HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/20/1973 Kent, Washington
February 20 , 1973
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen Baffaro, Elliott, Just,
Kitto, Martell and Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street,
City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Finance Director
Winkle and Planning Director Harris .
Mayor Hogan noted the untimely death of Street Superintendent Gilbert
Kendall and a moment of silence was observed by all present.
Kitto moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 5th as
printed , Elliott seconded, motion carried.
STORM Mill Creek. At the last Council meeting, a motion
DRAINAGE that the Director of Public Works submit a proposal
which would indicate whether Alternate #2 of the
Wilsey and Ham report would really work and then
amended to include the use of Hill, Ingman and Chase 's
professional services, was tabled , It was noted that
since that time, Ulett has reviewed the Wilsey and Ham
contract and it is his contention that we have received
all that we paid for. Wilsey and Ham have acknowledged that
extra time was required for the original report because of
meetings with city officials and that the proposed addi-
tional report is strictly an engineering exercise, and the
time estimated for completion is adequate. A meting with
representatives of the Soil Conservation Service and Metro-
Ribco has indicated that Mill Creek might be considered for
a pilot project for sub-area storm water control . Hill ,
Ingman and Chase is willirg to work with the City staff on
project on an hourly basis . It is anticipated that the
cost would be similar to the Wilsey and Ham proposal.
JUST MOVED that the motion be removed from the table,
Elliott seconded, motion carried. Elliott noted that he
had proposed the amendment authorizing use of the Hill ,
Ingman and Chase staff if necessary, in order to expedite
receipt of the information. Ulett stated that the project
would take approximately three weeks for the City staff
to complete, if this was given first priority and other
projects set back. Kitto noted that the Public Works
Department was short-handed and stated that the Council
should set up the priority for the various projects, or
decide to delegate this project to the consultants. The
Mayor pointed out that the cost would be the same for
either Wilsey and Ham or Hill, Ingman and Chase assistance.
Upon roll call vote, the amendment carried unanimously.
The original motion carried, with Kitto voting nay.
HEALTH & LID 273 . MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign
SANITATION the acceptance of the EDA offer of a grant, not to exceed
$154,800 for the water and sewer project on S. 228th (LID
273) , Elliott seconded , motion carried.
Utilities. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1820,
amending Ordinance 1775 , relating to utility billings.
ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded ,
motion carried.
Easement. At the last Council meeting, Martell noted that
the City does not have an easement to cross a lot to a
sewage pumping station on the west hill . It has been de-
termined that the original easement and Bill of Sale gives
the right of ingress, but dees not specify its exact
location. The City Attorney and Ulett will determine whethe
an exact location should be specified .
Metro Heavy Hauling. It was noted that Metro Heavy Hauling
made a proposal at last work session concerning their side
sewer hook-up, and would submit a written proposal . Street
noted that it has not been received. Martell requested that
a written statement of facts be submitted to the Council.
STREETS A letter was read from the Highway Department, noting
that they are in the process of making significant
changes in their existing procedures concerning the
planning and design of highways to assure that adequate
consideration is given to economic, social and environ-
mental factors. A meeting is scheduled for 7 : 30 p.m.
on February 28th in the Gold Room at the Highline
Community College to discuss the matter. MASTERS MOVED
that receipt of the letter be noted, Martell seconded.
Street noted that he and Ulett will attend, and he urged
the Council to participate. Harris pointed out that the
Planning Department had prepared a presentation for the
meeting. Motion carried.
POLICE & Alcohol Education Program. A letter was read from SCALE,
FIRE the South County Alcohol Education Program, requesting
the appointment of a Kent citizen to its Advisory Committee.
BAFFARO MOVED to accept the letter, Masters seconded, motion
carried . Mayor Hogan requested the Council to submit to her
the names of any potential appointees .
Upon the recommendation of the .Fir,e Chief, BAFFARO MOVED
ARECTED • REFER 1 T 0 to approve the request of the Fire Department to have two
iNUTES OF ,., :s.?3... tanker pumper trucks (1961 Ford and 1964 GMC) declared sur-
plus and sold, Elliott seconded , motion carried.
IT WAS NOTED that the complaint registered at the last
Council meeting by Mr. Romain Samuelson, concerning the
use of Randall Park Addition as a motorcycle riding area,
was referred to the City Attorney, who has notified the
attorney for the property owner. He noted that it is
private property and the City has no jurisdiction, however,
he will ask the property owner 's attorney to advise the City
as to what action the owner will take.
FINANCE Financial Consultants . Upon the recommendation of the
Finance Committee and Finance Director, ELLIOTT MOVED to
accept the proposal of Foster and Marshall , Inc. to become
the City's financial consultants on all utility financing,
as outlined in their letter of November 9 , 1972 . Kitto
seconded, motion carried.
Bonds. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept Foster and Marshall 's proposal
for purchase of $1,005 ,000 Water Revenue Refunding Bonds,
1973 , Just seconded . Winkle and Dan Nelson of Foster and Mar-
shall explained that this Advance Refunding Issue will pro-
vide a net savings of over $300 ,000 to the City over the
amount which would have been paid on the present outstanding
1970 Water Revenue Bonds. The net effective interest rate
of the proposal is 5 .70%. Elliott noted that the rate on the
original proposal dated November 2nd was 5 . 75/. Motion
PARKS & Garrison Creek Park. BAFFARO MOVED to accept Alternates
RECREATION #1 through #4 for the Garrison Creek Park project. Elliott
seconded , motion carried. -
Garrison Creek Park - Tennis Courts. BAFFARO MOVED to
approve Change Order #1 submitted by Frank Cohan, Inc. in
the amount of $287.65 , providing for a raised drainage curb
surrounding the metal hatches over the reservoir and deleting
104. 2 sq. yds. of surfacing material around the play equip-
ment area. Elliott seconded, motion carried.
