HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/19/1974 Kent, Washington February 19, 1974 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons: Baff aro, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Harris, Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commission members Cole, Peak and Long. MASTERS MOVED to approve the minutes of February 4, 1974 as printed, Johnson seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & East Hill Shopping Center - Plemmons. Ulett has recommended SANITATION acceptance of a Bill of Sale covering 150 feet of sanitary sewer, together with the necessary easement. Street explained that Plemmons had installed 150 feet of sanitary sewer in private property to connect Yazzolino's Restaurant. The City will not accept a sewer line for maintenance unless a Bill of Sale and an easement are given to the City. KITTO MOVED that the Bill of Sale and easement described be accepted, Just seconded, motion carried. Water Line. The Director of Public Works has recommended acceptance of a Bill of Sale, easements, and one-year work warranty as furnished by Ken Ingals & Assoc. , and for Ingals ' $500 cash bond to be released in connection with a water line to serve Yazzolino's Restaurant. JUST SO MOVED, Masters seconded. Street explained that the water and sewer lines were installed by different contractors. Motion carried. East and West Side Green River Projects. A letter was read from John D. Spellman, announcing a meeting to be held on February 20, 1974 at 9: 30 a.m. in the King County Courthouse, for the purpose of discussing Green River projects. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a part of the record, Just seconded. It was noted that Mayor Hogan, Ulett and Street will represent the City. Motion carried. Water District #58. It was noted that notification has been received that Water District #58 proposes an annexa- tion near Kent. Ulett described the area as being East of 132nd S.E. and South of SE 208th, in the vicinity of Lake Youngs, just barely within Kent 's sphere of interest. He recommended that he be directed to notify the Boundary Review Board that the City has no objection to the proposed annexation. MASTERS SO MOVED, McCaughan seconded, motion carried. LID 273 S. 228th Water & Sewer. The City Attorney intro- duced Ordinance No. 1859, confirming the Assessment roll for LID 273. JUST MOVED to adopt Ord. 1859, Masters seconded, motion carried. Kent Highlands Land Fill Park. Ulett reported that representatives of Seattle and the Department of Ecology met regarding the City of Seattle 's land fill operation at Kent Highlands. They agreed on the work to be done collecting the leachate and to reduce the quantity of the water to be deposited in the Kent Sewer. Ulett noted also receipt of the plans for the interception of the water. He pointed out that the plans are to construct a river crossing and to pump into the Kent sewer system for discharge only. The Mayor noted that construction is to begin in July, 1974. Ulett noted that Seattle would become a major Metro customer under this plan. Western Processing Co. , Inc. A letter was read from Garmt J. Nieuwenhuis, President, Western Processing Company, Inc. , regarding standards set by the Department of Ecology and requirements of the City of Kent for disposal of materials of Western Processing Company, HEALTH & Inc. and noting that various improvements have already been SANITATION made. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be referred to the Department of Public Works and the City DRRECTED • REFER TO Attorney, Just seconded . Street commented on the contents of the letter noting that the City had never required an INUTES OF environmental impact statement, and that Western Processing ' s sewer line had been installed illegally into the City sewer without the required permit or inspection. He further stated that the concrete tanks had replaced plastic lined dirt ponds , but that no building permits had been issued for the tanks. The contents of the letter were basically in error, he pointed out, and the City has only asked that City requirements be met. Upon Master 's query, Street stated that the connection was probably made by merely dropping a line into the top of a manhole. Motion carried . PARKS & Russell Road Property Donation. A letter was read from RECREATION Louis Peretti, appraiser, waiving his appraisal fee for the property located on Russell Road South which was given to the City of Kent by Norman and Della Anderson. MASTERS MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the letter and for an appropri- ate reply to be sent to Mr . Peretti , Johnson seconded , motion carried . POLICE & The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1860 , controlling FIRE careless use of police alarm systems. BAFFA.RO MOVED that Ord . 1860 be adopted, Masters seconded , motion carried. SHORELINE A letter was read acknowledging receipt of Kent 's Shoreline MASTER Master Program from D. Rodney Mack, Shoreline Program Manager, PROGRAM Department of Ecology, and noting that the Department has 90 days to accept or reject the program as presented . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Just seconded . Harris stated several South King County cities will meet in Redmond on February 27 to review the programs with Federal and State representatives. Motion carried. ANNEXATION Sunset Manor. Receipt of an initial 10/ petition for annexation from property owners in the Sunset Manor area was noted by the Clerk. JUST MOVED to accept the petition and for it b be referred to the Public Works Department and ---to the Annexation Committee, Storment seconded , motion carried. KENT VALLEY Street noted that the public meeting on the proposed final INDUSTRIAL plat of Kent Valley Industrial Park which was scheduled for PARK this meeting would be brought to the Council at a later date FINAL PLAT when the plat is sufficiently completed to be considered . BUSINESS Northwest Contact Center . A letter dated February 11 , 1974 LICENSES was read from Alva C. Long, attorney representing Northwest Contact Center, giving notice of appeal of Council action on refusal to renew the business licenses for Northwest Contact Center for 1974. KITTO MOVED to accept the letter, Masters seconded . Mirk advised that he had discussed the matter with Mr. Long, and since the Center had subsequently burned down, there was no longer any licensing problem. Motion carried . PARK Mirk noted that an ordinance to change the membership of the BOARD Park Board from three to five members and to increase the terms of office to four years would be presented at the next meeting. LEGISLATURE Street reported that he had talked with Senator Grant and noted that the Legislature will have week-end meetings every week-end in March and will reconvene again for ten days in April to consider budget items and other matters, including Federal funds. Proposed legislation will then be presented to the Governor for his review and the Legislature will meet again later in April. PUBLIC Mayor Hogan noted that Channel 3 in Enumclaw, a cable TV RELATIONS station, has offered the City a one-half hour show each month, to be produced in Enumclaw, to describe our programs, announce meetings which are of interest to the public, etc. PUBLIC It was further noted that all cities of South King County RELATIONS have been asked to participate in this venture. It was suggested by Masters that the matter should be referred to a workshop session for further consideration. It was noted that the only cost to the City would be personnel time and travel expense . COUNCIL Councilpersons Storment, McCaughan and Johnson informed the Clerk that they would attend the seminar for newly elected officials to be held in Olympia on March 8, 1974 at the Greenwood Inn. COUNCIL The following schedule has been set for committee meetings : COMMITTEES FINANCE & PERSONNEL 8 a.m. on Tuesday following 2nd and 4th Mondays PARKS & PLANNING 7 p.m. on 1st and 3rd Mondays PUBLIC SAFETY 7 p.m. on lst Mondays PUBLIC WORKS & ANNEXATION 7 p.m. on 2nd and 4th Mondays McCaughan noted that on February 25 only, the Public Works & Annexation Committee would meet at 6: 30 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. , since there were several items to be considered . Street recommended that if a meeting time for any Council committee is changed , the newspaper should be notified in order that anyone wishing to attend the meeting will be informed of the time change. PLANNING Masters suggested that discussion regarding the number of COMMISSION the Planning Commission members should go to the next MEMBERSHIP workshop session for the benefit of those councilpersons who were not in attendance at the Committee meeting held at 7: 30 p.m. prior to the February 19 , 1974 Council meeting. GASOLINE Councilman Storment reported that an emergency council meeting was called by the Renton City Council on Friday, February 15 regarding the gasoline shortage with the following results : 1) The City would furnish information on car travel on streets; 2) Boeing would furnish information as to population at their plants at various times to help operators gain information helpful in filling out forms for increased allocation of gasoline; 3) Renton passed a Resolution providing for no further service station construction in the City limits of Renton and to put stop-work orders on all installa- tion of underground tanks inside the City limits for storage of gasoline. Storment suggested that this matter be brought to the next Council workshop on February 25 . JOBLINE Mayor Hogan noted that Jobline will make a presentation at the next workshop, describing their program. CENTRAL It was noted by Harris that a meeting of the Central BUSINESS Business District Committee will be held on Thursday, DISTRICT February 21 at 7: 30 p.m. at the Kent City Hall and that all Council members are encouraged to attend . BIDS Police Cars. The following bids for police vehicles have been received : Two-unit Less Bidder (with tax) Trade-in COST Bowen Scarff $8, 996. 33 $2 , 350 .00 $6, 646.33 Tom Matson $8, 717. 74 $1 , 512.00 $7, 205 . 