HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/18/1973 Kent, '�Jashington
June 13, 1973
Regular meeting of the Kent- City Council was called to order at
8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Daffaro, Elliott,
Just, Ditto, Martell , Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street,
City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Finance Director Ulett,
and Planning Director Harris
Elliott moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 4th as
printed, Just seconded, motion ca.rrieO .
STREETS Six Year Comprehensive Street Program and Arterial
Street Program. Ulett pointed out that proposed six
year street plan on the map and noted that construction
for the year 1974 would start the fiscal year beginning
July 1 , 1973 and ending June 30 , 1974. Mayor. IIogan
opened the public hearing. There were no comments from
the audience. A letter from the Planning Director was
read, suggesting that the ring road system around the
Plemmons shopping center on East Hill be moved up on
the schedule from 1976 to 1074. MASTERS MOVED to accept
the letter and for it to be made a matter of record ,
Martell seconded. Under discussion, Street spoke in
favor of the ring road, but noted that it is not nearly
as vital as the need for storm drainage in that area.
He pointed out that the earliest this item could be
budgeted would be 1974. Motion carried . MASTERS MOVED
for the Council to jointly write a letter to the Renton
City Council asking them to retain their top priority
consideration of S . 1COth Street on their street program,
Thornton seconded, motion carried. Upon Btffaro 's
question, Ulett noted that the intersection on S .E. 104th
and Kent Rangley Road will be part of the development of
the Canyon Drive project. ELLIOTT MOVED to close the
hearing, Martell seconded, motion carried . THORNTON
MOVED to adopt Resolution 742 , accepting and approving
the proposed Six Year Comprehensive Street Program and
Arterial Street Program, as submitted by the Director
of Public Works , Martell seconded, motion carried .
Traffic Speeds . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance
1032, amending Section 2 of Ordinance 1011, relating to
traffic speeds . ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordi-
nance, Baffaro seconded. Masters questioned the 50 MPH
on Kest Valley Highway from a point 583 .7 ft. north of
Morton Street to the intersection of Meeker Street.
The City Attorney stated this was an error and that it
should read 35 MPH. MARTELL MOVED to amend the motion
to include the correction to 35 MPH, Baffaro seconded.
Amendment carried, motion as amended carried.
Canyon Drive Underground Conversion_._ Ulett noted receipt
of an agreement from Puget Power for underground con-
version along Canyon Drive. IIe recommended that the City
approve the agreement and noted that the City's cost will
be less than the estimated $40 ,000. MARTELL MOVED that
the City enter into the agreement with Puget Power,
Masters seconded. Under discussion, Ulett noted that
Puget Power had not submitted the ;Mans as yet. Martell
pointed out that on the East Valley Highway project there
had been some question as to who was to pay for extra
charges not explained in the plans. Dennis Scott explained
that Puget Power had paid the extra amount on the East
Valley job. Street stated that Puget Power has submitted
a firm figure and that the plans are forthcoming. Motion
WATER The City Attorney introduced Resolution 747, authorizing
the Mauor and City Clerk to sign a new contract with Puget
Power for power at the water pumping station at Reitan
Road. ELLIOTT MOVED for adoption_ of the resolution,
Martell seconded, motion carried .
7,i "RInc.
'T131 letter ups read from LiqhW Air, - , rcyplestil -,
as 15 year reinburso' !Q qgreement iD connection 1,iUn
main instail"tion along 5 . 222n,_1 5t, furi:her
requestAg the refuiv! of iho ,50n bond . TTIORITTON
MG,VED to •-,ccept t'ie letter, 1--isters se(--oDded, motioi-1
carricC . HISTERS MOVED to C'IirecL -tli(:- City E(jiljeel:
to ch(- c];. Une cost"; iin(i Lljeji sT-11-
..)mii- tnei-,i to the City
ALLorn,�-,,y to r)repzo--(, or late comers
ogreement, Martell seconded , motion car7-ied- Street
pointed out that the rewtoration of S . 222nd is not-
acceptable, so the cAoh bond will not be released at
this time.
