HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/20/1973 Lent, Uashincrton
August 20 , 197'
Regular meetincf of the I:ent City Council was called to order at 0 :00 p.m.
Present: Mayor ilogan, Councilmen: Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell , Masters
and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Ior]cs
Director Ulett, Planning Director Ilarlis and Finance Director Tinkle.
Also present: Fire Chief Foster, Fire Marshall Bryant. Councilman Baffaro
was absent.
Elliott moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of 'C'lugust Gth as I:)rintec',
Masters seconded, motion carried .
Mr. Dorband, Chairman of the Rent Kaibara Totini l"),ffiliation Committee intro-
duced the next exchange student from Japan, Shuitsu Adachi, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Sipes and family, who will be the new host family. Shuitsu Adachi
presented Mayor Iioc,an a gift from the Mayor Na kai of I:aibara.
STREETS Traffic Control , One-Wa',r - Two-Say Streets.
A letter was read from Jim Curran, suggesting that the
area between Smith and Titus and Sixth and Central be
substantially limited to local traffic only, with throu(jin
traffic diverted around the outskirts of this Central
Business area, subject to the limitations of the railroads
and Valley Freeway. IIe further opined that the one-way
streets were not needed with the present street plan, ]:)ut
if they were deemed desirable they should not dissect the
business, professional and public space area. M:iSTEPS
MOVED to accept the letter, for it to be made a part of the
record and to be filed with related material already received
to date on this subject, I:itto seconded, motion carried.
LID 274 S. Central - Willis to Green River.
1UkRTELL MOVED to approve Change Order ;mil for approximately
$3500, providing for a stub for receipt of storm water t-o
be extended sip: feet fro;n each catch basin in the South
Central project, Just seconded . Martell noted that this
was good planning and would make tunneling unecessary and
recommended that it be instituted on all plans hereafter.
Motion carried. The City attorney pointed out that this
street project is only going to solve the problem of storm
water drainage that flows toward the street. Thornton notes,
that the Flan was good and that some of the back properties
could be connected in a round about route to alleviate
drainage problems. On Elliott 's Question, Street noted
that the stubs would I;ave grates at around surface level,
and would therefore be easy to locate.
LID 262, Gowe Street. 1V,.RTELL MOVED to approve Change
Order #l, submitted by LDL Land Development Co. in the
amount of $3, 270 in connection with the Gowe Street project,
Thornton seconded . Martell noted that one item was still
being negotiated and that this change order covered replace-
ment of 40 ' of 0" sewer pipe (+$970 ) , deleting portions of
and revising the sprinkler elan and reducing the extent of
the landscaping (-4r275 ) and reconstructing portions of the
4th and Meeker intersection with asphalt concrete (+$2575 ) .
Motion carried.
IIEALTH & LID 264 - Bids. It _was noted that the sanitary seer, con-
SANITATION structed, in East' Valley Highway and S. 208th was never
satisfactorily completed by' the contractor, Di' Orio Con-
struction. After repeated attempts to have' the contractor
complete the project, and upon advise of the City Attorney,
a call for bids was advertises, for the necessary repairs .
The City has withheld $15 ,000 from the original contractor,
and since all negotiations Have railed, it is probable that the
City will have to sue Di Orio for sufficient sums to cora,-)lete
the repairs . The following bids were received :
Coulee Construction $26,047.40 , inc. tax
Di Orio Construction 31,400 .91
Bowers Construction 45 , 283 .21
Frost Construction 76, 350 .92
National Construction 04,56G.43
Coluccio Construction 102,OOP,.60
O'Leary Construction 157,00G.79
MARTELL MOVED to accept the low bicl of Coulee Con :truction,
Elliott seconded, motion carries, .
HEALTH AND LID 273 S . 223th o7ater and Sewer. 11LRTELL MOVED
SANIT ATION to approve Change Orcler Tf-1, submitted ray LDL Land
Develol>rrient Co. in the amount of $1,000 in connection
%,,ith the S . 220th Water rand Sewer project, Elliott
seconded, motion carried . Martell e:.plained that this
would cover » gate valve assemblies and Provide 1" to G"
c;uarry s :galls for foundation material .
vWiTER Plemmons - Last hill Shopping Center. 11%RTLLL MOVED
to accept a Dill of Sale submitted by Jim Plemmons for
a waterline in the East Hill Shoppinc_; Center, Masters
seconded. The City Attorney stated that Plemmons is very
close to meeting all the conditions agreed to, and that
instead of a deed for the Due property, we may only I:,�e
able to secure an easement. Motion carried.
FIRE A letter was read from Dr . Shaw, commending the Fire
Department for their response to a fire at his office
recently. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it
to be made a part of the record , Elliott seconded, motion
It was noted that a report was given it the last work
session on the County Wide Fire Dispatch proposal . Further
information will be reported as action develops .
