HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/19/1973 Kent, Washington November 19 , 1973 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott, Just, Kitto, Mar- tell , Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Harris, Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commissioner Long. Masters moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 5 as printed, Elliott seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & Flood Control - Cedar River. A meeting notice was read SANITATION from the Seattle District, Army Corps of Engineers, re- garding the Cedar River Flood Damage Reduction Study, announcing a Public Workshop to be held on November 20, 1973 , at 7:30 p.m. at the Maplewood Golf and Country Club, Maplewood, Washington. MASTERS MOVED to acknow- ledge receipt of the letter and for it to be made a part of the record , Elliott seconded, motion carried. Canyon Drive Sewer Outfall Project. Upon the recommenda- tion of the Utilities Committee, MARTELL MOVED to approve Change Order #2 in the amount of $849 .40 as requested by Bert Robison Construction Co. on the Canyon Drive Storm Sewer Outfall project. It was noted that the Change Order was necessitated by the lack of an easement when the contractor was building the lines and for repair of damages to one of the lines caused by drainage from the street. Thornton seconded, motion carried. Martell also noted that the contract is now complete and ready for acceptance. Ulett pointed out that the con- tract price was $62,557.11 and that the project estimate was $67,450 .00. MARTELL MOVED that the Bert Robison contract be accepted as complete, Just seconded, motion carried. STREETS LID 262. MARTELL MOVED to approve Change Order #3 for the L.D.L. Land Development Company contract for the West Gowe Street project, to change the traffic island at West Meeker and Sixth Avenue. He pointed out that the modification would allow Meeker to handle one-way or two-way traffic, and that there was no money involved. Elliott seconded, motion carried. Proposed LID - 4th Avenue. A letter was read from Sun- Mark withdrawing their request for the formation of an LID to improve 4th Avenue from S . 212th to S . 228th. MARTELL MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the letter and for the request to be accepted , Elliott seconded, motion carried. Vacation. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1845 , providing for the vacation of a portion of Washington Avenue between Cloudy and Cole Streets. ELLIOTT MOVED for pas- sage of the ordinance, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. .r. CORRECTED • AG�G�1 10 Vacation. JUST MOVED that a public hearing be set for December 17, 1973 on Central Pre-Mix Concrete 's petition MINUTES OF L.: ��..._ for the vacation of S . 208, S. 209 and S. 210 Streets, Martell seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Off-Street Parking Refund - Dragness. It was noted that at the last work session a letter was read from James Gooding representing George Dragness requesting the return of $1800 which Mr. Dragness had paid towards off-street parking, in lieu of developing parking facilities as required by the Zoning Ordinance then in effect. BAFFARO MOVED that a refund be made to George Dragness in the full amount of $1800, Elliott seconded. Street noted that Mr. Dragness was the only one who had paid into the fund and that part of the money had been used, by council action, for the municipal parking lot LID, and that the amount re- maining in the fund now totaled $1 ,026.17, including interest. Upon questions from the council, Street noted that the City could use this money only for off=street parking projects. He noted that use of other City funds for this refund would be questionable. The City Attorney clarified that Gooding had noted that the ordinance is no longer in effect, that Dragness was the only one who had paid into the fund , and that Dragness received no special benefits from!-.the off- street parking LID. Upon Elliott 's question, Mirk noted that since it is the intention of the council to declare that the fund no longer exists, the amount remaining could be legally refunded to Dragness without complications. Baff aro withdrew his motion and Elliott withdrew the second. BAFFARO MOVED that a refund to George Dragness be approved providing that the refund not be greater than that within the fund, Elliott seconded, motion carried, with Martell voting nay. WATER Comprehensive Water Report, 1972. A letter was read from Robert E. Leaver, Planning Engineer of the State Social and Health Services, advising that the City 's Comprehensive Water Report, 1972, submitted in October, 1972, has been reviewed and approved. MASTERS MOVED to note receipt of the letter and for it to be made a