D. , dated 5/11/74, in support
of Kent Valley Youth Services, and specifically the Sixth
2 ) Letter from Mary, Phil and Elaine Johnson, dated 5/7/74,
in support of Kent Valley Youth Services and specifically,
the Sixth Chamber;
3 ) Letter from Mrs. Phyllis Mauritsen, Kent Area Council PTSA,
requesting funding for Kent Valley Youth Services, including
Sixth Chamber and Jobline;
4) Letter from Stephen L. Johnson, Attorney, in support of
funding for Kent Valley Youth Services, and specifically
Sixth Chamber;
5 ) Report from Phil Smith of Kent-Auburn Youth Resources
Bureau, explaining on behalf of funding for Kent Valley Youth
Services, that KAYR provides services to Kent by contracting
funds received directly to KVYS .
JUST MOVED that all letters be made a part of the record
and referred to the Finance Committee, McCaughan seconded,
motion carried . Street noted that the Finance Committee
has received all of the information required to make a
recommendation regarding an allocation of Federal Revenue
Sharing Funds to this group and that no further hearing
before the Council would be required . He further noted
that the earliest date for allocating funds would be the
next Council meeting on June 3 . At Baffaro ' s request, Phil
Smith of KAYR stated that the County had advised that the
budget year, which was to terminate May 31, would probably
be extended for another two months . It was noted that
approximately 25 people were in attendance specifically
to support funding KVYS .
PARKS & Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plan. It was noted that
RECREATION a letter of partial acceptance of the Kent Comprehensive
Parks & Recreation Plan has been received from IAC and that
until a Six-year Capital Improvement Plan is submitted, any
requests for IAC Funds will be placed in a "technically
incomplete" category. The Council was advised that the
Parks Department is presently working on the Six-year Plan
which will be submitted to the Council at a later date for
Soapbox Derby. It was noted that on Saturday, July 20, the
Kent Parks & Recreation Department will conduct a soapbox
derby type program, and they have requested the closure of
James Street from the East side of North Central to the
West side of Lenora from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. BAFFARO MOVED
to approve .the program and the necessary closure, Just
seconded . On Storment 's question, Wilson noted there
were approximately 50 entrants last year, including a few
girls,. Motion carried .
FINANCE LID 273 . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1868,
approving the issuance of a note in lieu of bonds for LID 273
in the amount of $23,448 . 24 with interest at 6%/ to Firemens
Relief & Pension Fund, as approved at the Council meeting
on April 15, 1974. BAFFARO MOVED for the adoption of Ord.
No. 1868, Storment seconded, motion carried .
JUST MOVED to pay the bills received through May 22, after
approval by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held
at 8 a.m. , May 29, 1974, Kitto seconded, motion carried .
MAYOR'S The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1869, amending
POSITION Sec. 1 of Ordinance 1605 , relating to the salary and position
of the Mayor of Kent, and specifying that the position of
Mayor at the present time is a part-time position. KITTO
MOVED that Ord . 1869 be adopted, Storment seconded, motion
carried, with Masters and Just voting nay.
PUGET SOUND It was noted that Resolution No. 740 of the City of Kent
GOVERNMENTAL provided that the City Administrator would be the official
CONFERENCE Kent representative of PSGC, should the Mayor be absent.
At the March 18, 1974 meeting, the Council approved the
appointment of Councilwoman Masters as alternate in place
of the City Administrator. The City Attorney pointed out
that a new resolution was unnecessary, as Res: No. 740
provides adequately for this change .
BIDS Fire Station #1 Addition. The following bids were received
for the addition to Fire District Station #1 :
Gerber E. Valley CH&C Miller
Millwork Construc Constrct Construc
Basic Bid $21 730 $24 929 $22 585 $20 745
Alternate #1
Cabinets) 507 608 484 711
Alternate #2
(Wardrobes) 480 435 251 577
Alternate #3
(Air Condi-
tioning) 1 ,225 1, 687 1 , 232 1,166
Alternate #4
Painting) 975 1,017 991 948
Alternate #5
for Electric
Heat) 1 ,800 2,530 1,950 2,550
Time 90 days 70 days 90 days 90 days
It is the recommendation of the administration that the best
bid of Robert Miller Construction in the amount of $200745
plus Alternate #3 - $1, 166 (Air Conditioning) , plus sales
tax, be accepted, with the amounts of Alternates #1, #2 and
##4 to be included in the financial package, with work to be
done by City personnel . JUST MOVED to accept the Robert
Miller Construction basic bid, $20, 745, plus Alternate #3
in the amount of $1,166, plus sales tax, and to approve
the Administrator 's recommendation regarding the other
alternates. Storment seconded, motion carried.
MECHANICAL In accordance with discussion held at the last work session,
HOUSING & the City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1871, adopting
DANGEROUS the 1973 Editions of the Mechanical, Uniform Housing and
BUILDING CODES Abatement of Dangerous Building Codes. KITTO MOVED for the
adoption of Ord. 1871, McCaughan seconded, motion carried .
