HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/16/1973 Rent, Washinc�ton July 1G, 1973 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m. Present: !Mayor Mogan, Councilmen : Baffaro, Just, Martell, Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: City Treasurer P•Sargaret Drotz, Fire Chief Foster, Detective Roder Bean and Dwight IIartman of the Planning Department. Councilmen Elliott and Kitto were absent. Masters moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 2nd as printed, Thornton secoded, motion carried. IiEALTIi & Proposed LID 276, Sanitary Sewers, Sunset Manor, SANITATION Ulett described the proposed 3,1 acre project, consisting, of 630 ' of 3" sewer pipe and side sewers, located at S .E. 2.56th and 116th S.L. IIe noted that the toL—al cost of the improvement is $30 , 300 and the assessment: are bases, on an area charge of $.13103 per square f L. with a side sewer charge of a2.00 each. Mr. Street explained that the financing of the proposed project would be on a 10 year basis, through ail LID note, or LID bonds, which might be combined with other LID bond issues . The public hearing was opened . Mr. Charles Becvar spoke from the audience, noting that his property is approximately 600 ' east of 11Gth, ' and asked if it couIC }tee included in this LID. Ulett' explained that it could not be includes? because the gravity sewer ends at llGth, Mr. Tom tlorgan, oi,mer of property within the proposed LID, stated that lie was not objecting to the project, but noted that his home is west of 116th across from the S.E. 253th cul-de-sac and that his connection to the sewer line would be at the dead end of the line, and lie was concerned that the line was not deep enough -to serve his house. IIe stated that his septic tank has caused no problems and objected to being forced to tie into a dead end sewer line which might cause problems. Ulett stated that a test could be run to determine whether the house would gravity fees; into the line. Martell stated that lie could forsee no problems, as the City will maintain the sewer. Mr. Jack Decvar, owner of property within the proposec. LID, asked if it was possilDle to extend the LID in the near future. Street stated that those interested in such a project woul(9 have to petition for an. LID.' IIe noted that if a pumping station was necessary, the cost was prohibitive for the approximate nine homes which have a serious problem. There were no further comments from the floor and no correspondence relating to this matter. 11'�RTELL MOVED to close the hearing, Just seconded, motion carried. WiRTELL MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance ordering the improvement and creating; the LID, Thornton seconded, motion carried. STREETS LID 274 East Valley highway, Green River to Willis Street, Environmental Assessment. The public hearing y was opened on the Environmental Assessment for the East Valley Highway. There were no comments and no correspondence was received. JUST MOVED to close the hearing, . Masters seconded, motion carried. MIS TERS MOVED that the effect of this project on the environment is insignificant and no further statement need be made, .Just seconded, motion carried. LID 274. City Attorney Mirk reported that condemnation proceedings were started this morning on 12 of the 73 parcels of the South Central project. IIe noted that on April 9th, he gave to the attorney who re- presents the majority of the property owners , the full information regarding the appraisals that the City had used. IIe pointed out that he had not heard. from the attorney until 5 :00 p.m. last Friday, so negotiations have been impossible. POLICE & A letter was read from Police Chief McQuery re(jarctinr_, FIR the City of Auburn's proposal to purchase three (3) Kent Police Department IIarlej% Davidson motorcycles for $4500, including tax, and recommending acceptance of their offer. MOVED to declare the three Earley Davidson motorcycle, surplus and to accept the offer of the City of i'�uburn , 21asters seconded, motion carried. i7ATER Easement. It was noted that at the last t%Torh session, a discussion wac had on the Harold James water easement for the S . 21Gth water li'De. The loc--ttion of the ease- ment had been chi inged, atzc' it is recommended t1'iat the James easements be exchanc;ec': , 11ARTELL MOV:1D that an exchange of easements for the S. 21Gth water line l e approved and the Mayor and City Cler1�: be authorize(.' to sign a release for the prior easement , Masters seconded, motion carried. UTILITIES A letter was read from TIrs. Janice Ja:,.rosz, noting that as a renter of property in Lent, her utility bills are sent to the 2.1ortc e Company, causing a delay in receiv- ing her Dill, and suggesting a 45 day grace period; instead of 30 days in order to avoid F. phut-off notice each month. MASTERS MOVED to note receipt of the letter and to refer the matter to the Finance Director_ for 'an answer, Martell seconded. It was pointed out that with the new disc equipment in the Data Processing Department, it will soon be possible to overcome this type of problem.. Motion carried . AGRICULTURAL Darnier. The public hearing was opened on the appli- CURRENT USE cation filed by Dr. & Mrs . Jerome Barnier for an ASSESSMENT agricultural current use assessment on property located approximately one-half mile west of 68th Ave. South, on S . 