HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/21/1973 I:ent, Washington May 21 , 1973 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Presents Mayor IIogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell , Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, Public Work, Director Ulett and Planning Director Harris. City 'C'ittorney Mirk and Finance Director Winkle were absent. Elliott moved to approve the minutes of the meeting- of May 7 as printed, Masters seconded, motion carried. STREETS 6 Year Street Plan. It was noted that the -Engineering Department has prepared the project prospectus for im- provements to East Gowe/Titus Street from North State to Smith Street for submittal to the Forward Thrust Urban Arterial Council . It was pointed out that this is the first step in receiving approval to spend Forward Thrust bond money on this project. Following preliminary approval, final plans must be approved by the Ding County Design Commission. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the preliminary prospectus for the East Gowe/ Titus Street project, Martell seconded. Upon Elliott' s question, Ulett stated that the paving project of Gowe from Fourth to North State will be a separate negotiated contract, and it is anticipated to be clone sometime this fall. Ulett was asked to bring plans for the East Gowe/ Titus Street project to the next workshop. Motion carried. HEALTH & Proposed LID. Public Works Director Ulett reported SANITATION on the recent petition for an LID for sanitary sewers from citizens living in the Sunset Manor Plat. Ile .pointed out that the area is adjacent to the city limits and that the septic system is failing and that service could be given by extending the existing line south from the S .E . 256th and 116th S.E. intersection. JUST MOVED to accept the report and for the LID to be initiated by Council Resolution, Martell seconded. Under discussion, Elliott suggested that the city seek to build assurance that this area would lool: favorably upon annexation to the city. Street concurred . Motion carried . Sewer Extension. ,DAFF,1RO 14CV13D to accept the latecomers agreement from Mr. & Mrs . August Tonelli for a sewer extension placed under North Central , Kitto seconded, motion carried. WATER Street noted that he, Walt Ramsey and Gerry Ulett will meet with the Boundary Review Board, Thursday, P-lay 24, regarding the water service for water in Kent, along with Water Districts #58, #75 and 14111 . An agreement has been reached as to which areas each will serve. STREETS LID 274. Dennis Scott noted that the call for bids for the paving of South Central will be issued Friday, May 25th and the bids will be opened on Wednesday, June 13th. Scott was asked to bring the final plans to the next workshop. LICENSES The City Attorney reported that the new state gambling law has preempted the control of amusement games normally associated with carnivals. It has not been determined whether Kent as a non-charter code city will have the controls allocated to first class cities. If we do not, there will be no local licensing of any carnival ,type con- cessions, except rides. It is recommended that references to a license fee for carnivals be removed from Ordin- ances #686 and 4940, since there appears to be a con- flict in the City Code. It is also proposed that an annual license fee of $25 be initiated for amusement rides only. If it is determined that the city does have the right to license or refuse to license amusement games, such an ordinance will be proposed later. hITTO MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinances, Elliott seconded, motion carried. GREEN A letter was read from Lt. Col . Frederick Mueller of the RIVER Department of the Army, expressing support of the Mayor ' s efforts to maintain and upgrade the environmental character of the Green River valley in proposing tree planting along the river. Ile expressed concern that the tree planting would not restrict the flood carrying capacity of the river and suggested that the planting on the river side of the levees be limited to low shrubs or ground cover. 1ASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and refer it to the Parks Department, Elliott seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that the Forestry Department and Fisheries Department will also be asked to participate in this project. Motion carried . RIBCO A letter was read from the River Basin Coordinating Committee, announcing a day-lone workshop on June 2 at Providence Heights in Issaquah. 11T�STERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record . Elliott seconded. motion carried. SHORELINES The Shorelines Management Citizens Review Committee will MANAGEMENT consist of the following : CITIZENS REVIEW Banker: Dick Allen (Peoples ) COMMITTEE 505 W. Meeker Kent, WA. UL 2-1235 Real Estate Roy Hunter Broker: 710 S . Central Kent, WA UL 4-1970 Housewife: Mrs. Phyllis Lott 22534 108th SE Kent, WA 852-6091 Educator: Mr. Dale Lewis 8418 S . 