HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/17/1973 Kent, Washington September 17, 1973 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baff aro, Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell, Masters and Thornton, City Adrqinistrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Harris and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Assistant Fire Chief Bryantand Traffic Engineer Ed Olson. Masters moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 4 as printed , Elliott seconded, motion carried. STREETS LID 272 , East Valley Highway. MARTELL MOVED that the contract of Bellevue Bulldozing be extended 45 days to allow time for Puget Sound Power and_Light to make modifications, Just seconded, motion carried. LID 261 S . 212th Schedules A & C. MARTELL MOVED to approve the first and final change order submitted by LDL Land Development Co. for Schedules A and C, reducing the amount of the contract by $44,531 .95 , Just seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED that Schedules A and C be accepted as complete, Kitto seconded , motion carried . LID 261 S. 212th, Schedule B. MARTELL MOVED to accept as complete, LDL"s Schedule B, noting that the final estimate is approximately $124, 600 . Street noted that this portion of the project is $14,000 less than the original amount, Just seconded , motion carried. LID 274 EVH Willis to Green River. ELLIOTT MOVED to set the final public hearing on LID 274 for October 14, Masters seconded, motion carried. LID 262 Go we Street Improvements . Upon the recommenda- tion of the Engineering Department, MASTERS MOVED, to set the final hearing for LID 262 for the October 15 council meeting, Martell seconded, motion carried. BIDS The following bids were received on the Gowe Street overlay and sanitary sewer replacement from 4th to. Central : Schedule A, Inc. Tax_ Schedule B Total (Sewer Replaement) Roadway City Transfer $30, 670 .20 $13 ,092 .50 $43, 762. 70 R. W. Scott 29,024.89 18,595 .00 47, 619 .89 LDL Land Dev. 36,594.38 21,419.40 58,013.78 (Engr. Est. ) 29 , 342 .90 14,824.00 44, 166.90 Upon Ulett 's recommendation , ELLIOTT MOVED. to .reject all bids and to issue another call for bids for the asphalt. work only, Baffaro seconded, motion carried . REZONE Bishop-Mauritsen, HC to CM. Harris pointed out the subject property, located 252 feet south of S . 222nd and 230 feet west of the East Valley Highway, consisting of 2.4 acres. He stated that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezone. The public hearing was opened. Merville Bishop explained the reason for the request for rezone. There were no further comments from the floor, and no correspondence was received relating to this matter. MARTELL MOVED to close the hearing, Elliott seconded, motion carried . MARTELL MOVED to approve the rezone and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate ordinance, Kitto seconded , motion carried. VACATION OF It was noted that the City Attorney has received notice KENT ESTATES from the applicant 's attorney that the petition for PLAT vacation of the Kent Estates Plat has been withdrawn and therefore the hearing is unnecessary. The City Clerk read a letter from J. C. Smith of Pacific National Bank., also requesting withdrawal of the petition. MARTELL MOVED that withdrawal of the petition be accepted, Elliott seconded. Ulett pointed out that the improvement bond is still in effect. Motion carried. RIBCO A letter from the River Basin Coordinating Committee was read, noting that a meeting will be held on September 26th in the Plaza 600 Building at 2 :00 p.m. regarding the second round alternatives report for the water resource management study. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Just seconded, motion carried. SUBDIVISION The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1840, adopting the CODE Subdivision Code. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. BUILDING Fire Hydrant Code. It was noted that the Utilities Committee met to consider Mr. Guthmiller 's request for a variance to the fire hydrant requirements under Ordinance 1593 . It was determined that the water line extension would cost approxi- mately $3800, and that Mr. Guthmiller could furnish a bond if a delay of installation was granted. JUST MOVED to deny Mr. Guthmiller 's request, Martell seconded. Martell pointed out that the City will allow Mr. Guthmiller to continue with his building and allow him time in which to install the hydrant. Motion carried. PUGET SOUND It was noted that a discussion of the request from Puget Sound AIR POLLUTION Air Pollution for additional monetary support will be held September 19th at County Executive Spellman's meeting with Mayors and Administrators. KVIP The Administration reported that subsequent meetings have been held with representatives of KVIP and furtherprogress has been made. RAILROAD It was noted .that on September 18, 1972, the Council authorized the City Engineer to apply for State Railroad Crossing funds to upgrade the Gowe Street-Burinngton Northern crossing. The contract was received from Burlington Northern this week, signed by the City Engineer and returned to the railroad to be forwarded to the State Utilities and