HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/06/1974 Kent, Washington May 6, 1974 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons: Baffaro, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, Assistant City Engineer I Wickstrom, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Finance Director oilWinkle. Also present: Planning Commission member Cole, Hill, Ingman & Chase o representative Scott. z° �o The Mayor noted that the City of Kent was incorporated on May 6, 1896, exactly o$ 76 years ago this date. kXz KITTO MOVED to approve the minutes of April 15 , 1974, with the following o corrections: On page 6 - Segregations. Lid 269 should be LID 267, in P-i accordance with information received from Chinook Mortgage, and LID 265 Wo should be LID 264 in accordance with information received from Safeco Title Insurance Company. McCaughan seconded, motion carried. CBD PLAN Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing on the proposed Central Business District Plan. It was noted by Street that the Environ- mental Impact Statement time frame will not expire until May 9, 1974 and that any additional comments received until that date will be brought before the Council t the next meeting on May 20 . Planning Director Harris noted that the Planning Commission has recommended adoption of the plan as presented with no changes . He further noted that the Citizens Advisory Committee, headed by Jean Fournier, has been working on the plan for approximately fourteen months . The Plan as now presented is to replace the John Graham Plan prepared in 1964 but never officially adopted by the City. Harris advised that the plan is broken down into three categories - goals, objectives and policies . He stated that the highlight o the pedestrian oriented commercial area would be development of Meeker Street and First Avenue as pedestrian oriented streets and that alter- nate plans also submitted included closed mall, or provision for the use of the streets with or without automobile traffic. The primary objective is to allow the pedestrians to move about the area more freely. Harris further explained the Housing Goals and Policies which would allow for an increase in the residential population in the area by revising the existing zoning codes to allow for the mixing of residential and commercial and/or office uses in the area. He also noted that the plan involves an implementa- tion of the public works element of the plan during the years 1974-78, including a comprehensive sanitary and storm sewer separation, the installation of curbs, gutters and sidewalks in all areas where not presently existing, the resurfacing and improvement of streets as necessary, undergrounding wiring and the repair of existing buildings. Baffaro noted that some down- town lots were not large enough to allow construction of a new house, and Harris pointed out that some of the smaller lots can be combined .to build a town house or some other type of multi-family dwelling. He further stated that the Planning Commission was working on ways to amend the zoning code to provide for such types of buildings . The following letters were read from various agencies which had received a copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement or the plan: 1) William B. Gillespie, Department of Public Works, King County, noted that they had found the plan to be compatible with the East Side Green River Warershed Project and noted that no problem were foreseen with the State Flood Control regulations. 2) Gary Kucinski, Planning Director, City of Tukwila, noted that the statement had been reviewed by his office and had no significant comments . 3) A.R. Dammkoehler, Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, stated that their comments were limited to the air quality aspects of the proposal and noted that if an air contaminant source is proposed for the CBD, approval must be obtained from his agency by the builder or owner prior to construction. CBD PLAN 4) Fred D. Hahn, of the Department of Ecology, suggested clari- fication in certain areas as to the potential impact on the environment. JUST MOVED to accept the letters and make them a part of the record, Storment seconded. Motion carried. Just questioned as to whether adoption of the plan would commit the Council to future expenditures of any specific amount of money and was advised by Harris that the plan itself is only a timetable for completion of the various projects and that each individual project would have to come before the Council to be funded separately. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance to accept the CBD plan for consid- eration at the next Council meeting on May 20, Just seconded . Motion carried . Mayor Hogan introduced the members of the CBD Committee in attendance, and complimented them on their efforts in this project. Those attending were Jean Fournier, Norman Anderson , Pete Curran, Jim Curran, Dave Finstad, and Mr. and Mrs . Ernie Maurer. WEST VALLEY The Mayor opened the public hearing on the West Valley Industrial INDUSTRIAL Park Preliminary Plat as previously requested by the Department PARK of Public Works. It was noted that the request was necessitated because the recommendation of the Planning Commission regarding acceptance of the Plat did not include some items of development which were agreed upon at the Planning Commission hearing. The original conditions are as follows: 1) The Plat shall conform with the East Green River Watershed Project specifically in respect to configuration of the F-2 channel as presently designated. 