HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/04/1974 Kent, Washington
February 4, 1974
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons: Baff aro, Johnson, Just, Kitto,
Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney
Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett Planning Director Harris, Finance
Director Winkle. Also present: Parks Director Wilson, City Treasurer
Drotz, Fire Chief Foster, Planning Commission members Long and Peak.
MASTERS MOVED to approve the minutes of January 21, 1974, as corrected on
page 5 changing the name Kent Valley Industrial Park to West Valley
Industrial Park, Kitto seconded, motion carried.
VISITORS The Mayor welcomed Cub Scout Pack 415 and their leader to
the meeting.
MOUNTAIN It was noted a public meeting has been scheduled for this
VIEW date for consideration of the final plat of Mountain View
ESTATES Estates. It was pointed out that the King County Health
Department has advised that the area within the plat does
not perc properly. The Mayor opened the public meeting.
Charles Martell, the developer, stated from the audience
that although the proposed plat may have some lots that
are troublesome with regard to the perc testing, he did
not feel that approval should be withheld for the entire
plat. He further pointed out that the lots would have
additional, individualperc tests when application was
made for permits. Archie Kain, of the King County Health
Department, stated that he had examined the plat approxi-
mately one week ago and that the perc tests showed that
the water table was near the surface of the ground on
the North side and that holes dug on the South side showed
compact soil and water table closer to the surface than
the 30" minimum allowed. He noted that on last Friday the
water depth in the holes was 13", 18" and 21" and that on
the basis of his tests, the plat is not acceptable. Jerry
DeRousse stated that although he had no particular interest
in the' property he questioned the fact that the tests were
made after heavy rainfall and wondered if the tests could
be made again during better weather. Mirk informed the
Council that under the Subdivision Ordinance, the City
could not approve the plat unless approved by the Department
of Health. Martell stated that the ground had been tested
in October and in 1969, at which time it had been approved
by the FHA. Upon Just's question, Mirk clarified that
all plats must be considered by the City Council.
A memo dated January 28, 1974, was read from the Planning
Director stating that the Planning Department and the
Public Works Department, along with other appropriate
departments and agencies,had inspected the final plat
of Mountain View Estates and found the plat acceptable.
Another letter was read, addressed to Don Wickstrom, Assistant
City Engineer, from James Callahan of the Seattle-King
County Department of Public Health dated January 30, 1974,
stating that an examination of Mountain View Tracts had
been made on January 29, and that the results of the
perc tests were unacceptable. Mirk pointed out that
the City approval had been made prior to receipt of the
letter from the Department of Health. MASTERS MOVED to
close the hearing, McCaughan seconded, motion carried.
Upon Johnson's question, Harris concurred that in the
future the City departments should not give their approval
until the Department of Health has approved. He explained
that he had understood that the perc tests would be made
later, on each individual lot, and further pointed out that
the actual tests had been made after his memo had been
written. Upon Kitto's question, Mirk clarified that the
Council could not, under State law, approve the plat
MOUNTAIN without the approval of the Department of Health. Just and
VIEW Storment questioned Archie Kain of the Health Department as
ESTATES to the perc tests being made during the rainy season and
Kain stated that in a questionable area the tests mast be
made in December, January or February and that the facts
were as reported by -his Department.
McCAUGHAN MOVED to deny the plat, Masters seconded, and
qualified the decision on the grounds that the plat had
not received the approval of qualifying agencies. Motion
carried, with Just voting nay.
STREETS South 248th (Between 38th Avenue S. and 39th Avenue S.
A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. Mike Armstrong, Lloyd
and Marilyn- Norton, Mr. and Mrs. David T. Jones,
Mr. and. Mrs. Lester Smith, and Joe A. Rubco, expressing
their concern over traffic problems on South 248th Since
the widehlsg of the road and reputing of Reith Road, and
the conditionof the wooded strip of land between the
National -Guard Base and homes in that area. The letter
further requested that sidewalks be installed, trees be
replanted, clean up of the area near the fence, and improve-
ment to the existing fence by installing wooden slats.
