HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/15/1973 Kent, Washington January 15 , 1973 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen Baffaro, Elliott, Kitto, Martell , Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Harris and Finance Director Winkle. Councilman Just was absent. Kitto moved to accept the minutes of the meeting of January 2nd with the following correction: On Page 3 , under the heading of Seafirst Annexation and Initial Zoning, the motion should be: MARTELL MOVED to approve the annexation and for the City Attorney to be directed to prepare the annexa- tion ordinance, and to also prepare an ordinance to zone the Johnson prop- erty R3 and the property south of the Johnson property R-3 and to zone the property north of the Johnson property C-3 . Elliott seconded , motion carried Mayor Hogan welcomed Kent Meridian High School students from Mr. Heacox 's Civics Class . UPLAND' S WEST The public hearing on the proposed plat of Upland 's VALLEY INDUSTRIAL West Valley Industrial Park was opened by Mayor Hogan. PARK PLAT Recommendations of the various departments listed in the agenda and referred to during the hearing are as follows: PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS 1 . Right-of-way for 72nd Avenue be 60 feet with a 10 foot utility easements on either side. 2. That right-of-way for 72nd extend from south to north property lines. 3 . If access to tract #1 is to be from other than 72nd Avenue, it must be by the westerly cul-de-sac which lies between tracts #4 and #5 and extends northerly from South 188th Street; this in lieu of access to tract 41 from West Valley Highway. 4. That the right-of-way for South 190th be 60 feet with a 10 foot utility easement on either side. 5 . That the right-of-way for South 188th be 60 feet with a 10 foot utility easement on either side. 6. Access to all lots fronting on West Valley Highway shall be off either South 188th or South 190th. 7. That South 188th not be connected to West Valley Highway. 8. A left-turn slot be providedon West Valley Highway for left turns into South 190th Street. 9 . A 20-foot dedication be made on the east side of West Valley Highway. 10 . That detailed water lines and storm drain- age must be worked out to the satisfaction of the Kent Engineering Department prior to the final map acceptance. UPLAND 'S WEST ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK PLAT A. That the right-of-way of 72nd Avenue and South 190th Street be 80 feet wide. B. That if South 188th is allowed to connect to West Valley, the intersection be right turn only and a "C" curb be installed by the developer to preclude left turns. FIRE DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1 . That South 188th be connected to West Valley for better fire protection. The restriction to right turns only is sat- isfactory. STATE LAW REQUIREMENTS A. Any land situated in a flood control zone as provided in Chapter 86.16 R.C.W. requires the prior written approval of the Department of Water Resources, State of Washington. (This property is in a flood control zone) . Planning Director Harris pointed out the area on the map. He referred to the Planning Commission recommendations as listed in the agenda ( Items 1 through 10 ) , calling attention to two changes as follows : (1 ) The rail hook-up to the main line from the plat would be negotiated hook-up in the future with Puget Power, and ( 2 ) 72nd Avenue would be shown as a 60 ' right-of-way to the north prop- erty line. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Weinert of Upland Industries noting that the Planning Commission recommendations were acceptable to the applicant with the exception of Item #7 , which he suggested be revised as follows : "South 188th Street shall connect to West Valley Highway giving two points of access to the plat. Left turns shall not be permitted at South 188th and appropriate improvements installed in accord- ance with requirements by the State Highway Department" . He pointed out that the Fire Department had also recom- mended that the plat have at least two means of access, and further suggested that Item #2 be revised as follows : "The right-of-way for 72nd Avenue shall extend to the applicant 's south property line. Rights-of-way shall be reserved , but not dedicated, for the possible future extension of 72nd Avenue from the north line of the 72nd Avenue cul-de-sac to the applicant 's north prop- erty line. Said right-of-way shall be dedicated with- out cost to the City in the event the City, within 5 years of final filing of the plat, adopts an ordinance providing for the extension of 72nd Avenue North of the applicant ' s north property line. " ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Kitto seconded , motion carried . A letter was read from Don Wickstrom, Acting City Engineer, dated December 29th recommending approval of the Planning Commission 's recommendation, providing that (1 ) the right-of-way for 72nd Avenue be 80 ' wide. He noted that in cases where the right-of-way was 60 ' wide with a 10 ' easement on each side, buildings have been built over the easements in the past. ( 2 ) the right-of-way for South 190th Street be 80 ' wide. The letter explained that it was believed that 72nd Avenue will not be extended to South 180th due to grade separa- tion problems, and therefore South 190th will be the north tie between the West Valley Highway and 72nd Avenue. He suggested further that if access to South 188th is allowed from the West Valley Highway, it should be for right turns only, with a "C" curb barrier and should pro- vide for right turn shoulder lanes . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Kitto seconded , motion carried. UPLAND'S WEST Weinert and Wickstrom both commented further on VALLEY INDUSTRIAL their letters and Peter Van Giesen presented an PARK PLAT aerial photo of the area. He referred to Item #2 of the Planning Commission recommendations and #2 of Weinert 's letter, stating that studies made by a traffic engineer had indicated that the 84 ' width noted in the Comprehensive Plan was unnecessary for 72nd Avenue and suggested the 60 ' width with 10 ' easements on both sides. He pointed out that 50 ' setbacks will be made, which will preclude building over the easement, and that if it was necessary to widen the street later, the 10 , easements could be used at no cost to the city. Rights-of-way would be reserved, but not dedicated , for possible future extension of 72nd Avenue, and if 72nd Avenue is extended within five years of the date of the final plat, dedication would be made without cost to the city. He pointed out further that Upland would pro- vide the "C" type curbing to prevent left turns at South 188th from the West Valley Highway. Weinert noted that the paved area would only be 46 ' regardless of whether the street was 60 , or 80 ' and that the unpaved area could be: (1 ) sold to the industry and therefore put on the tax rolls and ( 2 ) it would be owned by the city and landscaped and used by the industry, with the city having a prior easement to enable access to utilities. Wickstrom pointed out that if 72nd Avenue is not extended to the north property line, the city wants easements for extending water and sewer facilities. Upon the Mayor 's question, Weinert stated that Upland would go on record that there would be no permanent structures on the easements, and pointed out that the covenants provide for 50 ' setbacks. There were no further comments from the floor and KITTO MOVED to close the public hearing, Elliott seconded, motion carried . Referring to the recommenda- tions contained herein, MARTELL MOVED that the pre- liminary plat of Upland 's West Valley Industrial Park be accepted, provided that the following recommendations are made a part thereof: Planning Commission recommenda- tions #2, 3, 5 , 6, 8, 9 and 10; Engineering recommenda- tion #B; Fire Department recommendation #1 and State Law Requirement A; a bond in the engineer 's estimate of the cost of water, sewer, storm drains, curbs and gutters, asphalt paving and underground wiring; also the right- of-way of 72nd Avenue be 80 ' wide to the north side of South 190th.; the right-of-way north of South 190th is to be 60 ' wide, with a 10 ' easement on each side to the north line of the plat, and South 190th to be 80 ' wide. Masters seconded, and asked Martell to clarify the reasons for having 72nd Avenue 80 ' to South 190th and 60 ' wide beyond South 190th. Martell noted that the city does not want a major intersection in the future at South 180th, and stated further that this is open to future negotiation, and if it is not used , could revert to the railroad. Kitto stated he would vote against the motion because he did not agree with the width of the streets as contained in Martell 's motion, noting that the Planning Commission had recom- mended that 72nd Avenue have a 60 , rightof-way with 10 ' easements on each side. Martell noted that the 80 , re- quirement was consistent with city policy. Street noted that Weinert had agreed that the 10 ' easement could be converted from easement to right-of-way if there was need. Weinert stated that he wished to clarify that on the 60 '- 10 '-10 ' basis, the city would receive the easement for 10 ' on each side for utilities, or anything else, but that the 10 ' would be sold to the industry. Martell noted that in the past the city has not acquired enough property, and when it was needed later was acquired at great expense to the city. Motion carried, with Kitto voting nay. STREETS Crosswalk. It was noted that on January 8th, the Utilities Committee had considered a petition for a crosswalk across the Kent-Kangley Highway in the vicinity of the Village Green Apartment complex. The traffic engineer reviewed the request and recom- mended that the parking be removed on the public right-of-way and that the speed limit be reduced, but that no crosswalk be established. He also noted that when the new traffic lights are installed at 104th and Kent-Kangley, a pedestrian crossing will be included. MASTERS MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to remove the parking, Thorn- ton seconded, motion carried . Traffic Control. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1811 , adopting speed limits as recom- mended in the "Traffic Safety Program" summary re- port prepared by Transportation Planning and Engineer- ing Inc. of Bellevue. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded, motion carried . PARKS & Easement. It was noted that an easement from the RECREATION Parks Department to the Sewer Department has been pre- pared for a sanitary sewer line through the Russell Road Park. MARTELL MOVED to approve said easement, Thornton seconded, motion carried. It was noted that a proposal to continue the Kent- King County joint recreational program has been approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission, and approved as to form by the City Attorney. THORNTON MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said contract, Masters seconded . Barney Wilson pointed out that under this new contract, the county will provide $20, 000 toward the recreation programs. Motion carried. Parks Director Wilson reported that on January 29th, a Metro representative will register senior citizens at the Senior Center for special bus transportation rates. Wilson noted that the Parks Department annual report had not indicated that in 1972, the Department had 252 part time employees, most of whom were high school students, and he pointed out that there were 380 volunteer workers in 1972 . BENCHES ELLIOTT MOVED to suspend the rules of order to allow Dr. Despain to speak regarding his proposal to furnish benches in the City of Kent, Martell seconded , motion carried, with Baffaro voting nay. The City Clerk read letters from Kent businessmen: Robert Shaw, Bill Stewart, Frances M. Chase, Donald Cohee, Derwin Tufte and Barry Owen, all favoring the proposal of Dr. Despain to furnish free benches, containing advertising. MASTERS MOVED To accept the letters and for them to be made a part of the record, Kitto seconded, motion carried. ELLIOTT MOVED to direct the City Attorney to draw a contract in accordance with guidelines set forth by the City Administrator, Thornton seconded . Elliott noted that Despain had agreed to Street 's guidelines, senior citizens had agreed and local businessmen had endorsed the proposal and that it appeared that the majority of the Kent Chamber of Commerce members also favored the proposal . Baffaro opined that the benches would not be used since there was no mall in which to place them. Upon roll call vote, Elliott, Martell and Thornton voted aye, Baffaro, Kitto and Masters voted nay, result- ing in a tie vote. Mayor Hogan voted nay. Motion failed. FINANCE LID 261. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1812, amending Ordinance 1785 , reducing the interest on the assessments for LID 261 , following the sale of the bonds, ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried . FINANCE LID 272 . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1813, amending Ordinance 1802, reducing the interest on the assessments for LID 272, following the sale of the bonds. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Elliott seconded , motion carried . ELLIOTT noted that the Finance Committee meeting will be held on January 26th at 8 :00 a.m. WATER A bill of sale has been received from the Benaroya Company for a water main extension east of East Valley Highway on South 208th. Upon the Engineer 's recom- mendation, MARTELL MOVED that said bill of sale be accepted and recorded , Masters seconded, motion carried. POLICE & It was noted that the Chiefs of Police of Kent and FIRE Des Moines have negotiated a contract wherein the City of Des Moines will utilize the Kent jail facilities at a charge of $6.00 per day, per prisoner. Upon the City Attorney 's recommendation, MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said con- tract, Thornton seconded, motion carried . BIDS Police Cars. It was noted that award of bids on the police patrol units will be held over. The following bids were received for a detective unit: Bowen Scarff $3, 248.87, including tax Valley Motors, Inc. $3 , 326.63 , including tax Strain 's Auto $3 , 253 .77, including tax ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the low bid of Bowen Scarff, Masters seconded , motion carried. TRANSIT Elliott pointed out that the billing from Metro for SERVICE transit service in December was $253.06 and that the total bill for 1972 was $5 , 307.14. BOARD OF ADJUST- The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1814, autho- MENT AND PLANNING rizing the Board of Adjustment or Planning Commission COMMISSION to release bonds which were required by their action. MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded, motion carried . BOUNDARY REVIEW Two notices of proposed annexation have been received BOARD from the Boundary Review Board; File #12-4 for Water District #58 and File #12-5 for Water District #54. Street rioted that neither is within the "Sphere of Interest" of Kent and requires no action by the City Council . ELLIOTT MOVED that King County Bourd ary Review Board File #12-4 and File #12-5 were received and reported on by the City Administrator, Thornton seconded, motion carried . SISTER CITY The Kent-Kaibara Town Affiliation Committee presented a 1972 financial statement and the proposed budget for 1973. Mrs. Grayce Thomas introduced Kazuhiro Shiomi, our exchange student from Japan, and Sandra O'Keefe who will be going to Japan. Mrs. Thomas then read a letter to Mayor Hogan from the Mayor of Kaibara. She presented the Mayor with the Readers Digest International Sister Cities Award plaque, honoring Kent and Kaibara as national winners for towns under 20 ,000 population. HOLIDAY Street noted that Monday, February 19th is a holiday and that the regular council meeting will , therefore, be held on Tuesday, February 20th. MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 : 30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Open Mayor City Clerk