11E!iLTI1 & Pro2osed LI D27G. The City -T,.ttorney introduce(-'! Resolution
SANITATIOIT 746, declaring the City ' s intent to form LID 270 for
installation of saDitory sewers in Gunset Manor PlAt
at S .E. 256th and JIG& S .E. , and setting the public
hearing for same for July 16, 1973 . JUST MOVED for
E,0o,,_)Lion of the resolution , Elliott secoo0ed , motioll
carrieC .
FINANCE --.1itness Fees." The City Attorney introduced Ordinance
1 33 , est hing a specip! chec%inq PccounL :.For
ni e.i)L of 1-i I:i-i es s `'c,E?E- MOVED for -_!ssa(,(e of the
ordinance, Elliott secOPOW . Tne City iLLorncy
that in the pa-st, a separate purcllw se order was ty,)c,(i for
?,7itness foo, 11)iit tliat under this ordint'nce, 0�le
p"rchase order will he issued for the 1-1111 amount il"C� the
Attorney will then ?"rite checis to each witness. Notion
carried .
POLICE St 11 letter WaS r(-,aO from lk-,otside Fe0pual Eavings OW 4"n,
FIRE requesting use of n horLe drawn cart as an entartsim"ent
for children on July 7, 1977 . It VMS noteo 010t this
matter will be handled by the rolice Chief.
Fire Limits . The City Attorney introduce61 Ordinance 1270 ,
amending Ordinance 1431, clarifying fire limits. KITTO
LOVED for passage of the or6inance , M3rtoll seconCedi ,
motion carrieC .
& It was note(] t-liat P repo
rt ha.0 been received from Carol
RECRE-,-iTION Rne],)es regardin(j the Linrj County 1'lannin(�: rrogiram for
Elder Americ�ins,.
FEDERAL The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1030 , authorizing
REVEZTUE the use of Federal Revenue Sharinc, Funds for certiiin
SHARING projects and allocating funds. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage
of the ordinance, Just seconded, motion carried .
The City attorney introduced Ordinance 1031 , creating a
Central Business District Project Fund for $15 ,000 from
Federal Revenue Sharing Funds . MARTELL MOVED for pas-sa(jr,,
of the ordinance, Elliott seconded . Under discussion,
Nitto commente0) on Section 3 of the orcjin�7.nce w1hich refers
to the Councills adopted goals and policies regarding the
CBD Droject, and questioned whether firm goals had been
adopted b Ec�y the Council. fur r ateO oj-(,'i-
the st that a the e
Dance gives the ACminirtrator broad power regarding the
expenditures, without giving him guidance. Street stated
that the $15 ,000 will be D buCUetW item, and Thornton
noted that each item will be considered separately by
the Council. Motion carried.
RIBCO Martell reported that he attended a Ribco meeting last
week, noLiing that the sLuCy encompasses a very wide field ,
such as major water u.,zes and improvements of water quality,
fish reproduction, flood control, power generation, 1;inO
use, solid wiste an(-] storm]
Ul'LZINDS S' L-reet poi.M:(-0, out tb�lt sevnr°-1 meetings lave heel)
P L T 1 elcl idth Union coricernii.fj cert,)ill
requirements Lo 1)e meL before Lhe Uplands, Flat wou!.(7
be a c c e 1,)t(-0 . lie note-C 'LI)aL these reqruirenents hz ve
nor, been saLisfie(.' anC recommenced approval of the
plat. u'U.-,T NOVED to (1irec t the, 1-1-ayor to si(jn Lhe plat
in accordance i,,,ith Ls7iw, iipon Lhe al-)prowil of Lhe
City Attoryle.,,,, 1,itto seconded . UletL i)oi,,-,te(A out t1lat
the Council minuLes of J,_inLuary 15 , 197' indicated that
72-nd Ave . would be Oie(Ucate(l throucjh to 'L-'I-,e north line
of the property, 1)ut th,7iL (1iscussions with the Y-el)re- -
senLatives of Ul)l�in(7, were 1)�'sed on a cul-de-sac with an
easement 1-iaving it five ye�:,.r reservation cl;7�use. T11)e
City iii-toriiev state(] Lllat the Plzinnin(.� Commi--sion 't-,
recommendation was that Ulpla-nds Plat be ue(licated, from
the south to the, north property line ajiu that (`ltlrincf
the Council discussiows there �,,,as a question as, to
whether 72nd Ave. S. would be used because of (jrade
separation ,)roblems on S. lk-)Oth. lie staLed that Uplands
had considerall)le doubt that it would ever be a full throu,Jii
sL-reet and that they would ue to give a five year
reservation. "Ie 1,oin'C_-e(, out that the attorney for Upl,-n(1-_
has submitte(I a letLer staLino, that an nO ' Wide ri(-.Iit-of-
way will 1he Je6icaLe(7 to perm-IL the e:-,-Len,,Aon of 72n(I Ave.
