HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/15/1973 Kent, Washington
October 15 , 1973
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :OO p.m.
Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baff ar.o, Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell ,
Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Pub-
lic Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Absent: Planning
Director `VArtis.
Elliott moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 1 as prin-
ted , Just seconded, motion carried.
STREETS Final Hearing
LID 262 Gowe Stregt. Ulett described the
project, consisting of the improvement of Gowe Street from
S . 4th to S . 6th and along S. 6th from W. Gowe to W. Meek-
er. The project will include concrete curbs and gutters,
sidewalks, storm drains, sanitary sewers, underground power
and phones, landscaping and the improvement of the Milwau-
kee Railroad Crossing by the installation of cantilever
Ulett explained that the cost of the project is estimated
to be $318,500, of which $31 , 400 will be assessed to the
property owners. He pointed out that properties on the
north side are assessed back 90 ' and on the south side,
180 ' .
Mr. Street explained that the financing of the project
would be by 12 year LID bonds, with 10 payments , with the
interest rate anticipated to be 7% to 7-5/8%.
The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. Jim Curran
questioned the greater depth assessed on the south side
of Gowe and Street explained that the state law requires
that assessments be based on going back 9019r to the middle
of the block, whichever is greater. Curran asked how the
total cost compares to the original estimate. Ulett ex-
plained that the 1969 estimate was $79 ,000 and that the
budgeted figure for construction was $347, 656, almost
$30 ,000 over the estimated cost. Street stated that the
original $79,000 did not include the sewer portion, under-
grounding or the railroad crossing. Upon Curran ' s ques-
tion, Ulett stated that the figure of $31,400 to be assessed
to the property owners was only 40% of the original esti-
mate of $79 ,000 , pointing out that the assessments had not
There were no further comments from the floor and no cor-
respondence received pertaining to this matter.
MARTELL MOVED to close the hearing, Elliott seconded ,
motion carried. JUST MOVED to direct the City Attorney
to prepare the ordinance confirming the assessment roll ,
Thornton seconded, motion carried.
Final Hearin LID 274 EVH Willis to Green River.
Dennis Scott described the project, consisting of the
improvement of South Central from Willis to the Green
River bridge to provide four lanes, plus a center two-way
turn lane, curbs and gutters, storm drains, illumination,
sidewalks, underground power and telephone lines and land-
scaping. He noted that the total cost of the project is
estimated to be $1, 327,830 , of which 82.9% would be funded
by UAB, 11.3% by the LID assessments and 5 .8% from the
City. Street explained that the financing would be through
a 12 year LID bond issue, with 10 payments , with the in-
terest rate anticipated to be 7z to 7-5/8%.
The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. There were
no comments from the floor, A letter was read from Mar-
gery Shattuck, representing the owners of parcels #27 and
*28, objecting to the addition of $31 to the assessment
for these parcels, and asking if the assessments on all
of the parcels were increased proportionately after O'Brien
and McDonald were dropped from the roll. A letter was
STREETS read from Florence Moyer, asking for a reduction in the assess-
ment against her property and objecting to sidewalks in a fac-
tory zoned area. . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letters and for
them to be made a matter of record, Just seconded , motion
ELLIOTT MOVED to close the hearing, Kitto seconded, motion
carried . MARTELL MOVED that all protests be referred to the
Council for consideration at its workshop meeting to be held
at 7: 30 p.m. , October 22nd , Baff aro seconded , motion carried ,
with Thornton abstaining.
LID 272 - EVH S. 212 to S. 228. MARTELL MOVED to approve
Change Order #2 in the amount of $900 , submitted by Bellevue
Bulldozing, providing for construction of two concrete re-
taining walls , Just seconded , motion carried.
HEALTH & EPA Sewer Grants. MARTELL MOVED that Hill , Ingman & Chase be
SANITATION authorized to proceed with the Infiltration/Inflow study in
the Kent-Des Moines Interceptor, 100th Ave. Interceptor, and
Linda Heights Pump Station improvements, and submit said re-
ports before December 1, 1973 , Just seconded, motion carried.
MASTERS MOVED that Hill , Ingman & Chase prepare plans and
specifications for Linda Heights Pump Station improvements
and submit same to the Department of Ecology before January
1 , 1974, Thornton seconded, motion carried.
LID 273 M S. 228th Water and Sewer. MARTELL MOVED to approve
Change Order #3 submitted by LDL Land Development Co. in the
amount of $9, 774, providing for excavation of foundation
material for the sewer portion of the contract, Just seconded ,
motion carried.
