HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/03/1973 Kent, Washington December 3, 1973 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, -Councilpersons: Baffaro, Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell , Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Harris, Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Parks Director Wilson, Assistant Fire Chief Freelove, City Treasurer Margaret Drotz, Assistant Fire Chief Bryant, Fire Chief Foster, Street Superintendent Hughes , Assistant City Engineer Wickstrom, Planning Commissioner Long. The Mayor advised that certification has been received for Councilperson Billie Johnson. The City Clerk administered the oath of office to Mrs. Johnson who then took her place as a member of the Council for the remainder of the meeting, replacing Alex Thornton. JUST MOVED to approve the minutes of November 19 , 1973 , with the following correction on page 2: "JUST MOVED to adopt Resolution #751 setting the date of hearing as December 17, 1973 on Central Pre-Mix Concrete 's petition for the vacation of South 208, South 209 and South 210 Streets. Martell seconded. Motion carried. " It was noted that the public hearing date was set by motion instead of by the required resolution. Elliott seconded, motion carried. BAFFARO MOVED to approve the minutes of the special meeting of November 29, 1973 , Elliott seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & EPA Grants. MARTELL MOVED to approve Resolution #752, SANITATION authorizing the Mayor to accept EPA Grant offers for the following: '— a) 100th Ave. Sanitary Sewer Interceptor CORRECTED • REFER TO b) Kent-Des Moines Sanitary Sewer Interceptor MINUTES OF c) Garrison Creek Phase II Sanitary Sewer Interceptor d) Linda Heights Pump Station Improvement, which items are a part of the 1974 City Budget, Just seconded, motion carried. Hearings. ELLIOTT MOVED that a hearing date be set for January 7, 1974 for public hearings on the environmental impact statements for the following projects : a) 100th Ave. Sanitary Sewer Interceptor b) Kent-Des Moines Sanitary Sewer Interceptor c) Linda Heights Pump Station Improvements Masters seconded, motion carried. STREETS Traffic Control . A letter was read from Hal Cline, Presi- dent of the Kent Chamber of Commerce, requesting restric- tion of parking on Gowe Street on the curve. A letter was also read from James P. Curran suggesting that parking be eliminated entirely from Gowe Street. MARTELL MOVED to accept the letters, Masters seconded.. Street reported that he would bring back the Traffic Engineer's plan. Motion carried . WATER Clark Springs Well Drilling. It was noted that in the Spring of 1968 a contract for drilling wells at Clark Springs, was completed, but that notice of acceptance of the contract by the Council was not reflected in the minutes. MARTELL MOVED to note that the contract with Richardson Well Drilling Company for well drilling at Clark Springs, Phase IV, EDA project #07-1-00099 , was accepted as complete about March 4, 1968, Masters seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Borden Co. BAFFARO MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign RECREATION an agreement with the Borden Chemical Company for a lease of a portion of Borden .property as a playfield, Masters seconded, motion carried. Baff aro noted that Guy Renfro of the Snohomish Track Club had requested permission of the Police Department to hold a foot race on Saturday, December 22, which would make necessary the closing of one lane of South 212th Street from 42nd Avenue South to the Russell Road. He moved for the Police Department to handle the matter, Just seconded. Barney Wilson commented that this request should have been made to the Parks Depart- ment since it constitutes a recreation program. The City Attorney pointed out that we will require a Hold Harmless agreement. Motion carried. SUBDIVISION The Mayor opened the public hearing on the proposed ORDINANCE amendments to the Subdivision Code. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 20, 1973 and it was explained that the amendment was necessary because a page had been inadvertently omitted from the original document. The Engineering Department has suggested minor changes relating to certain survey and certification requirements. The Planning Commission has recommended that these be included in the proposed amendment. There were no comments from the audience.,and ELLIOTT MOVED that the hearing be closed, Just seconded, motion carried. ELLIOTT MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an amendment to the Subdivision Code in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Commission, Kitto seconded, motion carried. BENAROYA A letter was read from Jerome L. Hillis, representing the CONDITIONAL Jack