HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/05/1973 Kent, Washington November 5 , 1973 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baff aro, Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell , Masters and Thornton, City Adm2ni-strator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Harris , Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Parks Director Wilson. Elliott moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 15 as prin- ted, Just seconded , motion carried. HEALTH & It was pointed out that Gall and Landau Construction Co. had SANITATION met with the Utilities Committee to seek permission to connect to the sewer on the west side of 84th Ave. S. for a proposed office building on the east side of 84th Ave. S. at approxi- mately S . 202nd. Ulett reported that at a subsequent meeting with Mrs . Nowatny, owner of property on the east side of 84th Ave. S . , it was determined that Gall and Landau would be able to connect to the sewer on the east side of 84th Ave. S . Proposed LID - Westview Sewer - S. 218th between 94th Ave. & 100th Ave. It was noted that the Utilities Committee has recommended that the Department of Public Works proceed with the forma- tion of an LID and prepare an E .P .A. grant application for any portion of this project that may be eligible for financial assistance. MARTELL MOVED for the Department of Public Works to proceed with the Utilities Committee recommendation, Elliott seconded, motion carried. ZZD 173 - S. 228th Water and Sewer. Upon tYie recommendation of the Utilities Committee, MARTELL moved to approve a change order for L.D.L. to install approximately 650 feet of fence at 90e, per foot in the LID #273 project, Just seconded , motion carried. STREETS Vacation - Washington St. Mayor Hogan opened the public hear- ing on the vacation of Washington Street between Cloudy and Cole Streets. Mr. Gary Volchock, the petitioner, noted that this request is being made to clear the title. There were no further comments from the floor and no correspondence rela- ting to this matter. ELLIOTT MOVED to close the hearing, Kitto seconded, motion carried . MARTELL MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance, Just sec- onded, motion carried. LID 274 S . Central Willis to Gr. Rvr. A letter was read from Hal Bacon of Pay N Pak commending the City of Kent and the contractor, City Transfer, for the efficient manner in which the construction project was'.handled. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to forward a copy to the contractor, Just seconded , motion carried. LID 274 S. Central - Willis to Gr. Rvr. It was noted that the Council, meeting as a committee-of-the-whole on October 22, reviewed both protests received on assessments in LID 274. JUST MOVED that all protests received on the assessments in LID 274 be denied and the roll adopted as presented, Kitto seconded, motion carried, with Thornton abataining. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1843 , confirming the assessment ':"k.611.f6ip ElDe2^4, ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried, with Thornton $b.ataining. LID 262 Gowe St. Imp. The City Attorney introduced Ordi- nance 1844, confirming the assessment roll for LID 262. KITTO MOVED to adopt the ordinance, Elliott seconded , motion carried. LID 251 S. 212th, Ph. I. It was noted that formal acceptance of the S. 212th, Ph. I contract with Scarsella Brothers, Inc. was not reflected in the minutes . MARTELL MOVED to note that the contract with Scarsella Brothers, Inc. for the improvement STREETS of S . 212th, Ph.or abou hlD Augst 21 967 Elott seconded • p3t # 1 oOwted as complete o motion carried. LID 272. Thornton noted that a safety problem existed on the East Valley Hwy. now that the street project has been completed in the north end. He pointed out that since there were no sidewalks , people were walking in the Right- of-Way, and suggested that the City provide a blacktop strip along the curb line. Street noted that the sidewalks had been eliminated from the project in order to reduce the assessments. Kent-Kangley - McDonalds. It was noted that a proposed supplemental agreement has been reviewed by the Utilities Committee wherein the State will install curbs, gutters and sidewalks in front of the McDonald restaurant, con- tingent upon McDonald 's entering into an agreement to reimburse the City in the amount of $7, 720.00 . It was noted. that the City would pay approximately $320.00 as the cost of connecting this work to that which is a part of the joint City=State improvement of the Kent-Kangley Road. MARTELL MOVED for the City Attorney to be directed to prepare the contract and for the Mayor to be authorized to sign same, THORNTON seconded, motion carried. Vacation. A letter was read from Central Pre-Mix Concrete Co. requesting vacation of S . 208, S. 209, and S . 