HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/21/1974 Kent, Washington January 21, 1974 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons: Baff aro, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Harris. Also present: Finance Director Winkle, Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commission member Long. MASTERS MOVED to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 7, 1974, as printed, McCaughan seconded, motion carried. VISITORS The Mayor welcomed a Girl Scout Cadet Tkoop and their leader, Mr. Fritz Gilbreath, to the meeting. COUNCIL MASTERS MOVED to nominate Councilman Kitto Mayor Pro-Tem/Council President, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. JUST MOVED to direct the Clerk to cast a unanimous ballot for Councilman Kitto, Masters seconded, motion carried. It was noted that under Resolution No. 716 the Council President should determine the number of committees and the membership of each. Kitto appointed Just, Storment and McCaughan to the temporary Finance Com- mittee so that bills may be reviewed on January 25 , 1974. Kitto noted that committee assignments will be made at the next Council meeting. The administration has suggested that the Mayor and other employees make reports regarding meetings which they have attended. Mayor Hogan noted that copies of the Metro agenda and minutes of Metro and Puget Sound Governmental Conference meetings were on file for perusal by the Council. Upon Storment's question Street noted that the time for the Council meetings would be discussed at the next workshop session. HEALTH & LID 273 S. 228th Water & Sewer. A public hearing SANITATION is scheduled for this meeting on the final roll for LID 273 . Public Works Director Ulett described the property, noting that the cost of the completed pro- ject is $225 ,804 for which sewer assessments are $28,565 and water assessments $4,935 . He noted fur- ther that both Federal and State funds were used to finance the project. Street explained that the project would be financed by bonds and that property owners could pay their assessments within the first 30-day period without interest, if they so desired . The Mayor declared the public hearing open. There were no comments from the floor and no correspondence. MASTERS MOVED that the hearing be closed, Just seconded, motion carried. JUST MOVED for the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance adopting the final roll as presented , Kitto seconded , motion carried. Tukwila Pump Plant and Channel. A letter was read from Galen S. Bridge, State Conservationist, United States' Department of Agriculture, calling attention to a public hearing on the Tukwila Pump Plant and Channel to be held on January 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the General Electric Distribution Center at 401 Tukwila Parkway. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and forwarded to the Department of Public Works Engineering Department, Just seconded, motion carried. It was noted that the City will be represented. HEALTH & Metro Council Joint Basin Environment Committee. SANITATION The Mayor noted that the Metro Council 's Joint Basin Environment Committee will meet with RIBCO and a citizens ' advisory committee to discuss the institu- tional arrangements regarding water quality, water resource management and solid waste. STREETS Federal HiahwaV Urban Systems. Mayor Hogan reported that the Federal Highway Urban Systems Fund has been reviewed by Seattle, King County, Metro and the Suburban Mayors Association, all of which have recommended that an Urban Systems Allocation Board be established to set up the criteria for distribu- ting monies in this area. Some of our staff will be asked to assist the Puget Sound Governmental Confer- ence staff in drafting this criteria. POLICE & Civil Service Commission. A letter was read from FIRE Phyllis Mauritsen recommending the appointment of Hal Cline to fill the vacancy on the Civil Service Commission. Mayor Hogan concurred with the recom- mendation. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to confirm the Mayor 's appointment of Hal Cline to fill the vacancy on the Civil Service Commission, Just seconded, motion carried. Aid Unit. A letter was read from Terry Peterson responding to a recent letter that appeared in the Kent News-Journal regarding the Kent Aid Units, and requesting the support of the City for the Kent Aid personnel and their services. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Kitto seconded , motion carried. WATER Liquid Air Corporation. It was noted that Liquid Air Corporation has completed installation of a waterline in South 222nd Street in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Public Works. JUST MOVED that a Bill of Sale for the waterline in S. 222nd be accepted, that the cash bond guarantee- ing this construction' be released with the provision that an acceptable one-year warranty bond on workmanship be provided, Storment seconded , motion carried. TRAFFIC Upon the recommendation of the Engineering Department, CONTROL KITTO MOVED that parking be prohibited on 6th Avenue from Meeker to Gowe and on Gowe from 6th Avenue to a point 230 feet west of the center line of 5th Avenue, Just seconded, motion carried. KENTWOOD Stuart Wattles Short' Plat. It was noted that a INDUSTRIAL public hearing has been scheduled for this meeting PARK on an appeal of the short plat committee 's decision requesting a dedication of 12 feet of right-of-way along East Valley Highway from Stuart Wattles of Kentwood Industrial Park. The matter was discussed fully at the last work session and it is the recom- mendation of the administration that the dedication be required on all plats along East Valley Highway or West Valley Highway. The Mayor opened the public hearing. Stuart Wattles stated from the audience that he had nothing further to add on the matter as it had been covered in the workshop session. There was no correspondence . on the matter and Councilman BAFFARO MOVED that the public hearing be closed, Just seconded, motion carried. BAFFARO MOVED that Resolution SPC 73-1 be approved as adopted by the Short Plat Committee, Storment seconded. Kitto commented that he had considered the matter carefully and would vote in the applicant 's favor. Upon Master 's question, Street explained that arterial streets benefit the adjacent property owners when a fifth lane is provided for left turns. He further KENTWOOD pointed out that both industrial and commercial INDUSTRIAL properties need left turn lanes, and that the lack PARK of a fifth lane would result in traffic congestion. Upon Baff aro 's query, Street pointed out that there has been very little platting done in the Valley but that in the past the City has required additional rights of way. He noted that this is the City's first "short plat" under the new State law, but that two more similar short plats will be coming before the Council soon. Motion carried, with Kitto voting nay. PARKS & Mill Creek Settling Basin. The King County Public RECREATION Works Department has completed construction of the Mill Creek Settling Basin, for which Kent 's estimated share was $25 ,000. It was noted that the City now owes King County $22, 019.82 for the construction portion of thisproject. This would leave $2, 980.18 to be spent by the Kent Parks Department for lands- caping. KITTO MOVED to approve the bill from King County Public Works for $22,019 .82 and the contract accepted as complete, Just seconded . Upon Kitto 's query, Street explained that the $25 ,000 estimate, approved on August 6, 1973, to be paid from Revenue Sharing Funds, included the landscaping as a part of the project. Motion carried. Garrison Creek Park. In accordance with the recom- mendations of the Park Department, BAFFARO MOVED to accept as complete the contract with Sun Up Construc- tion Company for construction of the Garrison Creek Park, Kitto seconded, motion carried. It was noted that this does not include the contract with Cohan Construction for surfacing, which is not acceptable at the present time. FINANCE Combined LID 262/LID 274 Bond Issue. A letter was read from James Gay, bond counsel, regarding the combined LID 262/274 bonds . The City Attorney in- troduced Ordinance No. 1857 establishing the con- solidated local improvement districts and further providing for the issuance and sale of LID 262/274 bonds. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Kitto seconded, motion carried. KITTO MOVED to adopt Ord. 1857, McCaughan seconded , motion carried . KENT VALLEY Preliminary Plat. It was noted that the Planning INDUSTRIAL Commission hearing on the Kent Valley Industrial PARK preliminary plat had been held over, and therefore Corrected Refer to the Council will set the date for the Council Minutes of 24-74 hearing on this matter after the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing. PLANNING A letter was read from Carlos V. Bilbao asking that COMMISSION he be considered as a possible candiate to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be forwarded to the Planning Department, Just seconded, motion carried . BUILDING Demolition Bond. It was noted that the Building DEPARTMENT Inspection Department has approved release of the bond of D.E. Hellickson in the amount of $200 , less. that portion paid to Frank 's House Wrecking of $100.78. JUST MOVED to release the bond of D.E. Hellickson in accordance with the stated terms aobve, Storment seconded , motion carried. MOUNTAIN It was noted that the developer of Mountain View VIEW Estates has prepared the final plat in accordance ESTATES with the directions of the Council and has made application for approval. KITTO MOVED to set the public meeting for February 4 to consider the final MOUNTAIN plat of Mountain View Estates in accordance with VIEW Subdivision Regulations, McCaughan seconded. It ESTATES was __noted that recommendations of the necessary City departments will be presented at that time. Motion carried. OPEN It was noted that on