HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/16/1973 Kent, Washington April 16, 1973 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell , Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Finance Director Winkle and Planning Director Harris. Councilman Baffaro and Public Works Director Ulett were absent. Elliott moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of April 2 as printed, Masters seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & LID 267 Sewers - East Valley Highway. Upon the SANITATION recommendation of the Engineering Department, MARTELL MOVED to accept National Construction Company's contract as complete and for the retainage to be paid when legal to do so, Just seconded, motion carried. Cedar River Basin. A letter from the Department of Army was read regarding the Cedar River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Study, including forms describing five basic alternatives, with space for comments, which is to be returned by May 4th. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Just seconded , motion carried. A letter was read from David Stevens bf the Planning and Community Affairs Agency, noting that the Agency has received notice of the City 's intent to apply for funds for improvements to the Linda Heights Pumping Station, and pointing out that the application will be referred to interested agencies for their comments. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and forit to be made a matter of record , Just seconded, motion carried. An . announcement was read of a public meeting on the Middle Fork Snogualmie River Joint Study to be held at 7: 30 p.m. , May 1st at the North Bend Elementary School . ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the notice, Masters seconded , motion carried . WATER LID 261 S. 212th Water Main, Schedule D. THORNTON MOVED to approve Change Order #1 in the amount of $1, 614.98, sub- mitted by LDL Land Development Company, providing for back- fill gravel in connection with the S. 212th Water Main project, Masters seconded, motion carried. Upon the recommendation of the Administrator, MASTERS MOVED to accept the contract as complete and for the retainage to be released when legal to do so, Elliott seconded, motion carried. The City Attorney introduced Resolution 743, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a new contract with Puget Power for power at the water pumping station located at 152nd S.E. and Kent-Kangley. It was noted that the rates are based on the filed tariff, and that the old contract had expired. MARTELL MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Thornton seconded , motion carried . FINANCE A letter was read from John Spellman concerning the 1972 VOTERS ' voter registration charges to the cities within King County, REGISTRATION and indicating a reduction of $112, 02.7 from the amount pre- CHARGES viously billed. He also noted that the cost for 1973 would be reduced to 40(', per registered voter. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Just seconded. Upon Master 's query, Street pointed out that the costs reflect the change of voters ' records from the City to King County. Motion carried . STREETS LID 274 S. Central Improvement - Environmental Assessment Statement. ELLIOTT MOVED to set June 4th as the public hear- ing date for the Environmental Assessment Statement on South Central, Masters seconded, motion carried, with Thornton abstaining. POLICE & A letter was read from John Bigley, requesting a FIRE court hearing for a traffic ticket. He referred to a recent article in the Kent News Journal re- garding the large increase in traffic fines in Kent, and stated that fines against some elderly citizens for minor violations could be a hardship. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the Court Clerk, Just seconded . The City Attorney stated that traffic fines in Kent have been decreasing rather than increasing. Motion carried. MARTELL MOVED to note receipt of the 1972 Fire Depart- ment annual report and for the department to be commend- ed for its successful year , Just seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Garrison Creek Park. MARTELL MOVED toyapprove Change RECREATION Order #2 in the amount of $167 .86, submitted by Frank Cohan, Inc. , providing for 109 ft. of 12 , high fencing in lieu of 10 ' high fencing, Elliott seconded , motion carried . Mill Creek Park. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the City Attorney to begin condemnation proceedings to complete the Mill Creek project. The City Attorney explained that two parcels must still be acquired, and the attorney for one of the owners had not as yet sent the appraisal. He pointed out that action must be taken so that HUD and IAC funds would not be lost, Just seconded, motion carried . Senior Citizen Program. A letter was read from Mrs. William Bartlett, commending the City for it 's superior Senior Citizen Program. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Just seconded , motion carried. UTILITIES A letter from the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission was read , concerning a letter and two utility bills sent to them by Eldon Lamb, who requested that dates indicating the service period be included on the face of the bill. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the proper office for action, Kitto seconded , motion carried. Winkle noted that the problem had been resolved. DES MOINES Receipt of Des Moines Sewer District Resolution 1973-17 was SEWER noted. It has been determined that the location of the DISTRICT proposed improvement does 'not affect the Kent sewer system. MARTELL MOVED to approve Resolution #1973-17 of the Des Moines Sewer District, Elliott seconded, motion carried. COMPREHEN- Winkle reported that in cities over 20,000 in population, SIVE MANPOWERit will be necessary to have an administrative body to PROGRAMMING handle 7% million dollars in special revenue sharing funds (CMP ) for labor market programs. Winkle recommended that the City become a part of this program by authorizing a letter of intent to that effect. He pointed out that only nine cities are eligible to become members, and noted that CMP will replace all federal manpower programs in this area. Street stated that all federal money will be handled by local representation and if we are not ready, the money will go to other areas. Winkle requested that a .resolution be drafted , authorizing the Mayor to sign an approved contract. The City Attorney stated that the Council should show interest by letter of intent and decide later if they wish to join. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract, after review by the Council at a workshop, Just seconded, motion carried . BIDS Surplus Fire Truck. Upon the recommendation of the Fire Chief, MARTELL MOVED to accept the offer of $12 ,500 made by the Kitsap County Fire Protection District #2 of Bain- bridge Island for the surplus 1961 Ford fire truck and related equipment, Just seconded, motion carried . Pumper - Fire Department. The following bids were received to furnish a 1500 gpm pumper for the Fire Department: Inc. Tax BIDS Crown - Los Angeles $54, 434.01 L. N. Curtis - Seattle 49 ,831 .12 Pierce Mfg. - Wisconsin 43 , 612.10 Western States - Oregon 47 ,077.52 Automatic Equipment - Seattle 49 ,954.132 JUST MOVED to accept the best bid of Pierce Manufacturing Inc. of Appleton, Wisconsin, plusthe requested alternates consisting of a jake brake and 11 .00 X 20 tires in the amount of $1119 .34, inc. tax, for a total amount of $44, 731 .44, Martell seconded , motion carried. MILL CREEK Street pointed out that the City had met with County STORM representatives to discuss a joint development of storm DRAINAGE water and stream control. The County has up to $25 ,000 , to be matched or exceeded by the City, to use to build a control section consisting of a series of river diversions and a sedimentation pond . The County anticipates that the project could be constructed this summer, and the project team would include representatives from the State Depart- ments of Ecology and Fisheries. Street noted that the City must indicate an interest in the joint project, or the County will propose the project to another city. KITTO MOVED that the City enter into negotiations with King County for a joint project of developing a control section of Mill Creek, Masters seconded. Upon questions from the Council , Street clarified that he will advise the County that the City is interested in the project and wants information as to the cost of the engineering fees which will be necessary to establish the cost of the entire project. Motion carried. RAILROAD It was noted that the proposed extension of the Benaroya railroad siding across S . 208th was discussed at the last work session. MARTELL MOVED to direct the Administratror to reply to Mr. Bebout that the Kent City Council will cooperate to establish a satisfactory on-grade crossing of S. 208th, Elliott seconded, motion carried. PLAT Mountain View Estates. It was noted that the Planning Commission has reviwed the preliminary plat of Mountain View Estates and recommends approval of the plat with ten conditions. JUST MOVED b set a public hearing on the proposed plat for May 7, 1973 , Thornton seconded, motion carried, with Martell abstaining. KENT Street reported that after negotiating with DMJM regarding SHORELINE the Kent Shoreline- Management Study, it was determined that the MANAGEMENT City would be contributing too much money to the project, there- STUDY fore it was decided to negotiate with Olson, Richert and Bicjnold , (ORB) . Street pointed out that ORB proposes to charge $12, 720 for the study, which does not include the printing. He pointed out that under state law, it is mandatory that this study be made ORRECTED - REFER TU and recommended that ORB 's proposal be accepted in accordance ��`.� �f , ,E �� with the time schedule. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the contract n with ORB for the Shoreline Management plan and to add a clause providing for the completion date of 1/21/74, Just seconded, motion carried. CENSUS It was noted that the 1973 census has been completed and the number submitted to the state is 16 ,945 . CLEAN-UP A letter was read from Ron Hallissey of the Quadrant Corporation, WEEK applauding the April clean-up campaign in Kent and noting that they have arranged to have four buildings painted . MASTERS MOVEI to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record , Just seconded, motion carried. AGENDA It was determined that the Zoning Ordinance would be the last item of business to be scheduled for the regular Council meet- ing of May 7th. BEAUTIFICA- Proclamation. Mayor Hogan read a proclamation declaring April TION 16 through 28 as "Kent Clean Up Week" . POSTAL DAY Mayor Hogan proclaimed April 30th as "Kent Postal Day" . PROCLAMATION PROCLAMATION Mayor Hogan read a proclamation supporting the music depart- ments of the Kent School District and particularly noting the awards recently won by the Kent Meridian Jazz Ensemble and en- couraging the citizens to express their appreciation. FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee on April 16th are as follows : Current Expense 31,896.84 Parks & Recreation 5 , 157.69 Library 141 . 30 City Streets 15 ,557.66 Library Cons. 89 ,094. 75 212th Ph III Cons 53 , 485 .91 Reith Road Ph I 149 .94 E. Valley Const. 34, 052.02 EV Willis - Gr. Rvr. 33 , 790.98 Canyon Drive 12 , 378.62 W. Valley/Meeker 4, 657.00 HS Acres LID 259 2,875 .45 N Kent Water Cons 3 ,478.56 Equip. Rental 16, 030.04 Firemens R/P 1 , 611.47 Leff Disability 519 .48 Sewer 31 ,948 .94 Water 8, 433 . 35 Garbage 23 ,526.14 368, 786. 14 Interest Bearing Warrants E. Valley Cons. Bellevue Bulldozing 5 , 462.50 Bellevue Bulldozing 673 .46 Sea Trust & Savings 20.00 LDL Land Dev. Co. 180.00 Bellevue Bulldozing 4, 340. 27 Sea Trust & Savings 51.00 LDL Land Dev. Co. 459.00 Bellevue Bulldozing 11,970 .00 Sea Trust & Savings 416.90 LDL Land Dev. Co. 3 , 752.10 HIS Acres LID 259 Tri State Const Co. 14, 795 .38 North Kent Water Sea Trust & Savings 4,184. 77 LDL Land Dev. Co. 39 ,880.92 LDL Land Dev. Co. 2, 655 .21 Sea Trust & Savings 278.62 Hill, Ingman & Chase 786.10 Hill , Ingman & Chase 196.53 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie nsen Mayor City Clerk