HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/02/1973Kent, Washington July 2, 1973 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, Public Works Director Ulett and Planning Director Harris. City Attorney Mirk and Councilmen Baffaro and Thornton were absent. Also present: City Treasurer Margaret Drotz and Police Captain Gerry Grant. Elliott moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 18th as printed, Masters seconded, motion carried. SUBDIVISION Letters were read from the following agencies regarding CODE the Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Subdivision Code: Puget Sound Air Pollution Control, Metro, the Highway Commission and the'state offices of Program Planning and Fiscal Management. A memo from Public Works Director Ulett was read, recommending that the proposed subdivision code be amended before adoption as follows: On Page 11, Section 2.3.2, Item 2B, change paragraph 4 to read: "Show the location of proposed property lines within the plat and show the following, both within the plat and within one hundred (100) feet of the plat boundaries: existing property lines and ownerships, existing section lines, streets, buildings, water courses, railroads, bridges, all recorded public easements for utilities or roadways and all recorded private easements for utilities or roadways", AND on Page 16, change Item 3 to read: "Certification by a licensed land surveyor that a per- imeter survey has been made; that a survey of all interior lines will be made; and that monuments and stakes will be set." MASTERS MOVED to accept the letters and for them to be made a part of the record, Just seconded, motion carried. The public hearing was opened. Miles Drake commented on the proposed code from the audience, suggesting that the reference to the Trails Plan on Page 19 did not clearly state what the provisions would be. Referring to Page 20, Item B, regarding full width improvements, Drake stated that these items should not be required in all cases, and pointed out that in some instances might even cause drainage problems. He noted that the County has adopted rules just the opposite of this, because of drainage problems. He noted that requirements for storm drains should be based on the need for them in each particular location. He pointed out that these items were costly, sometimes unnecessary, and if re- quired only increased the cost of a lot without actually improving the property. He referred to Page 21, Item #9 regarding Pavement Widths for streets, noting that extra widths for local streets and cul-de-sacs were unnecessary and costly. On Page 22, regarding Lengths of Blocks, Drake opined that in some isolated areas, blobks over 1000 feet long should be permitted. He suggested that Section 3.1.8, Item #4 on Page 22 is unnecessary and that access to lots should not be limited to only one. On Page 25, Exceptions, Section 4.1, Paragraph,lB, he stated that the. intent was not clear. Drake referred further to Section 4.2, Paragraph 2, under Penalties, which states that a person owning land which is undergoing platting procedures is subject to a fine if he sells a portion of the land. He noted that more than one owner should be allowed to own the parcel. He pointed out that he had raised all of these objections at the Planning Commission hearing, except the last one. Mr. Van Giesen representing the Sanwick.Corporation, referred to Page 4, Item 32, regarding the Short Subdivision Committee and suggested an additional member, such as a realtor or an engineer. On Page 8, Section 2.2.4, regarding the size of the plat map, Van Giesen suggested that inasmuch as a recent survey recording act requires that the map size be 18" X 2411, that the City follow this size requirement. He noted that there is approximately a 44 day time frame from the date a plat application is filed to the end of the appeal time and suggested that this time frame be shortened. He further suggested that the Public Works Director approve the actual preparation of this code. He noted that the Sanwick Corporation has a lage in- dustrial park which. has�nbt: ass,,yet�'gone through the formal platting procedures, and they will discuss with Harris how the new code would affect them. There were no further comments from the audience. In answer to Mr. Drake's comments, Harris referred to Page 19 regarding the Trails Plan and noted that the key word is "provision", which meant that the matter would be discussed with the property owner. On Page 20 regarding sidewalks, Harris stated that the 5' sidewalks would be required on through streets only, not cul-de-sacs and not on both sides of the street. Regarding Page 25, Exceptions, Harris explained that exceptions were similar to variances and would be heard before the Planning Commission, and could be appealed. On Page 21, regarding Pavement Widths, Harris noted that the committee's original recommendation for local streets was 50' for right-of-way and pavement width 28' - 321, but that the Planning Commission had changed this to 60' for the right-of-way and 32' for the width. On Page 22, regarding Block Lengths, Harris stated that King County has stipulated that block lengths be no more than 15001, but in certain instances, blocks might be longer. Regarding Section 3.1.8, Item #4 on Page 22, he noted that one of the two local streets inside a subdivision would be con- sidered the major street, and noted that residents would