November 2, 1970 , .a fee of SPACE $50 was set for the processing of applications and PERMITS conducting the necessary public hearing and provid- ing necessary advertisements for Open Space permits. The State Legislature has recently directed that the maximum fee shall be $30. KITTO MOVED that the fee charged for Open Space applications shall be $30, Storment seconded, motion carried. GASOLINE Street advised that he had received notice late this afternoon that Standard Oil will no longer be supplying the City 's gas. We will be dealing with Shell Oil , as they were our supplier in 1972. He pointed out that the gas price will be increased by 3�_ per gallon, and that a letter was expected soon covering this change. BIDS Blueprint Machine. The following bids were received to furnish a blueprint machine: Incl . Tax, Freight & Trade-in Charles Bruning Co. $2,410.53 Dietzgen Company 3 ,198.18 G.A.F. 3,013.00 It was noted that the budgeted amount is $3 ,000 . KITTO MOVED to accept the best bid of Charles Bruning Company, Just seconded, motion carried. ALCOHOLISM A letter was read from County Executive John Spellman PROGRAM giving notice of the creation of a new 15-member Alcoholism Administrative Board and asking Mayor Hogan to serve as a member. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Kitto seconded. Street noted that the Board would- evaluate and eliminate duplication of alcoholism treatment projects and suggested that an elected official of the City be named as an alternate. Masters stated that she could possibly serve as an alternate if meetings were held in downtown Seattle. Just stated that in the event the Mayor is unable to attend a meeting, Kitto, as Mayor Pro-Tem, should attend, or assign another councilperson. Motion carried . KENT-KAIBARA Allen Dorband, President of the Kent-Kaibara Town AFFILIATION Affiliation Committee made a brief statement on behalf of the Committee as to the last year 's progress and the plans for the coming year. He noted that as part of the cultural exchange program Sandra O'Keefe is presently in Japan representing the City as an exchange student and introduced Kazuhiro Shiumi, the exchange student from Japan who is currently here in Kent. He also introduced Darla Dodson, a student at Kent-Meridian High School, who will be the next exchange student to Japan. He further pointed out that if the City decides to go ahead with plans for a Japanese garden at the Mill Creek' Park site, the Committee would be willing to give their support. FLOOD Street advised that the Planning Department has been CONTROL working on a plan for flood control insurance and that it was necessary that a plan be adopted in order to be able to receive Federal funds. SHORELINE McCAUGHAN thanked the Citizens Committee for the many MASTER hours of work on the program and MOVED to accept the PROGRAM Kent Shoreline Master Program with the Kitto amendments SHORELINE as stated in his memo dated January 17 and that it be MASTER forwarded to the Department of Ecology, and that every PROGRAM effort will be made to implement the acquisition of property in accordance with the prudent operation of the City, Masters seconded . Ray McConnell stated from the audience that the Committee is opposed to the changes as suggested by Kitto. Upon Baff aro 's query, Masters clarified that the program is to be forwarded as a complete plan , with changes to be made in the text to reflect Kitt&s; recommendations. John Mercer, represent- ing "Green for Tomorrow" stated that his organization had been working with the Advisory Committee on this matter, and pointed out that the Shoreline Management Act makes extensive use of the word "shall , " which he thoughtgave more strength to the document than "should. " Masters noted that the public hearing had already been completed and the Council was now to make their decision as to whether the document should be changed before it is forwarded to the Department of Ecology. Mayor Hogan suggested that any comments from the audience be kept as brief as possible. A lady from the audience commented that often the general public doesn't attend citizen committee meetings unless they have vested interest in property -which was to be affected by the particular project. Masters commented that the Advisory Committee had done a tremendous job on the project and that the Council must also consider the economics of the program. It was further noted that after the plan is reviewed by the Department of Ecology, it will be returned to the City with comments and then adopted by the City. At the time of adoption, the Finance Department could . be directed to prepare a forecase of acquisition and expenditures. Motion carried, with Baff aro voting nay. Kitto 's amendments, which have been made a part of the record, are as follows : (Underlined words indicate those words changed from the original text) Page 3-3 Objective 1 , Policy 1 : The City and/or other government agencies when feasible shall acquire and develop property to provide public