A. Benaroya Company, appealing the action of the USE PERMIT Planning Commission in denying their conditional use . APPEAL permit application for a restaurant at the Kent'Benaroya Industrial Park. It was noted by Mr. Hillis that the purpose of the restaurant is to provide convenient food---- service to the over 1, 252 employees of Benaroya Industrial Park and adjacent areas. MASTERS MOVED that a hearing be set for December 17 on the matter, Elliott seconded. MASTERS MOVED that the matter be discussed at the workshop on December 10, Elliott seconded. The Clerk was directed to contact Mr. Hillis to advise him of the workshop and public hearing date. Motion carried. TRANSPORTATION X',let<t:er was read from the Kent Chamber of Commerce regarding the 1990 Regional Transportation System, and suggesting that future road construction priorities be discussed at a council workshop. MASTERS MOVED to note receipt of the letter, Martell seconded. Motion carried. It was noted that the matter has already been scheduled for the workshop on Monday, December 10, 1973. PROPERTY The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1847, amending DAMAGE Ordinance No. 618 by increasing the reward for informa- REWARD tion leading to the arrest and conviction of any person found guilty of damaging public property, Masters seconded, Corrected-Referto Minutes of .121 motion carried. AWC The City Clerk noted receipt of a letter from the Associa- RETIREMENT tion of Washington Cities , announcing the retirement of Floyd M. Jennings, and of a dinner to be held in his honor on Friday, December 14, 7 p.m. , at the Olympic Hotel. Information regarding reservations may be obtained from the City Clerk. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, Kitto seconded, motion carried. HISTORICAL A letter was read from Charles H. Odegaard , Executive LANDMARK Director of the Washington State Advisory Council on HISTORICAL Historic Preservation regarding the placement of the LANDMARK Downey Hop Barn located at' Russell .Road, south of Meeker, and west of P.D.&J. Packing Company on Frager �Road, in the Nationaland/or Washington State Register of Historic Sites. MASTERS MOVED that the matter be referred to the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission for their in- formation and action and to Mr. Shoff, the City's historian, Kitto seconded. It was noted by the Mayor that the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission is already aware of the matter. Motion carried. FINANCE ELLIOTT MOVED to pay bills received on or before December 7, 1973 after approval of the Finance Committee which will meet immediately following the Council Meeting on December 17. Martell seconded, motion carried . ZONING CODE It was noted that the City Attorney has prepared an AMENDMENT amendment to the Zoning Code in accordance with the directions of the Council. The City Attorney stated that a new section will be added to the Zoning Code, Section 3.12.4(2 ) , as follows: "Section 3.12.4(2) Light manufacturing operations in any building regardless of size built prior to June 4, 1973. Provided, however, that in the event it should become necessary to rebuild or replace any such building, then, in that event, the light manufacturing operations permitted under this Section shall not encompass an area greater than the size of said building on June 4, 1973. " KITTO MOVED to approve the amendment, Masters seconded. Ed J. McDermott stated from the audience that he owned property in the Horseshoe Acres area zoned C-M, and he objected to the 10,000 square foot limitation for light manufacturing. Roy Hunter Stated that many owners in the area had 5-acre tracts, and that the size of a building should not be limited on a piece of property that large. The .City Attorney explained that both the Planning Commission and the Council had held .numerous public hearings before passing the Zoning Code containing the 10,000 square foot limitation for light manufacturing. He pointed out that their objections were to the restrictions contained in the Zoning Code itself and had nothing to do with the proposed amendment. Upon Hunter 's question, Mirk clarified that under the present code light manufacturing was a permitted outright use in the C-M zone for 10, 000 square feet of any existing building, and if the building was larger than that, the remaining area could be used for any other purposes per- mitted under C-M. He pointed out that several larger buildings in the area, such as Canyon Center, could , under this proposed amendment, under a conditional use permit, devote more than 10,000 square feet to light manufacturing. Upon further questions, Mirk explained that a new building, constructed after June 4, 1973, could only devote 10,000 square feet to light manufacturing, the rest would have to be designated as other C-M uses. Upon Just 's question, Harris pointed out that you may not add to an existing building. Just stated that we are being concerned only with those who have invested in buildings, leaving out those who invested in land in this area before the new Code was passed. Just stated that he disagreed with Harris ' statement that the area would be principally commercial. Motion carried, with Just voting nay. KVIP It was noted that the Planning Commission held a public PRELIMINARY hearing on October 16 to consider the preliminary plat of KVIP , and PLAT u::_ KV I P y PRELIMINARY that the Council public hearing is scheduled for this Planning PLAT meeting. Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing. g Director Harris described the area on a map, and noted that the Planning Commission had recommended that the preliminary plat be accepted subject to certain recommenda- tions made by the Planning Commission and subject also to conditions outlined by the Engineering Department, as follows : Conditions . 1) Cul-de-sacs on North Second and North Sixth shall have a fifty (50 ) foot radius right-of-way. 2) City easements shall not be reserved within the same area as railroad easements except for existing crossings. 3 ) Submit a plan that reflects existing buildings and railroad tracts that are within the limits of referenced plat. 4) Submit sepias of detailed plans of existing street and utility improvements prior to final approval of the final plat. 5 ) All additional street and utility improvements shall be, constructed in accordance with City of Kent Construction Standards (Ordinance #1142) and all additional specifications shall be in accord- ance with the American Public Works Standards (Ordinance #1672) . 6) An eight inch water line shall be extended from the south end of Second Avenue south to northerly margin of existing railroad easement; south westerly to a point south of the center line of North Sixth Avenue; north to existing eight (8) inch water line in north Sixth Avenue at no cost to the City of Kent. Recommendations : 1 ) Dedicate a sixty (60 ) foot right-of-way from North Fourth Avenue to North Sixth Avenue due to the length of North Sixth Avenue cul-de-sac (1870 ' long) and improve same. 2 ) Reduce proposed dedication of North Fourth Avenue north of South 228th Street to .eighty (80) feet in width,. 3 ) Use appropriate terminology upon the final plat that will insure the City of Kent's easement rights over that of the plattors. 4) Plattor commence proceedings to vacate North Second Avenue lying north of South 228th Street. 5 ) Platto.r commence proceedings to remove slope easements that affect lots 6 and 23 . Harris noted that an Environmental Impact Statement would not be necessary because an Impact Assessment had been filed, and an Environmental Impact Statement was done for. the Zoning Code recently. The Clerk read a letter dated October 22, 1973, writ- ten by Peter Van Giesen of Wilsey & Ham which was presented at this time, stating the applicant 's posi- tion. It was determined that copies of the letter had been presented .at a Council workshop early in November. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to have it made a part of the record, Martell seconded, motion carried. Van Giesen noted that after the letter was written he had contacted the Fire Chief and the Director of Public Works about the proposed cross . connection between North • 4th Avenue and North 6th, and they had come to the con- clusion that perhaps a 10 to 15 foot wide paved fire lane with collapsible barriers at each end would be appropriate, and would eliminate the need for an addi- tional intersection on 4th Avenue. He noted that they would work with the Fire Department on this matter. KVIP Van Giesen noted that there may be a problem with the PRELIMINARY right of way for the cul de sac in the National Can PLAT Company area on North 2nd , as the property is owned by Overmyer. He pointed out that there would be no problems in extending the North 6th cul de sac. He noted that the applicant concurs with the other recommendations and was prepared to adhere to City policy and to the Subdivision Code. Upon Master 's query, Van Giesen pointed out on the map the location of the easements which had been requested by the Engineering Department. In answer to Kitto 's question, Van Giesen pointed out that Recommendation #2 regarding North 4th Avenue had been resolved . Ulett concurred that Recommendation #1 would resolve the problem of getting a fire truck to the area. Assistant Fire Chief Freelove approved the fire lane and asked the size of the turnaround. Van Giesen reported it to be 38 feet, noting that additional right of way would be available. It was determined that emergency vehicles