222 Kent, WA 852-4359 Doctor: Dr. John Ball 222 N. State Kent, WA 852-5200 Conservation- Mr. W. Ray McConnell ist : 18504 129th Pl . S .E. Kent, WA 852-9550 Construction: tor. Harry Clements 503 Dean St. Kent, WA 352.-3237 Retailer: Mr. Ted Reynolds 304 S . First Kent, WAF 352-2200 Boeing : Mr. Philip L. Hildenbrandt 1017 S . 242 Box 89-154 Zenith, WA773-0543 Railroad: Mr. Don Cowles Burlington-Northern 830 Central Building Seattle, WA 624--1900 (Alternate: Mr. A. G. (Jerry) Grisson Property Mr. Taki Nagasawa Owner: 25041 S . 70th Kent, ETA 852.-3267 Minister Teenager Senior Citizen Upon Thornton's question, Harris noted that this committee would meet approximately five times from now through December. MltRTELL MOVED that the members listed above be approve(], Masters seconded . Street stressed the importance of having a representative appointed in each category as soon as possible and asked that the Council secure representatives for the unfilled cat- egories . MARTELL MOVED to amend the motion to extend approval for the members yet to be appointed, Elliott seconded. Amendment carried . Original motion carried. MEEKER The proposed Meeker Days street fair was discussed at DAYS the last council workshop, and the following recommend- ations have been made : 1. The sponsoring organization (Lion 's Club of Kent) will take out one building permit and be responsible for following the requirements of the Building In- spection and Fire Regulations . 2. That one business license be taken by the spon- soring organization (Lion 's Club of Kent) to cover all selling activities. 3 . That approval is given to the closing of Meeker Street from Fourth Avenue to First Avenue to auto- mobile traffic, but that the center of the street shall remain as a pedestrian and fire lane . BAFFARO MOVED that the City Council, to encourage the continuation of Meeker Days, approve the above listed requests, blasters seconded, motion carried . TRAIN MASTERS MOVED for the City Attorney to work with the SPEED Burlington Northern attorney in the matter of increasing the speed of trains north of James Street and to inform the Council of any resulting action, Baf-faro seconded. Under discussion, Street notes; that Burlington Northern is requesting a train speed increase from 40 to 60 MPII from the tiiashington Utilities and Transportation Commission from James Street north. Street noted that the possi- bility of closing crossings at S . 222 and S . 208 will have to be considered by the VMTC. Motion carried. MILL It was reviewed at last work session that it is practi- CREEK cal to install a settling basin within dill Creek to catch STORM the solids and avoid plugging the culverts under the DRAINAGE Prairie Market parking lot and Mill Creek downstream. King County is offering to be a participant in this pro- ject to the extent of $25 ,000. The preliminary cost estimate for the project is $50,000; and that this is, and should be, an integral part of any present or future storm water control system; and should be constructed this season in accordance with the control of State Fisheries. The financing of the Kent portion should come from Federal Revenue Sharing and can be officially approved on June 4, 1973. It was also recommended that authorization be given for the necessary engineering on the proposed holding pond at S .E. 267th and 104th S.E. at the June 4 meeting. Upon_the Administrator's recommend- ation, MARTELL MOVED to direct the Public Works Director to complete the plans for the Mill Creek settling basin in conjunction with King County, blasters seconded, motion carried. It was noted that the Council had received a copy of a letter from the P.ing County Soil and Water Conservation District advising that engineering assistance will be available from the Green River Watershed Project office in Renton for this project and for the Lake Fenwick watershed project. GROUP A letter was read from the Public Affairs Committee IiEALTH representing Group Health/IIE'4 Plan 9 , which serves the medical needs of the low-income population, inviting a City representative to attend their Board Meeting on the lst , and 3rd Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the HEW Plan 9 office in Renton. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for some official of the city to attend, along with a representative of the Neighbors in Need 447 Program, Elliott seconded . Street noted that the meetings were held on City Council meeting nights and suggested that a department head be appointed to represent the City. fie stated that there are federal funds involved in this program and this could eventually involve a re(-p.ieF;L for funds from Kent, so we should be represented . Motion carried . COUNCIL The Finance Committee recommends that the f01101,7inrj SALARIES salaries be effective beginning Ja.n1za.ry, 1974 for the Mayor and the Three ( 3) Council positions elected for four_ (4) years : The Mayor 's salary to remain the same at $000 per month. The Council positions at. $ 00 per I month. This proposal will not affect the salary of l Councilmen Kitto, Just or Baffaro. Councilman Thornton l was appointed to replace ex-councilman Jackson, a.nd this position will retain the present salary even though the position will be on the ballot this fall for a two ,.year unexpired term. ELLIOTT MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance in accordance with the salaries suggested above, Just seconded . Street noted that in the last two years, the Council has been re(Tiired to attend more meetings than in years past and suggested that within the next few years the City could be holding regular council_ meetings weekly inster.d of twice a month. Mayor Hogan noted that the present council and candidates for the September election should be aware that there were many regional and county meetings which should be attended by councilmen. Elliott noted that although the raise is over 5%, the Internal Revenue Service Pay ' i Board would not consider_ the matter until action is taken to raise the salaries. Motion carried. DES MOINES It was noted that the Director of Public Works has re- SEWER viewed the proposed Des Moines Sewer District Annexation, DISTRICT under King County Boundary Review Board Action (Temporary ANNEXATION File #3-7_) , and recommended that no action is necessary, as the City of Kent is not involved in any way. ELLIOTT MOVED that receipt of King County Boundary Review Board i notice be recorCed, Kitto seconded, motion carried . VETERANS A letter was read from Mayor Stanley I:e.r_sey of: Aiiburn , noting that a. meeting of the Governor 's Task Force "Jobs for Veterans" will be held in Auburn City 1I,111 at 7: 30 p.m. 'on Wednesday, May 30th. MI,STBRS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a part of the record, Kitto seconded, motion carried. TARIFF A letter was read, from H. I . Franklin, Executive Vice President of the Puget Sound Traffic Association, noting that recent action by the Rocky Mountain Motor Tariff Bureau may affect the City's future efforts to comply with air pollution standards set by the various govern- mental agencies . The letter points out that this tariff restriction could drastically affect pick-up and delivery service in the City. IIe suggested that the City join with the Chamber of Commerce to investigate the possible effects of this new rule before allowing it to become effective. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be referred to the Administrator for action and for him to report at the next workshop, Kitto seconded , motion rarried . i CITY CLERK Mayor Hogan read a statement from Governor Dan Evann , honoring City Clerks and proclaiming the second week of May as "Washington Municipal Clerk 's Meek" . CITY MILL A letter was read from Janice Niemi, Superior. Court Judge, who recently sat as a circuit court judge in the I:ent City Hall, complimenting the City on the beautiful new building. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Just seconded, motion carried . r , f AWARDS Mayor IIoga.n presented an award to Jerry rergman, Train- master for Burlington Northern Zailroad, for his efforts in beautifying the Burlington Northern facilities in I:ent. r,. CONFERENCES AWC. It was noted that the Association of Washington & Cities Conference will be held in Spokane, June 20, 21 CONVENTIONS and 22. ELLIOTT MOVED to name Peter Baffaro, Charles Martell and Jeanne Masters as voting delegates and to name Joe Street, Gerry Winkle and Marie Jensen as alter- nates , Just seconded , motion carried. WORKSIIOP It was noted that clue to the holiday on Monday, May 28, the next workshop will be held on Tuesday, May 29 . FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee on May 16th are as follows : Current Expense 47, 619 .10 Parks & Recreation 77, 540 .55 Library 161 . 25 City Streets 0 ,0200 .59 Library Cons. fund 55 , 525 .72 212th Ph. III Cons. 51, 963 . 22 E. Valley Cons. 1G, 474. 76 EVIL Willis to Gr. Rvr. 20,004.01 W Valley/Meeker 593.53 Reith Rd/Military 99 . 21 Equipment Rental 9 , 290.69 Emp. Retirement Fund 4, G05 . 33 Firemen 's R/P 2,037.94 LEFF Disability 436.32 LID 275 756. 73 Setter 33, 712..59 Water 9 ,3G3.59 Garbage 1,065 .08 Interest Bearing Warrants E. Valley Cons. Security Title Ins. Co. 4, 765 .33 EVH - Willis to Gr. Rvr. Security Title Ins. Co. 14, G57.33 Security Title Ins. Co. 6,404.03 Security Title Ins . Co. 7,565 . 33 Security Title Ins. Co. . 10,03S.33 Security Title Ins. Co. 2,024.61 Security Title Ins. Co. 1,963 .33 Security Title Ins. Co. 1,00 .93 Security Title Ins. Co. 1 , 201.03 North Kent Water Hill, Ingman & Chase 26.9G Bill , Ingman & Chase 537.64 MEETING ADJOURNED: 3 :45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen City Clerk