access to the water 's edge at a minimum of -one access point per mile (six per side,) . Page 3-3 Objective 1 , Policy 5 : Access points should be developed for diversified recreational use. Page 3-4, Objective 3, Policy 1 : The City and/or other government agencies when feasible shall acquire and develop property to provide a minimum of two river level access areas by dike set backs. Page 3-4, Objective 1, Policy 1: The City shall assist in facilitating accessby public transportation to recreation areas on the shoreline. Page 3-5 , Objective 4, Policy 1 : The City shall develop and implement in an orderly manner a plan of acquisition, lease, and donation of land for trails. Page 3-5 , Objective 4, Policy 3 : The trail system should have connections to other trails in the region. SHORELINE Paste 3-5 , Objective 4, Policy 4: MASTER PROGRAM Access points to and along the shorelines should be linked by a system of trails. Paste 3-6, Objective 4, Policy 7: Provide trail system bridges where needed and when feasible. Page 3-6, Objective 1, Policy 3 : It will be a policy of the City that- a minimum of 25% of the river 's edge be made available for public recreation. This may include City, County, State and privately owned recreational facilities open to the public. Page 3-7, Objective_ 3_,_ Policy: The City when feasible shall acquire property and shall encourage the State Game Department to ac- quire property to provide fishing areas and accesses. Page 3-9, Objective 1: Preserve and restore the remaining natural resources of the shoreline such as wildlife habitats , fishery resources, . beaches, natural vegetation, and other fragile elements when feasible. Page 3-11 , Objective 2 , Policy 2 : Access to historic and cultural sites should be made available to the general public. Page 5-16: 9. When maintenance is required for existing bulkhead embankments or fills. Page 5-20, Line 4: New rail lines shall be prohibited within the shoreline area. Page 5-12, No. 1 (and all other places) : 1. It does not include an over-water structure unless it is clearly demonstrated that such a structure is necessary to protect or pro- mote the public interest. (deletion) SEATTLE A letter was read from Avery Garrett, "Host Mayor, " KING COUNTY City of Renton, urging attendance by City officials CONVENTION and Department heads at a breakfast meeting sponsored by the Seattle/King County Convention and Visitors Bureau on Friday, January 25 , 7 a.m. at the Renton Sheraton Inn. It was noted that the meeting was designed to bring people together who would be able to encourage conventions coming to King County. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, Just seconded. It was noted by Mayor Hogan that she is planning to attend the meeting. Motion carried. STATE The Mayor noted that she had received a notice from LAND Al Williams, Chairman of the State Government Com- PLANNING mittee, advising that the State Land Planning Act ACT would be reviewed this week for public comment. She pointed out that a Metro committee has been studying this and has made recommendations to the State Land Planning Commission, some of which have STATE have been incorporated into substitute bill 791, now LAND being reviewed . She noted further that both PSGC and PLANNING AWC had also made recommendations and that AWC planned ACT to speak at the public hearings this week. It was pointed out that the Mayor has been studying the State Land Planning Act while serving on the review committees of the PSGC, Metro and for the City of Kent. PROCLAMATION Mayor Hogan proclaimed February, 1974 as Heart Month and called upon citizens to give their support and gifts to this worthy cause. HOLIDAY,: It was noted that Monday, February 18, 1974 is a legal holiday. 'KITTO MOVED that the second council meeting for February be held on Tuesday, February 19. McCaughan seconded, motion carried. FINANCE JUST MOVED to pay bills received on or before January 20, 1974 after approval of the Finance Committee at their 8 a.m, meeting on January 25 , 1974, Kitto seconded, motion carried . Claims approved by the Finance Committee at their meeting at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, January 11, 1974 are as follows : Current Expense $ 20 ,923.94 Parks & Recreation 6, 730.55 Library 15 .96 City Streets 1 ,595 .84 Federal Shared Revenue 334. 71 Library Construction 25 ,128:01- City Hall Construction 214.48 212th Ph 3 Construction 269. 72 East Valley Construction 1 , 625 .01 Gowe Street - West 2,060 .00 Canyon Drive 6,141. 79 West Valley/Meeker 122.60 Gowe Street - East 88.98 Linda Hts. Sewer Imprv. 1, 694.37 S. 228th Water & Sewer 11 , 616.57 Equipment Rental 729. 24 Fire R & P 1, 219.27 Leff Disability 739.26 Sewer 5 , 224.23 Water 16, 630. 38 Garbage 322.03 $103,436.94 Interest Bearing Warrants EVH - Willis to Gr Rvr Hill , Ingman & Chase $___._.___99-,-89 Hill, Ingman & Chase 1 , 526.85 $ 1, 626. 74 Meeting adjourned: 9 !00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Je sen Mayor Hogan City Clerk