could make Use of set-back areas for turnarounds when possible. Martell opened discussion on the best place for the fire lane between North 4th and 6th Avenues, and it was determined that it was proposed to be located in the same place as the sewer easement, so as to provide dual use of the easement. This was deemed to be the most practical place, although Freelove noted that it would be better to have it further South, just North of General Electric. Mr. Rokes pointed out that a separate road for a fire lane would be expensive and pointed out on the map that the southerly location could involve lead or spur track crossings, which might cause a fire lane to be blocked on occasion. There were no further comments and BAFFARO MOVED to close the hearing. Masters seconded, motion carried. Ulett noted that the water line benefited only this property, and that hydrant ordinance requirements would have to be met before building permits were issued. JUST MOVED to accept the Conditions and Requirements as outlined, with these changes : 1 ) That the 15 foot paved fire lane between North 4th and North 6th Avenue be accepted in lieu of the 60 foot right-of-way. 2) That the water lines be put in in accordance with their proposal , to include in the covenants that the property owners would be responsible for installing the lines. 3 ) That the City would accept that 2nd Avenue would not be continued North of South 228th. Kitto seconded, and the motion carried . BUDGET Union Contracts. It was noted that a contract has been negotiated with Teamsters Local Union 910 . The basis is that which is in the 1974 budget, and includes a pay raise of 51-2% and a fringe benefit of $6 per month payment toward medical insurance for dependents. It also in- cludes the furnishing of necessary safety clothing as required by the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign said contract, Kitto seconded, motion carried. A similar contract has been negotiated with the Firefighters Local Union 1747. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign said contract, Kitto seconded,. motion carried. Employee Insurance. It was noted that the Administrator has received through Richard Evans, the City's designated broker, a proposal to furnish health and accident insurance BUDGET and that the best coverage available for the least amount of premium is through Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Washington. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign a health and accident insurance contract with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Washington, Kitto1. s6c6nded, motion carried. Budget. Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing on the Budget for 1974. Copies of the adjustments to the preliminary budget were distributed, and the new total was noted to be $13, 845 , 600 . Street stated that he had received notice that asphalt prices had risen sharply, which would affect vaious street projects which were not yet under contract. He reviewed the proposed budget for each department. Upon Elliott 's question, it was pointed out that the $10,500 budgeted for an assistant planner actually covered the planner for a half year only, with the remainder to be used for part-time help. Elliott noted that the Police budget showed only one new officer and that priority had been given to hiring two new officers and that the additional officer was to be included. Upon Kitto's question, Street explained that street projects had been eliminated as follows : 1 ) S. 212th St. , east of the Green River Bridge 2) S . 212th St. , west, which was refinished this year 3) $1200 for E. Gowe, east of Central Avenue 4) Slurry Seal application in three locations 5 ) Asphalting of South 216th between 42nd Avenue S. and Frager Road. Upon Just 's question, Winkle explained that the provision for $5 per hour for a maintenance man was on a contractual basis, for a part-time man who furnished his own equipment. It was noted that the department totals did not include the 5�j/ salary increases, or certain fringe benefits, and that these would be transferred from the contingency fund to the individual departments. There were no further comments and ELLIOTT MOVED to close the budget hearing, noting that the Finance Committee would meet at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, December 11, to discuss priorities for Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. He pointed out that a list of these priorities will be avilable for the continued hearing on Revenue Sharing Funds on December 17. Just seconded, motion carried. ELLIOTT MOVED that the preliminary budget be adopted as corrected, Kitto seconded , motion carried.. MEETING ADJOURNED: 10 :45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen Mayor Hogan City Clerk