HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/18/1972 Kent, Washington December 18, 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Counci� was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen Baffaro, Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Acting City Engineer Wickstrom, Finance Director Winkle and Planning Director Harris. Councilman Masters was absent Thornton moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 4 as printed, Elliott seconded, motion oarried. HEALTH & Proposed Sanitary Sewer LID. A petition was SANITATION presented from Pacific West Realty Trust, requesting an LID for sanitary sewers in the area west of the East Valley Highway, north of 208th. MARTELL MOVED to accept the petition and to direct the Engineering Department to determine the validity of the petition and to consider whether the City or the consulting engineers should do the engineering work, Thornton seconded, motion carried. LID 259, Horseshoe Acres Sewer. MARTELL MOVED to approve Tri State Construction 's Change Order #3, reducing the total of Contract #2 by $9, 325 . 37, Just seconded, motion carried . MARTELL MOVED to accept as comlpete the Tri State Construction con- tract #2 for LID 259, Horseshoe Acres Sewer, in the amount of $254,017.63, and for the retainage to be paid when legal to do so, Elliott seconded, motion carried . LID 267, EVH Sewers - S . 212th to S . 228th. MARTELL MOVED to approve Change Order #1 for National Con- struction Company, increasing the contract amount by $185 .02 for readjusting lampholes and replacing a 12" culvert at S . 212th, Elliott seconded, motion carried. STREETS LID 272 , EVH Improvement - S . 212th to S. 228th Upon the recommendation of the Engineers, MARTELL MOVED to approve Change Order #1 for Bellevue Bull- dozing, increasing the contract in the amount of $2398, covering deletion of installation of nine street light poles and bases , and adding four man- holes for storm drains. Just seconded, motion carried. LID 274, S. Central Imp. - Willis to Green River. Elliott noted that on Thursday, December 14th, the Finance Committee met with the Consulting Engineers concerning the South Central improvement project to secure up-to-date information on the right-of-way costs. He noted that acquisition costs are now anticipated to be $328, 300, which is $175 , 000 over the original estimate. It was pointed out that it would be unwise to abandon the project, as approxi- mately $80, 000 has already been invested in it. It has been suggested that the right-of-way could be reduced from 80 ' to 72 ' and still maintain a five lane facility by moving the sidewalk to the curb line and eliminating the planting strip, which would reduce the right-of-way costs by $75 , 000. Thornton asked how much of the federal revenue sharing funds could go into this project. Street stated that the Council would make the decision as to where this money would be utilized, after it was determined whether the same amount would be received in January. The City Attorney stated that the condemnation ordi- nance will have to be repealed and that a new ordinance would not be ready until the January 15th meeting . STREETS Intersection. A letter was read from Virginia Levack, noting the hazardous situation at the East Hill intersection, and suggesting several traffic revisions as a partial solution to some of the problems. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the letter and refer the matter to the Utilities Committee, Baffaro seconded , motion carried . Street noted that the utilities in that area had had to be considered when the traffic pattern was established and pointed out that the Traffic Engineer would meet with the committee. FINANCE Bonds For Combined LID 261/272 . The City Treasurer 's certification for LID 272 was read, noting that the amount of unpaid assessments is $26,143 .79. This amount, combined with unpaid assessments for LID 261 totals $78, 472.22, to be funded by this proposed combined bond issue. The following proposals were received : Interest Rate William P. Harper & Son 5 .875/ Foster & Marshall, Inc. 5 . 75% McLean & Co. , Inc. 5 .50% Peoples National Bank of Wash. 5 .85% ELLIOTT MOVED to direct the Finance Director and City Attorney to check the proposals and make a recommendation to the Council, Martell seconded, motion carried . Upon the recommendation of the Finance Director and City Attorney, MARTELL MOVED to accept the proposal of McLean & Co. , Kitto seconded, motion carried. IT WAS NOTED that the first revenue sharing check in the amount of $181 , 483 has been received. It was pointed out that this amount exceeds the last estimate, but no explanation was given. As soon as this information is available, a recommendation will be made. POLICE & FIRE A letter was read from Ron Hallissey, Property manager of the Kingsport Distribution Center, commending the Fire Department for their fine performance on Sunday, December 10th in response to a sprinkler accident at their plant. