HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/01/1974 Kent, Washington April 1 , 1974 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons : Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters , McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Harris, Finance Director Winkle. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz . Councilperson Baffaro was absent. JUST MOVED to approve the minutes of March 18 1974, as printed, Johnson seconded , motion carried . CENTRAL CBD Plan. It was noted the Central Business District Committee BUSINESS has requested approval of expenditures from the CBD Fund for DISTRICT two items . One is a contract with Cal Jordan to do an Economic Study of Kent 's Central Bus ':_ness District at a cost of $4100 . The second item is a contract with AVISO, Inc. (Dean Morgan) to provide the necessary information concerning funding sources for accomplishing the CBD Plan. The contract is to be on an hourly basis with a maximum expenditure of $3 ,000 . It was noted that the original source of the CBD Fund was from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, and the hiring of a coordinator or other necessary expenditures was approved. The contracts were reviewed by the Finance Committee at their meeting of March 27, 1974 and recommended for approval . STORMENT MOVED that the City Administrator be authorized to enter into the said contracts with Jordan and Morgan, using CBD Funds for payment, McCaughan seconded. Kitto stated that the language of the contracts should be clear as to the monetary limits. Street noted that the payments were to be made only from the CBD Fund. Masters commented that this fund was originally established to supply the Committee with a planner or co-ordinator, and asked that the procedure would be when the $15 ,000 has been expended. Street stated that the CBD Committee could then ask for additional funds if necessary, and that the Council would then have to make the decision. He pointed out that it was the opinion of the CBD Committee and of the Administration that these proposed expenditures would be a better way of utilizing the funds than using them for a co-ordinator. Masters questioned as to whether or not the Council was setting a precedent by granting the requested funds, and if the City would be willing to fund another group with the same interests. Street stated that if the Council judged that another request .was deemed a justifiable expenditure the Council could approve it, even if the group was acting in a capacity similar to the CBD Committee. On Master 's question, Street opined that the "heart of the City" had been determined by the expenditure of City Funds for the new City Hall and Library complex. Just noted that the Government had seen fit to build the new postal facilities elsewhere. Street pointed out that available acreage was a factor in the Government 's choice of the site, and noted that the downtown Post Office would not be closed. In answer to Just 's question, Street stated that the CBD Committee was attempting to develop a plan for the downtown area, which would be brought before the Council , with the Planning Commission recommendations, along with any alter- natives which may be suggested. Harris stated that the Planning Department has been working with the CBD group since 1973 , that the plan will be presented to the Planning Commission on April 16 for public hearing, and then will be presented to the Council. He noted that the Jordan contract for the economic study was a necessary part of the plan. Street advised that Dean Morgan of AVISO, Inc. would supply guidelines to the Council as to the best funding sources and that this information would be available with the plan. Motion carried. STREET KVIP Plat. The Mayor opened the public hearing on Sun Mark, VACATION Inc. 's petition to vacate a portion of 2nd Avenue North, north of S. 228th Street. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence regarding the proposed vaca- tion. It was noted that the Planning Commission has recom- mended that the vacation be granted subject to the condition that the petitioner construct, at his expense , curbs and gutters between the two points where radii and tangent curbs meet. Street pointed out that this was never a developed street. There was no further discussion and KITTO MOVED to close the hearing, Just seconded, motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance vacating the said street and for said ordinance to be filed when the curbing , as required by the Engineering Department, is installed or a bond hen guaranteeing installation is filed with the City, 9 seconded, motion carried. West Valley Highway Picardo Property M-1 Zoning. STREETS President A letter to Mr . James P. Harris from Bert J. McNae , of Bert McNae ; Inc. was read stating that a 30 ' deed would be given by the owners for a new street on the West side of the Picardo property, if the City would prepare the deed. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a part of the record , Kitto seconded . Street noted that the owners were placing a restriction on this transaction by allowing only a 30 , deed at this time but that an agreement for an additional 10 ' on the East side would be given to the City later. Motion carried . Intersection of James and 100th. The Finance Committee has reviewed the recommendation of the Director of Public Works that the contract with City Transfer for the improvement of the intersection of James and 100th Street be accepted as complete. McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept the contract of City Transfer for the improvement of the James and 100th Street intersection as complete , and for final payment to be made when proper releases are received , Masters seconded. In answer to McCaughan 's question Ulett noted that Asphalt Paving will complete the project and the Gowe Street overlay as soon as weather permits . Motion carried. South 180th/43rd Contract. The attorneys and Directors of Public Works for Kent and Renton have approved the contract for the preliminary engineering for the proposed street improvement of Renton, Southwest 43rd Street/Kent South 180th, Joint Project. MASTERS MOVED for the Mayor and the Clerk to be authorized to sign the contract, McCAughan seconded and requested that the contract be read. The City Clerk read the contract. Motion carried . MOUNTAIN Return of Cash Bond . Upon the recommendation of the Public VIEW Works Director; JUST MOVED that the City Treasurer be directed ESTATES to return to Charles Martell the $500 cash bond posted for Mountain View Estates ,, McCaughan seconded , motion carried . WEST VALLEY The West Valley Industrial Park Preliminary Plat was reviewed INDUSTRIAL by the Planning Commission at iLs meeting of March 26, 1974, PARK PRELIMINARY and the plat, together with the Planning Commission recommenda- PLAT tions , will be ready for consideration at the next Council meeting. MASTERS MOVED that a public meeting be held on April 15 , 1974 to review the West Valley Industrial Park Preliminary Plat, Johnson seconded ; motion carried . ZONING A letter was read from Don P. Hurwitz, Chairman, and Rosetta H. Jones , Vice-Chairman, Concerned Citizens of Kent Committee , requesting that consideration be given to amending the Kent Zoning Code to further restrict the location of Mobile Home Parks within the City of Kent, by revising Section 3 .7 of the Zoning Code to delete the superimposition of Mobile Home Park Combining Districts (MHP) on the underlying S1 (Single Family Residential) regulations. A supporting petition con- taining 988 signatures was also filed. The Clerk noted receipt of letters on this subject from Don Hurwitz to Planning Director Harris dated March 27 and the City Attorney' s ZONING answer to this letter dated March 28. MASTERS MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the letter and petition and for it to be referred to the committee-of-the-whole, Kitto seconded . It was determined that the matter would be discussed at the next workshop on April 8, 1974. Street noted that amendeients to the Zoning Code required a public hearing before the Planning Commission and before the Council . Motion carried. WASHINGTON Water Projects 5 Water Systems Improvement Project Engineering FUTURES Contract. The standard contract with Hill , Ingman & Chase to do the necessary engineering for the 5 water system improvement projects was reviewed at the last work session. KITTO MOVED that the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to sign said contract with Hill , Ingman & Chase, Masters seconded , motion carried. WATER 1atC Comers Agreement, Pacific West Realty Trust has requested the Eiiy .neeri:u Departmen-L' _o prepare a "late comers agreement" to cover potential use of a water line they are constructing approximately 600 , West of the East Valley Highway where SE 202nd will eventually be. KITTO MOVED that the Engineer be directed to prepare a "late comers agreement" in accordance with the request of Pacific West Realty Trust, Storment seconded , motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1861 adopting the PARK PLAN Comprehensive Parks System Plan. KITTO MOVED for the adoption of Ord. No. 1861 , Masters seconded , motion carried . PARKS & Upper Mill Creek Park. Just noted that Barney Wilson had RECREATION reported at the Finance Committee meeting and had given a presentation on the Upper Mill Creek project at the workshop. HEALTH & He noted that the Council had concluded that until the cost SANITATION of the Upper Mill Creek Park system is known, that no other parks on Mill Creek should be considered . Drainage. Just