A letter from the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau
was read, announcing that Kent 's fire protection rating
has imptoved from SLh to 4th class, which will result in
a substantial reduction in fire insurance rates . IIASTERS
MOVED that the report be recorded and made a part of the
record, Elliott seconded, motion carried . Mayor Hoc;-an
complimented the departments involve(; in achieving this
rating, and 1)articular note was made of the fact that -there-
were no deficiency points in the rec_orc,s and reporting division
in the fire prevention and Ibuildinc; inspection program.
GAMBLING Street noted receipt of the Ding County GE-ml-)ling Ordinance
and stated that it becomes effective on September l3th.
The City lttorney ha.s reviewed the ordinance and noLc,:' that
the County can contract with the City to collect the L:•.:: for
the City. ile pointed out that it may be less expensive for
King County to collect the tax and charge the City a fee,
since the ordinance requires that monthly reports be filed
also. Upon Martell 's question, the City Attorney stated that
the Association of Washington Cities h-as rnacle a survey of code
cities in this matter and that he had advisee; AWC that Kent
will join other code cities in. contesting the Attorney General 's
opinion concerning the rights of code cities in this matter.
Mirk pointed out that the question only pertained to pull -tabs
and punch boards. He noted that although the County tax is to
be 7%, the City could impose a tax as high as 10%. MARTELL
MOVED to contact Jack McKenzie of Kind County for more informa-
tion regarding contracting with the County and for- the in-
formation to be available in time to have an ordinance prepared
for the next Council meeting, Just seconded, motion carried .
METRO A letter was read from Metro, inviting community leaders and
TRANSIT interested citizens to a meeting on August 21 at 7: 30 p.m.
SERVICE at the Rainbow Cafe in Auburn to discuss Metro Transit service
improvements scheduled for September. MASTERS MOVED to accept
the letter and for it to be made a part of the record, Thornton
seconded, motion carried. Mayor Ilogran and. Councilmen Martell
and Masters stated that they would try to attend the meeting.
ItETRO JUST MOVED to authorize the Ilayor and City Cler?: to sign a
PARK & RIDE contract with Metro for temporary park and ride, and that the
LOT revenue received be phased in ;a Central Business District
Account for future use in this district, Elliott seconded .
Street noted that the proposal to attempt to return the
revenue received to the persons involved in the 'LID is too
difficult as there have been s��les which include(' 1-)ay1,.1ent
of the assessment 1.-)v the seller in some instances, and by the
buyer in others and in some cases the renter is paying the
assessments . Upon Elliott 's cuestion, Street stated that Metro
will pay $250.00 per month for the spaces . Motion carried .
FAIT IERS A letter was rni(-1 from rill. Ch;,,irmui of the
MARYET Committee for Ecolor_fical BeLtermci)t Tb--roi,igli Interim
PROPOSAL Land Use surjuestin(,r the placement of n r;,rrioi-s ffl-rlket
in the. Grren River V,-lley, 011 1, 1-
four lane crossover between Pocific South,
1'irF1 7
Iiiterstate 1I1.(-J-1-vTay 45 , West V-11ey 11'ighN,7,Iy an(, Ll-ic East
Valley Hit-;hway. 11AST-MS NOW"D to t1.cce-nt the letter: , for
it to be made a part of the -.:ecor(, and to refer it to the
lie,,t workshop, Martell seconded, motion
MODEL Mr. Street read Ordinance 1CM, to Model Studios,
STUDIO 6efining same, requiring licenses. and ofsc-l-ilAng pen;11ties .
ELLIOTT MOVED for pass,-vje of the orCtin<,.nce , 11'artell
Stre -seconded. Upon Elliott 's question, J -et not k-
e(l that the
ordinance excludes studios functioning in an institution,
such as a school, which is approved by the State Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction. The City Attorney e-Plained
that the $1000 license fee would e-pire one year from
issuance, and the managers and- models vou.10 be licensee,
for a $500 fee per calendar year or portion thereof. Ilotion
carried .
CANYON DRIVE 11-IRTELL MOVED to approve Change Order ®rl , submitted by
STOR14 SEWER Bert Robison Construction in the amount of $2500, in
connection with the Canyon Drive Storm Se-,,,cr project,
Just seconded, motion carried .
ANIM- L CONTROL It was noted that a memo was sent to the Council. on Aucust
SHELTER 15 regarding a meeting held with I'linc-, County re-presentatives
concerning Icing County's proposal to huilcl an animal control
shelter in Kent. Street react a. letter rocei-vre(I to, ay from
Charles Collins outlining four proposals for anim;A. control
services which Ning, County could provide, and the fees which
mould be assessing under each iroposal . Street noted that
it x I I
if the City <-letermInes to sell or l.e se tJ-,e Propert,,- vo.st of
West Valley Highway incT south of S . 2121:11-1 to Lhe County for
the iAir-nose of building an a7iim,-.1.1 control sl-letler, it T-7oiilcl be
necessary to have in appriosal of the 7-)1-ol)e3-i:Y. Street noted
that L-hiF, IMtS 7�li e,:cellent .location for South Kingi Co-,vity,
-and that (jood service was itow lheiivi r ivcii to De.,,> Iloinr-
as Ir�ent )ut t )at the buil(lin -v7onl,�! liove to
Renton , .:ks well F 1 I -r-
Ire upurx-,�Oe(! . Upon flaster 's question , he noteo thA if �%,e
contracted with Ring County, they wou.1(71 bi7ild .) new facility
but would probably retain the exisLing 3-)P-rn for she).t(-:n:iii(-f
larner animals which have strayed . Upon Jlistlss qucrtion,
Street noted that an apprais;�l woi.0.0 cost $200 to $300 and pointec,
out that if the City Ciecirle-- to to ace the I,onnolinr.-T services , our
animal control warden would continue 1--o wol-l- for us . Ile
stated that of the four proposals, he and Chie-� IIcQi)ery -thought
that #1 or #4 would be most satisfactory. Ile 1)ointe( l out that
animal license fees did not cover the cost of the operation
and that both Kent and Renton were presently subsidizing their
animal control projects, but that Ning County 1,10111CI make the
operation self-supporting. M.-MZTELL MOVED that an appraisal
of the property be made , Just seconded, motion carried.