210 streets. MARTELL MOVED to note receipt of the letter and forward it to the Planning Commission in accordance with Ordinance No. 1495 , Just seconded, motion carried . Proposed LID - Improvement of Fourth Avenue from S. 212th to 228th. A letter was read from the Sun-Mark Management Services requesting the formation of an LID to improve Fourth Avenue from S. 212th to S . 228th. JUST MOVED to note receipt of the letter and for the Director of Public Works to have a proper petition prepared. Martell seconded. Elliott and Masters objected to the motion, noting that more details should be discussed and that the exhibit mentioned in the letter should be seen by the Council. Ulett stated that the exhibit was a map which he had in his office. ELLIOTT MOVED to table the motion, Masters seconded, motion carried. It was agreed that the matter should be discussed at the workshop on November 12. WATER Water Franchise. Notification has been received that King County has approved the request of the Water Department for a franchise to construct, maintain, and operate a water system outside the city limits, which would not be in conflict with any water district. MARTELL MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign said franchise, Masters seconded, motion carried. LICENSES Dave Dunning spoke from the audience, requesting an amend- ment to the ordinance regarding discharging of firearms in the City. Mr. Dunning stated that he owned property within the city limits in the S. 212th - Green River area and has leased additional property in order to set up a gun club to shoot game birds. He noted that he discussed this matter with the Police Chief and was told that this was not in com- pliance with the ordinance. He noted that this summer two police officers had investigated the matter and at that time he understood there would be no problem. Upon Master 's query, Dunning pointed out that he has been leasing this property since May. The City Attorney noted that there was additional pertinent information which should be discussed with the Police Chief. MASTERS MOVED to refer this matter to the next work session on November 12th, Thornton seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Upon the recommendation of the Utilities Committee, MARTELL MOVED to direct the Engineers to bill developers or builders every month for engineering services performed by the City. He noted that bills for services for developments had not been sent promptly in the past, Baffaro seconded , motion carried. FINANCE Advance Refunding G.O. Bonds. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1842, approving "General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1973 . " ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. It was noted that in conjunction with the 1973 General Obliga- tion Refunding Bonds, it is necessary to enter into an agree- ment with Pacific National Bank to act as Refunding Trustee. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement, Kitto seconded, motion carried. POLICE & A letter was read from Judge Donald Eide, noting that due to FIRE increased filings of criminal and traffic matters, the work load has increased significantly over the past few years and the previous sharing of duties between the traffic violations bureau and the court clerk no longer adequately does the job. The court proposes to transfer the court clerk .and all district court records to Auburn in January, 1974, and has requested a meeting with those city department heads who will be con- cerned. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to Mr. Street, Just seconded. Under discussion, Street noted that the matter had already been taken to the Finance Committee. Motion carried . A letter was read from John M. Lang, City Engineer, Walla Walla, expressing appreciation to Fire Chief Tom Foster for his presentation regarding Public Works Emergencies at the recent APWA convention. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a part of the record, Kitto seconded, motion carried. A letter was read from Edward D. LeDuc, expressing apprecia- tion to Firemen LaBore and Dunakey, who recently conduct a CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary-Resuscitation) course in Mr. LeDuc 's home. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record and that copies of the letter be forwarded to LaBore and Dunakey, Martell seconded, motion carried. INTERLOCAL It was reported that the subject of most concern at the Wash- AGREEMENTS ington City Management meeting held in Olympia on October 18, 19 and 20 was intergovernmental agreements, contracts and cooperation. UTILITIES Martell reported that an agenda is now being prepared for COMMITTEE every Utilities Committee meeting and a record of the dis- cussions will be kept by Ulett. PUGET SOUND A letter was read from the PSGC announcing that a meeting GOVERNMENTAL will be held in the Kent City Hall on November 14th at 9 :00 CONFERENCE a.m. , to discuss the particular needs of King County member governments; and noting that similar meetings have been held for the other three member counties. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a part of the record , Just seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that two items to be discussed at the meeting.:-will be the Transportation Pldn and Land Use. Motion carried. Mayor Hogan noted that there would be a meeting at Highline High School at 7:30 p.m. on November 27th to discuss updating plans for the four counties area. PURCHASING A letter was read from Bob Koch, of Boeing Computer Services, Inc. requesting that they be considered as a vendor for the City of Kent. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, for it to be made a part of the record and to refer the matter to Fin- ance Director Winkle, Just seconded, motion carried. UNITED A letter was read from Ruth E. Shipp, Boeing loaned executive WAY to United. Way, commending Chief Foster as Kent chairman, and the employees of the City of Kent for their participation in the United Way campaign, and enclosing an award for the City. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Martell seconded, motion carried. FLOOD A letter was lead from the Department of Housing and Urban CONTROL Development noting that the residents of this area may be FLOOD eligible for subsidizing flood insurance under the National Flodd CONTROL Insurance Program, if the City qualifies. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Kitto secon- ded. Street noted that the City had requested this information. Motion carried. LIBRARY Mayor Hogan pointed out that Jean McDermott 's second term on the library board had expired and members may not serve more than two terms. THORNTON MOVED to confirm Mayor Hogan 's appointment of Carole Anderson to the Library Board, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. AMENDMENT It was noted that the Planning Commission held a public hear- TO ZONING ing on a proposed amendment to the zoning code October 16, 1973, CODE and has recommended that no change be made to the code. BAFFARO MOVED to hold a public hearing before the Council on this mat- ter on November 19, Kitto seconded , motion carried. VACATION A letter was read from the attorney for Pacific National Bank OF KENT of Washington requesting a refund of the $150 fee paid for ESTATES filing the petition for the vacation of the Kent Estates Plat. PLAT Street noted that the ordinance specifically states that no refunds will be made and he pointed out that the hearings were advertised and that a sum in excess of the amount of the filing fee was spent in preparing for the hearings. KITTO MOVED to deny the request, Martell seconded, motion carried. KVIP It was noted that- the Planning Commission held a public hearing PRELIMINARY on the KVIP preliminary plat at their October 16th meeting. PLAT KITTO MOVED that the Council consider the recommendations of the Planning Commission at a public hearing to be held Novem- ber 19th at the regular Council meeting, Martell seconded, motion ,carried. BIDS Parks. Bids were received for the surfacing of Glenn Nelson and Garrison Creek Parks parking lots as follows: City Transfer $11 , 291.06, incl . tax Associated Sand & Gravel 11, 641 .39, Incl. tax Marysville Paving 13,568. 71 , incl. tax Washington Asphalt 19 ,403 .63, incl. tax It was noted that the engineer 's estimate was $11, 756.74, including tax. JUST MOVED to accept the low bid of City Transfer, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Water Mains - East Hill . Eleven bids were received for the replacement of water mains on East Hill. The three low bids are as follows: Total Schedules 1, 2 and 3 Incl . Tax A,B & C Construction $19, 358.48 Bert Robison Constr. 20, 744.60 Chas. Fournier Co. 23, 213.25 MARTELL MOVED that the best bid of Bert Robison Construction Company be accepted. He noted that the lower bid was not signed and one item was omitted and that in the opinion of the City Attorney it did not constitute a valid bid. Kitto seconded, motion carried. RIBCO It was noted that there will be a RIBCO Community meeting regarding Solid Waste at Kent City Hall 7 :30 p.m. on November 14, 1973. AWARDS Mayor Hogan presented a Certificate of Achievement to City Clerk Marie Jensen, for completing a study in Human Relations Principles, in conjunction with the Washington Municipal Clerk 's Association. RESIGNATION Mayor Hogan announced that the City Clerk 's secretary, Donna Brannock, was resigning to move to Oregon. Both the Mayor and the Council expressed their appreciation for her 8 years of service to the City. FINANCE ELLIOTT MOVED to approve the bills received through November 5 , 1973 , after approval by the Finance Committee at their regular meeting to be held at 8 o 'clock a.m. November 15 , 1973, Just seconded,, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen Mayor City Clerk o