noted that discussion had been held regarding the possibility of reviewing the Wilsey-Ham alternates to the holding pond proposal . He further stated that the City should address itself to getting the bids out for the South Central Pumping Station and also to contacting the County as to their responsibilities for the drainage problems. Street noted he had contacted the County and they have appointed seven staff representatives to work with the City on drainage problems for Mill Creek as well as for other areas . He noted that the Council had authorized him to secure appraisals in connection with the holding ponds , and that this was underway. Tukwila-Southcenter South Property. A letter was read from Mayor Frank Todd of Tukwila, suggesting a meeting be held to discuss a mutual joint agreement for use of the Kent Sewer System for the Southcenter South property. MASTERS MOVED to make the letter a part of the record and for it to be referred back to the Public Works Committee for consideration and study, Just seconded . Masters noted that a time for such a meeting be determined by the Committee. (The meeting was subsequently scheduled for 7: 30 p.m. , Tuesday, April 9 , in the Kent Council Chambers . ) Motion carried . GREEN RIVER Drainage , Green River Flood Control. McCaughan reported FLOOD CONTROL that on Saturday he had toured the proposed eight wetland areas with councilmen from Tukwila and Auburn and Councilman Dave Mooney. He reported that rapport had been established with the other cities and some problems were discussed. It was noted the King County Conservation District had received an answer to their letter to the Department of Ecology regarding the District 's suggestion that all land fill operations be suspended until the drainage ditches are in place. The letter explained that a blanket suspension of fill operations is impossible and each project would be judged on its own merit. GREEN RIVER Supplemental Watershed Work Plan Agreement #2. It was noted WEST AND that at the last two work sessions the Supplemental Watershed GREEN RIVER Work Plan Agreement #2 for each side of the Green River was EAST WATERSHED discussed. This agreement covers additional wetlands which WETLANDS have been discussed previously and Auburn, Tukwila and Renton FLOOD CONTROL have already signed the agreement. Upon Just ' s request for clarification, Street explained that this agreement was a supplement to the original contract covering the addition of about 110 acres of wetlands , and does not commit the City to any expenditure of money. He pointed out that the original contract was signed by Kent and the other partici- pating cities several years ago and that if the cities involved plan to utilize SCS funding to construct the ditch area, both the supplement and the original contract must be followed. Just determined that this was the group which Len McCaughan was meeting with regarding the wetlands . Mayor Hogan and Street explained that the committee was set up to review the wetlands proposal because the locations predominantly are within the Kent City limits , and it was thought necessary to make it clear that Kent would not be ultimately responsible for the project. This matter has now been clarified , Street noted, and he pointed out further that the Environmental Impact Statements could not be done until all parties had signed the agreement, so Kent was, in effect, delaying the project. JUST MOVED to refer the matter back to the workshop, McCaughan seconded . Masters stated that it might be appropriate to coordinate both of these documents now for the benefit of those councilpersons who are not familiar with the original contract. It was deter- inined that it would suffice to have the documents explained and reviewed at the workshop session and would not require having the ecperts back. Motion carried. HEALTH & Flood Insurance. The City Attorney has prepared two resolutions SANITATION necessary for the completion of the application for flood insurance. The resolutions have been reviewed by representa- tives of Public Works, Building Inspection, Planning and Administration. It is believed that passage of the resolutions will not require any additional ordinances but that existing codes will have to be enforced. The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 760,providing for review by the Building Official of all Building Permits to assure compliance with the requirements of the National Flood Control Insurance Program relative to flood hazards and flood damage. MASTERS MOVED to adopt Res. No. 760 , Just seconded. The City Attorney advised that there was no cost involved in either Resolution, motion carried. The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 761 , providing for review by the Building Official of all building, grading and excavation and fill