JUST MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record
and referred to the Public Works Department, Parks Depart-
ment, Police Department and Traffic Engineer, Masters
seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that copies of the letter
had been forwarded to these departments and that she and
Joe Street had examined the conditions of the area. Motion
A letter was read from Charles V. Gibbs, Executive
Director of Metro, commending the City and specifically
the Street Department for their help and cooperation
during the recent snowstorm on January loth and llth.
MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Just seconded, motion
64th- Avenue. It was noted that at the last work session
Charlie Waller had requested that consideration be given
to changing the requirements for completion of the zoning
change on his and other properties along West Valley High-
way. It was to be determined if other property owners along
64th Scare ready to &dicate the east half of 64th Avenue.
JUST MOVED that no action be taken on this matter, McCaughan
seconded. Harris reported that he had held a meeting on
Friday, February 1, with Mr. Waller and several other per-
sons, and that he thought all of the deed rights of way
would be forthcoming. Motion carried.
Milwaukee Railroad-Meeker Street Crossing. LID 262.
It was noted that the upgrading and improvement of the
Milwaukee Railroad-Meeker Street crossing was approved
by the Council when LID 262 was created. The railroad
submitted an agreement covering the proposed improvement
which was reviewed by the City Attorney and approved
for signature by the Mayor. The railroad has now requested
some official Council action authorizing execution of the
agreement. KITTO MOVED, Baffaro seconded, that the
execution of the agreement by the Mayor be confirmed and
ratified in all respects, motion carried.
LID 272. It was noted that discussion was had at the
last workshop concerning Change Order #3 for Bellevue
Bulldozing for the improvement of the traffic lighting
at the intersection of South 224th and 84th Avenue
South and approval has been recommended. MASTERS MOVED
to approve Change Order #3, for LID 272, in the amount
of $1,837, McCaughan seconded, motion carried.
Parking on 84th Avenue South between South 212th and
South 228th. A petition signed by five property owners
was read, asking that consideration be given to allowing
parking on 84th Avenue South between South 212th and
STREETS South 228th. STORMENT MOVED to refer the petition
to the Public Works Committee for their consideration, and
for, a report to be made to the Council, Kitto seconded,
motion carried.
POLICE & Union. The Clerk noted receipt of a copy of a petition
FIRE from the Department of Labor and Industries serving
notice of the Kent Police Department 's request to
form a Police Guild to_;represent Police Officers,
Police Clerks and Dispatcher/Operators for the purpose
of collective bargaining. MASTERS MOVED to accept
the petition and for it to be made a part of the
record, Just seconded. Street noted that the copy
was not addressed to the Council and that the matter
was not being handled properly. Masters withdrew the
motion and Just the second. MASTERS MOVED to acknowledge
that we are in receipt of the copy of the petition
and that it was read at the meeting, and that no action
would be taken because it was not directed to the Council,
Just seconded, motion carried.
A letter was read from Mikron Industries, Inc. commending
and thanking the Kent Fire Department for their assistance
on January 7 when the sprinkler system at Mikron Sndustries
froze and broke. MASTERS MOVED to make the letter a part
of the record, Johnson seconded, motion carried.
PARKS & Mill Creek. It was noted that at the workshop held on
RECREATION January 14, 1974, discussion was had regarding an appli-
cation for planning funds addressed to the National
Endowment for the Arts. It was pointed out that the
matter had not been brought before a Council meeting
and was further noted that the application does not
commit the City to finance either the planning or the
projects, but gives the City the choice of having a
project available when certain supporting funds,
either State or Federal, are available. KITTO MOVED
to note that the application for planning funds for
a Japanese garden and foot bridge in Mill Creek was
reviewed at the workshop on January 14, 1974, Masters
seconded, motion carried.