2) Application made and State Flood Control Permit be obtaired prior to final plat being submitted for consideration of the City Council . 3) Easements provided as required or recommended by the Public Works Dijector.. 4) Water line extended to southeast corner of Lot #5 as recommended. 5) 20 foot access strip off West Valley Highway as recommended . The conditions to be added are: 1) 204th Street is to be improved by installation of concrete curb, gutter and asphaltic concrete to the width of 44 feet between curbs. 2) 71st Avenue is to be improved by installation of concrete curb, gutter and asphaltic concrete to a width of 36 feet between curbs with a 45 foot radius back of curb in the closed end of the cul-de-sac. Planning Director Harris pointed out that the location of the proposed plat is on the West Valley Highway just North of South 212th, and noted that the Planning Commission had recommended approval of the Plat at their March 26 meeting. He further noted that the Final Impact Statement contains copies of seven letters relating to the impact statement for the proposed plat. MASTERS MOVED that the Impact Statement, together with the letters, be made a part of the record, Just seconded, motion carried . Upon Master 's question as to whether the Soil Conservation District had made a final decision as to where the drainage ditch is to be located, it was determined by Harris that although easements for rights-of-ways are being requested now, the location has not been decided upon, but he opined that there would always be a drainage ditch in that location. Jerome Cohen, representing the West Valley Industrial Park, noted that the City Attorney had suggested, concerning the area, that the developers grant a reservation of the area in question to the City, and if the channel did not go through that area it could revert back to the developers. Cohen commented further on the two additional conditions, asking if the City would agree to adding the phrase "and/or cement" to both items, due to the increased cost of asphalt. Street advised that there would be no objections to such additions. In regard to condition No. 4 concerning the extension of the water line to Lot 5 , Cohen noted that this refers to a recom- mendation that a 10-inch water line be installed in 72nd Avenue for fire protection . He noted that the West Valley Industrial Park developers were dedicating 40 feet along the easterly boundary of the property and the other property owners would also dedicate 40 feet for 72nd Avenue. He stated that they had not planned to develop Lot 5 , and therefore did not see the need for the water line or the hydrant at the end of 72nd Avenue. Street stated that the water line and hydrant were necessary under the City ' s Code and that under a"late comers" agreement the developer would be reimbursed for future connections by others . Leonard Schroeder, engineer for the developer, stated that since the road is not in, the hydrant was unnecessary until plans for developing that area are submitted to the City. Masters and Storment pointed out that the firemen could take the hose to the fire hydrant, even if there is no road. Baff aro opined that the hydrant wasn ' t necessary until some development of the property had taken place . There were no further comments, and KITTO MOVED that the hearing be closed, Just seconded, motion carried . JUST MOVED that the Preliminary Plat of West Valley Industrial Park be accepted, including all of the conditions as listed, together with the changes relating to allowing cement. Johnson seconded, motion carried, with Baffaro voting nay. HEALTH & A letter was read from the Clerk of the King County Council SANITATION announcing public hearings to be held by the King County Council at 9: 30 a.m. in the King County Courthouse on June 3, 1974, on a proposed ordinance relating to municipal water- sheds and reservoirs. KITTO MOVED for the letter to be accepted and referred to the Department of Public Works, Johnson seconded, motion carried . P-17 Pumping Plant and Channel West Side Green River Water- shed . A letter was read from Galen S. Bridge, State Conserva- tionist, United States Department of Agriculture, noting that a notice of Negative Declaration regarding the above project will appear in the Federal Register. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be referred to the Public Works Com- mittee, Johnson seconded . It was noted that the location of the property is in the Southcenter South area, along 180th. Motion carried. Inter-City Sewerage Service. A letter was read from Thomas J. McCann, of the Department of Ecology, requesting the cooperation of the Cities of Kent, Renton and Tukwila in utilizing topographical boundaries instead of political boundaries in providing sewer service to an 80-acre segment of the City of Tukwila on the East bank of the Green River. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be referred to the Public Works Committee, McCaughan seconded . It was noted that the letter was dated May 2, 1974 and that it had been received by -the City on May G: Motion carried. Miles Drake Request. It was noted that the request of Miles Drake for extension of water and sewer to Highridge #2 was discussed at the last work session. The Public Works Committee has requested additional information from the City Administrator and he will report at the next Council meeting. Metro. Street noted that the City has received a memorandum from C. V. Gibbs, Executive Director of Metro, together with HEALTH & an Environmental Assessment of a proposed Sewerage Rate Increase SANITATION to be effective January 1, 1974. The proposed increase is to be approximately 80 cents per month per customer. Street pointed out that one of the EDA requirements for the four grants accepted at this meeting and at the last meeting is that the City submit, within thirty days, a schedule of the rates to be charged . He noted that he will have more information on the schedule of rate changes at the next workshop. 