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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/01/1973 Kent, Washington
October 1 , 1973
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baff aro, Elliott, Just,
Kitto, Martell, Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City
Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Harris,
and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Parks Director Wilson and
Associate Planner Lyn Johns .
Masters moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 17th
as printed, Elliott seconded, motion carried.
Mayor Hogan presented Certificates of Appreciation to Evelyn Heringson
and Dorothy Teichert for their work in the Community Care Center.
HEALTH & Proposed LID. The City Clerk noted receipt of a petition,
SANITATION signed by approximately 44 individuals, to create an LID
for sanitary sewers outside the city on S. 218th between
94th Ave. and 100th Ave. MASTERS MOVED to acknowledge
acceptance and to refer the matter to the City Engineer,
Martell seconded , motion carried .
STREETS Vacation. The City Attorney introduced Resolution 750,
setting a public hearing for November 5th for the vacation
of Washington Street. MARTELL MOVED for adoption of the
resolution and for the Planning Commission to consider the
matter at their October 16th meeting and for the Commission
to make a recommendation to the Council , Elliott seconded,
motion carried.
Reith Road. A letter was read from G. H. Andrews of the
State Highway Department, noting that he will recommend to
the Highway Commission that they consider advancing the
construction date for the Reith Road to Valley Freeway
project. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to
be made a part of the record , Thornton seconded, motion
WATER Late Comers Agreement. MASTERS MOVED to acknowledge receipt
of the request by Kent East Hill Associates for a late comers
agreement in connection with their extension of a 10" water
main and to forward the request to the Engineering Department,
to develop, Martell seconded, motion carried.
PARKS & Councilman Baffaro noted that the Parks and Recreation
RECREATION Facility Dedication Week will be observed October 2 through
October 5 .
Garrison Creek Park. JUST MOVED to approve Change Order
#3 in the amount of $500, submitted by Sun-Up Construction,
providing for additional asphalt and benches adjacent to
the restroom, Martell seconded, motion carried.
BUSINESS At last work session, discussion was had regarding the matter
LICENSES of requiring every business , including the rental of apartments ,
whether one or several, to have a license. ELLIOTT MOVED that
the Council reaffirm its position that every business must have
a license as required in Ordinance 1744, Masters seconded.
Under discussion, it was pointed out that an owner who rents
out a house would be required to have a business license,
as well as an individual who rents out his property. The
City Attorney stated that the question arose becausecf a
misinterpretation of the ordinance, under which owners of
some apartments not having live-in managers thought they did
not require a license. Martell and Thornton objected to the
requirement that owners of any rental property have a business
license. The City Attorney pointed out that this was required
under the ordinance and was to be considered a business.
Motion carried , with Martell and Thornton voting nay.
HEALTH Street pointed out that a review of the proposed oontract
SERVICE for health service with Seattle-King County Health Depart-
CONTRACT ment reveals that it is desirable for Kent to sign
contract. Paragraph 6(b) of the contract reads:
event that the .02 mills levied for public health services
pursuant to State Statute exceeds the net cost of providing
services as specified under paragraphs 5a and 5 b above,
the Department shall distribute whatever excess exists on
a per capita basis to the Municipality so as to offset cost
of services described in paragraph 5c" . Street noted that
the .02 mills for Kent amounts to $34,000 and that within
this basis, Kent will not have to pay anything in 1973 on the
assumption that the second half of the year is similar to the
first half. He noted that the cost of these services would be
based on the asssssed valuation and recommended that the con-
tract be signed. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor and
City Clerk to sign the County Health Department contract under
the above described conditions, Elliott seconded, motion
carried .
TRANSIT It was noted that Mayor Hogan had received a petition from
SERVICE property owners in Park Orchard, asking that the #146 Metro
bus route be modified to omit this residential area. It was
pointed out that Metro will hold a hearing in Park Orchard
to make a decision in this matter.
ZONING The 'City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1841, approving the
Bishop-Mauritsen rezone from HC to CM. ELLIOTT MOVED for
passage of the ordinance, Baff aro seconded, motion carried.
PUGET SOUND Street reported that a meeting was held on September 19th with
AIR POLLUTION a representative of the PSAP, who explained the necsssity for
CONTROL AGENCY the requested additional voluntary funds in 1974. He pointed
out that the concensus at the meeting was that local support
should be given PSAP and that other communities in the area were
doing so. Upon Street 's recommendation, MARTELL MOVED that Kent
include .an additional $610 in the 1974 budget for PSAP, Thornton
seconded, motion carried.
LIBRARY Upon the recommendation of the Utilities Committee, MARTELL
PARKING LOT MOVED to approve Change Order #1 for City Transfer's Library
Parking Lot contract, Street Department portion, covering costs
of undergrounding and concrete sawing, Baffaro seconded, motion
RAILROAD It was noted that at the last work session, Mr. Patty of Grubb
CROSSING and Ellis discussed the possibility of extending a rail siding
across 77th Ave. S . to serve the Graystone property. MASTERS
MOVED that Grubb and Ellis be notified that a request to the
Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission for an on
grade crossing would be considered, Martell seconded, motion
METRO Metro has asked that Kent approve their request to delay their
budge It presentation date to cities from July 1 to August 30 of
each year. MARTELL SO MOVED, Just seconded, motion carried.