prefer to not have access off the major streets. Regarding transfer of sales, Section 4.2.2. on page 25, Harris stated that the Planning Commission is of the opinion that portions of land should not be sold before the subdivision has been completed. In answer to Van Giesen's objections, Harris referred to Page 4 regarding the Short Subdivision Committee, noting that the duties of the committee should be administrative procedure handled by city officials and pointed out an -appointee from the general business area might find it difficult to attend meetings. Harris stated he had no objection to changing the size of the plat map to 18" X 24". Regarding the time frame on Page 9, Section 2.2.7 under Appeals, he stated that the 30 days stated for Council action on an appeal could be changed to 21 days and the Short Subdivision Committee meeting date element referred to on Page 8 could be shortened to 15 days after receipt of the application, instead of 30 days. Upon Elliott's question, Harris noted that old plats will not be affected by the code, that a cut-off date will be determined. 'Street pointed out that in the future all plats will come under the jurisdiction of the Council. Street agreed with Miles Drake in that the problem of storm drainage is variable, but maintained that improvements should be included so as to be part of the buyer's loan. He agreed with Drake that the developer should keep the water on his own property. He noted that any street that is not asphaltic con- crete costs more to maintain and if accepted by the city, the city must be prepared to pay the maintenance costs. Martell agreed with Miles Drake regarding storm drain- age, noting that if there is an open ditch, the water goes back into the soil. He agreed with Van Giesen about the Short Plat Committee and referred to Page 14 regarding the requirement for a check in lieu of a bond, noting that the meaning is not clear. Regarding the Trails Plan, Martell opined that this is an area which could cause problems, and if the City wants property for trails, it should be purchased from the owner or donated by him. IIe pointed out that Ordinance 1142 (Construction Standards) indicates that gravel streets are acceptable. IIe referred to Page 20, Item 13, Full Ylidth Improvements, and indicated that he did not think these widths were necessary and stated that the type and volume of traffic should determine the size and type of construction of the street. Iie further noted that he did not think sidewalks should be required in a subdivision which was on the out- skirts of the City. IIe noted that blocks longer than 1000, should be allowed. Iie disagreed with the provision that an owner could not sell a portion of his land while it is undergoing platting procedures. Street pointed out that if a person owned 40 acres, he could final plat 10 acres, have it accepted and then sell that 10 acres, which is a standard pro- cedure for developers. Just stated that developers ask the City to e.:tend water, sewers, storm drainage, etc. to areas on the edge of the city limits, and if we then allow them to develop without proper streets, curbs and gutters etc., it would not be fair to those who have developed areas properly, closer to the downtown area. Kitto referred to Section 4.5 on Page 26, Repeal, noting that the repealer section is not broad enough. Street pointed out that it should read: "Ordinance 007 and any portion of ordinances in conflict Herewith are hereby repealed". Upon Master's question, Street determined that metes and bounds descriptions were still necessary for surveys for plats. Elliott asked if Ulett's recommendations for changes would be in- corporated in the final code. Harris stated that this would be satisfactory. Elliott referred to Page 19 regarding the Trails Plan, and suggested that "pro- visions shall be made" be changed to "may by made". Harris stated that the Planning Commission debated this, and had used shall because if a development has trails, the City would want to negotiate. Street stated that vri.thin the next four months, the Council will be considering a Comprehensive Trails Plan and that the City intended to either purchase trails property or accept it as a donation. Elliott pointed out that in Section 25, Exceptions, there was no mention of a Planning Unit Development type development and thought that this section should indicate that this type of development would be considered. Iiarris explained that a PUD is completely different from a subdivision, and any reference to a PUD should be in the preamble o-f- the code and not in the Exceptions portion. Martell commented that the code would require that every subdivision have the same standards for roads instead of being based on the amount of traffic in the particular area. Ile pointed out that the extension of James Street to the Russell Road was a gravel road, put in by the City. Street explained that this was a temporary road, for which the City had exchanged gravel and grading for the people contributing the right-of-way. The road has not been accepted and when it is improved, the property owners will have to ,gay for asphalting. KITTO MOVED to close the hearing, Elliott seconded, motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the City ,,lttorney be directed to prepare the proper ordinance to adopt the code; Elliott seconded and stated that he would life to review the proposed changes before the ordin- ance