HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/02/1973 Kent, Washipgton
April 2 , 1973
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8 :00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Cuuncilmen: Baffaro, Elliott, Just,
Kitto, Martell, Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street,
City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Finance Director
Winkle and Planning Director Harris
Martell moved to accept the minutes of the meeting of March 19th,
with the following correction: On Page 3 , under the heading of
Veterans , "THORNTON MOVED to confirm the Mayor ' s appointment . . . "
Kitto seconded, motion carried .
KENT A concert was given in the City Hall lobby at
MERIDIAN 7: 30 p.m. by the Kent Meridian Jazz Ensemble,
JAZZ under the direction of Hal Sherman. The Ensemble
ENSEMBLE was congratulated by Mayor Hogan on winning the
Sweepstakes Award at the Reno Jazz Festival last
week and each member was presented with a meritor-
ious award certificate. A letter was read from
the International Music Festivals Inc. inviting
the entire group to participate in the International
Jazz Festival at the University of Louvain, Belguim
in August, 1973 . Upon the Mayor 's suggestion,
BAFFARO MOVED for a resolution to be drafted, giving
the Council 's support and encouraging financial
support of the citizens , Thornton seconded, motion
STREETS W. Willis to Reith Road. A letter from John L.
Fournier Jr. to Representative John Bagnariol was
read, noting the need for an appropriation for the
completion of the freeway segment from West Willis
Street to Reith Road . MASTERS MOVED to accept the
letter and for it to be made a matter of record ,
Martell seconded, motion carried.
East Valley Highway. A letter was read from Mark
McCorkle, noting that the Board of Directors of the
Chamber of Commerce was unanimously adopted. a
resolution to support five lanes on the East Valley
Highway between Kent and Auburn and stating that the
Board has urged State Legislators to support legis-
lation to increase the gasoline tax by 1/2(,' to pro-
vide needed monies for UAB funding . MASTERS MOVED
to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter
of record , Martell seconded, motion carried .
State Highway Department. Street reported that a
meeting was held with Wes Bogart, Public Works
Director Ulett, Mayor Hogan and Chamber of Commerce
representatives concerning various street projects
proposed for the City. He noted that plans for 73-75
include a park and ride lot in conjunction with the
Metro Transportation system, which is a $700, 000 project.
Also discussed were the plans for Canyon Drive and the
intersection of Meeker and the West Valley Highway,
which is now programmed for 1975-77 with construction to
be in 77-79 . He pointed out the need for traffic im-
provements through downtown Kent since there is no plan
to extend the highway up over the East Hill within the
next 10 years. He further suggested to the Highway De-
part m ent that due to the problems with the I-90 project,
that perhaps there would be money available that could
be utilized elsewhere. He suggested that the Council
keep in continuous contact with the Highway Department
regarding this matter.
West Valley and W. Meeker Intersection. It was noted
that the State Highway Department has submitted two
contracts for the intersection work at West Meeker and
West Valley Highway. One contract is for utility location
and one for a TOPICS lighting project. ELLIOTT MOVED to
authorize the Mayor to sign said contracts, Martell
seconded , motion carried.
STREETS Traffic Control. The Engineering Department has
reported that the Traffic Safety Program entitled
"Identification and Surveillance of Accident Locations"
has been completed, including the obligations of the
consulting firm of Transportation Planning and Engineer-
ing who have submitted their reportsand recommendations
to the City. KITTO MOVED that the contract of Trans-
portation Planning and Engineering be accepted as com-
plete and the 10% retainage be released when it is legal
to do so, Masters seconded , motion carried.
JUST MOVED to authorize Mayor Hogan to sign three
contracts with the Highway Department for the Canyon
Drive project, Martell seconded . It was noted that one
contract is for the construction, one for utility ad-
justment and one for TOPICS for lighting the intersection
of 104th and Canyon Drive, motion carried.
HEALTH & LID 275 . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1823 ,
SANITATION creating LID 275 for construction and installation of
an 8" sanitary sewer to run from East Valley Highway to
a point 700 feet west of East Valley Highway, approxi-
mately 950 feet south of S. 200th Street. MARTELL MOVED
for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded, motion
carried .
Cedar River Basin. It was noted that the Department of
Army Corps of Engineers will hold a public meeting on
the Cedar River Basin Study at 7: 30 p.m. , April 19th at
the Puget Power Auditorium in Renton.
Sewer and Water Service. A letter was received from
R. C. Johnson requesting information concerning water
and sewer service. Ulett ' contacted the Johnsons and
directed them to the proper source of information. The
matter will be brought to the Council if any further
question arrises.
FINANCE EAA. A letter was read from Gerald Skutt, noting that
the Board of Directors of the Central Puget Sound Economic
Development District has adopted a resolutimicalling for
reinstatement of funding for the State 's Economic Assistance
Authority for the next biennium, and urging that legislators
be advised of the City's interest in the program. MASTERS
MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter
of record , Martell seconded, motion carried.