228th Street and on property located at 22103 76th Ave. South. It- was noted that the Planning Commission has recommended approval. Harris explained that the site west of the West Valley Highway is nine acres and the site ejst of the Wiest Valley Highway is 34 acres. Dr. Barnier was present arid1 gave some background information on the proposal. There were no further comments or corresp onc;ence and TI101 NTON MOVED to close the nearing, rlasters seconded, motion carried. ._V�RT LL MOVED to approve the application of Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Barnier for Agricultural Current Use assessment, Just seconded, motion carried. RECREATIONAL The public taearing was opened oil the proposed Recreational VEHICLE PARK Vehicle Park Code. The Planning Commission has re- CODE commended that the code be adopted as presented . There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence received. JUST MOVED to close the hearing, Thornton seconded, motion carried . JUST MOVED that the City of Tent adopt the Recreational Vehicle Park Code as pre- sented for public hearing, Masters seconded. Under discussion, Martell asked if any mobile park owners in Kent were contacted relating to this matter. Barris replied that they had not been specifically contacted, but that the Planning Commission had had input from park owners , including a large organization which is planning such a park. Upon Baffaro 's question, Harris explained that the Code would not require changes to existing mobile home parks unless they wanted to provide for recreational vehicles. There were no further comments. Motion Carried . JUST MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance adopting the Recreational Vehicle Park Code, Martell seconded, motion carried. KENTWOOD It was noted that the Planning Commission has completed INDUSTRIAL its hearing on the preliminary plat of Kentwood Industrial PARK PLAT Park and recommends approval, subject , to certain con- ditions . A memo was received from Public Works Director I:ENTrdOOD Ulett suggest-in�r changes to two of the recommendations c pointed out that i INDUSTRIAL of the Plannircj Commission . It ��a� T�ut-)lic hearing must be held if the Council Naishes to PikRIC PLAT 1 consider any changer. MASTERS 11OV1,D that a public Bar- ing on the plat be set for Aug-TUst 6, 197') , Just seconded, motion carrier] . VACATION OF A letter was read from G. utry of the Pacific National Y.ENT ESTATES Ban): of Washington, submitting a petition to vacate PLAT Kent Estates Plat in its entirety, including those streets designated on the plat as portions of SE 2G5th, SE 255th, lootlh 1,1 , 6E, 109th Pl. SE and SE 252nd. 1 ' STERS MOVED that the letter be made a matter of record and to refer the matter to the Planning Director, Thornton seconded, motion carried. SUBDIVISION It was noted that the Subdivision Code has been reviewer, CODE and proposed changes made, however, t..e completed code has not been recieved as yet by the Administrator. JUST MOVED that the subdivision Code be referred back to a special workshop of the Council as a whole on July 30th at 7 :00 p.m. , 1lasters seconded. Under discussion, Just requested that the I:ing County Sub- division Code and the Trails regulations be made avail- able for the Council 's review before the workshop. Street noted that the Comprehensive Par�:s Plan desigr)a tes trails , and if the Council adopts the Comprehensive Parks Plan, it will include the trails plan. IIe stated further that ,hen the trails plan is adopted , l!24` .gas tax, money can, be spent on any officially ac?,opte(1 trails . Ne pointed out that the Comprehensive Park Plan int.udes a reap showing the trails plan. MasL-ers suggested that since one in(7'ividual had criticized the plan so vocally, that the Council be prepared to go out and physically investigate the areas in question. Just suggested the Council cro in a group at 7 :00 p.m. on the 30th. Street noted that c$ty transportation could be made available and pointed out that a representative of the Dress was in attendance at this meeting. Motion carried. The City Clerk was instructed to advise absent Councilmen Kitto and Elliott of the special workshop meeting. G�-,MBLING T. letter was read from the Greater I:ent Democratic Club, urging support of Icing County Gambling Ordinance 14711 in its entirety. W1 STERS 11OVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a part of the record , 11artell seconded, motion carried. METRO A letter was read from Metro, noting that Metro is sponsoring a river basin water and waste management planning program, consisting of a Dater Resources Management Study, a Water Quality Study, an Urban Drainage Study and a Solid Haste Management Study, and requesting that the City contact them to make arrangements for a presentation to the Council . 