is drafted. Harris stated that he would prepare the proposed changes to present to the Council work- shop next Monday. Street noted that the ordinance could be prepared after the workshop. Motion failed. PIASTERS MOVED for the matter of changes to be clarified at the next workshop, Just seconded, motion carried. GAMBLING It was pointed out that the Attorney General has given an opinion that the state law on gambling has taken away the Optional Municipal Code provisions for code cities to have all of the rights of first class cities. The Administrator has recommended (1) for the City Attorney to be instructed to prepare a tax law in accordance with Ding County to be ready for passage when the State Gambling Commission has established the guidelines and; (2) that I:ent, in conjunction with other Code cities, challenge the Attorney General's opinion in court on this matter. ELLIOTT MOVED for the City Attorney to prepare a gambling tax ordinance for submission to the Council after the State guide- lines have been established, Masters seconded. MARTELL MOVED to amend the motion to provide for more input from the Council at.the next workshop meeting. :street explained that the city will have no input, that the county will set the rate. Martell withdrew his motion to amend. Motion carried. Mayor Hogan noted that - she had attended a meeting in Seattle at which the question of the proposed 10% tag: rate was discussed and noted that many thought that 10% was too high. She pointed out that the State Gambling Commission had not as yet been appointed, although the law was scheduled to become effective July 16. MARTELL MOVED for the City Administrator to contact - other code cities to determine if they wished to also challenge the attorney General's opinion, Just seconded. Elliott asked if the intent to challenge would be on the grounds that we want the right to make the decision to disallow pull tabs and punch boards or because we want to disallow them completely. Street stated that it would be to the advantage of the Optional Municipal Code cities to challenge the Attorney General's opinion. ELLIOTT MOVED to clarify the motion by amending it to include that the City go on record as in favor of pull tabs and punch boards within the guidelines, and -then. withdrew the proposes; amendment. Martell's motion carried unanimously. ELLIOTT then moved for the Council to go on record as supporting pull tabs and punch boards. Masters seconded. Kitto opined that the motion was premature and stated he was not ready to support such a motion. JUST MOVED to TABLE the motion, Kitto seconded. Just's motion carried, over Elliott's nay. STREETS Underground Wiring - South Central. Upon the re- commendation of the Engineering Department, 2=ZkRTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the proposed contract from Puget Power for underground wiring, in conjunction with the South Central paving project, in the amount of $27,000, Masters seconded, motion carried. South Central Paving. It was noted that it is the recommendation of both the Director of Public Works and the Administrator that Hill, Ingman and Chase complete the South Central project, but that the Public Works Department review with the Council, the City's cap- abilities to do the engineering on other projects, including the South Central pumping, and the Reith Road -Military Road intersection. MARTELL MOVED to have Bill, Ingman and Chase complete the South Central project, Elliott seconded, motion carried. S. 180th. Masters noted that Renton was interested in improvements to S. 180th, especially if I:ent was willing to contribute financial aid. Renton has listed S. 180th on their street plan. Joe Street stated that he and Bob Kristofferson had attended a meeting with Renton on June 2G about sewer and water service along this street and will be in contact with the Fenton engineer. Traffic Control. A letter was read from Kent merchants, requesting consideration of a study for an electric'stoi) and go control signal at the corner of Second and Meeker, and pointed out a recent multiple car accident at this intersection. M.a�STERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the Traffic Engineer, Just seconded, motion carried. WATER Lake Fenwick Watershed. 1), letter was read from Ralph Soil and dater Conservation Backstrom of the King County in the joint District, noting that the Doard concurs City of lent and King County for technical request of the assistance in developing a soil and water conservation plan for the Lake Fenwick watershed and will provide assistance and available manpower. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Elliott seconded. In answer to Plaster's q" estion, Street pointed out that this study gill not cost ar:.y- thing to the City, but Will require some time from our engineering department. Motion carries;. FINANCE LID Segregations. MARTELL MOVED for the City Treasurer and City Engineer to process the LID segregation re- qy ests for Leonard Lillegard for LID 265 and for the Denaroya. Company for ULID rill, LID 26, and LID 261, in Elliott seconded, accordance with s procedures, procedures motion carried. HEALTH & Cedar River Flood Control. 