permits to assurance compliance with the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program relative to mud slide hazards and mud slide damage . MASTERS MOVED to adopt Res. No. 761 , Kitto seconded , motion carried . POLICE & Upon the City Attorney 's recommendation, JUST MOVED that FIRE the annual Sea-King Communications Contract be accepted and for the Mayor and City Clerk to be authorized to sign said contract, Kitto seconded . It was noted that the charge is based on a per capita rate , as in prior years, and par- ticipation in the Sea-King Alert System allows the local Police Department to obtain information from a computer system in a very short period of timle. Motion carried . AERIAL The Director of Public Works has recommended acceptance of a PHOTOGRAPHY contract with Walker and Associates for Aerial Photography in the amount of $29 ,545 . It was noted that this, as a profes- sional service, does not require bids, and that this firm did the mapping for King County and will be able to utilize some of the material to improve our contract. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to sign the contract with Walker and Associates for aerial photography in the amount of $29 , 545 , Kito seconded. Upon Just 's question, it was determined that this was the topographical map project to be paid from revenue sharing funds. Motion carried . FINANCE Motor Vehicle Intoxication Fund. In compliance with Chapter 130 , Laws of 1974, Third Extraordinary Session, the City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1862 , creating a special FINANCE fund in the office of the City Treasurer to receive fines or forfeitures in connection with driving while under the influence of liquor, to be known as the "Motor Vehicle Intoxication Fund . " MASTERS MOVED for adoption of Ord . No. 1862, Storment seconded. The City Attorney explained that the fines will go to the State, and the bill provides for an additional 25% assessment to go to the State, resulting in a loss of money to the City in that amount. He pointed out that the bill is being challenged. Motion carried. LID 253 Bonds. It was noted that the City Treasurer had inadvertently called 13 LID 253 bonds in excess of the money in the bond redemption fund. This was caused because 13 bonds which had been called in 1973 were not presented for payment until 1974. It is the recommendation of James Gay, Bond Attorney, that the Council authorize a loan of $13 , 000 from the LID Guaranty Fund. This loan or a portion of it may be outstanding for up to two years. At the time the LID is completed , the surplus which will occur will be transferred to the Guaranty Fund. Upon the recommendation of the Admini- stration, McCAUGHAN MOVED to direct the Treasurer to prepare a loan of $13 , 000 , with interest at 5/, from the LID Guaranty Fund to LID 253 bond redemption and interest fund , Kitto seconded, motion carried . Segregations - LID 273. Miles Drake, representing several property owners in LID 273 , has requested segregation of assessments 6, 6A, 24, 26, 38 and 40. KITTO MOVED that the Engineer and the Treasurer be directed to male the requested segregations after receipt of the required information and fees, Storment seconded , motion carried. JUST MOVED to pay bills received through April 3 after approval by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8:00 a.m. , April 10 , 1974, Kitto seconded , motion carried. FEDERAL Guidelines for Utilization of General Revenue Sharing Funds REVENUE for Social Service Programs. It was noted that at the last SHARING Council meeting each council member received a copy of the FUNDS proposed "Guidelines for Utilization of General Revenue Sharing Funds for Social Service Programs and that the matter was discussed at the Finance Committee meeting on March 27, 1974. The Finance Committee has recommended that the guidelines be adopted , with the following changes on page 2 : line 11 , change the word "should" to "may" in two places , and change item #6 to: "What agencies or organizations are currently attempting to meet any identified need. " The Committee also suggested that the Finance Director prepare a standard question form for all organizations to complete for the Finance Committee when requesting such funds. JUST MOVED to adopt the amended Guidelines and for the Finance Director to be directed to prepare the described questionnaire, Kitto seconded. Street stated AWC 's attorney had opined that none of the legislation recently passedtas affected the rules governing distribution of Revenue Sharing Funds . Motion carried. Public Hearing. The public hearing on proposed or requested Federal Revenue Sharing expenditures was opened by Mayor Hogan. It was noted that on March 27 the Finance Committee had reviewed the 13 items listed and their recommendations are included for