11:7iSTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record , and for the 1Sayor and Administrator to respond, Martell seconded, motion carried. AMERICAN It was noted that discussion was held at the last work REVOLUTION session regarding the Rmerican Revolution Eicenten.nial BICENTENNIAL Commission objectives. It was suggested that activities COr114ISSI0N which might be considered would be ones which would have commemorative value and could have a visual impact 50 to 100 years from now and that Mayor Kogan has suggested trees along the Green River. Martell asked what funds were available. Mayor Hogan noted that she had contacted John Fournier who is a member of the Seattle Committee and requester, more information. She noted that the money is available and that she presumed that it was to be used for planning, since a plan is always required before federal or state agencies will approve expenditures. The Mayor pointed out that ORB is working on a Green River Plan as part of the Comprehensive Park Plan and they are inter- ested in the material provided by the Corp of Engineers . She suggested that Kent should write and ask if we are eligible for some of this moriey. Martell suggested that the Sixth Chamber organization coulC use these runes in helping, the youth of the City, which would also be some- thing which would have a long range impact. Mayor IIon�,n AMERICAN stated that she thouc,ht that the Commission on the REVOLUTION federal level is looking for some historical thin, BICENTENNIAL noting that some cities will suggest a museum or some- 00MMISSION tDing of that sort. She pointed out that no guidelines h�.ive been established . I3AFrAnc MOVED that the suggestion of Mayor Hogan to plant trees along the Green River be submitted to the Bicentennial Committee. 21otion lost for lack of a second . TRANSIT It was notes that on Moi7day, July I() at 3 :00 p.m. , a SERVICE meeting was held with downto�•,7n merchants and property owners regarding the Metro proposal to utilize a portion of the north parking lot, consisting of about 05 slots , behind Penney's for a temporary park and ride lot. Street noted that Metro's rroposal is scheduled for the fiscal year July 1973 to July 1974 and stated that in the meantime, Pietro is attempting to schedule more bus runs and services to the community. He described proposed bus service from East and Nest hills and one from auburn to Kent, which would continue to Seattle on the freeway. Street noted further that the parking lot was financed by an LID, therefore the merchants and property owners were notified . He suggested that the matter be discussed at the Oorlcshon on July, 23rd , and perhaps at the next Council meeting, P. definite answer can be made to Metro. Mayor Ilo�;an noted that P.Ietro was an.:ious to start the new runs in September, and wanted to come to an agreement with t lie cities involver.', as soon as possible . AUBURN-KENT It was pointed out that all Council members had received YOUTH a written report concerrjinc� the Youth Resources Bureau. RESOURCES MASTERS MOVED for Council to move to the next order of BURE,,,U business , Just seconded . Masters stated her reasons were that she thought the Council has not been provided with adequate justification to approve this expenditure. Iia.sters called for the question and upon Mayor IIogan 's question, Masters suggested the item be deferred to the next Council. meeting. Street asked what additional information was desired. Just stated t'nat in his opinion, King County% was trying to pass this $20 , 000 responsibility onto the cities to make use of the cities ' revenue sharing Monies . Secur- ing the Council 's permission to speak on the subject, the Mayor stated that eventually Kent would be ]_)earing many more expenses, that the County would not be carrying on social service programs . She states, that this expendi- ture was, for now, a matching arrangement with the County, but with revenue sharing the cities will be expected eventually to pay the full cost of such programs. Baffaro stated that this was a pilot program and $20,000 was not a large amount, considering the young people who would be helped. Martell