Park Board. It was suggested at the last workshop
that the Park Board be enlarged from 3 to 5 members.
KITTO MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to
prepare an amending ordinance increasing the member-
ship of the Park Board to five (5) and for the
length of term to be changed to four (41 years,
Johnson seconded, motion carried.
KENT JUST MOVED that the public meeting on the final plat
VALLEY of Kent Valley Industrial Park be held February 19,
INDUSTRIAL 1974, Kitto seconded, motion carried.
PLANNING Resignation. A letter was read from Frank Chopp, Jr.
COMMISSION announcing his resignation from the Kent Planning
Commission due to his moving to the City of Seattle
and expressing his desire to continue working for the
City of Kent in a non-official volunteer position.
MASTERS MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the letter
with regret, Storment seconded, motion carried. It
was suggested that the Parks and Planning Committee
review the status of the size of the present Planning
Commission at its first meeting.
COUNCIL Committees. The following members have been appointed
to the Council committees listed below by Council
President Kitto:
Finance & Personnel Parks & Planning
Just Chairman Masters Chairman
McCaughan Baff aro
Storment Johnson
Johnson Alternate Kitto Alternate
COUNCIL Public Safety Public Works & Annexation
Baffaro Chairman McCaughan Chairman
Johnson Masters
Just Storment
Storment Alternate Kitto Alternate
Kitto noted that he had suggested that the Chairperson
of each committee set the time for the committee meetings;
however, to avoid conflicts the matter will be discussed
at the next workshop, and will be reported upon at the
next Council meeting. Masters noted that the Parks and
Planning Committee already has had an item referred to
it and she set the Parks & Planning Committee meetings
tentatively for the 2nd and fourth Mondays at 7 p.m.
Time of Meeting. It was pointed out that a discussion
was held at the last workshop concerning the suggestion
that the time for council meetings be changed to 5 p.m.
It was determined that input from citizens should be
considered and the matter brought up again for discussion
in thirty days. Charles Martell and Merville Bishop
spoke from the audience in opposition to changing the
meeting time from 8 p.m.
It was noted that a seminar for newly elected officials
will be held at the Greenwood Inn, Olympia, Washington
on March 8, 1974, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. All councilpersons
planning to attend are requested to notify the City Clerk.
It was noted that the City would provide transportation.
FINANCE It was noted that the Finance Department proposes to
change bill paying from once a month to twice a month.
The Cut off date for receiving bills would be the Wednesday
before the second Monday and the Wednesday before the
fourth Monday. Councilman Just has suggested that the
Finance Committee meet at 8 a.m. on Tuesday following
the second and fourth Mondays. It is expected that
eventually bills could be approved on Mondays just
before the workshop sessions.
JUST MOVED to pay the bills received on or before
February 6, 1974 after approval by the Finance Committee
at its meeting to be held on February 13, 1974 at 8 a.m. ,
Kitto seconded, motion carried.
HEALTH & 100th Avenue Sanitary Sewer Interceptor. A letter was
SANITATION read from Mr. and Mrs. Jerald W. Brannon, stating that
they had recently purchased a home at 22324 - 100th
Avenue S.E. and were unable to move in until the property
was connected to the sewer line and expressed their
support of the proposed 100th Avenue Sanitary Sewer
Interceptor project and urged its completion as soon
as possible. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and
refer it to the Engineering Department, Just seconded,
motion carried.
A petition was also read from eight property owners
on 100th Avenue S.E. requesting that other alternatives
be explored, rather than the completion of the proposed
100th Avenue Sewer line. MASTERS MOVED for the petition
to be accepted and made a part of the record, Baffaro
seconded, motion carried.