13UILDIITG A letter was read from Rodger Duncan reqiles.tin(i that an
EdXCEPTION e-rception he ma(le to allow the 1-1!-,e of ;) T(1o,)i-1-(- 'home as a
tem-oo.r,iry residence while a --e-rm�,ncnt residence is iinder
con:7,truction at East Vv-lle-,,7 11i(jIlW0y all(l S . 190-th
Street . MASTERS MOVED to note r(-cei t of the letter and for
it to be brought to the nett T7ork session for Ciccu-sion,
Z.11iott .Iecollcle(l , motion c;irrie(1 .
MUTUA.L AID Stvpnt noted receipt of two contr;lcts fron thn County for
1111JL-1.1111 one for police m7itunl air" ln(l the ol-hcr for
general mutual- aid , to rp., J.,-ICe el:iStil-Irr Cortr.-,,Ct TlC noted
that one of the changes would he that a ponce officer injured
-in o thl, a "mutual ai(l" c,-il-). still have
in ,mother city while on
his expenses paid by his orni employer. T701117TC17 IIC77T,D to
autliorize the Mayor to sirjn both. for Mutual Aid,
Ilartell seconded , motion carried . rii:-e Cll,.i(.-:F Foster lie.s
been appointed as Damage -Assessment Offic(,-.-^ in connection
1,7ith the Emergency Operations Plon .
PUGET SOUND Human Resources. MARTELL 110VE'D to elect Councilman Masters
GOVERMEITTAL to rel)resent the City to sex-vt- on the Thir"v.) lInsources Stv!erilla
CONFERENCE Committee, Thornton seconrle(l , mo-tioll carric(l .
lli,yor Hogan note() that she h1(,..
- rr,�r-ej-TTed list of Socip.1 Service
Agencies for the City of Kent from PSGC, ::long with n. list of
possil:ilr- criteria to use in evi-kliiatino Social Service Agency
requests fox city funciii1g . Copies will I)c to each
PLANNING The fo11_owinr citizens have 1>eeri reconunended for
C01- 1ISSION appointment to the Planninc- CommisSio,l:
ilonzo Cole 102.5 S : 272nd , rent
John Lonc 'Z 2,`:� 2 tl. Ave. S . , I:ent
It has also ,been recommended th .tt Lou ICoszare',c be
reap;>oinLed for a four-year term. ELLIOTT MOVED to
confirm appointment of the above named citizens to
the Planning Commission , MSisters seconded, motion carried.
SUBDIVISION It was noted th�it the Subdivision Code will be discussed
CODE at- the ner;t woi}: Session on t.onc,zy,, i � `'iuc_iist 27th at 7 :00
UTILITIES Martell announced that the Utilities Committee woulC meet
COMMITTEE hereafter on the Thursday followin jr e..ach council meeting
MIEETING at 7:00 .rr.
FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee on ',ucus- 1 .1:th
are as follows :
Current ErrI>ense 12,003 .70
Parks & Pecreation 15 ,045 .91
L ibr Fir y 149.20
CitV Streets 2 4,i_,3.�.2.9
Pa.rfc Forwarc Thrust 10 , 7^6 . 29
CBD Pro] . 99 .77
Library Constr. 34, 719.05
CII Constr. 1 ,504.51
212th Ph 3 Constr. 406.01
E Valley Constr 10, 074.20
EV.I 7illis - Gr Rvr '9 , 06
'' .`%='3 .c. ,
Gowe St-}vest 41 ,12.3 .25
Canyon Drive 0 , 640.217
Reith Rel-Military 15 .53
Equipment Rental 1 1-,061 .30
Firemen 's R/P 1, 261.64
Leff Disability 4,92.5 .16
Sewer 30,950 .05
Hater 12,919 .36
Garbage 2.7,571 .51
367, 2.22.65
Interest Bearing Warrants
Park Forward Thrust
Sun Up Construction 395 .16
EVII Willis -Gr Rvr.
City Transfer 22, 699 .74
Respectfully submitted,
Isabel I1ogan 11arie Jensen
Mayon City Cler}.