questioned where the money would come from to pay the full amount next year. Masters questioned the spending of the taxpayers money simply because it is there and must be used by a deadline. She noted that the Council has the responsibility of approving this expendi- ture which is only the begining of this program, and that it is a commitment for a much larder sum. Street pointed out that the proposal had come from a Superior Court judge and perhaps they could explain the proposal to the Council . Martell stated that the matter should be explored and that a representative of the Sixth Chamber should also be present. Masters noted that the full council should be in attendance when the matter is discussed and stated she was not in favor of a workshop discussion unless new material was to be presented. Mayor Kogan noted that any social service program is most diffi- cult to assess as to it 's success. Motion carried, with Baffaro voting nay. BIDS Fire Howe Bids were r.ecoived from the following firms : L. 17. Curtis, Norm Crist Pierce Fire Apparatus and American Rubber Manufacturing Co. Upon the recommendation of the Fire Chief, IU�STERS MOVED to accept the following Kids : L. N. Curtis 1000 ' of 2" hose C, $1.07 ft. Norm Crist 2000 ' of 2-2" hose Q $1.24 ft,ZESS 2% Pierce Fire 600 ' of _','z" hose i1 $2.37 ft,LESS 2% Apparatus !Martell seconded, motion carried. SENATE BILL Initiative & Referendum Powers iia Non-Charter 2190 Code Cities. It was noted that the Council had received the City 'Ittorney' s opinion concerning Senate Bill 2190 in which he stated that the Council may wait for the electors to bring in a petition or the Council may initiate the action for the powers of initiative and referendum to be exercised in non- charter code cities. MASTERS MOVED that consideration of Senate Bill 2190 be an item at a workshop in :august, 1973 , Martell seconded, motion carried. It was deter- mined that the Administrator would decide which work session depending upon the work load for each session. MILL CREEP. Ulett noted receipt of plans from King County regard- STORM ing Mill Creek and suggested that the matter be DRAINAGE presented to the Council at the next workshop on July 23rd . PLANNING Mayor Hogan announced that there are two vacancies on COMMISSION the Planning Commission and asked the Council for suggestions. She noted that one letter had been received expressing interest in serving. All suggestions will be forwarded to the Planning Commission interview committee who will report back their recommendations. Mayor Kogan presented Noel Dichnell_ with a certificate of appreciation for his 13 years of service on the Planning Commission. 11r_ . Bicknell commented on the need for planning, noting, the advancement of this City in the planning field. SCALE The Mayor appointed Ms. Geraldine Emery of 23G12 100th Ave . S .E. to represent Kent on the South County Alcohol. Education Program (SCALE) Board. ARTS Two letters were read from David Hewitt, Chairman of the COMMISSION Kent Arts Commission, riotir)g that Mrs . Jean Fournier has commissioned Portland Sculptor Tom Hardy to execute a major work as a memorial to her late husband. Mrs . Fournier has offered the sculpture as a gift to the City to be located in the public court facing Fourth Avenue between the Library and City hall . The Arts Commission requests that the City engage an architect or a landscape architect to develop a plan for the court. MASTERS MOVED to accept both letters and for the matter to be referred to the next workshop, Martell seconded, ration carried. MASTERS MOVED to confirm Mayor 's appointment of Robert Riggs to the Arts Commission, Just seconded, motion carried. Mayor Hogan noted that Jean Staley had resigned FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee on July 17th are as follows : Current Expense 35 . 794.95 Parks & Recreation 4,094.43 Library 1,90 .62 City Streets 10 ,991 .53 Park Forward Thrust 9 ,109 .06 Library Construction 22,572.04 City Mall Construction 410 .1.1 212th Ph 3 Construction 1, 751 .67 E. Valley Construction 90,540.91 E .V. Yii.11is - Gr. R vr. 24,000 .00 Gowe Street West 02,524.61 Canyon Drive 74.55 Keith Rd - Military 170.16 Equipment Rental 17,136.53 Firemen 's R/P 1 ,507.40 LEFF Disability 21200.5G Sewer 72, 741.33 Water 7, 767.43 Garbage 30 , 350.57 400 ,009 6 FINANCE Interest BeurincY Warrants E. V. wdillis - Gr. Rvr_ . Hill, Ingman & Chase 1,419 .93 Hill, Ingman & Chase 24,902.54 Lumin Art Sign Co. 33G .96 Sign-O-Lite 675 .00 Daily Journal of Commerce 150 .35. Security Title Ins. Co. 31,540 .00 Security Title Ins . Co. 2 ,544.03 North Kent Water IIill , Inrma.n & Chase G2.1G MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :30 pm. Respectfully submitted , Isabel IiOgan Marie Jensen Mayor City Cler':