HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/02/1973 Kent, Washington January 2, 1973 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Masters. Present: Councilmen Baff aro, Just, Kitto, Martell and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Mayor Hogan, Councilman Elliott and Planning Director Harris were absent. Kitto moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 18 as printed , Martell seconded, motion carried.. City Administrator Street introduced the new Public Works Director Gerald Ulett, who was attending his first Council meeting in Kent. Mayor Pro Tem Masters welcomed the students from Mr. Heacox 's Civics Class from Kent Meridian High School . HEALTH & LID 273 , S. 228th Water and Sewer. A letter was read SANITATION from the Economic Development Administration Authority, noting that they have extended this project commencement deadline approximately 60 days, or until February 21, 1973 . THORNTON MOVED to accept the letter, Martell seconded , motion carried. Proposed Sewer LID S 203rd - Pacific West Realty Trust. It was noted that last summer Pacific West Realty Trust had requested an extension of a sanitary sewrr located west of the East Valley Highway at approximately S. 203rd. The City approved the request for submission to EAA for financial aid. EAA approved a loan, but not a grant, which the property owner has declined and is now petitioning for an LID. KITTO MOVED for the city to initiate the proposed LID by council resolution, Martell seconded, motion carried. r WATER Highridge Plat. It was noted that Miles Drake is develop- ing the Highridge Plat adjacent to the city limits. It has been determined that it would be advantageous to the city to have a 12" main rather than an 8" main. MARTELL MOVED to . authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement with Drake under which the city agrees to furnish pipe at the rate of $5 .66 per ft. as the city's share of the cost, Thornton seconded, motion carried . GARBAGE A letter was read from Jim Plemmons, noting that County Councilman Dave Mooney has investigated the proposal to open the Titus Pit Garbage Station and that it would require a subsidy by the City of Kent of $50,000 annually. He suggested that before the Council makes a firm decision on this matter, that the community be informed as to what increase would be necessary in the dumping rates to put the City in a break even pos. tion. MARTELL MOVED to accept the letter and refer the matter to the workshop on January 22nd, Thornton seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Bids - Garrison Creek Park. The IAC funding for the RECREATION Garrison Creek Park project has been approved as follows: IAC $91,500, and City funds $30,500, totaling $122,000. Tennis Courts. Frank D. Cohan, Inc. , Seattle, was low bidder .t $38, 176 + tax for 6 tennis courts, a basketball play area and a children 's play area. Four bids were received. Site Development. Sun Up Construction of Seattle was low bidder at $59 ,509 , + tax for the site development, including fencing, tennis court lighting, landscaping and lavatory facilities. Sun Up bid Alternate #1 at $5 , 240 + tax for reinforced masonry walls and foundations for the handball courts, which must be submitted to IAC for approval . The city has 60 days in which to accept or reject the alternate. The architect has recommended the acceptance of both low bids . PARKS & Contract #1 Tennis Courts (Cohan) $38, 176.00 RECREATION Contract #2 Site Development (Sun Up) $59,509 .00 $97 , 68 .00 Sales Tax 5 . 3/ 5 , 177 .30 $102, 862 . 30 Alternate 41 Site Development 5 , 240 .00 Sales Tax 277.72 $108 , 380 .02 MARTELL MOVED that the best bids of Frank D. Cohan and Sun Up Construction be accepted , Thornton seconded , motion carried. JUST MOVED that Alternate #1 of site improvement bid be submitted to IAC for addition to base contract, and for the original acceptance of the bids to so note this action, Kitto seconded , motion carried . I .A.C. BAFFARO MOVED for the Mayor to be authorized to sign amendments to the IAC agreements for the Lake Fenwick and for the Upper Mill Creek Canyon projects, providing for a six month time extension for each, changing the agreement ending date to June 30 , 1973 , Kitto seconded, motion carried . Bike Route. It was noted that the letter read at the Council meeting of November 20th, criticizing the bike route has been acted upon by the Director of Parks and Recreation and the citizens is pleased with the answer . SEAFIRST Seafirst Annexation and Initial Zoning. It was noted ANNEXATION that a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting for & ZONING the Seafirst Annexation and for the zoning thereof for approximately six acres located east of 104th Ave. S .E. and north of S .E. 260th. Street pointed out that the annexation petitions have been submitted to the Boundary Review Board. The Planning Commission has recommended that the annexation be zoned C-3 in accordance wi$i the comprehensive plan. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Pro Tem Masters . Myrl Johnson, owner of the Bon Bon Apartments, stated that that portion of the property had been zoned for apartments for 12 years and that he wished to have it remain so. The City Attorney pointed out that this had been overlooked by the Planning Commission and it was not their intent to zone the apartment portion of the annexation C-3 . There were no further comments and MARTELL MOVED to close the hearing, Thornton seconded , motion _ carried. MARTELL MOVED to approve the annexation and for CORRECTED • REFER TO the City Attorney to be directed to prepare the annexation ordinance, and to also prepare an ordinance to zone the MINUTES OF S � Johnson property R-3 and to zone the balance of the annexa- tion J tion C-3 , Just seconded, motion carried . Street noted that the city had requested the the Boundary Review Board waive jurisdiction on this annexation, since the area consists of less than 10 acres and is less than $200, 000 in assessed valuation, but has, as yet, received no answer from the Board FINANCE The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1810 , establishing an LID 261/272 Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, and providing for the issuance and sale of bonds thereof to McLean and Co. JUST MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded , motion carried . TRAIN Train speeds were discussed at the last work session, SPEEDS Representatives of both railroads made presentations. The following information was given : 1 , The Union Pacific-Milwaukee has signals or gates on every crossing except West Willis, which is a seldom used crossing. 2. The Burlington Northern has gates or lights on all except two crossings in north Kent and they requested consideration of closing both of these crossings. 3 . The Willis Street crossing will be gated within the next month and the Meeker Street crossing will be gated within the next six months . TRAIN 4. Both railroads pointed out that the slowing SPEEDS of the trains does not decrease accidents , but slower speeds would affect east-west auto traffic. 5 . The representative of our insurance company was asked if he had any further questions, and if he did to have them available for the workshop of January 8, 1973 . DOG POUND Upon the recommendation of the City Attorney and the Police Chief, MARTELL MOVED for the Mayor and City Clerk to be authorized to sign an agreement with Renton for joint use of Kent ' s dog pound , Just seconded , motion carried . LEASE BAFFARO MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk DATA to sign a contract with Univac for lease of computer PROCESSING equipment at $2847 per month. Winkle explained that the new lease includes additional equipment and also provices for reductions each year for five years. Martell seconded . Kitto ascertained that the City Attorney had not revie4ed the contract and Baffaro added provision for the City Attorney 's approval to the motion, Martell seconded , motion carried . SEISMIC A letter was read from Standard Oil Co. of California, SURVEY expressing their appreciation for the City 's cooperation during their recent seismic survey in this area. MARTELL MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Thornton seconded , motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1808, creating the DIRECTOR position of Director of Public Works, and describing the qualifications, duties and salary for same . JUST MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Thornton seconded, motion carried . FINANCE & The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1809 , creating the PERSONNEL position of Director of Finance and Personnel , and des- DIRECTOR cribing the qualifications, duties and salry for same. BAFFARO MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Thornton seconded , motion carried . METRO Martell noted that the Metro Transit System had commenced TRANSPORTA- operations on January 1, and Street pointed out that a map TION and bus schedules were posted in the lobby of the City Hall . He stated that Metro was presently utilizing Russ Thorp's Tire Center for both passenger and freight loading, but that it was anticipated that Metro would soon ask to use the City Hall lobby as a passenger waiting room on a temporary basis. MARTELL MOVED to authorize Street to enter into an informal contract with Metro to use the City Hall lobby as a bus waiting room, Thornton seconded , motion carried , with Baffaro voting nay. STREET It was noted that the Street Department would pick up DEPARTMENT Christmas trees and that a schedule will be printed. FINANCE MARTELL MOVED to pay bills received on or before January 20, 1973 and approved by the Finance Committee at their meeting to be held January 26, 1973 , Kitto seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted , Isabel Hogan Marie J!�sen Mayor City Clerk