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the letter and refer it to the Fire Department, Martell seconded , motion carried . PARKS & The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1807, creating RECREATION a Forward Thrust Parks Fund in the office of the City Treasurer. MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded , motion carried . BUDGET The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1805 , adopting the 1973 budget. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded. Elliott rioted that only $10, 000 was budgeted for the LEFF disability leave. Street stated that the policy that the Council adopted two years ago was that we would place $10 ,000 in this fund and the first year it was not used, the second year we went over. Winkle noted that he is negotiating a contract for $10 ,000 coverage for all LEFF employees under a new policy. Motion carried. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1806, amending the 1972 budget for Transfer and Adjustments. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded, motion carried. POSTAL A letter was read from Mrs. Margaret Irving concerning FACILITY the U.S . Postal Mail Facility proposed for the Federal Way area, and suggesting bat the Kent Valley would be a more suitable location because of the need for rail service. THORNTON MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Elliott seconded, motion carried. UPLAND'S WEST Union Pacific Land Resources Corp. Harris stated VALLEY INDUSTRIAL that the Planning Commission had reviewed the pre- PARK PLAT liminary plat of Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation at two separate meetings. He pointed out the proposed plat on the map, located on the east side of the West Valley Highway approximately 1500 feet north of S . 196th Street, consisting of approximately 66 acres. He noted that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the plat, with six conditions, which he outlined . The City Clerk read the report from the Engineering Department, recommending approval under certain conditions as outlined in the report. The report of the Fire Marshall was also read, recommending that the pro- posed plat be approved subject tothe Engineer 's conditions and provided that at least two means of access to the plat be included . It was pointed out that the Council could accept the plat now, but must set a public hearing date if any changes to the Planning Commission 's recommendations are to be considered . MARTELL MOVED that a public hear- ing on the plat be set for January 15 , 1973, Just seconded . Mr. George Weinert spoke for the Upland Industries Corporation, noting that they agree with the Planning Commission 's conditions except the one eliminating the connection of S. 188th with the West Valley Highway. He provided a copy of a letter on this subject to each Councilman. Motion carried. COUNTY OVERALL A letter was read from John Spellman, noting that ECONOMIC DEV- King County has coordinated the OEDP since 1970 and ELOPMENT PLAN requesting the City 's assistance in compiling a (OEDA) current list of possible projects to be considered by the Federal Economic Development Administration for funding in 1973 . The letter suggests a careful review of potential projects under the EDA and OEDP guidelines. KITTO MOVED to accept the letter and refer the matter to the Administration, Thornton seconded , motion carried. BIDS Street Sweeping. The following bid was received for street sweeping for 1973 : Nate Pennachi $630 per month, plus tax $16 per hour, plus tax for extra sweeping JUST MOVED to accept the bid of Nate Pennachi for street sweeping for 1973, Martell seconded . Street noted that the bid reflects an increase of $22 per month over last year 's contract with Pennachi and that sales tax might not be applicable on portions of this bid . Motion carried . BENCHES It was noted that the Chamber of Commerce recommended that the City install several benches throughout the City and that the benches contain no advertising. A letter was read from Dr. Despain, noting that the senior citizens, were in favor of the benches contain- ing advertising, which he proposed to furnish at no cost to the City. He presented a petition, signed by approximately 68 