HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/04/1972 Kent, Washington December 4, 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen Baff aro, Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell, Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk and Finance Director Winkle. Absent: Planning Director Harris Elliott moved to approve the minutes of the meetings of November 20 and December 1 as printed , Kitto seconded , motion carried. HEALTH & Garrison Creek Sewer. A letter from the Department SANITATION of Ecology was read , noting that Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (PL 92-500) , provides authority to increase the city 's grant to a 75% federal grant level. In order to provide legal authority to increase the grant to a 75% federal grant, the city must authorize their representative to request an increase of the federal construction grant to 75% of the eligible cost and the Department of Ecology must approve the request and recertify the project for the higher percentage federal grant. It was further pointed out that to effect the termina- tion of the present grant agreement to initiate action for FY 73 funding, the following action would be necessary: 1 . The authorized representative must request that the grant be withdrawn. 2. Such request should be justified by reason other than increasing the federal grant percentage. 3 . The applicant must request a new grant at 75% federal and 15% state participation at a date between December 10 , 1972 and January 1 , 1973, and must meet the application re- quirements of a new grant funded with FY 1973 funds. 4. The applicant must not proceed with construction until authorized by Environmental Protection . Agency after a new grant is awarded . MARTELL MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Elliott seconded, motion carried . MARTELL MOVED to direct the Mayor to withdraw the 33% federal grant request for Project 4437 because the problem of local financing of this sewer extension, which is outside the city limits, has not been solved at this time, Masters seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED to direct the Mayor to sign a request for a new grant at 75% federal and 15% state participation for this project, Masters seconded, motion carried . Sanitary Sewers - Benaroya Industrial Park. Street noted receipt of a Bill of Sale for sanitary sewers in the Benaroya Industrial Park, which has been approved by the Engineering Department . MARTELL MOVED to accept the Bill of Sale, Kitto seconded , motion carried . Sanitary Sewers - Benson Crest #3 . MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract to allow Chief Construction Co. , Inc. to build over a sanitary sewer in Benson Crest #3 , provided the sewer is constructed of ductile iron and provided further that other regulations stipulated by the City Engineer are complied with, Just seconded , motion carried . STREETS LID 274, EVH Improvement - Willis to Green River. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1804, providing for condemnation for rights-of-way for LID 274 and providing for payment thereof. MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Just seconded , motion carried, with Thornton abstaining. STREET Green Valley Heights #6. It was noted that a request LIGHTS from Continental Mortgage for the City to pay for power used in street lights in Green Valley Heights #6 was re- ferred to the City Attorney, who will report at a later meeting. FINANCE LID Segregations. A letter was read from James Curran, requesting a segregation for a parcel in the Nash Estate Property in LID 261 . A letter was read from G. M. Anderson, requesting a segregation for property owned by Harold Heath in LID 260, Assessment #76. MARTELL MOVED to accept the above letters, and to direct the City Treasurer and City Engineer to segregate the above assessments after receipt of proper forms and fees, Kitto seconded , motion carried . PARKS & BAFFARO MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to RECREATION sign an agreement between Kent School District #415 and the Kent Parks Department for community recreation programs, Elliott seconded, motion carried . POLICE & Fire Chief Foster suggested that the Firefighters be FIRE awarded certificates earned this year at the Public Safety Committee meeting on December 18th at 7:00 p.m. He noted that he hoped to have the State Legislators attend . TRAIN A letter was read from Lawrence Silvernale, Regional Counsel SPEEDS of the Burlington Northern Railroad, requesting an opportunity to review the city's proposed petition to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission to reduce train speeds in Kent. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for the matter to be discussed at the next workshop on December llth, Kitto seconded, motion carried . TRANSIT A letter was read from Aubrey Davis Jr. of Metro, inviting SERVICE technical personnel to attend a meeting to be held December 6th at 8 :00 p.m. in the Renton City Hall Council Chambers, to discuss the initial system routing, etc. , regarding the Metro transit system to be implemented on January 1 . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, for it to be made a matter of record and that Barney Wilson be designated as the City ' s liaison officer with the Metro staff. Kitto seconded , motion carried. Street pointed out that the technical personnel representing the City will be appointed by the Director of Public Works. APPEAL A letter was read from A. S . Leeper, appealing the denial of his variance request in connection with the underground wiring requirements for his residence at 512 West Meeker Street . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to ,the Engineering Department, Just seconded. Under discussion, Street pointed out that under the ordinance, the appeal should be referred to the Council as a whole or to a committee thereof. Masters withdrew her motion, Just withdrew his second . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, to refer the matter to the Utilities Committee for discussion at their next meeting on December llth, and to so notify Mr. Leeper, Just seconded, motion carried. PLAT Union Pacific Land Resources Corp. It was noted that the Planning Commission has completed its hearing on the preliminary plat submitted by Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation for property adjacent to West Valley, near Cam Industries. It is required by State Law that the plat be considered by the Council at a public meeting. MARTELL MOVED for the preliminary plat of Union Pacific Land Resources Corp. to be discussed at a public meeting on December 18th, during the regular Council meeting, Kitto seconded, motion carried . Street explained that if the Council accepts the Planning Commission 's recom- mendation on December 18th, the plat may be approved at that meeting. If any changes are made, however, a public hearing must be held. PLANNING A letter was read from Jocile Gram, a resident of the West Hill , expressing her objection to the over- development of the Kent Valley. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, for it to be made a matter of record, and to instruct the Planning Department to answer, Kitto seconded . Under discussion, Masters noted that residents should attend the zoning meetings to better understand the decisions made. Motion carried. LIBRARY MASTERS MOVED to confirm the Mayor ' s appointment of Edwin BOARD Johnson to the Library Board, Kitto seconded. Mr. Johnson will replace Art Pommer who has served the maximum of 2 terms. Motion carried . ZONING Kitto noted that the Councilmen had each received a letter from the Mayor of Auburn and he MOVED that the matter con- cerning Auburn 's dispute with the Puget Sound Governmental Conference about the zoning of certain acreage in Auburn be placed on the agenda for the next work session on December 11th, Masters seconded, motion carried. EXPO 174 A letter was read from Michael Kobluk, Manager of Special Presentations and Art Exhibitions for Expo 174, extending an invitation to have the City represented at the World Exposition to be held in Spokane from May 1974 through October 1974. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for a copy to be sent to the Chamber of Commerce, Kitto seconded , motion carried. PROCLAMATION Mayor Hogan read a proclamation, declaring the week of December 10th as "Mail Early Week" , and urging everyone to assist the Kent Postal Service in expediting the Christmas mail . POLLUTION Fire Chief Foster noted that the burning in the vicinity of S . 272nd and Lake Fenwick Road is just outside the city limits and therefor the City has no control. FINANCE Elliott moved to pay the bills received on or before December 5th, after approval by the Finance Committee at their meeting of December 14th at 8:00 a.m. , Kitto seconded , motion carried . MEETING ADJOURNED: 8 :40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan /v\ Marie g / Mayor City Clerk