100th Avenue Sanitary Sewer Interceptor. A grant agreement from EPA in the amount of $187, 736 for construction of the 100th Avenue Sanitary Sewer Interceptor has been received . It was noted that the grant contains the same requirements and restric- tions as the 224th Garrison Creek Interceptor which was approved at the last Council meeting. MASTERS MOVED for the Mayor and City Clerk to be authorized to sign the said grant agreement, Just seconded, motion carried . Linda Heights Pump Station. A grant agreement from EPA in the amount of $49, 691 for the construction of the Linda Heights Pump Station, containing the same requirements and restrictions as those for the 224th Garrison Creek Interceptor has been received . JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign said grant agreement, Masters seconded, motion carried. 224th Garrison Creek Interceptor. It was noted that a grant offer from the State Department of Ecology in the amount of $28,850 has been received for the 224th Garrison Creek Interceptor . This amount is in addition to the EPA Gramt accepted at the last council meeting in the amount of $144, 236. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign said offer, Johnson seconded . Motion carried . Street noted that Metro had advised that Seattle and Kent are the only two cities which have completed the requirements to enable them to receive financing through EPA Grants. STREETS Vacation. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1867, vacating a portion of South 209th as approved by the Council on December 17, 1973 . KITTO MOVED for the adoption of Ord. 1867 and for its recording with the King County Auditor, Baffaro seconded . Upon McCaughan ' s question, Street explained that under State law, the petitioner must pay one-half of the appraised value of the property and that the $1315 has been received by the City. Motion carried . Vacation of Cemetery Road (Reiten Road . ) It has been proposed to improve the intersection of Reiten Road and Titus Street in connection with the improvement of East Gowe. In doing this a portion of Cemetery or Reiten Road is to be vacated and a portion of the triangle surrounded by Cemetery, Reiten and Titus to be utilized for road purposes . Street noted that since the triangle was acquired with other park property utilizing Federal funds, it is necessary for the exchange of properties to occur. The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 763 setting a public hearing for June 3, 1974 for the proposed vacation. KITTO MOVED that Res . No. 763 be adopted, Just seconded . It was noted by Harris that the Planning Commission will hear the matter on May 28. Motion carried. LID 274. Upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, McCAUGHAN MOVED to approve Change Order #2 of the City Transfer contract for South Central in the amount of $480, Masters seconded . Storment questioned Dennis Scott of Hill, Ingman & Chase if this would provide a continuous curbing on this portion of the street and was advised that it would, with the exception of the two driveways. Motion carried. TRAFFIC A petition was read from residents of S. 248th, S. 249th, S. CONTROL 38th and S. 42nd, dated April 29, 1974, and containing 45 signatures, requesting assistance in dealing with a traffic problem in that area. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be referred to the Traffic Engineer, Just seconded. It was noted that the Traffic Engineer has already received a copy of the petition and is presently making a survey of TRAFFIC traffic conditions and speed, and traffic counts, and will CONTROL report back to the Public Works Committee. Motion carried . ZONING Kent Center Property. Masters noted that the Parks and Planning Committee had held a brief meeting this evening on the zoning request made by Crooks & Crowder on behalf of the Kent Center property at S. 212th and 64th Avenue South. She stated that the City Administrator will draft a letter for consideration of the Council . KENT HIGHLANDS The Clerk noted receipt of a letter from Hugh A. Goldsmith & SPECIAL USE Associates, Inc. appealing the action of the Planning Commission PERMIT on the Special Use Combining District for Kent Highlands . The City Attorney noted that the letter should be read at the public hearing on this matter on May 20 . SUNSET MANOR Annexation. It was noted that the Public Works Department has certified that signatures on the annexation petition represent owners of more than 75/ of the assessed value of property within the Sunset Manor annexation. McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept and record the certificate, Kitto seconded . Motion carried . Upon Just 's question, Street noted that the Boundary Review Board has 60 days in which to take action on this matter and if they do not invoke their jurisdiction, the annexation will be presented to the Council for consideration. Harris noted that the Planning Commission has already scheduled hearings on zoning of the proposed annexation. PARKS & Bids. Upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, JUST RECREATION MOVED to accept the bid of Vanco Recreation, Inc. for $7,160 .40, including tax, to furnish four portable backstops, Kitto seconded, motion carried . Wallace Murray property - Soccer Field_. The Metalbestos Corporation has offered the City the use of central property for a soccer field . The property is known as the Wallace Murray property and is located at the southwest portion of the 4th Avenue - James Street intersection. It was noted that the only preparation necessary would be leveling and seeding of the property. KITTO MOVED to accept the offer of Metalbestos Systems to allow permissive park use of the property at no cost to the City, Storment seconded . Upon McCaughan ' s question about development and maintenance costs, Street pointed out that the Parks & Recreation Department was seeking funds from local service clubs for maintenance and development costs . Just clarified for the record that the City was not committed to do anything toward improvement of the property nor did we have to spend City funds . Motion carried . FIRE Johnzer Products . Receipt of a letter from the law firm of PREVENTION Lundin, Estep, Sindell & Haley, Attorneys for Willams ' Machine Co. , Inc. 22642 - 85th Place South, was noted, registering an informal complaint relative to a fire hazard at Johnzer Products, 22638 - 85th Place South, Kent. It was noted by the City Attorney that he has already replied to the letter and that the Fire Inspection Department had investigated and that necessary corrections had been made. BEAUTIFICATION Burlington-Northern Agreement. It was noted that after two years of effort by the Mayor, the Burlington-Northern has agreed to allow that area east of their tracks between Meeker and Smith to be designated a fill site for earth material . The agreement may be cancelled by either party on six months ' notice. It was further noted that the area has been designated an open space area by the CBD Plan and the permit is drawn up accordingly. JUST MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement, Kitto seconded, motion carried. FEDERAL Kent Valley Youth Services. A letter was read from Gerald E. REVENUE Post, Secretary, Meridian Kiwanis Club, urging the City' s SHARING support of Kent Valley Youth Services. JUST MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be referred to the Finance Committee, Masters seconded, motion carried . A letter was read from Alan Davidson, Health Education Coordinator, Kent Public Schools, supporting funding of the Kent Valley Youth Services . JUST MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Finance Committee, Johnson seconded, motion carried . FEDERAL Sixth Chamber. A letter was read from Mary E . Chaney of the REVENUE Kent Business and Professional Womens Club, supporting funding SHARING for the Sixth Chamber. JUST MOVED that the letter be referred to the Finance Committee, Kitto seconded . Motion carried. PUGET SOUND Receipt of a letter from Puget Sound Air Pollution Control AIR POLLUTION Agency was noted and MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the letter CONTROL be acknowledged and for it to be referred to the Finance AGENCY Committee, Johnson seconded . It was noted that the letter deals with proposed increases in charges by that agency. It was pointed out that the Suburban Mayors Association will review the request also. Motion carried . AIR QUALITY Symposium. It was noted that a copy of a letter addressed to Mr. L. Edwin Coates, Acting Regional Administrator, EPA, from Green for Tomorrow organization had been received, informing the City of a proposed syposium on Air Quality for the Green River Valley. If the symposium is held as planned, each council- person will be notified accordingly. SISTER CITY A letter was read from Warren Pugh, President, Sister City PROGRAM Affiliation, noting that Kent, Auburn, Renton and Sumner will hold a Sister Cities banquet at Green River Community College on May 11 . MASTERS MOVED for receipt of the letter to be noted, Johnson seconded, motion carried . A proclamation was read by the Mayor designating May 5 - 111, 1974, as SISTER CITY WEEK. JOHNSON MOVED that the proclamation be made a part of the record and that the Kent-Kiabara Committee be congratulated for their excellent guidance of the Sister City activities. McCaughan seconded, motion carried . CITY CLERK Mayor Hogan read a proclamation declaring the week of May 5 - 11, 1974 to be MUNICIPAL CLERKS ' WEEK and further complimented the City Clerk on her services to the City. MASTERS MOVED that the proclamation be made a part of the record, together with the comments of the Mayor, Just seconded . Motion carried . HOLIDAY McCAUGHAN MOVED that the second work session in May be held on Tuesday, May 28, 1974 since Monday, May 27 is a legal holiday, Johnson seconded. Motion carried . FINANCE JUST MOVED to pay the bills received through May 8, 1974 after approval by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8 a.m. , May 15 , 1974, Kitto seconded, motion carried . Claims approved by the Finance Committee at their meeting of April 25, 1974, are as follows: Current Expense $ 35,581 . 37 Parks & Recreation 7,479 .43 Library 849 .81 City Streets 7, 328.84 Central Business District 12. 76 Federal Shared Revenue 1, 148.40 Equipment Rental 1, 161 .97 Fireman Relief and Pension 1,507 .96 Leff Disability 2, 322.45 Sewer 37, 334.92 Water 6,671=25 $ 101, 399 .16 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie e sen Mayor City 1 rk