1. brochure from the :;rmy River flood SANITATION Corp of Engineers relative to the Cedar distributed to the Council Drainage Reduction has been for their information and comments. POLICE Court. MARTELL MOVED that the firm of Schneider, Smyth, Salley and Van Siclen be appointed special counsel for the City of Kent for Aukeen Court on 17 23, Elliott seconded, motion carried. July 16, and It was explained that the City Attorney would be in Superior Court on these days. CENTRAL Masters spoke regarding the CBD Circulation Plan, and BUSINESS noted that there was some comment by the committee direction by the City government. DISTRICT CIRCULATION that they are lacking She pointed out that the traffic improvement plan PLAN for downtown Kent was approved by the City in December, 1969 and was revised in September 1971, with a second meeting in December 1972. She suggested that the this Council reaffirm the City's intention to support plan, which included one-way streets, inasmuch as it She that was properly endorsed by the Council. noted the construction decisions are necessary because of in Kent, and pointed out that.one- presently going on streets require mazy decisions regarding railroad way crossings, signals, etc. Kitto stated that the Chamber committee has asked the Traffic Engineer to review the plan which was adopted by the Council, and also the plan proposed by the CBD Committee, and felt that before supporting the CBD Circulation Plan it would be wise to wait for the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. IIe noted that the Traffic Engineer is concerned With moving the traffic through the city, and the CBD Committee is interested in making it convenient for people to stop to shop. Street noted that merchants were generally against one-way street plans. Mayor Kogan stated that the CBD will be bringing their recommendations to the Planning Commission before it comes to the Council and that the public hearing is scheduled before the Planning Commission on July 17. Martell noted that the City has a Six Year Street Plan which should not be changed. Elliott stated that the turnover of Meeker Street and Gowe Street to the City from the State had delayed the Meeker-Gowe-4th Ave. cuplet which was designed for one-way. 'Street noted that the Traffic Engineer will review consideration of It one-way streets as compared to two-way streets. IIe noted that when Gowe Street and Smith Street were both one-way, it e7asn't very successful. Just asked if one-way streets were considered, would the CBD have considerable reservations. Kitto stated that it would be important. Elliott ashecl if consideration was beinc,, given to changing GOWe Street to a two-way street. Street stated that Gowe was being considered for one-way to 4th .'avenue and maybe two-way east of 4th Avenue. CENTRAL It was noted that at last work session, the CBD BUSINESS Committee presented a report on progress to date. DISTRICT A representative of the Boeing Company presented a proposal to be considered as project manager. The committee also requested that at least two other_ organizations be contacted on the project management proposal. Mayor Hogan rioted that a presentation will be made oil July loth at 7:30 a.m, at the Golden Steer from a representative of DP1JM. FINANCE Audit. Street noted that he, the City Attorney and Finance Director had met with Don Foss of the Attorney General's office concerning the 1971 Auditors report, and that the City had satisfactorily answered the questioned items. The City Attorney will submit a letter to the Attorney General's office. BIDS Fire Department_. Upon the recommendation of the Fire Chief, the award of bids for fire hose will be held over} to July l6th. FIRE District 37. Street pointed out that at_the !august DEPARTMENT 13th workshop session, Ueneral discussion would be had with Fire District 437 relative to consideration of contracting for fire service to the district. PRELIMINARY Kentwood Industrial Park. It was rioted that the Planning PLAT Commission has held a public hearing on the Kentwood In- dustrial Part; Preliminary Plat. ELLIOTT 11OVED that a public meeting be held on the Kentwood Industrial Par] -,- Plat on July 16th, Martell seconded, motion carried. UPLANDS Street introduced Ordinance 1834,accepting and approving PLAT the Uplands Plat. M%RTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Elliott seconded, motion carried. 1974 Puget Sound Governmental Conference. A letter was BUDGET read from the PSGC noting that -the PSGC charges to the City of Kent for 1974 will be ;"1,356. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Just seconded, motion carried. PLANNING It was noted that the Mayor has received notification COMMISSION from Noel Bicknell that he does not desire to be re- appointed to the Planning Commission. This information, together with a verbal communication from Richard Land, will probably create two vacancies on the Plannine- Commission. The Council was urged to suggest potential members. KENT-AUBURN It was noted that a list of the members of the ICent- YOUTH Auburn Youth Resources Bureau has been distributes, to RESOURCES the Council. The matter will be discussed at the July BUREAU 9 workshop meeting. ANERICAN It was requested that the Memo from the Mayor con - REVOLUTION cerninca the i,merican Revolution Bicentennial Committee BICENTENNIAL be considered at the July 9th work session. CO1.21LITTEE FINANCE Elliott moved to approve the bills received on or before July 5 after auditing by the Finance Committee. The Committee will meet at 8:00 a.m., Ju''y 17th. Masters seconds, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Pdari , s _n Citv Cleo?. .