HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/04/1973 Kent, Washington September 4, 1973 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baff aro, Just, Kitto, Martell , Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Harris and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Fire Chief Foster and Assistant Fire Chief Bryant. Council- man Elliott was absent. Baffaro moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of August 20 as printed, Martell seconded, motion carried. STREETS Kent-Kangley Traffic Control . A letter from Mrs. Elsie Horner was read, calling attention to the dangerous traffic situation in the vicinity of the East Hill Shopping Center and at the entrance to Kent-Meridian High School. MARTELL MOVED to accept the letter and to refer it to the Police Committee and the Traffic Engineer, Thornton seconded. Street noted that the State Highway Department has advanced the improvement date of this project by three months. MARTELL WITHDREW his motion, Thornton withdrew the second. MARTELL - MOVED for Mrs. Horner to be so notified , Thornton seconded , motion carried . The Director of Public Works reported that the State Highway Department is prepared to call for bids in December foboth the Kent-Kangley and Meeker-West Valley Highway projects, with a January bid opening. It was noted that this advances the starting time approximately three (3 ) ' months. LID 262 Gowe Street, MARTELL MOVED to approve Change Order ,#2 for LDL Land Development Company, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Second and Meeker. It was noted that the Traffic Engineer has submitted a written report concerning the request for a traffic signal at Second and Meeker, noting that a traffic signal at this intersection is not justified. He has recommended that the four Meeker Street parking stalls closest to Second Avenue be temporarily signed for no-parking, noting that after two weeks the Traffic Department will review the effect of this proposal . MASTERS MOVED to accept the Traffic Engineer 's report and for the temporary revisions to be made, Just seconded , motion carried. HEALTH & Proposed LID Vicinit of 36th Ave. S . and S . 241st. It was SANITATION pointed out that the City Engineer has reported that an examination of the petition for a sewer within the "island" on the West Hill revealed that to proveed at this time would create a cost of approximately $3750 per lot. He further reported that after the collector sewer is put in along the Kent-Des Moines Road, the cost would drop $1100-$1200 per lot and noted that the collector is high on the priority for Federd. Assistance. It has been suggested that some informational meet- ings be held in the area, and an explanation be given of the advantages of including annexation in the total improvement. MARTELL MOVED that the City Administration schedule some meet- ings with the citizens in the area, Masters seconded. Street noted that the Boundary Review Board had suggested that this area be annexed to the City because of fire protection, etc. Motion carried. LID 273 S. 228th Water and Sewer. MARTELL MOVED to approve Change Order #2 for the extension of 210 ' of sewer to serve Charlie Waller 's property which is outside the LID boundaries. Mr. Waller will reimburse the City upon completion. Masters seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & Bids - LID 275 , S. 203 Sewer_. The following bids were SANITATION received for construction of the S. 203rd sanitary sewer : Bowers Construction $15 ,525 .00, plus tax Campbell Construction 15 , 791 .00 " National Construction 1�,,795-.00 " Coluccio Construction 19, 105 .00 " LDL Land Development Co. 22,825 .00 " It was noted that the engineer 's estimate was $19, 745 .00 . MARTELL MOVED to accept the low bid of Bowers Construction, Masters seconded, motion carried. WATER It was noted that the City Attorney has prepared a late- comers agreement between the Benaroya Company and the City for a 10" water line installed near 84th Ave. S. and S . 208th. JUST MOVED to accept the late-comers agreement and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement, Martell seconded, motion carried. FINANCE The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1839, authorizing transfers within the 1973 budget, MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded, motion carried. It was noted that the sales tax receipts for the months of May and June were $126,876.23 , bringing the total this year to $458, 304.28. FIRE MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a service contract with Fire District #37, to become effective January 1, 1974. Masters seconded. Street explained that the contract had been approved by the City Attorney and the districts attorney. Motion carried . BUILDING Fire Hydrant Code. Mr. Guthmiller asked the Council to review the decision made by Assistant Fire Chief Bryant to deny Guthmiller 's request for a variance to the fire hydrant require- ments under Ordinance 1593. Bryant explained that the ordinance requires structures to be within 165 ' of an approved fire hydrant and that no portion of the structure be beyond 300 ' of the hydrant, He pointed out that the policy has been to grant variances only if at least one of the requirements had ,been complied with, but that in this case the proposed new building would not' meet either requirement. Masters suggested that some consideration be given to, the request inasmuch as the proposed building location, off S. 208th, west of the Valley Freeway, is not on a through street. MASTERS MOVED to refer the matter to the Utilities Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 6th at 7:30 p.m. for further clarification, Just seconded, motion carried. GAMBLING the City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1838, taxing gambling in accordance with State and County Law, but prohibiting punch boards and pull tabs . MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried. DES MOINES Street .noted receipt of Des Moines Sewer District Resolution SEWER #1973-38, adopting a plan of additions and betterments to their DISTRICT comprehensive plan. Upon Street 's recommendation:, MARTELL MOVED to approve the resolution and to so notify the district, Masters seconded , motion carried . CITY HALL Upon Street 's recommendation, MARTELL MOVED to authorize the AND LIBRARY Administrator to contract with Bogard and Hewitt to develop a COURTYARD plan for the courtyard between the Library and City Hall, Kitto seconded, motion carried . ZONING M-A to M-1 Rezone - West of West Valley Highway. Planning Director Harris described the area of this city-initiated rezone, consisting of 118 acres located on the west side of West Valley Highway between S. 212th and a point just north of S. 228th, extending westerly to the proposed right-of-way for 64th Avenue. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezone from M-A to M-1, subject to the City obtaining the necessary right-of- way for 64th Ave. S. and the right-of-way for an east-west street to .be located 1300 feet south of S. 212th. Upon Kitto 's question, Harris stated that it would probably take 3 to 6 months to obtain the right-of-way and that the City should contact the owners. ZONING Upon Thornton 's question, Harris noted that there were no adverse comments at the Planning Commision ,public hearing, nor at the meeting with the property owners re- garding this rezone. The public hearing was opened. Charlie Waller referred to the area which presently has a 60 , right-of-way and asked if this rezone would be contingent upon obtaining a 10 ' right-of-way on the west - side of that 601 . He noted that the property owners there have no interest in that rezone. Harris stated that the City would ask for the 10 ' on the west side when these people ask for a rezone. Mr. Waller also noted that some property are buying on contract which might make it difficult to get a deed release, and asked that the Council consider accepting quit claim deeds. Baff aro noted that this was a good suggestion. There were no further comments from the floor. BAFFARO MOVED to close the hearing, Just seconded, motion carried. BAFFARO MOVED that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance amending the Zoning Code upon receipt of the necessary deeds of street rights-of-way, Thornton seconded , motion carried . METRO It was noted that a letter was received from C. Carey Donworth of Metro, recommending that each city which is a component agency of Metro adopt a resolution, supporting Metro 's proposal to by-pass the Federal Water Pollution Control Act 's interim secondary treatment requirement and move directly to define and implement the "best practical treatment" - the 1983 federal standard of the Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, for it to be made a part of the record and to adopt Resolution 749 , supporting Metro 's proposal, Thornton seconded , motion carried . PARKING, It was noted that the request from Ms. Padvorak for designated CITY HALL parking stalls for the handicapped adjacent to City Hall and AND the Library will be complied with. LIBRARY SUBDIVISION It was noted that changes to the proposed subdivision code CODE have been prepared and distributed to the .Council . MARTELL MOVED to approve the changes and to adopt the 'Kent Subdivision Code, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare an adopting ordinance, Masters seconded. Just asked if the definition of a sidewalk provided for it to be concrete. Street stated that the city has required sidewalks to be concrete if they are to be accepted by the City. Just asked if sidewalks would be put into the trail program. Street stated that if a trail included an area which would ordinarily have a sidewalk, such as Meeker Street or an arterial, then sidewalks would be included. He noted however that in areas such as along the Puget Power right- of-way or underneath a bridge, asphalt, oil or packed sand could be used. Upon Baffaro 's question, Street noted that sidewalks are required on at least one side of all primary and secondary arterials or collector streets . Motion carried . PUGET SOUND Copies of a letter from the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control AIR POLLUTION Agency have been distributed to the Council . The letter notes funding difficulties for 1974 and asks for voluntary contribu- tions from the cities and counties of 3 .6G per capita, in addition to the regular assessment of 12.4(, per capita for 1974. MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the letter be noted and to direct the Administration to report at next Council meeting, what action other communities propose to take, as well as any other pertinent details , Baffaro seconded, motion carried. CENTRAL It was noted that the Steering Committee of the Central BUSINESS Business District has requested that a coordinator for the CBD DISTRICT projects be designated who will report to the City Administrator. JUST MOVED to authorize the City Administrator to select the coordinator of CBD projects, Kitto seconded, motion carried. HUMAN Funding. It. was noted that the Finance Director and Administra- RESOURCES for have not had time to review all of the organizations which might be eligible for funding, but will submit a report as soon as possible. LOBBYIST A letter was read from R. 0. White of the Statue Law REGISTRATION Committee, noting that lobbyist registrations filed during either the 1973 regular or 1973 1st extraordinary session are no longer in effect, and enclosing registration forms for the benefit of those who may wish to register under Referendum 24 for the September 1973 session of the legis- lature. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be put on file, along with the forms, for those wishing to register as lobbyists, Martell seconded , -motion carried. BUILDING In reference to Mr. Duncan 's request for a variance to allow . EXCEPTION a temporary mobile home residence in an R-A zone, the City Attorney has issued his opinion that the City Council does not have the right to grant a temporary residence use of a mobile home in any zone except the Mobile Home Zone, but if the mobile home qualifies under the Uniform Building Code, it may then be placed upon the land in accordance with standard procedure. KITTO MOVED for the City .Clerk to notify Mr. Duncan of the City Attorney's opinion. Thornton seconded. Mirk explained that a court decision had held that a City cannot refuse to allow a mobile home on a single residential lot if the mobile home complies with the building code. Motion carried. PARKS & MARTELL MOVED to confirm the reappointment of John Fournier RECREATION Jr. to the Parks and Recreation Board , Kitto seconded, motion carried . PROCLAMATION Mayor Hogan read a proclamation, declaring September 17-23 as "Square Dahce Week" .' SUBURBAN Mayor Hogan noted that the Suburban Mayors ' Association MAYORS meeting will be held at Meeker 's Landing on September 5th. FINANCE Just moved to approve the bills received on or before September 5 after auditing by the Finance Committee at it 's meeting to be held at 8:00 a.m. , September 18, Martell seconded, motion carried . MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen Mayor City Clerk