State Audit. Street reported on the recent newspaper
article stating that the State Auditor ' s report had said
that the City misspent $400, 000 . He noted that this is
not what the report said, but that it indicated that written
permission had not been secured from the State for spending
arterial street funds, and recommended that this permission
be obtained by the City through the State Engineer. He
pointed out that the records were in order, and that the
proper paperwork was not completed by former employees. A
meeting was held today with State authorities and the City
will request the required permission. He further pointed
out that the City was not in danger of losing any of the
The City Attorney introduced Resolution 741, authorizing
the Mayor to sign an escrow agreement relating to $1,000,000
U; S. Treasury Obligations pledged to Advance Refunding of
Water Revenue Bonds, 1970 . JUST MOVED for adoption of the
resolution, Martell seconded, motion carried.
WATER It was noted that Learned 's request for water service was
discussed at the last Utilities Committee meeting. Mr.
Learned was informed that uptil the City is in a position
to increase the water flow into his area, his request would
have to be denied .
POLICE & The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1824, adding a new
FIRE section to Ordinance 1565 and amending Section 16 thereof,
covering use of narcotic drugs while driving a vehicle in the
city limits. ELLIOTT MOVED forfassage of the ordinance,
Martell seconded. Upon Elliott 's query, the City Attorney
explained that the term "narcotic drugs" is a State term.
Elliott pointed out that under the change of terminology,
the phrases would be "dangerous drug" and "controlled
substance" . Motion carried .
BUILDING Street reported a great increase in building activity,
noting that in March, 64 building permits , valued at
$1,028,000 were issued.
LEGISLATION LEOFF . A letter was read from Kent Swisher of AWC,
referring to Substitute Senate Bill 2266 which has been
filed by Senator Martin Durkan, proposing changes to the
LEOFF law. Street noted that the proposed changes would
be unfavorable both to the cities and to the employees
and suggested that the Council and citizens contact their
state legislators on an individual basis.
A letter was read from Councilwoman Bernice Stern of the
King County Council, advising that the Community and
Environmental Development Committee will meet on April
4th at 9 : 30 a.m. in Room 402 , King County Courthouse to
further consider Proposed Ordinance 73-183, implementing
the State Environmental Policy Act in King County.
Interested parties are invited to attend . MASTERS MOVED
to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of
record , Martell seconded , motion carried.
ZONING East Hill Developers Rezone, R-3 to C-3 . Harris explained
that the 6 acre parcel is located south of S .E. 256th and
east of 104th Ave. S .E. The Planning Commission has
recommended approval of the rezone with certain conditions,
as outlined in the Planning Commission minutes of March 20th.
Harris explained the conditions as follows:
1. Storm drainage must be handled by each proposed
development in conformance with existing storm
drainage plans and in conformance with city
policies for storm drainage.
2. A planned street system is a primary element of
any development plan proposed within the City and
must be compatible with the City's circulation plans.
Development which is proposed in areas of the City
which have a planned street system which is a part
of the Comprehensive Plan, or the City's six-year plan,
and any other street plan, shall make provisions
for such streets and must not cause implementation
of such street plans to become unattainable because
the street plan is considered secondary to the develop-
ment plan.
3. Pedestrian circulation system must become a part of
any development plan when the proposed development
will generate or attract pedestrians.
4. The proposed development shall be compatible with
existing development adjacent to or within 500 feet
of the property line of the proposed development.
Compatibility shall not refer to architectural design
features but to siting of building andlocation of off-
street parking.
5 . Efforts have been made to preserve trees, natural
vegetation, creeks or other environmental amenities.
Upon questions from the Council regarding traffic circula-
tion, Harris pointed out the importance of developing S.
260th, and the plans to widen S .E. 256th to include a left
turn lane, and noted that the signal at 104th and S.E. 256th
will provide left turn signals for each direction. Harris
pointed out that proposed ingress and egress at the Kent
Kangley Road is not part of the rezone application; that
this matter would be covered by the new zoning code. The
public hearing was opened by Mayor Hog an. There was no
correspondence, and no comments were offered from the
audience. BAFFARO MOVED to close the hearing, Thornton
seconded, motion carried . JUST MOVED to approve the applica-
tion for rezone but for the ordinance to be withheld until
the applicant has agreed in writing to the 5 conditions as
listed above, and in addition for the applicant to further
agree to deed 30 feet on the southern boundary of the prop-
erty for right-of-way for S . 260th. Baffaro seconded. Upon
Martell 's query, Harris noted that the applicant has proposed
access to 104th Ave. Motion carried.