74 Strain 's Auto $8, 693 .58 $1 , 600 .00 $7,093 .58 BIDS Lt. Loveless has recommended the best bid of Bowen Scarff be accepted. BAFFARO MOVED that the best bid of Bowen Scarff be accepted, Just seconded . It was noted that the Police Depart- ment has $15 ,000 budgeted to replace five cars, and that the Council should be alerted that it will probably be necessary to allocate additional money before the final replacements are made. Storment and Johnson inquired as to whether consideration had been given to using smaller cars. Street pointed out that they had been used in the past and had proven unsatisfactory. Motion carried . Equipment Rental . Bids were received as follows for items for the Equipment Rental Department: Two Reel Type Mowers: Turf & Toro $5 , 370 .94 for TWO inc. tax & trade Northwest Mowers $4842 .22 for TWO inc. tax & trade Equipment Rental recommends acceptance of the Northwest Mowers ' bid. One Tractor-Loader International Harvester $6, 456.00 + tax Tool Crib 7, 272.00 + tax Fray Equipment 6, 944.00 + tax Smith Tractor 8, 348.15 + tax Equipment Rental recommends acceptance of International Harvester 's bid. One Four Yd. Dump Truck Sea-Tac Ford Sales $9 ,832.00 + tax Street noted that a bid submitted by Renton Dodge had not been considered because no bid bond was included. Award to . Sea-Tac Ford Sales has been recommended by the Equipment Rental Department. One One-Ton Cab & Chassis Only Sea-Tac Ford Sales $3 , 717.00 + tax Equipment Rental has recommendeda award to Sea-Tac Ford Sales. IRRECTED • REFER TO One Engine Analyzer Nt'�C�+ O� 3_y,75/ Sun Electric Corp. $3 , 717 .00 + tax rlJ CJ Equipment Rental has recommended acceptance of this bid. One Bulldozer Smith Tractor Co. (John Deere) $8 , 905 .00 inc. tax & trade* International Harvester ( Intl . Harvester) $9, 288 .15 inc. tax & trade* Tool Crib (case) $9 ,500 .00 inc. tax & trade* * (corrected figures ) The Equipment Rental Department has recommended that the bid be awarded to Tool Crib Co. for the Case bulldozer based on the comparison of specifications, parts availability, main- tenance and upkeep costs , and upon their experience with the machine on a rental basis. Upon Just 's query, Street noted that all the bids were within the amounts estimated by the City. Just suggested that in the future the estimates be included with the bid tabulations,- KXSTERS ,MOVED to award the bids in accordance with the recommendations made by the Equipment Rental Department, Kitto seconded , motion carried . ARTS A letter was read from Dottie Harper, Chairman of the King COMMISSION County Arts Commission, announcing a meeting to be held on Wednesday, March 6, at 7: 30 p.m. at the Kent Library spon- sored by the King County Arts Commission. The meeting will be held for the purpose of discussing "Arts for Your Com- munity. " MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a part of the record , McCaughan seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that members of the Kent Art Commission have been notified of the meeting and will be in attendance. Motion carried . FINANCE JUST MOVED to pay bills received on ,or before February 21 , 1974 after approval of the Finance Committee at its meet- ing at 8 a.m. on February 26, 1974. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at their meeting of January 25 , 1974 at 8:00 a.m. are as follows : Current Expense $ 30 , 349 .06 Parks & Recreation 6, 306.25 Library 54, 753 .59 City Streets 19 , 126.98 Park Forward Thrust 56.07 Central Business District 69 .99 Federal Shared Revenue 22 ,019 .82 Library Construction 5 , 674.95 City Hall Construction 613 .09 James Street Construction 13 , 649 .05 E. Valley Construction 45 ,472 .11 Gowe Street - West 12,955 . 37 Linda Hts. Sewer Improvements 10 . 35 Garrison Creek Phase I Sewer Construction 20 . 70 Kent Des Moines Sewer Interceptor 20 . 70 S. 228th Water & Sewer 5 , 235 .64 Sewer 9 ,861 . 36 Water 15 , 232 .93 Garbage 26, 152 .00 $267, 613 .13 Interest Bearing Warrants EVH - Willis to Gr Rvr Sec. Title Ins. Co. $ 10 , 119 .83 City Transfer 79 .41 Prud Mutual Savings Bank 4.18 City Transfer 1,505 . 32 Prud. Mutual Savings Bank 79 .23 City Transfer 6,570 .19 Prud. Mutual Savings Bank 345 .80 City Transfer 209 .98 Prud. Mutual Savings Bank 11 .05 $ 18,924.99 Claims approved by the Finance Committee at their meeting of February 13 , 1974 at 8 :00 a.m. are as follows : Current Experwe $ 39 , 762 .64 Parks & Recreation 10 , 365 .94 Library 7.98 City Streets 900 .54 Park Fwd Thrust Fund 6,849 .90 Federal Shared Revenue 447.23 Library Construction Fund 350 .00 City Hall Construction Fund 1 ,079 .98 James Street Construction 1 , 184.40 212th Phase 3 Construction 6 ,499 .92 E. Valley Construction Fund 6, 297.54 Gowe Street - West 9 ,804.86 Gowe Street - East 144.80 Garrison Creek Phase I Sewer Interceptor 22 . 37 FINANCE 100th Ave. Sewer Interceptor $ 43 .38 Equipment Rental 4,521 .10 Fire R/P 1,845 .58 Leff Disability 3 , 071 .06 Sewer 34, 468.20 Water 3 ,569 .38 Garbage 279 .45 $131 ,516.25 Interest Bearing Warrants EVH - Willis to Gr Rvr Hill, Ingman & Chase $ 1, 630.15 City Transfer 33 .03 Prud Mutual 'Savings Bank 1 . 74 City Transfer 3 , 131 .93 Prud Mutual Savings Bank 164.84 City Transfer 6, 270 .00 Prud Mutual Savings Bank 330 .00 $ 11,561 .69 Linda Heights Sewer Improvements Hill , Ingman & Chase $ 5 , 650 .03 South 228th Water & Sewer Precision Spring $ 177.28 Daily Journal of Commerce 81 .90 $ 259 .18 LID 275 Bowers Construction Corp. $ 834.26 Meeting Adjourned : 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted , Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen Mayor City Clerk