Transportation Commission. PARKS & Soap Box Derby. It was noted that the Parks and Recreation RECREATION Department has requested permission to block off James Street from Lenora to Central on Sunday, October 7th from 9 :00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to conduct a Soap Box Derby. The Recreation Department will furnish the needed personnel and will allow cars to cross James Street when needed. ELLIOTT MOVED to approve the request, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. Garrison Creek Reservoir. MASTERS MOVED to approve the expenditures as noted in Change Order #3 submitted by the contractor Frank Cohan in the amount of $2529, providing for fencing and turn stiles around the tennis courts on the Garrison Creek Reservoir, to prevent bicycle and motorcycle traffic from destroying the surface, Baffaro seconded . Street noted that the Parks Department will apply to Inter- agency for 50% financing, and if not approved, the expenditures will come out of the Parks Department budget. Motion carried . CENTRAL Upon the recommendation of the Planning Director, BAFFARO MOVED BUSINESS to hire a landscape architect for the CBD projects for a three DISTRICT month period for a total approximate cost of $2500, Elliott seconded. Street noted that the applicant was a graduate of the University of Washington and came highly recommended. He suggested that this proposal be approved and paid from the $15 ,000 authorized for CBD projects . Upon Kitto 's question, Harris noted that this person will be responsible for designing approximately 30 different policies for the CBD plan and plans for implementing the policies, which will be presented to the Council in December or January. Kitto pointed out that this matter had not come before the CBD committee and Harris stated that this was an internal operation of the Planning Department. The City Attorney stated that the ordinance allocating $15 ,000 CENTRAL of Federal Revenue Sharing monies for the CBD projects BUSINESS was for the purpose of hiring a coordinator who would DISTRICT report to the City Administrator. He noted that he would review the ordinance to determine if the ordinance should be amended. Elliott noted that the $2500 could be allocated from the funds to be received from Metro for the park and ride lot. Just objected to the matter being presented at a Council meeting without having been reviewed by a committee. Motion carried, with Just voting nay. METRO Mayor Hogan announced that a public hearing will be held TRANSIT on the evening of October 15 by the Metro Transit­Committee for the purpose of considering a project for which a grant from the Urban Mass Transportation Administration will be sought. Upon Martell 's question, Mayor Hogan noted that Metro Transit will attempt -to use smaller buses on some of the smaller local routes. PARKS & JUST MOVED to confirm the reappointment of John Gretz to RECREATION the Parks and Recreation Commission for a three year term, Kitto seconded , motion carried . BOARD OF MASTERS MOVED to confirm the reappointment of Phyllis ADJUSTMENT Mauritsen to the Board of Adjustment for a five year term, Elliott seconded, motion carried. POLICE The City Clerk reported receipt of a copy of the Police Department 's monthly report to the F.B. I. for August. THORNTON MOVED to place the report on file, Martell seconded, motion carried . FINANCE Elliott noted that the Finance Committee meeting will be held COMMITTEE at 8 :00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 18th. FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee on September 18 are as follows : Current Expense 56, 345 .81 Parks 7, 023 .65 Library 146.97 City Streets 22, 183 .55 Park Forward Thrust 24, 171 .59 Fed Rev Sharing 55RI 52 Library Cons Fund 20f547.26 City Hall Cons Fund 1, 139 .98 212 Ph. III Cons 270.03 E. Valley Cons Fund 34, 774.60 EVH Willis to GR 2.02 Gowe St - West 20, 258.57 Canyon Drive 30,166 .31 W Valley/Meeker 4.00 Equipment Rental 6,132.12 Firemens R/P 1 , 294. 71 LEFF Disab 1 , 387 .00 Sewer 2 , 859 .90 Water 10 , 733.45 Garbage 24,501.53 264,500 .57 Interest' Bearinq Warrants EVH Willis to GR City Transfer 2 ,831.91 Prudential Sav Bk 168,09 City Transfer . 2, 076.73 Prudential Sav Bk 123 .27 Hill, Ingman & Chase 962.24 Hill, Ingman & Chase 9,830.23 Dept. of Revenue 2.02 Security Title Ins. 6,862.83 Hill, Ingman & Chase 463 .02 Conger Schueler/Etc. 1 , 350.00 Sec Title ,Ins . Co. 7.10 Sec Title Ins Co. 2.00 FINANCE Interest Bearing Warrants (Contd) EVH Willis to GR (Cont 'd) Sec Title Ins. Co. 4.00 City Transfer 21,424.55 Prudential Sav Bk 6,565 .01 City Transfer 14,082. 70 Prudential Sav Bk 835 .91 City Transfer 4, 927.52 Prudential Sav Bk 292 .48 City Transfer 261, 660 .16 Prudential Sav Bk 16, 192.55 City Transfer 4, 055 .53 Prudential Sav Bk 240 .72 City Transfer 5 ,533 .33 Prudential Sav Bk 328.44 LID 273 S . 228 Water & Sewer Sec Title Ins Co. 4.10 Sec Title Ins Co. 4.00 Sec Title Ins Co. 5 .00 Sec Title Ins Co. 11.00 LDL Land Dev 33 ,857. 77 Sea Trust & Savings 3, 761 .97 LID 275 , S. 203 Sewer_ Sec Title Ins Co. 3 .00 Hill, Ingman & Chase 1 , 763 .40 MEETING ADJOURNED: 8: 35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen Mayor City Clerk