HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/15/1974 Kent, Washington April j.5 , 1974 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons: Baffaro, Just, Johnson, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Harris, Finance Director Winkle. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Planning Commission member Long, Hill, Ingman & Chase representatives Ramsey and Scott. BAFFARO MOVED to approve the minutes of the meeting of April 1, Just seconded, motion carried . VISITORS Mayor Hogan welcomed Boy Scout Troop No. 480 and their leader Ray White. HEALTH & Garrison Creek Interceptor. A letter was read from George SANITATION McCulley, Chief, Grants Administration Branch, U.S . Environmental Protection Agency, informing the City that its application for a grant of $144, 236 has been approved for the Garrison Creek Interceptor. MASTERS MOVED for the Mayor and Clerk to be authorized to sign the EPA Grant Agreement for the Garrison Creek Interceptor, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Western Processing Co. , Inc. Ulett reported a meeting had been held on April 10 with Western Processing Co. , Inc. and noted that the problems have now been resolved and that Western Processing Co. , Inc . is making plans to make the proper connection to the Kent Sewer System. Tukwila - Southcenter S. Property. It was noted that members of the Tukwila Council had met with Kent ' s Public Works Com- mittee on April 9, 1974 and that no solution had been reached on Tukwila 's request for sewer service to the Southcenter South property. The matter will be given further considera- tion at the next workshop session. Cam Industries - Sewer and Water Extensions . The Director of Public Works reported that he has received a Bill of Sale for 880 feet of 8" and 12" waterline, 63 feet of 8" sanitary sewer, the necessary easements, and a one-year guarantee and warranty from Cam Industries: Upon the recommendation of Ulett, McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept these documents presented by Cam Industries and for the Treasurer to be directed to release their $500 cash bond, Storment seconded. Upon Master 's query, Ulett stated that the lines were installed to City specifications and under City inspec- tion. Motion carried. HEALTH & LID 276 - 116th Avenue Sewer. The Mayor opened the public SANITATION hearing on the Environmental Impact Assessment of the 116th AND Avenue Sewer. Mr. R. L. Gilbert noted from the audience SUNSET MANOR that he was in favor of the project and he presented the ANNEXATION necessary 75% petition. for annexation of the area. Ulett stated that the annexation notice of intent has been filed with the Boundary Review Board and that no further action may be taken until the 60-day period has elapsed . McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept the 75% petition, Baffaro seconded, motion carried . There were no further comments on .the Impact Assessment and JUST MOVED that the hearing be closed, Kitto seconded, motion carried . KITTO MOVED that the effect of the project appears to be insignificant on the environment and no further statement need be made. McCaughan seconded, motion carried . STREETS It was noted that the Director of Public Works has presented the contract with Puget Power for the undergrounding of the main distribution system for the East Gowe Street project at a cost of $11, 745 . It was pointed out that although this is more than the original estimate, the entire project is still within the Engineer ' s estimate, and is based upon a rate of $4.50 per foot. KITTO MOVED that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the East Gowe agreement with Puget Power, Johnson seconded, motion carried. WEST VALLEY Preliminary Plat. A public meeting to review the preliminary INDUSTRIAL PARK plat of West Valley Industrial Park is scheduled for this meeting. It was noted that the Council may approve the plat, accepting the recommendations of the Planning Commission, or, a determina- tion may be made to consider other requirements which would necessitate the setting of a date for a public hearing. Ulett noted that it appeared that the requirements for improvement of streets were inadvertently omitted from the Planning Commission minutes and therefore recommended a public hearing be set so that the improvements to the streets can be added to the plat requirements. KITTO MOVED to set a public hearing for May 6, 197411 on the West Valley Industrial Park Preliminary Plat. McCaughan seconded, motion carried . ZONING Kent Center Property. A letter was read from Crooks & Crowder, Inc. , representing several owners of the property known as Kent Center located at the southeast corner of the intersection of 64th Avenue South and South 212th, requesting that the City of Kent reinstate the M-1 zoning that was removed from the area and noting that in order to sell or develop the property, the M-1 zoning would be required . The letter also requested infor- mation as to whether 64th Avenue South would be extended as planned . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be referred to the Parks and Planning Committee, and for a copy to be sent to each member of the Committee, Just seconded, motion carried. Mobile Home Combining District on Underlying R-1 Zone. It was noted that at the last work session discussion was had on a request for the revision of Sec. 3 . 