each item. Robert Yelland spoke from the audience on behalf of the South King County Activity Center in Kent, asking if this institution was eligible to apply for these funds. He noted that the center is in need of furniture for the newly completed lunchroom. The Mayor noted that requests for funds are referred to the Finance Committee. Just suggested that a proper application be made on forms being prepared by the Finance Director, so a deter- mination could be made as to whether the Center qualified for funds. Phillip Smith, Jr. , representing the Kent-Auburn Youth Resources Bureau spoke from the audience requesting that funds be made available for one full-time and one part-time employee to work with young people in this area. The Clerk FEDERAL noted that the written proposal had been filed. A letter REVENUE was read from N.A. Nickolas, Director, Student Services, SHARING Kent Public Schools , in support of the work of. KAYR and FUNDS requesting that favorable consideration be given to their request. It was noted that each group seeking a share of the funds must complete the required form and submit it to the Council for consideration. Just noted that the Finance Committee meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. and that written requests could be considered at these meetings. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letters and that they be made a part of the record , Johnson seconded , motion carried. JUST MOVED for each item in the agenda to be considered separately. Masters seconded. Motion carried. 1) The Parks Department has requested $13 ,000 to develop Borden Park . The Finance Committee recommends that the request be approved but that the backstops be either placed for bid or other alternatives be presented . There were no comments from the audience . McCAUGHAN MOVED to approve the Finance Committee recommendation, including the reference to the backstops . Masters seconded. Motion carried . 2) The Police Department has requested approximately $16 , 700 for the purchase of two patrol vehicles and one detective car. The Finance Committee has requested the Police Department to submit a detailed accounting of auto- motive needs, and that if the need exists , approval will be given. It was noted that the Police Department will have the report completed by April 8. JUST MOVED that the matter be referred back to the Finance Committee pending receipt of the report requested , Johnson seconded, motion carried. 3) The sum of $2 ,000 has been requested for the purchase of files for the City Hall vault in order to complete the vault storage plan. Approval has been recommended by the Finance Committee. STORMENT MOVED to approve the request, Johnson seconded, motion carried. 4) The sum of $1 , 650 has been requested to purchase a binding machine to replace the binder that has previously been rented. The Finance Committee has recommended approval of the request. MASTERS MOVED to approve the request, Johnson seconded, motion carried. 5 ) $500 has been requested for improvement to the "Pea Patch" site. The Finance Committee has recommended that this expenditure come from the unbudgeted unexpended balance in the Current Expense Fund. Upon questions from the Council , Street arLIMayor Hogan explained that the City was negotiating for permissive use of the approximately 3 3/4 acre parcel located on Harrison Street behind Westside Federal Savings & Loan. It was pointed out that the $500 would be used for a water connection, water supply and to plow the area to prepare it for gardening. The proposed plan is to follow that presently used by the County for similar projects and includes provision for renting space to citizens. Street noted that a separate project making a garden area available at no cost to senior citizens would be continued this year. It was pointed out that the City hoped that income received from renting sections of the "Pea Patch" would be sufficient to cover this $500 proposed expenditure. McCaughan noted that this item was not recommended for con- sideration under Federal Revenue Sharing by the Finance Committee and Just pointed out that it would be considered separately as an expenditure from the unbudgeted unexpended balance in Current Expense. 6) The acquisition of a triangular shaped piece of land at the intersection of Washington Street and 238th has been requested. The Finance Committee recommends that this matter be referred to the Department of Public Works to determine FEDERAL its utilization for improving u-turn capabilities on West REVENUE Valley. The Mayor pointed out that consideration is being SHARING given to erecting a bus shelter at the site and for an "Entrance FUNDS to Kent" sign. McCAUGHAN MOVED that. the matter be referred back to the Public Works Committee, Masters seconded, motion carried. 