S . from the south line of the plaL to the south line of
the Uplan(ls property in this location, an(", wTreeinr-
. to reserve a GO ' idle rig,'-it-of-way for the '-")ossiblc-,- ful-lure
extension of 72nd Teve. Lo the north line of Lhe plat. The
letter stated that if the Cit17 ac(luires Lhe rirrh
to con: trucL 72n,', :we. S a through street from I:he
north line of the 7J_zd_-, t 1'1�tli i,,ithin 5 vcar.,_: of date
of accepta.jice of L 1E plaL , Upland:9 will. (7e(_icp.Le the
reserved) right-of-way charge. St-reet sLatecl 11-, lt-_
Hie proposal J)y U])la1C 1IJS SZ,tisfaCtory d had C1 -rif iel"
the points in question . Motion carried.
BIDS LID 274, East Valley Highway _,iillis to Green River.
Dids opened for the LID 274. sLr(-,eL project are as f7lows :
Citv Transfer 130 .00
LDL La.nd Dev. Co. 362,505 . 29
Tri-State Constr. 91,01, 203 .70
Bellevue Constr. 1 ,010, 267.50
the hest bid of City Tra'nsfer,
subject to approval of UZ-�13, Masters seconded, motion
carried, with Thornton al.)staiiiinc .
Canyon Drive Storm Sewer. The folloi-drici 3)i6s 1,,7ere
oi)eneC, or, June 15th for the Canyon Drive O" Loi m Sewer Cutfallr, :
Bert Robison Constr. $Gl, 772.14 , iji(,,. tax-
Campbell Constr. Co. 6G, 726.06, inc. L
Tri-State Construction 6)7,�41.00 , inc. t�i::
O'Leary Construction '1(), 769 . 30, inc. -t-_a_--,
U-pon the rocomi7tiendation of- Lhe Public '7or3,-.s Director,
1.�,RTZLL MOVED L-o acce;-)t the best 1AC71 of DorL Robisoii,
Thorn Lon seconded. Street noted th,:�t the pro'olei-.is. with
the Department of EC0100V h0V(- jt:ef70,1_� 11 1.1 11
— 1 7(-(- 0 :iO
LID 273, S . 222)tli Water JJel."er.- The followilic- hi(7:7
v7ere, o,-ei-.ioc: on June 15th for LID 273 :
LDL Land Dev. Co. inc.
Tri-State Constr. 220 ,991 .00, inc.
O 'Leary Constr. 22C ,5923.13 , inc. ta,,-
Upon the reconmenC,7tion of Lhe Fuhlic DirecL-or,
I1-11ZTELL MOVED to accept the low of LDL Laixl Develop-
ment Company, subject Lo ap,)roval of 2D.T., rllioLt
seconded, motion
letter WE4-', r0a(] from
L I TIR2 TRY O-peyi house. -,I ti�j(. 1,-11,1t Cjjij(�, Will
of �'-,he Ort hoi)eclic (3uil 1)0 - 1)r .r�
r, 7 lei'110_t fo)_- I re Ij(,x.7 1,elit :Li,
I- MOVED to �1.ccept the
JjjsL ,3econCe(7 . 11�1170j-
TeL'Cer alle" 1)1-,?-Ce i('- Oil j_�i]-e,
Ijogall jjoj:eC. that the deC.j_c,-.iLiOT) is October 19th
;1116 chat the Friends of 1.1--.e Library will be hostesSer,
in the Library al',Id tbO 03 tl'011e(?ic GuildI -provide
in the Cit., AE))
I - _1 . notion carried.
