HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/06/1973 Kent, Washington August G, 1973 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 0:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Ilogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott, Just, Kitto, masters and Thornton , City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mlirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Planning Director IIarris and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: City Treasurer Nargaret Drotz, Parks Director Barney Wilson, Fire Chief Tom Foster and Fire Marshall Arnie Bryant. Absent: Councilman Martell. Masters moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 16th as printed, Elliott seconded, motion carried. PRELIMINARY Kentwood Industrial Park. Ulett pointed out the PLAT location of the proposed preliminary plat oil the map, which is located on the west side of the East Valley Ilighway between 222nd and 1965tth from ^Oth Ave. to the EVII, The Planning Commis, ion recommended that the preliminary Mat I)e approved with the following conditions: 1 . ^Oth Lve. rpplicant to reserve 30 feet along the west side of the property for future U'Oth Avenue right-of-way. 2. 124th Ave. ( :VII) . i pplicant Lo reserve 12 feet along the east property line to assure that the west side of the future right-of-way for 04th Ave. will be 42. feet. 3 . 205th St. :applicant dedicate right-of-way from 80th Five. through to 04th Ave. and increase the right-of-way to 00 feet. 4. Intersection Radii. Increase to z15 feet. 5 . Easement Reservation. Include on the north and south perimOter of the flat, G. Improvements. The improvements for this plat shall be in consonance with the proposed sub- division code. The Public L7orl.s Department does not agree with the first two recommendations of the Planning Commission and has suggested the following changes to Items IP1 and 42: 1. That the 30 foot strip be dedicated as a street, rather than reserved, and noted that a GO ' right- of-way for 80th :eve. S . now e::ists from S. 200th St. to the north line of this plat. 2. That the 12 feet be dedicated to provide the westerly half of the right-of- ,ray for the future construction of 04th Ave. S . The public hearing was opened. Leonard Schroeder, Engineer for the applicant, spoke from the audience stating that the property owner had no objection to 41, dedicating 30 feet along the west side of the property for future 80th Ave. right-of-way. IIe objected however to 42, dedicating 12 feet so that the west side of the future right-of-way for 84th Ave. would be 421 , noting that other owners were paid for right-of-way for widening purposes. Schroeder noted that the applicant had also .requested permission to use rolled curbs and requested clarification regarding the landscaping requirements. Ile noted that 15 ' of landscaping is required in the front of the property and if they are going to dedicate a GO ' right-of-way and pave 361 of it, they will have 12 ' on either side between the curb and the right-of-way line. Iie noted that they would like touse the 12 , between the curb and the right-of-way line as part of the required 15 feet of landscaping. 473 PRELIMINARY Ulett stated that he revived the rollecl cr.irl>s and PLAT although it is a deviation from the stan0ini,', he recommended that it be allowed since tl.-Lere will be very little traffic on this street_ (S . 705LAO . Harris pointed out that this property ic: zon.ed l'-7, and uncler the new zoning cone, there is a landscapinc-; requirement from the property line back and that the area not landocnpen can lie used for off-street parkin;. ';e fug: thei. s titer] that the landscaping has nothing to* Co with the public right- of-way. Upon Mayor Ilogan 's question, Street stated that extra right-of-tray for the North and Jout.h Central projects lead been purchased. IIe noted that most property of-rners main- tain the public riglit-of-way in front of their property and pointed out that any growth or ljuilclincc on t7roposec' right- of-way should be restricted . There t*ere no further comments . ELLIOTT MOVED to close the hearincc, Ilasters seconded, motion carried . JUST MOVED to direct the City Attorney to ht-epare the proper adopting ordinance, Masters secon(led. The City Attorney stated that lie failed to see the rieed fo_:• rolle,' cur 1;; if the land- scaging is to be placed ri,hL- against the cu?:2) and note(' that a decision should be made regardinf 04th i.ve . IIe fufther note(] that he would checic the zoning o.rCinance to clarify the landscaping requirements . The motion end sccoiil were witlidratm and A1',STER� MOVED to table tl.zi , i'cem teraporari?.1 , Just seconded, motion carried . After the City 'ittorney reviewed the zonincs ordinance, ELLIOTT MOVED to rent ove this item from the table, ]fasters seconded, motion carried. The City Attorney note(: that under 14-2 zoning, the landscapirrfor the :Front yard requires that 15 ' be land- scaped and shall extend to the street curl) line where appropriate . The City Attorney questioned if the rolle(] curb would be functional . Street noted that the advantage of the rolled curb is that it gives the property owner more fl.exilaility for selling the frontage. Street clarified that payment had been made for ( the 20 ' sewer easement. Harris asked about the Planning Commission's recommendation V6 . Street noted that the subdivision I_ ordinance has not been adoptc(i, and we cannot apply the provisions of the proposed code. ELLIOTT MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare the proper adopting ordinance in concorrence with recommendations of the Planning Commission and to stipulate that both street easements ]�e dedicated, ( Item f, and ,r2) , a.nd also xecocYnizing the Public Works Director 's recommendations that curbs be the rolled curb type rather_ than cut curb on S. 705th, littsters seconded. Elliott noted that he favored the dedication rather than the reservation in view of the fact that the sewer easement had been purchased as a permanent easement . Ititto stated that he favored the reservation rather than dedication roquircimnt, -,.s it would affect the value of the land , 210tion ca.rriecl, frith_ l:itto voting nay. KVIP I�HD S.i=IICI: 1 letter teas read from Peter V:n Giesen of the Sanwic% Corporation HILLSIDE TIii,CTS concerning the easements and conditions necessary for the com- pletion of the I:ent Valley In(,tustrial Pa3.l: ,)roject and for the Sanwic]: Corporation Hillside Tr ct:s ,roject. It wras pointed out that Mr. Street had acknowledcred receipt of the letter . I1i;STEItS MOVED -to refer the matter to Street. Thornton seconded , motion carried. STREETS Traffic Control . A letter was rea(fi from Pete Curran noting the high accident rate at the corner of Chest Valley highway and Meeker Street, and suggesting changes to Lne traffic pattern . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer it to the Traffic Engineer, Thornton seconded. Public Clort:s Director Ulett pointed out that the signal and illumination portion of this project had been delayed to September, with construction scheduled, for April . Ile noted that lie had so informed Mr. Curran. Motion carried. i STREETS Traffic Control . A letter was read :From 10 downtown merchants regarding the meeting held on July l6th at the Moonlite Inn at which it was concluded that the merchants were not in favor of one-way streets . The letter also re- quested consideration of installing a Stop and Go light at the corner of Second and Meeker.. MASTERS PlOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the Council as a committee-of-the-whole, Thornton seconded, motion carried. A letter from Charles Wise was read, commending the Traffic Department in solving some of the traffic problems in Kent and noting that the one-way streets should be changed back to two-way, with certain left turns prohibited. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Just seconded, motion carried . A letter was read from Robert Morrison, objecting to one- way streets in Kent and suggesting that consideration be given to ways of expediting traffic into the trade area. M:iSTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a part of the record , I:itto seconded, motion carried. letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read, avorinr two-way street traffic in the Central Business District, with the possible exception of Gowe Street between 4th and Gth Avenues and recommenciincr through traffic be encouraged to travel east-west on James or Willis and north-south on West Valley highway, Central or the Valley Freeway. TIIORNTON MIOVED to accept the letter, Plasters seconded, motion ca.rried. The City Attorney noted that it is a matter of record that the one-way grid system was oric.,inally the Chami)er of Comme.rce 's suggestion. HEALTH & Proposed LID. A petition was received from Joan McArthur SANITATION on July 19th regarding the formation of an LID for sanitary sewers in the vicinity of 3623 S. 241st. MASTERS MOVED to accept the petition and to refer the matter to the Utilities Committee, Thornton seconded, motion carried. It was pointed out that the Utilities Committee will meet hereafter on the Thursday prior to each Council meeting at 7: 30 p.m. FINANCE A letter was read from L. R. Guthmiller, complaining that he was riot given proper notification regarding installment notice due on LID assessments. memo from the City Treasurer was read indicating that her office requires written notice of a change of ownership and pointing out that although the notices were sent to the owner of recwrd, copies were also sent to Mr. Guthmlller, MliSTERS MOVED to accept the letter_ and the memo and for them to be made a matter of record, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Utilities Tax and Personnel. is letter was read from Robert E. Lee, suggesting the removal of the City utilities tag: and stating that the tax was levied to balance the budget and it was not his understanding that it was to be an on-going thine;. Pir. Lee also urged that a study be made of the time and wort: loads of city employees, stating that the number of mployees has increased but tine population has remained static. ELLICTT MOVED that the letter be rude a part of the record and for it to be made a matter of discussion at the Finance Committee meeting on August 14th, Masters seconded, motion carried. IIEALTII & L'ID 276 Sewers - Sunset Manor. The City Attorney intro- SANITATION duced Ordinance 1835 , creating LID 276 for sanitary sewers in Sunset Manor. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the orditaice, Kitto seconded, motion carried . PARKS & The Park Board has requested a budget transfer of $35 , 000 RECREATION in order to improve some of the e;:istinn I�iC pr�ri: projects. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the requested transfer of funds , Baff aro seconded. Referring to the Glenn Nelson Park project, Wilson noted that when the bid was awarded, the two alternates for the tennis courts and paving were left out and IAC has now indicated that these alternates are to be included in the project. Iie stated that they are withholding $10,000 until PARKS & this project is completed ai-cl noted that IAC's review RECREATION procedure has im1�rovee, , U-non Ditto 's cYuestion, �dilsori stated that lie was not at liberty,T as yet to disclose the amount the Park Doard will propose for 197�1 for park acquisition. He noted that I1IC funds will be available again next year. Elliott asked if, after this transfer, there would be enough money left for acquisition of land which has not been concluded yet this year. . Wilson noted -that all of the obligations were covered under Forward Thrust funds and advised Street that there was no problem on the Fenwic or Mill Cree acquisitions . . k k otion carried, with Thornton votincr nay. Garrison Creel: Part:. DAF FARO MOVED to approve Change Order #2 in the amount of $6, 120 .00 submitted by Sun-Up Construction, providing for landscaping, sub-surface drainage pipe and extension of coin meters, in connection with the Garrrison Creel: Park project, Masters seconded, motion carried. FIRE County i°7,ide Fire Dispatch Center. _1 letter from Raymond E. LaFond . was read, noting that a team is being formes:, for the purpose of establishing a Fire bervice Central Dispatch Center which will be desirned to Dandle all fire service/fire aid calls in P.ing County, The first meeting will be held August G at 0- :00 p.n. in the Fire District 40 Headquarters Station and it was su geste6 that the City send a representa- tive from the City Council or Public Safety Committee . MiISTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it -to be made a part of the record, Kitto seconded', motion carried. POLICE The City Clerk reported that copies of the Police monthly reports to tare F.D.I. for I•Iay, June and July are on file in her office. PARKING, CITY Handicapped Citizens_._ A letter was read from Viola Padvorac, HALL AND LIBRARY requesting that a parking space in the parking lots for the City hall and Library be d6signed for wheel chair citizens and urging consideration of braille labeling of doors in the two buildings. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the Engineering Department for action, Just seconded. Street noted -that cuts in the curb resulted in dips in the sidewalk which could be a source of liability for the City. He stated that the State Highway Department would be contacted and noted the possibility of the cuts leinci painted with fluorescent paint. Motion carried. GOVERNOR'S The City Clerk read a report from Sherry IIansen of the Parks COMMITTEE FOR Department on the Task Force Meeting of the Governor 's EMPLOYING Committee for Employing the handicapped. The Committee HANDICAPPED suggests that the Mayor appoint a citizen to start a nucleus in I:ent. IUI STERS MOVED to accept the letter, for it to be made a matter of record and to refer the matter to the Mayor, Thornton seconded. Mayor Kogan pointed out that Miss Hansen has a volunteer citizen to represent the City. Motion carried. REZONE Public llearinq. ELLIOTT MOVED that the City initiated rezone scheduled for this meetings from M-A to 1-1-1 south of S . 212th between the West Valley Highway and the future right-of-way of 64th Ave. * S. be continues' until September 4th, Thornton seconded, motion carried. It was pointed out that the Planning Commission has riot as yet completed their hearing on this matter. RECREATIONAL The City 1-1ttorney introduces', Ordinance 1G36, aclopting -the VEHICLE PARK Recreational Vehicle Parr: Code. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage CODE of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried. Gi'MSLING It was noted that the Council moved to table action on the Gambling Ordinance at the July 2 meeting. The City of Seattle and king County have not agreed to any coordinated action, and it is suggested that this matter be discussed at a future worl':shop. MILL CREEK Ulett recommended that the Citv enter into a contract with the I:ing County Department of IIy(l-raulics for construction of the sedimentation basin at Mill Creel:. Ile noted that the cost was estimates; at $50,000, to be shared equally with -the County, and, that Kent 's share- would be laid from funds budgeted from the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. JUST SO MOVED, Elliott seconded, motion carried. VACATION OF The petition for vacation of the Kent Estates Plat was KENT ESTATES received by the Planning Commission, and will be reviewed PLAT at their regular meetin; on August 21, 1973 . PUGET SOUND r' letter was read from Phyllis Lamphere, Chairman of the GOVERNMENTAL Human Resources Policy iIdvisory Committee of the PSGC, CONFERENCE suggesting that the Tlayor or another appropriate elected official serve on a Human Resources Steering Committee. M.t�STER S MOVED to refer the matter to the next work session and for copies of the letter to be made available to the Council, Thornton seconder', motion carried. SIIORELINE It was noted that the Shoreline Management Citizen R evieT,r MANGE LENT Committee will have a public meeting on c( nesday, :.ugust CITIZEN 15t1h at 7 : 30 p.m.in the Council Chambers to discuss reg{uire- REVIEiVl ments of the Shoreline Ilasters rro ra.m goals and policies COT•21ITTEE for the Green River. METRO It was notes' -that correspondence has been received from PriRK & RIDE the public regarding the proposes', park and ride lot for LOT Metro. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement on behalf of the City of Kent with Metro for use of 'U5 parking spaces in the north municipal parking lot, and for a copy of said agreement to be sent to all the Council, Masters seconded. 1-YiSTERS MOVED to amend the motion to list a brief assessment of the contents of the letters, Elliott seconded . t',mendment carried. Ilotion as amended carried . The City Clerk noted receipt of the following correspondence: Chamber of Comrgerce, in favor, providing Metro pays a portion of the rent to be pro rated in favor of the LID participants , Harold Heath, in favor, Pete Curran, in favor, noting that public transportation is crucial to the existance of the City, and the lot is not now used to capacity, Robert Smith for Westside Savings and Loan, in favor inasmuch as the lot is not now fully utilized, Gary Garrison for Lincoln First Federal Savings, in favor to give better utilization of the lot, 1i. S . Lee-per, in favor of granting the spaces free of charge to Metro to discourage bus riders from parking on the street, A. Gicrli for Peoples Bank, in favor of using the lot to its full capacity, Jim Curran, in favor as benefiting the community in general, Elmore Commet, in favor,. Ted Reynold--, in favor, L. Jenner of Burlington Northern Railroad noted the lot provided only indirect benefit to the railroad by providing parking space for customers and employees, Gwinn Investments had no objection as long as no further cost would be borne by businesses , Barry Owen of Security Savings and Loan, in favor, noting that the rental money should be used to reimburse those who are assessed for the parking lot, Bill Stewart of Stewart Drugs, in favor of trying; the proposal an(] asked if the rent paid by Metro could be used to reduce the assessments. Favorable telephone cp_11 from Lamar Strain. :Albert Eaden, against the- proposal if further assessments `could he levied, Charles Sells for Oddfellows, against, noting that the parking stalls were provided for use of local businesses, Ilerb Klevin for Stokley Van Kamp, against the proposal, stating that the parking lot should be kept for it 's intended purpose: shoppers, visitors, working people, etc. , John McGrecyor an(,, Joe Oliver for Oliver Box Co. , against the proposal, noting that this is not the use for which the LID was formed, and if the parking lot ha.s excess spaces, some of them could have been excluded thus making the assessments lower. The letter referred also to the dollar amount per stall ( $2, 193 .44) based on the amount of the LID and noted that the fletro use of the parking stalls would make it easier for people to leave Kent to shop elsewhere. DEPARTMENT 1 letter wa. read from Morton Schi,aabacher, Director OF HUI-ViN of the City of Seattle ' s Department of Iuman Resources, RESOURCES Division. on Aging, noting that the first meeting of the Citizen Planning Council will be held on Wednesday, �-Wgust 0 at 3 :00 p.m. in the Community Room at Jefferson Terrace, 800 Jefferson Street and inviting a City representative to attend this meeting as an observer. The letter noted that this Planning Council is a citizen body created jointly by the City of Seattle, the County and United Way to perform policy advisory functions in conjunction with the Area Agency on Acting. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a part of the record, Baffaro seconded. Mayor Logan noted that Renton's Mayor had advised her that the representa- tive for this area was chosen for us and that the cities should have more local input into this p i. jr3m. She pointed out that presently the City is represented by Rev. Millis E. Martos of- the Filipino Protestant Church of Kent. A.otion carried. SEr�TTLE/KING letter addressed 'to the Suburban T:ayor 's ='association was COUNTY read from C. David Ilughbanks , noting that the Seattle/king BICENTENNIAL County Bicentennial Commission will attend the September 5th COMMISSION Suburban r".ayor 's dinner meeting at Meeker 's Landing to mare a presentation. 112,aSTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Thornton seconded, motion carried. ECONOMIC It was noted that Mr. Winkle represented the City at the DEVELOPMENT Central Puget Sound Economic Development District Meeting on July 26th at Bremerton, and has supplied each Council member with his report. 1974 BUDGET Association of Washinoton Cities . ii letter was read from Kent Swisher of the t,.ssociation of Washington Cities, noting an increase in the service fee schedule for 1974 and pointing out that charges to I:ent will be $2,541.75 . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Elliott seconded, motion carried. SUBDIVISION It was noted that Council members tools a scheduled tour of CODE various land development projects on Monday, July 30. The Subdivision Code will be an item of discussion at a future workshop. AWARDS Mayor Hogan presented a Certificate of Competency as Water Works Specialist III to Dwaine IIager, awarded by the Depart- ment of Social and Health Services. COUNCIL Mayor IIogan introduced Billie Johnson, Len !McCaughan and C'INDIDATES Larry Storment as Council candidates, and John Lone as a proposed Planning Commission member. FINANCE Elliott moved to approve the bills received on or before August 6 after auditing by the Finance Committee. The Committee will meet at 0:00 a.m. , August 14th, Masters seconded, motion carrieC. MEETING iiDJOURNED: 9 :45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen Mayor City Clerk