Barney Wilson noted that although the contract with the
School District gives the Parks Department priority over
other groups for use of school facilities, the Department
makes every effort to be cooperative.
PUGET SOUND A letter was read from William Mahon of Puget Sound
GOVERNMENTAL Governmental Conference, noting that under the new
CONFERENCE bylaws of the Conference , the City of Kent ' s repre-
sentative will have a vote starting with the March 8th
meeting . MARTELL MOVED for the matter to be referred
to the next workshop meeting, noting that perhaps the
city should have an ordinance providing for a representa-
tive to be named each year. Just seconded . Baffaro
suggested that the Mayor or Administrator should appoint
the representative. Gaining permission to speak on the
motion, Mayor Hogan noted that she had been representing
the City at PSGC meetings for 31-2 years , and no one had
ever suggested that this be changed. She pointed out
that the Metro contract required that the Mayor be the
City's representative to their meetings, and that since
subjects for Metro and PSGC meetings were closely related ,
it would be wise to have the same person attend both meet-
ings. She stated that action should not be delayed so
that Kent will have a vote at the March 8th meetings.
The. Mayor then pointed out that she thought the matter
had now been brought up because of criticism of her vote
at the Tacoma meeting concerning the Auburn zoning. She
noted that her vote upheld the policy of the Conference,
and felt that it was inappropriate for the council at
this late date to question her capabilities in represent-
ing the city.
Martell stated that the Auburn zoning question had nothing
to do with this action, and that it was the responsibility
of the Council to establish a pattern for appointing a
representative each year. He noted that the appointment
could be made at the March 5th Council meeting, in time
for the March 8th PSGC meeting. The Mayor asked if the
Council would advise her or Mr. Street as to what kind of
information they wished to have for the workshop session so
it could be provided. Masters stated that it was not inappro-
priate for the legislative body to wish to discuss a matter
among themselves at a workshop. Motion carried , with Baffaro
and Kitto voting nay.
ANNEXATION A letter was read from M. C. Wright of Seattle First National
Bank concerning the recent annexation of their Kent East
Branch site to the City of Kent and expressing appreciation
to city officials for their cooperation during the proceed-
ings. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Kitto seconded ,
motion carried .
BIDS Police Car and Animal Control Vehicle. The following bids
were received for a police car and 3/4 ton pickup truc$,
cab and chassis only:
Police Car
Strain's Auto $4,038.19 , inc. tax
Mattson ' s $4, 154.98, inc. tax
3/4 Ton Pickup Cab and Chassis Only
Mattson 's $3 ,032.63, inc. tax and trade
JUST MOVED to accept the bid of Strain 's Auto for the
police car and to accept Mattson 's bid for the 3/4 ton
pickup, Elliott seconded , motion carried.
CENSUS Upon the recommendation of the Administrator, ELLIOTT MOVED
for the City to take a census count to be completed by
April 6, 1973 , Just seconded, motion carried.
PLANNING Kitto noted that the committee appointed to determine ways
of improving the Central Business District had set goals,
including revitalizing the downtown retail area and con-
curring with the John Graham plan with some modifications.
He stated that reports will be made by March 6th by these
committees : . the John Graham Committee, Funding Committee,
Public Relations Committee , Environmental and Physical Im-
pact Committee, and a presentation to the Planning Depart-
ment is planned for June, and will be made to the Council
in August.
TRANSIT Mayor Hogan noted that she attended Metro meetings
SERVICE last Thursday and Friday to assist in interviewing
thirteen applicants for the Transit Director position,
and that the field has been narrowed to six. She
advised that a bus load of senior citizens will be
going to Olympia to urge support for Motor Vehicle
Excise Tax funds for the public transit systems.
BUILDING JUST MOVED to authorize the. City Attorney to draft
an ordinance repealing Ordinance 1704, controlling
construction of self-service gasoline stations ,
Elliott seconded . It was pointed out that the Uni-
form Fire Code covers this subject. Motion carried.
VETERANS Mayor Hogan noted that she would appoint a repre-
sentative to serve on the Green River Community
College Veterans Board, since suggestions had not
been made, nor had volunteers come forth.
FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee on February
16th are as follows:
Current Expense 44, 901 .12
Parks & Recreation 11 ,898.71
Library 178.09
Streets 6,839 .86
Library Constr. 57, 106.11
City Hall Constr. 822 .04
212th Ph III Constr. 21 , 672.54
Reith Rd. Ph. I Cons . 1,567.93
E. Valley Constr. 71 , 632.08
EVH Willis to Gr Rvr 5 , 007 .98
Canyon Drive 3 ,531 .62
W. Valley/Meeker 1 , 693 .79
HS Acres LID 259 317. 26
N. .Kent,Water 76.04
Eq. Rental 12 , 007 .69
Firemen 's R/P 476.80
LEFF Disability 3 , 395 .96
Sewer 64, 351 .05
Water 7, 016 .46
Garbage 22 ,599 . 24
337,092 .37
Interest Bearing Warrants
Park Forward Thrust
Security Title Ins. 1 , 463. 78
Sun Up Construction 10 , 668. 30
EVH Willis to Gr Rvr
Security Title Ins. 2,147.67
Security Title Ins. 1 ,816.10
Security Title Ins. 5 , 185 . 75
Gowe Street-West
Daily Journal of Commerce 78.75
Kent News Journal 45 .52
Respectfully submitted ,
Isabel Hogan Marie J s n
Mayor City C1