i%. letter was read fj-OM J.'e111:-,,7 ToWnle SU(i(jestinc, that some
col-itrol be mac.le on lec-Llize(', r ambling, such as- posting
c�--re to chr-,c - .
tlto namcl.,; O f Case 0' L he, ltl:l(le
TIASTE11S NOTED to -,ccei�t Lae lcLLe"t: -0
7 Ellioc-t- cOIjC,,e(
mz�i:'Cer Of f C,('Or(_1 The City :,Ll orne,
Ce I �,
I)oir-tej out- that ii'j�,eii li)lincl-t 1i:)Oz�Lr0 11;) -e I.) 1 7011
i I HoLion c<irrie(! .
the (1isj)1z'.Y must r e
- R J,1_yOj:, TIOC7 ,n �)resenter certificates Is 4;2iter i;orlr
Specialist III, to D,,,7,1irie Tlacjer <m(7, St�,.-,A Fraga, .ildrtrd(N]
SISOci,a t10i
I.ayor Tjo(-,f�jjj I)r(--
,scjjt(,- q CC!-LjfiCE!' to City C1 --
I - I _,(_1 , - G
jeilr'en from State College, ii, coll-
11j1"lc'Ciofi Ifith chn ti011
�71 L i 0 1)
I t -It -jcc0r(,�,jjc(-. withLl-ie S' 1-_ t
ELECTICM .La.w, council positj-01-1 7i1_] (rFj-,7n for the cOmj_;)(,
jol-I 0,1 -11,
elect--ions, v!ith tile, e;,(_.Cpt
1,7111 !:)e c,ssigjned -the _d•-he_s.l_ number. Coll-,i CiTmel)
T-)o.,,itions E:!E; follcWS :
year position Jeanne Master,-
4 year positioll _11i--_pi Elliott
11, year position 11;71rLell
year une,:pired Lerm jj`4 ;siex Tho3.nLon
Upon Thornton,'s question, Mirk noted that Thornton 's
term woul,,7 e.,:,pire at noon on the ,3ecojid llonc',,)y ill Jaml;m-y,
LEGISLATIVE Street noted that copies of the lec,isla-'Cive committee
C01.11-11ITTEE meeting( schedules for June ha(l been c1i.s1L-.ri,)utec-1 'Co the
MEETINGS Council . 'Ile pointeC Out .,L.11,qt al-iy Councilperson who �d-
,F,nd talies part in the legi-sla,Llive commi-iiicl--ce meetin,-is, Tll- ','t
T-)e registered Fl Ei 101-
)1)yi[_;L, the Collllcil ;-:O u') S(
F I ITA ITC E Claims ill proved the Finance Committee on Jude 15L-1i
are as follows :
Current Ei:r)ense 44,576.90
Park.s & Rec].-eZlti011 10 , G'GA. ]7
Library 5,25 .n,51 1_2
City Streets 1 5 00 2
Library Construction
712th h III Constr
eit1h P,,(7,. Ph I Constl.- 49
E. vjilley Constr. 35 , 311.67
EV11 - ilillis to Or. I ZvK-
Gowe St. - West
GOj;e St. - East
Pleit-h r,(! - llilitar-N7
E . Vallel,, NA-7y. Se1\7ei Z) , 722.77
Equipment Rental 5 ,009 .oG
Firemen 'I s R/F 2,162.G,1
LEFF DisaDility
LI D 275 2(2.9 6
S e G,7e r 03 5A.0 1
a-'L--c,r 10 177.09
G a r, 3 75 1.67
30 ,97G.L,0
Interest Beariiicf Warrants
North Kent "NaLer
iiiii, Ingimari & Chase (GO.7 41-
llogan 11arie Jensen
Ila-Or CD C7.c!l-1-