Jerry DeRousse spoke from the audience stating that
another petition signed by 108 property owners had
been forwarded to various agencies involved in the
project, including John Spellman, King County Executive,
and that the City would receive a copy. DeRousse noted
that the City had claimed that the purpose of the proposed
project was to relieve the overloaded pump station but
that the environmental impact statement said that the
line was designed to provide for future expansion and
development of the area. DeRousse referred further
to a letter written by Ulett to Clifford Lowry stating
HEALTH & that it was expected that the City would adopt a policy
SANITATION soon which would require annexation before a property
would be served with Kent sewer or water systems. He
noted that the people signing the petition did not want
to be a part of the City. Ulett pointed out that his
letter also stated that "the wording of the policy, and
the exceptions, if any, have not been established as
yet. " DeRousse noted further that none of the agencies
which had received the City's impact statement had
either approved or disapproved the proposed project.
Masters asked if this group would be willing to become
part of an LID for the installation of sewer lines.
DeRousse stated that the environmental impact statement
noted that the septic tanks were having a deleterious
effect on the East Hill but noted that the Health
Department had given no information to verify this
statement. Ulett noted that some areas on the East
Hill had been tested and septic tank failures had
been noted. Masters pointed out that the City is
attempting to solve a problem in the most economical
way. DeRousse stated that he was aware that the
City was trying to keep the costs of the sewer installa-
tion down to a minimum but felt that some other
alternatives should be considered by the Council,
even perhaps to consider another route for the inter-
ceptor. He pointed out that the Park Orchard area
was originally only 75 homes, for which the sewer
lines were adequate. Fie suggested that perhaps the
additional permits to build in the additional Park
Orchard areas and in Oxford should not have been
Easements - Sun-Mark Corporation. Joe Street recommended
acceptance of two easements from Sun-Mark Corporation,
one for sewer and water lines on 4th Avenue, North of
S. 228th, and one for sewer and water lines in the North
15 feet of Lot 4 of Shinn's Valley Addition. MASTERS
MOVED to accept the easements and to have them recorded,
Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
LID 273. The City Attorney introduced the Ordinance
confirming the Assessment roll for LID 273. KITTO
MOVED that the ordinance be adopted, Storment seconded.
Upon Ulett's question, Winkle stated that an error had
been found in the roll and the ordinance should be
delayed. Kitto and Storment withdrew the motion and
the second.
Library Parking Lot. It was noted that at the time
of construction of the Library Parking Lot, the side
sewer to serve the Bank of the West was not included
in the construction plans of the Bank. It was necessary
to have it repaired and connected to the new sewer at
a cost of $50. KITTO MOVED to approve Change Order #3
for City Transfer in the amount of $50, McCaughan seconded,
motion carried.
FEDERAL It was noted that the following requests have been
REVENUE submitted for Kent Federal Revenue Sharing Funds:
1) Green River Community College veterans.
2) Kent Park Board for Borden Park
3) Kent-Auburn Youth --Service Bureau
4) Kent Edlice Department for 3 more vehicles
5 ) Mill Creek Basin preliminary study
MASTERS MOVED that the matter be referred back to
the Finance Committee for recommendations, Just
seconded. Kitto stated that it was the intent of
the Council to refer it back to the Finance Committee
for recommendations to determine how the Council will
proceed without a public hearing at this time. Street
clarified that the Committee planned to discuss the
matter to set up guidelines, after which these organiza-
tions will be notified as to the date set for a meeting.
FEDERAL Mayor Hogan noted that interested organizations
REVENUE were calling to find out when such a meeting
SHARING would be held. Motion carried.
FLOOD The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 757 authorizing
CONTROL the beginning of consideration of flood control insurance
which was discussed at the last workshop. KITTO MOVED
that Resolution No. 575 be adopted, Baffaro seconded,
motion carried.
CITY Library. It was noted that at the last workshop session
BUILDINGS preliminary plans for completion of the courtyard area
between the City Hall and Library were presented by
Bogard/Hewitt, Architects. KITTO MOVED that the architects
be requested to complete the plans and prepare the speci-
fications. Just noted that we are keeping within our
budgeted amount. Motion carried. Masters asked for
a breakdown on expenditures of City Hall Construction
Fundsafter the retainage had been paid to the contractor,
and Street stated he would provide the information.