senior citizens, requesting the City to approve the proposal for the installation of benches within the city limits. THORNTON MOVED to accept the letter and to place the petition on file, Just seconded, motion carried . THORNTON MOVED that further action on this matter be held over to the workshop on January 8th, Martell seconded. Baffaro noted that the matter had already been thoroughly discussed. Motion carried, with Baffaro voting nay. PUGET SOUND Martell referred to the Puget Sound Governmental Con- GOVERNMENTAL ference 's decision to limit some of Auburn 's industry- CONFERENCE zoned land to open space and agricultural use, noting that the larger governmental entities are going to run the area and that the smaller cities will have nothing to say. He read from a letter from the City of Bothell stating that Bothell did not support the PSGC concept of "planning at a distance" . MARTELL MOVED that the City of Kent withdraw from the PSGC, Elliott seconded the motion so that discussion could be allowed. Thornton stated that withdrawing would be a drastic PUGET SOUND step and that the City should not enter the GOVERNMENTAL picture at all, as the controversy is between CONFERENCE the City of Auburn and PSGC. Martell offered to withdraw the motion and to have the matter referred to a workshop. The Council concurred that Mayor Hogan could enter the discussion. The Mayor noted that Kent joined PSGC in 1967 , and that since 1969 the Conference had become more active. The Conference operates under a committee structure, she pointed out, and as a member of the Transportation Committee, she had attended committee meetings as well as the Con- ference meetings . She explained that all members serve on some committee, the committees report back to the full Conference and then the Conference votes on the matter. The Mayor noted that in her letter to the Council regarding the Auburn conflict, she had pointed out that she believed that if we didn't belong to the Conference, we would come under the jurisdiction of the State Land Planning Commission, which is an all appointed body. Upon Martell 's question, it was explained that under the new voting structure, Kent will have its own vote, as will each City under 20 ,000 . Clarification was given at Thornton 's request, on the dates of letters from the Mayor to the Council prior to the Confer- ence vote on the Auburn controversy. Martell stated that information on conference matters should be given to the Council at wor4shops before action is taken on behalf of the City. The Mayor noted that she serves on many committees other than the Con- ference committee, and would report on action of all committees if the Council wished . Elliott clarified that the Conference does not have to vote as the Committee recommends. Martell noted that the planners for each city were better qualified than the Conference to make planning decisionsfor their own cities. MARTELL WITHDREW his motion and Elliott withdrew the second . Kitto opined that the Mayor, as the City' s repre- sentative to the Conference had notified the Council- men of the controversy over the Auburn matter in a proper manner and did not agree that she should report to the Council on each meeting of each committee on which she serves. He agreed that the Auburn conflict with the Conference should be discussed at a workshop as he could foresee other conflicts in the future. Mayor Hogan noted that there were bound to be other conflicts and therefore she would welcome a suit to determine if the PSGC had this authority. FINANCE Claims received through December 5th, for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting: i Current Expense $33 , 766.05 Parks & Recreation 12,985 .14 Library 56,038. 65 Streets 19,000 . 20 Arterial Streets 783 .20 Library Constr. Fund 34,538.27 City Hall Cons . Fund 537.60 4th Ave. Cons. Fund 4, 239.00 212th Ph III Cons . 79, 653 .62 E. Valley Cons. Fund 32,151. 79 E. Valley Willis - Gr. Rvr. 7, 356.16 HIS Acres LID 259 201 .97 Equipment Rental 7,020 . 25 Firemen 's RIP 833 . 27 LEFF Disability 3 ,127. 76 Sewer 33 ,546.69 Water 7,886.61 Garbage 22,194.60 321 ,588.90 FINANCE Interest Bearing Warrants Parks & Recreation Security Title Ins. Co. $16,161 .35 Olson, Richert, Bignold 145 .00 R. 0. Bordner 662.88 R. 0. Bordner 12 ,515 . 33 Richard Haag Assoc. 1 ,180 .50 East Valley Construction Hill , Ingman & Chase 5 , 661.65 Hill , Ingman & Chase 457.33 EVH - Willis to Gr. Rvr. Conger, Schueler, McKown 17, 600 .00 North Kent Water Atlas Construction 28,574.42 Hill, Ingman & Chase 433 . 79 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen Mayor City Clerk