7 of the Zoning Code to delete the ability to superimpose a Mobile Home Combining District on an underlying R-1 Zone. It was determined that any change to the Zoning Ordinance must start with a request from either the Council or the Planning Commission or by petition of citizens, and Masters, as Chairman of the Parks & Planning Committee, has suggested that the Council ask the Planning Commission to hold a hearing on this matter. In addition, the City Attorney has suggested that the Council may wish to delay any requests for change to a less restrictive residen- tial zone until consideration of this item could be made. The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 762, directing the Kent Planning Commission to hold public hearings on possible amend- ments to the Kent Zoning Code to prohibit MHP Combining Districts in R-1 Residential District Zones, and declaring a moratorium on Residential Rezones until such time as the public hearings have been completed and final action taken by the Council . KITTO MOVED to adopt Res. No. 762, Baff aro seconded, motion carried . A letter was read from Don Hurwitz, Chairman of Concerned Citizens of Kent Committee, requesting that the delay of consideration of residential rezones as suggested by the City Attorney be adopted . A letter was read from C.C. Blackburn, Vice-President of Randburn Royal, Inc. , who opined that a mobile home development in the Cambridge or Kentwood Hills areas would not add to the area. McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept the letters and to them them on file. Baff aro seconded, motion carried . Rezone MA to M1 West of West Valley Highway. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1865, rezoning property originally zoned by the City as M-A to M-1 . It was noted that a public hearing was held on September 4, 1973 on the recommendations of the Planning Commission to change the zoning as above indicated, and the City Attorney had been instructed to prepare the ordinance as soon as the necessary deeds for right-of-way had been received . This has now been accomplished . JUST MOVED to adopt Ord . No. 1865, Storment seconded, motion carried . SHORELINE A letter was read from Mr. John Biggs, Director of the Department MASTER PROGRAM of Ecology, approving Kent 's Shoreline Master Program, and making recommendations for further updating of the program, and suggest- ing that standards of the Zoning Ordinance should be incorporated into the Master Program. McCaughan questioned whether the update SHORELINE of the program as suggested should be done immediately, and MASTER PROGRAM upon Street ' s suggestion, McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept the letter and to refer it to the Planning Department and the City Attorney for consideration of whether or not certain phrases should be deleted or added to the Shoreline Master Program. Just seconded, motion carried . GREEN RIVER Supplemental Watershed Agreements #2. It was noted that the WEST AND GREEN Supplemental Watershed Agreements #2 for inclusion of wetlands RIVER EAST in the S.C.S . proposal was discussed at the last workshop WATERSHED session and the agreements are now ready for adoption. MASTERS MOVED that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the East and West Green River Supplemental Watershed Work Plan Agreements #2, Johnson seconded, motion carried . PARKS & Statewide Bicycle Route Log. A letter was read from W.C. Bogard, RECREATION P.E. , District Engineer, Washington State Highway Commission, regarding a proposed Bicycle Route Log consisting of strip maps and other pertinent information to bicycle travelers throughout the State . The letter further requested approval from the City for incorporating city streets into the Log. Upon the Mayor 's suggestion, JUST MOVED to refer the letter to Barney Wilson, Kitto seconded, motion carried . PLANNING KITTO MOVED to confirm the Mayor 's proposal to appoint Samuel COMMISSION Edmondson and Marilyn Jones to the Planning Commission to complete the terms of Frank Chopp and Lou Koszarek. Storment seconded . Upon McCaughan ' s question as to how prospective members of the Planning Commission were selected, Mayor Hogan stated that she submitted letters from persons interested in serving to the Planning Director who reviews the letters and then makes a recommendation to the Mayoe. It was further determined that six names were considered this time and that the names of those not appointed were kept on record, according to the date of the letter initially expressing interest in serving, for possible future appointment as vacancies occurred . Motion carried . LIBRARY Upon the recommendation from the Library Board, JUST MOVED BOARD to approve Mayor Hogan 's appointment of Mrs'. Burt Lucas, 26529 - 40th Avenue South, Kent, to complete the term of Marie Crew on the Library Board . Johnson seconded, motion carried . MEEKER DAYS Metro Parking Lot. The Administrator reported that representa- tives of the Kent Lions Club have presented plans for "Meeker Days" Celebration to be held July 18, 19 and 20, and have asked to use a portion of the parking lot at Harrison-Smith Streets for a carnival . Street noted that a portion of this area is leased to Metro and permission for this use has been received from Metro. BAFFARO MOVED for the Administrator to advise the Lions Club of this favorable action, Just seconded. Upon Stor ment ' s question, Street advised that the Lions Club would be responsible for any damages to the parking lot. Motion carried. MAYOR'S Kitto stated that the Council had received a letter from the POSITION Mayor regarding compensation paid by Metro to elected officials serving in a part-time capacity for attendance at Metro meetings . Street suggested that the Attorney be ,directed to prepare an ordinance stating that the Mayor 's position is paid on a part- time basis . KITTO so MOVED, Johnson seconded. Upon Masters ' question, it was determined that the proposed ordinance would be considered at the next regular meeting. ANIMAL CONTROL Two models of proposed sculptures for the new King County SHELTER Animal Control Shelter were presented by Yankee Johnson of the King County Arts Commission. The artist, Carson Boyson, pointed out that the City' s choice of one of the designs would be considered by the King County Arts Commission when the final choice was made. One model depicted a free running figure, with an animal on a leash, and the other was an abstract, suggesting an animal . He pointed out that the finished sculpture would sculpture would be about six feet high and would be of sufficient strength to allow children to climb ANIMAL CONTROL on it. Upon the Mayor ' s suggestion that time be allowed for SHELTER the City's Arts Commission to view the models, it was determined that the City 's choice between the two models was to be included in the consideration of the final selection at a peeting to be held on April 16 . Comments were heard from Merville Bishop, Lou Innocenti, Mrs . Brunton, and members of Boy Scout Troop 480 , MASTERS MOVED for the Council to select the model depicting the boy and the dog, Just seconded . Baff aro opined that the abstract was more sturdy. Motion carried, with Baff aro voting nay. FINANCE Segregations. A letter was read from Chinook Mortgage, Inc. , regarding segregation of assessments in ULID #1, LID 253, LID CORRECTED - REFER TO 269, and LID 272 . MASTERS MOVED that the letter be referred to the Treasurer and Director of Public Works to request the MINUTESOF $=6- 7 V Proper forms and fees to complete the segregations, Just seconded, motion carried. Safeco Title Insurance Co. has requested segregation of assess- ments in ULID #1 and LID 265 . KITTO MOVED for the Director of Public Works and the City Treasurer to 'prepare the requested segregations upon receipt of the proper information and fees, Just seconded, motion carried . Dates for LID Foreclosures . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1866, amending Ord . 561, by changing the date from March 1 each year to July 1 each year as the date for the City Treasurer to process delinquent LID assessments. McCAUGHAN MOVED to adopt Ord . No. 1866, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. LID 273 . The City Clerk read the City Treasurer 's Certificate of collection for LID 273, which noted that unpaid amounts total $23,448. 24. JUST MOVED to note receipt of the Certificate of collections and unpaid assessments for LID 273, Johnson seconded, motion carried. Street explained, upon McCaughan ' s question, that State statutes permitted the issuance of a note in lieu of bonds to be carried "in house, " and that this procedure saved the City the expense of printing bonds for small LIDSs . JUST MOVED for the City Treasurer to issue a note in lieu of bonds in the amount of $23,448 .24 and that the Firemens Relief and Pension Fund carry this note as an investment with interest of 6 1/4%, as approved by the Firemens Relief and Pension Board . Baff aro seconded, motion carried . Claim for Damages. A claim against the City for damages to a breaker box and water connection has been filed by Selma 's, Inc. It is their contention that the damage, at Valley Manor Mobile Home Park, was caused by a General Disposal truck. The Finance Director submitted the claim to General Disposal, who declined responsibility. JOHNSON MOVED that receipt of the claim of Selma's, Inc. be recorded and referred to the Finance Committee, Storment seconded . Mirk noted that the claim should be sent to our insurance carrier for consideration. Johnson and Storment withdrew the motion and second. BAFFARO MOVED that the claim be recorded and forwarded to our insurance carrier, McCaughan seconded, motion carried . Budget - 1973 . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1863, amending the 1973 Budget for Transfers and Adjustments made to various departments ' budgets during the year 1973 . JUST MOVED to adopt Ord . 1863, Kitto seconded . Upon Johnson 's question, Winkle explained that adjustments made throughout the year were all included in this one amending Ordinance . Motion carried . Amendment to 1974 Budget Ordinance. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1864 amending the 1974 Budget Ordinance to include Federal Revenue Sharing expenditures approved by the Council at its meeting of April 1, 1974 and those items recommended by the Finance Committee for approval at its meeting held April 10, 1974. It was noted that this includes purchase of the police vehicles at a cost of $16, 700. KITTO MOVED to adopt Ord . No. 1864, Baff aro seconded, motion carried. FINANCE STORMENT MOVED to pay bills received through April 17, 1974 after approval by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8 a.m. April 24, 1974, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at their meeting of April 10, 1974 are as follows: Current Expense $ 8 ,547.62 Parks & Recreation 4,438 .31 Library 3 .15 City Streets 1 ,465 .93 Federal Shared Revenue 102.69 City Hall Construction 348.86 James Street Construction 1,052. 37 212th Phase 3 Construction 297 . 33 East Valley Construction 29, 310 . 32 EVH. Willis - Green River 13 , 390 .19 Gowe Street - East 1, 215 .00 Linda Heights Sewer Imprv. 300 .46 Garrison Creek Sewer 38.08 Equipment Rental 3, 632 .81 Firemens Rel & Pension 147 .12 Leff Disability 623 .00 Sewer 753 . 38 Water 2, 775 .68 Garbage 23 ,965 .67 $920407 .97 MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan, Mayor Marie Jensen City Clerk