MILL CREEK The Mayor opened the public hearing on the Environmental
STORM Assessment Statement for the Mill Creek proposed Storm
DRAINAGE Drain outfalls in the Canyon Drive area. There were no
comments from the floor. A letter was read from Eugene
Dziedzic of the Environmental Management Division of the
Department of Game, suggesting that the city include in
it 's final statment for this project, a full discussion
of plans to prevent entry of road and other pollutants
into Mill Creek proper. ELLIOTT MOVED to close the hear-
ing and for the Environmental Impact Statment, together
with the letter from the Department of Game, and the answer
to the letter, along with copies of the minutes of this
hearing to be sent to the appropriate agencies. Masters
seconded, motion carried.
RAILROAD A letter was read from Mr. Bebout, Realtor, indicating
his desire to install Burlington Northern . Railroad trackage
from the existing Benaroya spur, north across S . 208th to
serve a 12 acre tract for a warehouse and distribution center
to be located east of the East Valley Highway and north of
S. 208th, and asking for further information. MASTERS MOVED
to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the Utilities
Committee, Martell seconded. Street noted that former Council-
men had advised him that this matter had been brought up
before and that the Council had decided that there would be
only one crossing of the East Valley Highway. He noted that the
bridge ov er S . 212th would take much of the traffic off S .
208th. Md- ion carried .
METRO Street reported that at the Metro Council meeting held
TRANSIT April 2nd, Metro decided to go to the State and ask for all
SYSTEM the money allocated to them by law for Metro transit. He
recommended that the City adopt a resolution, based on these
facts and for it to be sent to our legislators. MARTELL SO
MOVED, Just seconded , motion carried. Mayor Hogan noted the
importance of full funding for this project.
METRO Ribco Study. The City received a letter from:.Metro, return-
ing the contract the City signed to help support the Ribco
study. Sufficient grants were received and financial support
of the City was not needed.
KENT SHORE- It was noted that as of March 29th, the City has not received
LINE MANAGE- the necessary information from the Department of Ecology as to
MENT STUDY whether that department would consider financing a portion of
the Kent Shoreline Management Study. It was pointed out that
the Department of Ecology has received 701 money and that $19,000
has been allocated to all of King County. Kent 's share of this
would be approximately $350 . Street pointed out that the Plannini
Department could do a portion of this study and the DMJM firm
could assist. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Administrator to
negotiate with DMJM on the Kent Shoreline Management Study,
Elliott seconded, motion carried.
PLAT Mountain View Tracts. It was pointed out that the preliminary
plat of Mountain View Tracts was reviewed by the Planning Commiss.
at their meeting held March 20th. KITTO MOVED that the Mountain
View Tracts preliminary plat be discussed at the regular Council
meeting to be held April 16th, Elliott seconded, motion carried.
VETERANS A letter was read from Jack Westford, Chairman of the Governor 's
Task, Force on Jobs for Veterans, urging the City' s support in
promoting statewide awareness of the Vietnam veteran unemployment
rate which is in excess of 10 percent, and requesting that the
Mayor head the local committee. MASTERS MOVED to accept the lette:
and for it to be made a matter of record , Martell seconded, motiol
carried .
BIDS Surplus Fire Trucks & Equipment. Two bids were received on the
1964 GMC as follows:
Jefferson County $14,056.00
Fire Distr. #3
(Port Ludlow)
Pierce County $12, 966. 66
Fire Dist. #20
(South Prairie)
MARTELL MOVED to accept the best bid of Jefferson County Fire
District #3 , Elliott seconded, motion carried. No bids were
received on the 1961 Ford, but the Fire Department is contacting
other interested Fire Departments, and expect to have a second
sale soon.
BIDS Equipment Rental. The following bids were received
for furnishing three trucks for the equipment rental
1/2 Ton 3/4 Ton 1 Ton
inc. tax inc. tax inc. tax
Bowen Scarff $3 , 309 .56 $3 ,564.46 $3 , 693 .18
Bill Hazelett 3 , 253 .10 3 , 214.24 - - - -
Valley Garage 3 , 311 .69 3 , 348.54 3, 429 .62
Tom Mattson - - - - 3 , 301 .16 3 , 358.02
ELLIOTT MOVED to award the low bid of Bill Hazelett
for the 1/2 Ton and 3/4 Ton pickups and the low bid
of Tom Mattson for the 1 Ton truck, Kitto seconded,
motion carried.
PLANNING MASTERS MOVED to confirm the appointment of Robert
COMMISSION Bodvin to the Planning Commission to replace Jim
Rayfuse , Thornton seconded, motion carried.
SUBURBAN A dinner meeting of the Suburban Mayors will be held
MAYORS on April 4th at 7: 30 p.m. at the Doubletree Inn at
ASSOCIATION It was noted that the AWC will meet in Spokane at the
OF WASHING- Ridpath Hotel , June 20th through June 22nd. The City
TON CITIES Clerk will make reservations.
FINANCE ELLIOTT MOVED to pay bills received op or before
April 5th and approved by the Finance Committee at their
meeting to be held on April 16th, Kitto seconded, motion
carried .
Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan Marie �se
Mayor City Clerk;