FINANCE Advance Refunding G.O. Bonds - 197.0_. Bob Yeasting of Foster
and Marshall noted that the City's 1970 G.O. Bonds with
$1, 230-,000 now outstanding, were issued at 6.49%, and submitted
a proposal providing for issuing G.O. Refunding Bonds in this
amount, reducing the interest rate by 1%, which would save
$113,000 for the City. It was further explained that Foster
and Marshall would pay all of the expenses in connection with
the proposal . MARTELL MOVED to authorize the refinancing of
the 1970 G.O. Bonds in accordance with the proposal from
Foster and Marshall dated today, Elliott seconded , motion
carried. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize Jim Gay to draft the
bond ordinance for passage at the next council meeting, Martell
seconded, motion carried.
FIRE A letter was read from Lee Torgersonls Equipment Company,
commending the Fire Department for their response to a fire
at their office recently. MASTERS MOVED to accept -the let-
ter, for it to be made a part of the record and for a copy
to be sent to the Fire Chid, Kitto seconded, motion carried.
POLICE A letter was read from Doug Warne, English Department Head
from Kent Junior High School, expressing appreciation re-
garding a new program by the Kent Police Department whereby
students from the study hall meet with an officer to discuss
specific community problems or items of general interest.
MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a
part of the record, Kitto seconded, motion carried.
BUDGET A letter was read from John O'Brien, noting that due to the
delay in availability of utility valuations from the Washing-
ton State Department of Revenue, the time for filing budgets
with the. King County Council is extended to 10 working days
after tl*e date of the King County Assessors notification.
MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the letter be recorded, Martell
seconded, motion carried.
POLICE The Clerk read a letter from Hildur Mullen, addressed to
BUDGET Councilman Elliott, noting that she had a petition signed
by 248 residents and businessmen urging that all needs of
the •Police Department be met in the 1974 budget. Elliott
noted that Mrs. Mullen had the actual petition available
for the Council 's perusal . MASTERS MOVED to note receipt
efer the matter to the Finance Committee
POLICE of the letter and to r
BUDGET for their deliberation, Elliott seconded. JUST MOVED to amend
the motion to note that e�heMartelloseconded signatures
included, with this letter,
Motion as amended carried .
INTERLOCAL A letter was read from Jack Lynch, Chairman of the Ad sponsored
AGREEMENTS Force committee on intergovernmental cooperation,
jointly comm'
the Intergovernmental Relations Committees of the
Seattle City Council and King County Council . Mr. Lynch re-
existing formal and informal inter-
quested information on
local contracts or agreements which Kent may now have and
information on which types of interlocal agreements we might
be further interested in. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter
and for it to be made a part of the record , Just seconded.
Mr. Street noted that he will be attending a meeting in Olympia
relative to this subject October 18 through 20th and will
report back regarding this matter. Motion carried.
BIDS Police Cars. The following bids were received by the Police
Department to furnish two police cars , with two trade-ins :
Tom Matson 's Motors $5 ,550 .21, inc. tax & trade
Bowen Scarff 6, 308.92, inc. tax & trade
Strain 's Auto 7, 233 .95 , inc. tax & trade
ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the best bid of Tom Matson 's Motors,
Baffaro seconded, motion carried .
Gowe Street Overlay. The following bids were received for an
overlay on Gowe Street:
Asphalt Paving $20 , 440.50
City Transfer 23 ,182 .00
Washington Asphalt 27,458.50
It was noted that the Engineer 's estimate was $15 ,078.00 .
Public Works Director Ulett reported that after reviewing
the matter with the Street Department, it was concluded that
the City crew could not do this project for less than the
low bid. MARTELL MOVED to accept the bid of Asphalt Paving,
Elliott seconded , motion carried.
Water Tanks and Reservoir Repainting. The following bids
were received for repainting the 300 ,000 gallon water tank
. and one million gallon water reservoir:
Kinney Painting $12,886.61 , inc. tax
& Sandblasting Co.
De-Vel-Ex 22, 319 .39, inc. tax
H. P. Fisher 22, 775 .34, inc. tax
Delmar Painting 31 , 221 .45 , inc. tax
Coastal Coatings 46,910 .10, inc. tax
Coating Enterprises 108, 459 .00 , inc. tax
Upon the recommendation of the Public Works Director, MARTELL
MOVED to accept the best bid of Kinney Painting and Sand-
blasting Co. , Elliott seconded . Thornton questioned whether
this was the proper time to paint considering the moisture
in the air. Ulett noted that summer would be a better time
for painting, but that the tanks had to be operating during the summer in order to supply the high water demands. Street
noted that when we have another tank, we will be able to shut
down one during the summer months. Motion carried.