METRO Industrial Waste Permits. A letter was read from James
D. Hinman, of Metro Industrial Waste Section, concerning
Industrial Waste permits, providing for review and
approval of permits by local agencies. MASTERS MOVED
to acknowledge receipt of the letter and for it to be
made a matter of record, Kitto seconded, motion carried.
STATE Western Environmental Trade Association. A letter was
ENVIRONMENTAL read from Charles T. Keenan of WETA offering their
PROTECTION services to the City in providing economic and sociological
ACT input regarding City deliberations regarding land use,
EPA, or master program and requesting that they be put
on the mailing list concerning hearings, etc. MASTERS
MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be directed to
the Planning Department, Just seconded, motion carried.
SHORELINE A letter was read from Gilbert A. Holland commending the
MASTER City for a well-prepared Shoreline Master Program. The
PROGRAM letter contained their endorsement of the "Conservation
Element" and brought attention to the fact that the City's
objective of preventing further deterioration of water
quality and improvement of water quality could not be
accomplished without the full cooperation of shoreline
users outside the six mile stretch of the Green River
within the City limits. MASTERS MOVED to accept the
letter, McCaughan seconded, motion carried.
POLLUTION Notice has been received that a public hearing will be
CONTROL held by the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency
at 9:30 a.m. February 21, 1974 to consider a proposed
amendment relating to sulfur content of residual fuel
oil and that Chief Foster or his representative will
attend the meeting.
BUSINESS Going Out of Business License. The City Attorney introduced
LICENSES Ordinance No. 1858, governing "Going Out of Business Sales, "
providing for a license and establishing procedures there-
for and penalties for violations. JUST MOVED to adopt
Ord. 1858, Baffaro seconded, motion carried.
Northwest Contact Center. City Attorney Mirk reported
to the Council that the business in Kent known as
Northwest Contact Center has been the subject of many
complaints. The Police Department has been investigating
the matter but that no criminal prosecution is contemplated
at this time. He stated that a business of this type
should not be encouraged and that the City is justified
in refusing to renew their business license for 1974
and asked that the Council direct the City Clerk not
to renew their 1974 business license. JUST SO MOVED,
Masters seconded. Upon McCaughan's question as to how
the business was licensed originally, Mirk noted that
it was described as a social club, but that in fact,
by their own admission to police officers, it has been
BUSINESS determined that employees have engaged in acts of
LICENSES prostitution. He clarified for Kitto that the City
could legally refuse to renew a license under these
circumstances. Johnson asked if the City could
adopt a strong ordinance to cover this type of
operation, as we did with massage parlors and body
painting studios. Mirk stated that refusing to
renew the license would cover the problem. Motion
PUGET A letter addressed to the Mayor was read from Gordon
SOUND N. Johnson, new President of PSGC, asking assistance
GOVERNMENTAL in forming a committee to consider ways of changing
CONFERENCE the Conference and improving its operation. MASTERS
MOVED to accept the letter and for a congratulatory
response to be made to Mayor Johnston on his election
as President of the Conference, Just seconded. Mayor
Hogan noted that she is the City's representative
to PSGC and Street is the alternate. Motion carried.
A letter was read from Mart Kask, Executive Director
of PSGC, noting the formation of a consortium for
the administration of Federal Urban Systems Funds
(FAM) under PL 93-87, and requesting that a staff
member from the City of Kent be appointed. It was
noted that Mayor Hogan has appointed Public Works
Director Ulett, with Traffic Engineer Olson as alter-
nate, to serve in this capacity and to attend a
meeting tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, February
5, 1974, at 3 p.m. in the PSGC Conference Room.
JUST MOVED to accept the letter, Kitto seconded,
motion carried.