BUDGET It was noted that the real property tax ordinance for the 1974
budget should have been presented at this meeting, but the
assessed value has not been received from the County as yet.
ELLIOTT MOVED to note that the County Assessor had not submitted
property assessments as the base for the 1974 tax as of this
date, Masters seconded, motion carried.
K.ING:ICOUNTY Annexation. It was noted that the State Law regarding State
OONSDERVATION Conservation Districts was changed at the last work session to
DISTRICT allow municipalities to annex to Council action, rather than a
vote. The Administrator pointed out that membership does not
involve the city in additional financial liability, and annexa-
tion would enable the district to better serve the community.
ELLIOTT MOVED to approve annexation to the King County Conserva-
tion District, Masters seconded. Under discussion, Street
explained that there is riot tax involved and that the fundng
is strictly federal, motion carried.
SOIL It was notedthat each Councilman received a letter
CONSERVATION from County Executive John Spellman which referred
to a meeting to be held on . October 16th at 9 :30 a.m.
concerning the Soil Conservation-Green River Watershed
project, MASTERS MOVED to note receipt of the .letter,
Baffaro seconded, motion carried.
BICENTENNIAL A letter was read from Lowell P. Mickelwait, Chairrqan of
COMMISSION the Bicentennial Commissiop, urging the Mayor to form a
Bicentennial Committee to work in conjunction with the
County/City Commission toward a successful bicentenial
year and to appoint a representative for Kent. MASTERS
MOVED for the letter to be made a part of the record and
to be referred to the Mayor for determination, Just
seconded, motion carried.
COMMUNITY A letter from, Gerald L. Hickman was read , requesting that
SERVICE the Community Service Center, sponsored by the churches of
CENTER Kent and Auburn be included among the recipients of revenue
sharing funds to be dispensed by the City of Kent. MASTERS
MOVED to accept the letter and to refer it to the Finance
Committee for consideration, Thornton seconded, motion carried.
ASSOCIATION It was noted that the Association of Washington Cities will
OF WASHINGTON hold its regional meeting at the Doubletree Inn at South-
CITIES center on October 24th.
PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Hogan read a Proclamation, declaring October 7 through
13 as Fire Prevention Week.
A proclamation was read by Mayor Hogan, declaring October 1
through 6 as Share-A-Song Week, in conjunction with Sweet
Adelines, Inc.
Mayor Hogan read a Proclamation, declaring the month of October
as International Toastmistress Club Month.
A Proclamation was read by Mayor Hogan, declaring October 18th
as Dr. Pat Smith Day.
SUBURBAN Mayor Hogan noted that a Suburban Mayors meeting will be held
MAYORS at Meekers Landing on Wednesday, October 3 .
FINANCE Elliott moved to approve the bills received through October 5
after approval by the Finance Committee at their meeting to
be held at 8:00 a.m. , October 16th, Kitto seconded, motion
carried .
PLANNING ELLIOTT MOVED that the Planning Department be directed to submit
COMMISSION an ordinance substantially as presented at the work session on
September 24, with supporting information of estimated costs,
personnel and space to be submitted for consideration prior
to the time of the proposed adoption of the ordinance, Masters
seconded . Just objected to the motion, noting that costs have
not been discussed . Harris stated that the Planning Department
had planned to present the proposal in Olympia to strengthen
their request for some financing. Street stated that it was
proposed to present the ordinance to the Council after gather-
ing more information regarding estimated costs, personnel, etc.
Just again objected, stating that the Council should be aware
of what will be presented in 'Olympia. Kitto agreed with Just.
ELLIOTT WITHDREW his motion, Masters withdrew her second. JUST
MOVED to adjourn. Motion failed for lack of a second.
Masters suggested that some
gg positive action be taken on this
matter and MOVED that the Planning Department be directed to
submit an ordinance substantially as presented at the work session
on September 24, with supporting information of estimated costs
Baffaro seconded. Masters stated that at the last work session,,
the Council agreed that they would support this concept, noting
that the City is not commiting itself to any funding. Thornton
pointed out that the Council should have the complete informa-
tion. ' Lou Koszarek spoke from the audience, noting that the
PLANNING purpose of this .proposed ordinance is to separate zoning
COMMISSION from long range planning by forming two groups; a zoning
board and a planning agency. He. pointed out that getting
the money is a separate function and not part of the proposed
ordinance. Elliott stated that the references to cost,
personnel and space were added factors. Street noted that at
the workshop session, Harris had given an estimated cost of
$20, 000. Just commented that even if the $30,000 was approved
by Olympia, now, the City would still have to provide these
funds for future years.
Masters added to her pending motion that the proposed ordinance
and supporting information be presented at the workshop, follow-
ing Harris , return from vacation. Baffaro, who had seconded
the motion, concurred.
Hal Cline spoke from the audience, urging the Council to proceed
more cautiously and to give the matter full consideration at a
workshop session so as to be sure to have all of the facts.
KITTO MOVED to table the motion, Just seconded, motion carried,
with Baffaro and Masters voting nay.
Respectfully submitted ,
Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen
Mayor City Clerk