7) It has been requested that $5 ,000 be set aside each year for the repair and replacement of old sidewalks. The Finance Committee recommends enforcement of the present ordinance , which requires adjacent property owners to repair the sidewalks , and that an orderly inspection program be instituted in con- junction with fire and housing inspections. STORMENT MOVED to approve Item 7 , with the Finance Committee recommendation. Motion failed for lack of a second. JUST clarified the Committee 's intent and MOVED that the Council not approve the $5 ,000 expenditure, and that the City Ordinance governing repair of sidewalks be enforced , motion carried. 8) A request for the sum of $1 ,500 has been received from the Community Service Center. The Finance Committee has recommended approval subject to restrictions imposed by the Revenue Sharing Guidelines as provided by State law. JUST 'MOVED that the matter be referred back to the Finance Committee for their consideration after their questionnaire has been completed by the Center. McCaughan seconded . Masters noted that the problem seemed to be a need for clarification as to whether the City could grant the request under the guide- lines. Motion carried . 9) The Parks Department has requested the sum of $1 , 200 for appraisal and application to IAC for funds for the Ralph Benaroya eight (8) acres which includes 2 ,000 feet of river frontage property. It was noted that this property will be used by fishermen and bikers and is adjacent to, and can be incorporated into, the existing bike route. The Finance Committee has recommended approval of this request. McCAUGHAN MOVED, Masters seconded , that the request of the Parks Depart- ment for $1 , 200 be granted. From the audience , the owner of the adjacent property asked where the 8-acre parcel was located and was informed that it is along the river directly opposite the City Shops. Motion carried. 10) A request for $1 ,056 for the Mill Creek Study by Hill , Ingman & Chase has been made. It was noted that the Finance Committee recommends payment of this amount from the unbudgeted unexpended balance in the Current Expense Fund. Just noted that this would be considered as a separate item. 11) The Finance Committee recommends approval of a request made by the Public Works Department for the sum of $12,000 for the improvement of the intersection of Central and Smith. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the request be granted , Masters seconded, motion carried. 12) The sum of $10 , 700 has been requested by the Public Works Department for the improvement of the intersection at Central and Meeker. The Finance Committee recommends disapproval of the request at this time, noting that the item can be recon- sidered after the adoption of the CBD plan and its traffic configuration. STORMENT MOVED that the request be disapproved at this time and that the matter be referred back to the Public Works Committee for further consideration, Kitto seconded , motion carried. 13) The sum of $12,000 has been requested for the improvement of the intersection at South 228th and Central by adding an extra lane. The Finance Committee recommends disapproval and requests that the Traffic Engineer present traffic load statistics to justify such an expenditure. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the matter be referred back to the Public Works Committee, and for the item to remain on the agenda pending justification of the request. Masters seconded , motion carried. There were no further. comments from the floor and McCAUGHAN MOVED to close the public hearing, Masters seconded, motion carried . FEDERAL Upon Kitto's question, Street explained that this public REVENUE hearing covers all of the items mentioned and that the SHARING expenditures which were authorized asRevenue Sharing Fund FUNDS expenditures would be published together and listed in the federal report as required by law. He pointed out that new requests for Federal Sharing Funds must be con- sidered at future public hearings before the Council. It was further noted that at the next Council meeting an amending ordinance to the 1974 budget will be presented containing all the items the Council has determined should be financed from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds at this time. JUST MOVED that the following expenditures be authorized by amending the 1974 Budget: Improvement of "Pea Patch," $500, and Hill, Ingman & Chase, Mill Creek Study, $1,056, with the source of funds to be the unbudgeted unexpended balance in the Current Expense Fund. Storment seconded, motion carried. COMMUNITY A letter was read from Governor Daniel J. Evans regarding DEVELOPMENT steps now being taken by the State to develop policies in the area of future State growth, including the Alternatives for Washington project. He noted that 150 persons would be appointed, including elected local officials, to serve as a group to develop policy options. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Just seconded, motion carried. AWC The Clerk noted receipt of a notice of Association of Washington Cities of a conference on May 8, 1974 at the Olympic Hotel from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. entitled "Volunteers in Local Government - The Untapped Resources." MASTERS MOVED that notice of the meeting be accepted and made a part of the record, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. LEGISLATION Suburban Mayors Association Meeting. A letter was read announcing that SMA would meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Thunder- bird Motor Inn, Bellevue, Washington, on Wednesday, April 3, and urging that all council members attend. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Just seconded. Street pointed out that since all legislators would be present, it was important that as many City officials as possible attend. Motion carried. RIBCO A notice was read from Donald J. Benson, Director, River Basin Studies, noting the cancellation of the April 2 meet- ing. A memo from James Alverson of the Water Quality Management Study noted a meeting to be held on April 3, 1974 at 1:30 p.m. at the Plaza 600 Building. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letters, Just seconded. Upon McCaughan's inquiry as to who would attend, Street noted he would send someone from the City staff. Motion carried. KENT It was noted that April 15-28 have been designated Kent CLEAN-UP Clean -Up Weeks. The following collection schedule is to WEEKS be utilized by the Street Department: Downtown April 15, 16 & 17 West Hill April 18, 19 & 22 Scenic & East Hill April 23, 24 & 25 In addition, through the cooperation of General Disposal, ,a i1_- r,..l l.___ i HUMAN Masters noted that the Human Resources Steering Committee Sound RESOURCES is going to become a separate entity from the Puget a meeting to be held COMMITTEE Governmental Conference and announced 5, 1974, Room 834, King County Admini- at 8:30 a.m., April stration Building. LIBRARY/ Library - City Hall Courtyard. It was noted that the plan Hall Library Courtyard CITY HALL of Bogard and Hewitt for the City - also at the COURTYARD was discussed at the last work session and Finance Committee meeting. The Committee has recommended that the Council direct Bogard and Hewitt to complete the plans as they have proposed, including the fountain, and submit them for bid. It was noted that if these bids do not exceed the estimate suggested by Bogard, that funds from the unexpended, unbudgeted balance in the Current Expense Fund can be used to complete this project. JUST MOVED that the City Administrator be directed to notify Bogard & Hewitt of this action, providing that we stay within the dollars that were discussed, Kitto seconded. Street noted that the dollar amount is $46,000. He pointed out that the $32,000 figure was given 32 years ago. Upon Master's question, it was determined that this was a proposal, and not a bid, and that in addition to Bogard & Hewitt, the firms of Durham, Anderson & Freed, and Fred Bassetti had also expressed interest in the project. Street noted that Bogard & Hewitt's proposal was approved by the Council as the most logical. Masters stated that the fact that this.was a local firm, and that they assured us they would stay within the figure, was the basis of the awarding of the proposal to Bogard & Hewitt. Street clarified that Bogard was told the maximum dollar amount which could be spent. Masters asked if the Council was, then, destroying its credibility by allowing Bogard to come back now and ask for additional funds for the project. Street reported that Bogard was told that the amount set was $32,000 and he thought that he could stay within that amount until a few weeks ago when he reported that the project would cost more than the agreed upon amount. Bogard subsequently made a presentation at a work session. The Finance Committee considered the matter and the motion reflects their recommendation. Johnson noted that the Council had seen Bogard's plans and sketches in January and asked why he didn't state at that time that the cost would be almost half again higher. Mayor Hogan stated that Bogard had checked into the cost of the items after the City had approved a specific design, and that there was no point in checking item costs before a design had been selected and approved. Upon Johnson's question, it was determined that the pond would be 6 inches deep and approximately 60 feet long. Just pointed out that when the Council took action on this early this year they were under the impression that Bogard could stay within the budget and that he had assured the Finance Committee of this at that time. Masters