James Street. The following bids were received for completion
of a fifth lane at the intersection of James and 100th Ave. S .E. :
City Transfer $17 ,890 . 30
Moss Construction 18,887.15
ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the bid of City Transfer, Kitto seconded,
motion carried.
CONFERENCES It was noted that the AWC Regional Meeting will be held at the
& CONVENTIONS Doubletree Inn in Tukwila on October 24th and that the City Clerk
will notify Tukwila of the number who will attend .
DES MOINES A notice was received from the Boundary Review Board concerning
SEWER a proposed annexation to the Des Moines Sewer District. It had
DISTRICT been determined that this area, while partly inside the City
limits of Kent, is all west of I-5 and, therefore, it is antici-
pated that the Des Moines Sewer District will serve the area.
PROCLAMATION A letter was read from Bill Young, requesting that the Mayor
proclaim October 23rd as U. S . Day. MASTERS MOVED to accept
the letter and to refer the matter to Mayor Hogan for action,
Baffaro seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Hogan read a proclama-
tion, declaring October 23rd as T United States Day" . JUST MOVED
that the Mayor consider replacing the worn American Flag in the
Council Chambers, Elliott seconded, motion carried.
PARKS & Baff aro reported that the Soap Box Derby held on Sunday, Octo-
RECREATION ber 7th was highly successful .
FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee on October 16th are
as follows :
Current Expense 36,541,81
Parks & Recreation 9, 114.58
Library 238. 79
City Streets 41 ,816.58
Park Forward Thrust 5 , 653. 20
Alcoholics Rehab. 1 , 643 . 23
Fed. Rev. Shar. 2, 134.59
Library Constr. 26, 143 .80
City Hall Constr. 150 .82
212th Ph III Constr. 1 , 424.07
EV Constr.- 20 ,503 .82
EV Willis to Gr. .Rvr 4, 145 .16
Gowe St-West 2,800 .00
Canyon Drive 2 .00
S. 228th Wtr & Sewer 11 ,476.75
Equipment Reti tal 7,413 .18
Firemen's R/P 1 , 300.21
LEFF Disability 2, 324.42
Utilities Clearing 29.14
Sewer 66, 328.66
Water 11,033.37
Garbage 28,058.29
280, 276.47
Interest Bearing Warrants
EVH - Willis to Gr Rvr
City Transfer 4, 275 .00
Prudential Mut Sav Bk 225 .00
City Transfer 7, 671.25
Prudential Mut Sav Bk 403.7-9
Hill, Ingman & Chase 913.40
Hill, Ingman & Chase 9,594.97
Sec Title Ins Co. 3, 632.33
Allied Parts & Metals 336.96
Sec) Title Ins Co. 6,841 .33
Sec Title Ins Co. 5 , 202. 33
Sec Title Ins Co. 1 , 632.33
Sec Title Ins Co. 2, 034.33
Sec Title Ins Co. 11, 786.33
Sec Title Ins Co. 8, 639.33
Sec Title Ins Co. 3, 732.33
Sec Title Ins Co. 3 , 333.83
Sec Title Ins Co. 7, 790.33
Conger Schueler etc. 900.00
'-City Transfer 22,826.39
Prudential Mut Sav Bk 1, 201.39
City Transfer 61, 218.43
Prudential Mut Sav Bk 3 , 222.02
City Transfer 3, 040.00
Prudential Mut Sav Bk 160.00
City Transfer 21, 478.74
FINANCE Interest Bearing Warrants (Cont'd)
EVH - Willis to Green River (Contd)
Prudential Mut Sav Bk 'j, 130.46
City Transfer 627.00
Prudential Mut Sav $k 33 .00
City Transfer 5 , 647.84
Prudential Mut Sav Bk 297 .26
City Transfer 7, 794.49
Prudential Mut Sav Bk 410.24
North Kent Water
Sec Title Ins Co. 9 .00
S . 228th Water & Sewer
LDL Land Dev. Co. 111 , 319.59
LID 275
Kent News Journal . 75
Daily Journal of Commerce . 5
Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen.
Mayor City Clerk