PLUMBING CODE It was noted that the 1973 Edition of the Plumbing Code
must be adopted by a separate ordinance. The City Attorney
introduced Ordinance No. 1872, adopting by reference the
Uniform Plumbing Code, 1973 Edition, with certain additions
thereto. KITTO MOVED to adopt Ord. 1872, Storment seconded,
motion carried .
FIRE CODE It was noted that a reference to another section of the Fire
Code should have been included when Ord. No. 1853 was adopted.
The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1873, amending
Ord. 18531 relating to the Uniform Fire Code, and deleting
Chapter 12 thereof, with regard to "Fireworks. " KITTO MOVED
for the adoption of Ord. No. 1873, Storment seconded, motion
PUGET SOUND AIR Fees for Land Clearing Burning Permit. A letter was reed
POLLUTION CONTROL from the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency noting
AGENCY a public hearing to be held Thursday, June 20, to consider
a proposed amendment establishing a verification fee for
permits for clearing burning, to be held at 9 :30 a.m. in the
Orcas Room, North Court, Seattle Center. It is the recommenda-
tion of the Administration that if verification does require
an hour 's time, the individual or firm requesting such service
should pay for it.
ASSOCIATION OF It was noted that the Association of Washington Cities is
WASHINGTON meeting in Seattle on June 11-14, 1974, and three voting
CITIES delegates and alternates should be appointed . Council
President Kitto stated lie would advise the City Clerk of
the appointments later in the week.
PERS Retirement. Councilpersons Masters and Mayor Hogan have
elected to utilize their prior time as elected officials
in accumulating time toward retirement under the PERS
tystem. Upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee,
McCAUGHAN MOVED to approve payment of the prior service
charge for Mayor Kogan in the amount of $191 .34 and for
Councilperson Masters in the amount of $210. 25 , Kitto
seconded . Motion carried, with Masters abstaining.
LIBRARY Award. A letter was read from Terry Yahn, Chairman,
City Beautification and Parks Committee, Kent Chamber
of Commerce, announcing that an Environmental Award
would be presented to the Kent Library on Wednesday,
May 22, 1974, at Noon at the Coachman Restaurant in Kent.
JUST MOVED to accept the letter, McCaughan seconded.
Mayor Mogan noted that she and Mrs. Cunningham of the
Kent Library Board would attent the luncheon to accept
the award upon behalf of the City. Motion carried.
BEAUTIFICATION A letter was read from the Chamber of Commerce, City
Beautification and Parks Committee, thanking the City
and the departments involved in the recent City-wide
Kent clean up campaign. A report from the Street
Department was presented showing the total cost of the
project to be $5,591 .97. JUST MOVED to accept the letter
and report, Storment seconded. It was noted that the
final cost was within the amount budgeted for the
project. Motion carried.
SAFETY AWARD AP WA. A letter was read from the American Public Works
Association announcing that Kent is the recipient of the
"Award of Honor" for 1973, in the 5th Annual Safety
Award Competition, and noting that this is the first
time the City of Kent has been among the winners. It
was noted that the awards will be formally presented
at the Fall meeting of the APSIA in Spolaane and that a
City representative should be appointed to accept the
award. JOHNSON MOVED to record receipt of the letter
and the award? Kitto seconded, motion carried.
PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Hogan read a proclamation declaring the month of
May, 1974 as POPPY MONTH and declaring May 26 and IYIay
27, 1974 as POPPY DAYS in the community.
A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring the
month of May BETTER HEARING MONTH and urging the
j citizens of Kent to become better acquainted with
the general facts about hearing loss and encouraging
a more enlightened attitude about this disability.
A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring the week
of May 19 through May 251 1974 as NATIONAL INSURANCE
WOMEN'S WEEK and urging the citizens of the community
to honor the women who are performing important
services throughout the insurance industry.
FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee at their meetinc
of May 15 , 1974, are as follows:
Current Expense $ 27, 914.99
Parks & Recreation 70371 .52
Library 26. 33
City Streets 7, 158. 75
.Park Forward Thrust 475 .50
Central Business District 5 .00
FINANCE Federal Shared Revenue $ 3,093 .42
Library Construction 345 .00
City Hall Construction 650.00 i
James Street Construction 10765 .09
212th Phase 3 Construction 131 . 78
East Valley Construction 2,104.46
EVI-I - Willis to Gr. Rvr. 1,626.89
Gowe Street - East 725 .56
Reith Road - Military 1, 335 .03
Linda Heights Sewer Improvement 96.89
Garrison Creek Sewer Construc. 35 .00
Kent-Des Moines Sewer 7. 70
Equipment Rental 22, 330 .77
Firemens Relief & Pension 141 .40
Leff Disability 20894.79
Sewer 8, 337.14
Water 100,599 . 70
Garbage 25 ,846.86
$124, 119 .57
Respectfully submitted,
Marie nsen
City C rk
Mayor Hogan