asked if, under the circumstances, it would be appropriate to ask Bogard to review his design rather than leave it as it is and incur the additional costs. She noted that all were agreed that the water was to be a final consideration of this plan and doubted that any of the Council would accept substituting sand for water in the pond. Street stated this could certainly be done and pointed out that Bogard had shown that he had worked through three or four different designs to get to this one, and that he had felt this would be the best design for the money and had indicated that the cost of the water portion of the plan was more expensive than he had anticipated. Masters clarified that she would feel more comfortable if her decision if Bogard could, in fact, review the plan, and show the Council exactly how it is and whether or not he can make a revision considering the original agreement. LIBRARY/ Upon Storment's question about the price of the water pumps, CITY HALL pipes and filters being 12 to 14 thousand dollars, Street COURTYARD explained that the price fbr this equipment was $7,090, but you had to figure about the same dollar amount for the installation, which accounts for the 12 to 14 thousand dollar figure. Street pointed out that these were the amounts quoted to Bogard for this equipment and installation but that it could be possible that when the project was let out for bids that a bid lower than this amount could be received. Upon Just's question, Street determined that regardless of the Council's decision on accepting a bid, Bogard would be entitled to his minimum fee of $2,500, and noted further that if bids are over the estimate, he will have to redesign as he has agreed to bring the City a viable contract. Just commented that he didn't think Bogard had redesigned the plan and opined that the Council would not accept the idea of filling the pool with sand. Mayor Hogan stated that it was unfortunate that all this discussion didn't come up at the workshop meeting when Bogard was present and could have responded. Just stated that the Council had a right to question at any time, and Masters concurred, stating that the Council had had time since the workshop to review the project. Kitto stated that the Finance Committee had reviewed this and everyone there agreed that we should proceed on this basis as stated in the motion, that he was in favor of it. He pointed out that he could see nothing wrong, however, with asking to have the plan redesigned within the dollar limit. McCaughan noted that bids for the pumps and piping could come in lower than the amount quoted and if the whole project came in higher than $46,000 the bids could be rejected, but we could still utilize some of the drawings. Street pointed out that the Council always had the right to reject any bid. Kitto stated that he had been unaware that the Finance Committee's recommendation was to be reconsidered at this meeting. Just stated that he was dissatisfied with Bogard's $7,000 figure for installation of the pumps and equipment and therefore wanted to know the Council's position if the bids were rejected. Mayor Hogan commented that we won't have a realistic figure until the bids come in and then if they are unsatisfactory, we can reject them and ask for a resdesign. Just stated that he was in favor of the motion but was against putting any more money into the project if it comes back. The Clerk read back the motJust Kittoroll call McCaughanote, Johnson and Storment and Masters voted nay, , voted aye, motion carried. AWARDS Mayor Hogan presented a Water Pollution Control Plan Operators Certificate to Robert Kristofferson, Superintendent of the Sewer Department. CITY CLERK JOHNSON MOVED, Masters seconded, that Betty Gray be appointed City Clerk Pro-tem to serve in the absence of the City Clerk, motion carried. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring April to be "Cancer Control Month" for the City of Kent and urging all citizens of Kent to participate actively in the crusade to control cancer. The Mayor read a proclamation declaring the week of April 1 - 6, 1974, "Smile Week" in recognition of the National campaign to aid in research and service programs for persons afflicted with muscular dystrophy, and acknowledging that the theme for Smile Weekiwill be "Put a Smile on the Face of a Dystrophy Child." FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee at their meeting of March 27, 1974 are as follows: FINANCE Current Expense $26,051.34 Parks & Recreation 7,980.14 Library 869.40 City Streets 5,355.09 Federal Shared Revenue 2,435.21 Gowe Street - East 7,632.00 Equipment Rental 670.74 Firemans Rel & Pension 1,506.76 Leff Disability 2,340.89 Sewer 32,915.99 Water 4.287.66 $92,045.22 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen Isabel Hogan, Mayor' City Clerk