HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/05/1973 Kent, Washington March 5 , 1973 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen Baffaro, Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell , Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Finance Director Winkle and Planning Director Harris. Kitto moved to accept the minutes of the meeting of February 20th, with the following correction: On Page 3, under the heading of Police & Fire, the motion to sell two surplus pumper trucks should include "along with related equipment" , Elliott seconded, motion carried . HEALTH & A letter was read from Metro Heavy Hauling regarding SANITATION their sewer installation charges from the City in the amount of $2403 .65 . They maintain that the sewer hook- up was not where the Engineering prints indicated and offering to pay one-half of this amount, or $1200. KITTO MOVED to accept the letter, Elliott seconded , motion carried. Martell noted that he had researched the records and had determined that the City was not in error, even though Metro Heavy Hauling insists that the location was not correct. MARTELL MOVED for the Administrator and Public Works Director to discuss the matter further with Metro �Heavy Hauling, Thornton seconded. ELLIOTT MOVED to amend the motion to include the City Attorney, Masters seconded . The City Attorney stated that he is satisfied that the city has no liability. Street noted that the Council 's instructions regarding review of the project had been carried out, and no error had been determined. ELLIOTT WITHDREW the motion to amend , Masters withdrew her second. Original motion failed, with all voting nay. JUST MOVED for the City to direct Metro Heavy Hauling to pay the full amount of $2403 .65 under the usual terms of the City, Kitto seconded, motion carried . Sewer Acceptance. It was noted that a section of sanitary sewer has been installed along the Kent-Des Moines Road to serve City Transfer property at their expense and that the line was installed in accordance with city standards . MASTERS MOVED to accept said sewer, Just seconded, motion carried. Highridge Plat. It was noted that the sewer and water mains to serve the Highridge Plat near Scenic Hill School , developed by Miles Drake, has been installed in accordance with city standards . BAFFARO MOVED to accept said sewer and water lines, Elliott seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED to acknowledge that the failure of the sanitary sewer on S. 196th, just west of East Valley Highway, has created an emergency and therefore a contract for repairs upon the best terms available may be made without the usual publica- tion of a call for competitive bids, Elliott seconded, motion carried . It was noted that Ulett has received the following bids : W. C. Frost $10, 098.27, inc. tax LDL Land Development Co. 10, 527.89, inc. tax Frank Coluccio 10, 687 .95 , inc. tax Tri-State 12,547.50, inc. tax MARTELL MOVED to accept the best bid of W. C. Frost for the emergency repair of the sanitary sewer on S . 196th, Elliott seconded. Street noted that repairs would start right away and that the TV camera indicated that there was sand in the line. Motion carried . STREETS Meeker Street - WVH to Central Ave. A letter was read from H. R. Goff of the Highway Commission, noting that Meeker Street from the WVH to Central is certified to the City effective February 21 , 1973 , and indicating that the City has agreed that the routine maintenance is in order and th& tYe subject route is in a condition acceptable for transfer. A letter was then read from W. C. Bogart, indicating that the routine inspection had not been made as yet, but would be arranged for soon through Joe Street 's office. MASTERS MOVED to accept both letters, Elliott seconded, motion carried. STREETS Willis Street, 4th Ave. to Central. It was noted that the State Highway Department has submitted an agreement under which the State will pay the City $1500 to make miscellaneous repairs to Willis Street. JUST MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign said agreement, Masters seconded . Under discussion, Street pointed out that two more catch basins for storm drainage will be installed and asphaltic concrete will be placed where necessary. Elliott noted that some rocks were rolling from the rock wall and that some of the pea gravel is drifting out onto the sidewalk. Street noted that this was on Central , not on Willis and that he would discuss the matter at a meeting scheduled for Thursday. He pointed out that the project has not as yet been accepted. Motion carried . WATER It was noted that the Utilities Committee has considered a request from Mrs. Frankie Keyes for water service on the west side of 104th S.E. , north of S .E. 267th, and approval is recommended under the following conditions: 1. The water pressure at the transmission line be recorded and filed with the County as a record to go with title to the property. 2. The service and meter be installed at a. standard connection charge. 3. That the owner will participate in his fair share of the water main costs when extended adjacent to his property. MARTELL MOVED that the request for water service be approved, subject to the conditions listed above , Kitto seconded, motion carried . POLICE & Captain Grant introduced five new police officers : Michael FIRE Doll, Charles Miller, Vernin Miller, Jon Quackenbush and Tom Wagoner, who will be in uniform the first part of April . The officers were then sworn in by the City Clerk. FINANCE The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1822, providing for the issuance and sale of $1 ,005 ,000 of Water Revenue Refund- ing Bonds, 1973 . ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded , motion carried. GARBAGE A letter was read from Mr. & Mrs. Frank Abersfeller, com- COLLECTION plaining that garbage collection began before 5 : 30 a.m. recently on the Reitan Road. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer it to the Utilities Committee, Just seconded . Street noted that he had received several calls regarding this matter and had contacted General Disposal who had assured him that this would not happen again. MASTERS WITHDREW Her motion, Just withdrew his second . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to acknowledge the Administrator 's action to resolve the problem, Just seconded, motion carried. HEALTH A letter from the Department of Health was read , requesting SERVICES use of space in the Senior Citizens Activity Center one after- noon a month for a free immunization clinic. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the Parks and Recreation Commission for a decision, Kitto seconded , motion carried . BUILDING The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1821, repealing Ordinance 1704, controlling construction of self-service gasoline stations, since the Uniform Fire Code covers this subject. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded , motion carried . RAILROAD Street noted that he received a telephone call from the Attorney CROSSINGS for the Burlington-Northern who stated that a letter was forth- coming for Council consideration concerning the S . 222nd cross- ing. PUGET SOUND The City Attorney introduced Resolution 740 , appointing Mayor GOVERNMENTAL Hogan as the Citys voting delegate and Joe Street as the Alternate CONFERENCE delegate to the Puget Sound Governmental Conference, and pro- viding further for annual appointment of Delegates . KITTO MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Baffaro seconded , motion carried, with Martell voting nay. LEGISLATION Mayor Hogan noted receipt of a letter from State Representative King Lysen regarding House Bill 519 , which is directed at re- structuring the method of election of the King County Port Commission and urging the Council to draft a resolution support- ing passage of the bill . MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the letter be recorded and to refer the matter to the PSGC for consideration, Elliott seconded, motion carried. PLANNED A letter was read from Fam Bayless, inviting city officials to PARENTHOOD visit the new Planned Parenthood East Clinic on Tuesday, March 6th from noon to 7:00 p.m. at 10833 N.E. 8th Ave. in Bellevue. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record , Kitto seconded , motion carried. CANYON DRIVE It was pointed out that the Engineering Department will advertise STORM SEWER that the public hearing on the Environmental Impact Statement for the Canyon Drive Sewer Outfall Project will be held on April 2, 1973 at the regular council meeting. PUBLIC A letter was read from Christopher Bayley, noting that his recent SAFETY visit to the Kent area was to continue to improve communications between downtown and south King County, and inviting suggestions from local leaders . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Just seconded , Motion carried. PROCLAMATION Mayor Hogan proclaimed the week of March loth through March 17th as "Kent Kaibara Sister City Week" . SUBURBAN Mayor Hogan noted that a Suburban Mayors meeting will be held MAYORS at the Ebb Tide at 7: 30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 7th. FINANCE ELLIOTT MOVED to pay bills received on or before March 5th after approval by the Finance Committee at their meeting to be held March 14th, Martell seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 8 : 35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie J n Mayor City Clerk I