part of the record, Elliott seconded, motion carried. POLICE & A letter was read from City Transfer of Kent, Inc. commend- FIRE ing the Police and Fire Departments, and Chief Randall in particular, for their handling of the ditch cave-in near Pay N'Pak on November 13, 1973 . MASTERS MOVED to note receipt of the letter and for it to be made a part of the record, Elliott seconded, motion carried. _ PARKS Senior Center. BAFFARO MOVED to approve the application for a grant for a transportation and outreach project for the Senior Citizens Program, Martell seconded, motion carried. BAFFARO MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign a peti- tion for a ULID for the Des Moines Sewer District, which will affect the Midway Park area, Elliott seconded, motion carried. YORKSHIRE Upon the recommendation of the City Engineer, MARTELL PLAT MOVED to accept a Bill of Sale for all utilities and street improvements in the Yorkshire South plat, Masters seconded, motion carried. LICENSES Firearms. It was noted that at the last work session a discussion was held regarding the request of Mr. Dave Dunning to amend the city ordinance regarding the discharge of firearms within the city limits in order for him to operate a gun club. The City Administrator has recommended that no changes be made in the city ordinance regarding hunting within the city limits. JUST MOVED to accept the recommendations of the Administrator,. Martell seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Sale of Property. ELLIOTT MOVED that the council approve the sale of a portion of sewer property at S. 212th Street to King County for dog pound purposes for $36,900 .00. Martell seconded and noted that this parcel consisted of approximately 1 .8 acres, motion carried. KVIP It was noted that the Sun-Mark Corporation has requested PRELIMINARY permission to submit further information regarding the PLAT KVIP plat, for which a public hearing was held on October 16, 1973 , by the Planning Commission. KITTO MOVED that a public hearing before the council on the KVIP preliminary plat be held on December 3, 1973, Just seconded, motion carried. TAX LEVY Joe Street noted that the City is not in agreement with the assessed valuation figures received from the County Assessor. TAX LEVY He pointed out that a letter was expected from Mr. Hoppe and that the City was compiling building permit figures to present to the County. The tax levy ordinance should be passed by November 29, and Street pointed out that it may be necessary to call a special short council meeting to approve the ordinance, for which proper notification will be given, as required by law. SHORELINE It was announced that the Planning Commission will have MASTER a public hearing at the Kent City Hall on Tuesday, Novem- PROGRAM ber 20 , regarding the Green River Shoreline Master Program. COUNCIL It was noted that Resolution 716 adopted March 20 , 1972, PROCEDURES establishes rules of procedure for meetings of the City Council and that Section 16 reads as follows : !',The President of the Council, who is Mayor Pro Tempore shall be elected by the Council at the first regular meeting of the Council following each general election, and shall be elected for a two year term. Standing committees, their membership and times of meeting shall be decided by the president of the Council. :' Street pointed out that this section is in conflict with State statutes and has suggested that Section 16 be amended to read as follows : "The President of the Council, who is Mayor Pro Tempore, shall be elected by the Council at the second regular meeting of the Council in January on even numbered years, and shall be elected for a two 2 year term. Standing Com- mittees, their membership and times of meeting shall be declared by the President of the Council . " ELLIOTT MOVED to amend Resolution 716 in accordance with Street 's recommendations, Kitto seconded, motion carried. TRANSPORTATION It was noted that there will be a meeting on Tuesday, November 27, at 7: 30 p.m. at Highline High School re- garding the 1990 Transportation Systems Plan. AMERICAN A letter was read from John L. Fournier, Jr. , Vice-Chairman REVOLUTION of Seattle-King County American Revolution Bicentennial BICENTENNIAL Commission noting that a meeting will be held on November COMMISSION 29 at 7 :30 p.m. in the Kent Library. JUST MOVED to con- firm Mayor Hogan's appointment of Mrs. Paul Bailey as the representative from the Kent area, Martell seconded, motion carried . PROCLAMATION Mayor Hogan proclaimed Friday, November 23 , as Kentridge Charger Day in recognition of the Kentridge High School football team. She noted that the team would be playing in Seattle on Friday, November 23, for the State Champion- ship, and encouraged the community to support the team. ZONING CODE Proposed Amendment. It was pointed out that the Zoning Code provides that proposed amendments shall be considered at public hearings before both the Planning Commission and the Council, although state statutes do not require .two hearings. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 16 to consider amending Sec. 3 .12.1 of the Zoning Code to allow light manufacturing uses within buildings which are greater than 10 ,000 square in area as a conditional use in C-M districts, and the Council has scheduled their hearing for this meeting. The Planning Commission has recommended that the proposed amendment be denied. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. A letter was read from Nelco Corporation noting that they are in the process of leasing their building at 930 S . Central to Composite Structures, Inc. and that it is expected that Composite would utilize all of the 16,000 square feet of manufacturing and ware- housing space. The letter pointed out that Nelco has ZONING CODE continuously made full use of this space since 1963, and that although the office in the front of the building is now closed, the back of the building is still being used for manufacturing in conjunction with their new Orting plant. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a part of the record, Elliott seconded, motion carried. There were no comments from the audience, and KITTO MOVED to close the hearing, Elliott seconded, motion carried. KITTO MOVED to accept the staff report from the Planning Department, Masters seconded . Harris explained that the written staff recommendation as submitted was to add a paragraph and he now suggested that the recommendation include the underlined phrase, as follows: "Light manufacturing operations where an existing building structure built prior to the adoption of the Zoning Code encompasses more than 10,000 square feet of area, providing that only existing buildings on 'the' ' property will be used and no new structures will be built unless they replace already existing structures. " Harris explained the reasons for the proposed amendment and Elliott noted that this proposed amendment would cover the non-conforming uses which were created by the Code. Harris agreed, noting:' that the change. in language would make the intent absolutely clear. Kitto and Masters agreed that the underlined phrase would be included in the motion. The City Attorney suggested that the matter be brought before a workshop session, so that the language of the proposed amendment could be presented by Harris and decided upon by the Council before approving a change to the Code. Planning Commission member John Long spoke from the audience stating that what Harris wants to change is how many feet may be used in existing buildings for light manufacturing. He noted that the Commission was in favor of holding down the C-M zone to 10 ,000 square feet of manufacturing area. He pointed out that the Zoning Code states, in part, that the general welfare of the public is superior in importance to the pecuniary profits of the individual, and that the Code may limit the use of properties. The intent of the motion was discussed and it was agreed that the motion will stand as stated and that the matter would be further discussed at the Next workshop session on Monday, November 26. Motion carried. PERSONNEL Betty Gray, new secretary to the City Clerk, was introduced and welcomed by the Mayor and the Council . FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee on November 15 , 1973 are as follows: l Current Expense $ 48,055 . 79 Parks & Recreation 10, 790.85 ,Library 561.15 City Streets 16,141 .62 Park Fwd Thrust Fund 446. 76 Central Business Dist Fund 95 .92 Fed Shared Revenue 1, 303.58 Library Cons Fund 1, 766.79 City Hall Cons Fund 1,108.98 James Street Cons Fund 75 .60 212th Ph 3 Cons 8, 372.06 E Valley Cons Fund 36, 494.51 Canyon Drive Fund 16,963.40 Kent-Des Moines Sewer Inter 362.50 Equipment Rental 10, 749.84 Firemans R/P 2,139.08 Sewer 52, 646.30 Water,. '.04"M� Garbage ,�_-25,999.7' $2451097.39 FINANCE Interest Bearing Warrants EVH - Willis to Gr Rvr Hill , Ingman & Chase $ 1,517.54 City Transfer 154.01 Hill , Ingman & Chase 8,150. 78 K C Clerk 15 , 799 .51 Hill, Ingman & Chase 157.66 City Transfer 349 .17 Prudential Mut Sav Bk 18.37 City Transfer 46,070.63 Prudential Mut Sav Bk 2 ,424.77 City Transfer 950 .95 Prudential Mut Sav Bk . 50.05 City Transfer 14,925 .28 Prudential Mut Sav Bk 785 .54 City Transfer 8, 778.00 Prudential Mut Sav Bk 462.00 City Transfer 711.55 Prudential Mut Sav Bk 37.45 City Transfer 3 , 216.06 Prudential Mut Sav Bk 169 .27 $104,420.57 So. 228th Water & Sewer i,•., �c Co $ 37 , 380.46 MEETADJOURNED: ' 9 :00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen Mayor City Clerk