LEGISLATION Street reported on several items of proposed legislation
which are of interest to the City of Kent.
Under SB 2266 - LEFF - a proposal to increase the
City's contribution from 6% to 8% and to provide for
retirement after 20 years of service at half salary.
The State proposes to finance this by taking revenues
away from the cities. Amounts applicable for Kent:
Fire Insurance Premium Tax $8, 683
Justice Court Fines 30,000
Additional Cost to City 19,000
This would cost Kent approximately $57, 683,
Street pointed out that the purpose of the money
measures was to reduce the unfunded liability of
the system which is in direct conflict to the commit-
ment made under RCW when the LEFF Act was passed.
Street encouraged opposition to the bill through
our representatives.
Street noted that the State Land Planning bill
will not be considered at either of the 1974
PERS Public Employees Retirement System. BAFFARO MOVED
to approve the request of Alex Thornton for the City
to pay the sum of $2,421.24 to Public Employees
Retirement System, Just seconded. It was noted
that it will be necessary for the Finance Committee
to determine the source of the funds, since
changes to the budget must be considered by this
Committee. Masters suggested that it would be
appropriate for the City Administrator and Finance
Director to supply the Finance Committee with suggestions
as to alternate sources. Motion carried.
MEETINGS Association of Washington Cities. It was noted a
seminar sponsored by AWC entitled "Comprehensive
Employment and Training Act of 1973" will be held
at the Hyatt House on February 13, 1974 9 a.m. to
4 p.m. and that all Council members were invited to
attend. Finance Director Winkle will represent the
City of Kent.
MEETINGS Winkle reported on the Comprehensive Employment and Train(tna
Act of 1973, noting that Kent is a member of King/Snohomish
Counties manpower consortium which is designed to administer
approximately 8 million dollars in manpower revenue sharing
funds. He pointed out that this act pulls all of the man-
power programs into a single consortium-run program.
Mayor Hogan extended an invitation to the Suburban Mayors
Association meeting in Renton on Wednesday, February 6, at
the Hungry Wolf at 6:30 p.m.
EDA. The Mayor noted that she and the Finance Director
had attended a Central Puget Sound Economic Development
District Meeting and had been told that EDA would again
be funded, and the City was encouraged to submit EDA pro-
PSGC. Mayor Hogan noted that on February 14 the PSGC
meeting will be held in the Kent City Hall relating to a
balanced community proposal for housing.
Urban Allocation Board. Mayor Hogan noted that the first
meeting of the Urban Allocation Board will be held on
February 13, and that she would attend as a representative
of the Suburban Mayors Association.
CENSUS JUST MOVED that the Administration notify the State Census
Board that Kent will not take a census in 1974, Kitto
seconded, motion carried.
CHAMBER A letter was read from Hal Cline, President of the Kent
OF COMMERCE Chamber of Commerce, requesting that the Council give
consideration to the following items:
1) Urging development of vacated portions of property
between Smith and Meeker Streets, adjacent to
Railroad Avenue, by the City and also the property
directly across from the Burlington Northern station
on Gowe Street.
2) Recommending enforcement of the City's sign
ordinance as enacted in 1973.
3) Recommending codification of City ordinances and
pointing out that it has been six years since
this has been done.
MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Kitto seconded.
Mayor Hogan commented that the Burlington Northern
Railroad has been contacted again, and that a meeting
to discuss a linear park and parking in the areas
mentioned was to be held February 6, 1974. Harris
commented that the Chamber of Commerce has never
asked the Planning Department about what is being
done about signs. He noted that a program is being
developed to enforce the new Zoning Code sign section
covering abandoned signs. Winkle noted that the
matter of codification, and alternatives, was under
consideration. He pointed out that it had been less
than three years, not six years, since the last
update of the Code Book.
ELECTION The Mayor reminded everyone to vote in the school
election to be held Tuesday, February 5, 1974.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jensen
Mayor Hogan City Clerk