HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/20/1972 Kent, Washington November 20 , 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen Baff aro, Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell, Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood , Finance Director Winkle. Planning Director Harris was absent. Elliott moved to' approve the minutes of November 6th, with the following correction: The resolution number on Housing should be #737, rather than #736, Masters seconded, motion carried. City Engineer Sherwood introduced his daughter Kathy and Brad Hudson, both Juniors at Washington State University, and noted that Hudson was attending the meeting in connection with his political science course. The students were welcomed by the Mayor. HEALTH & LID 267. It was pointed out that the sewer line SANITATION along 84th Ave. S. between S. 212th and S . 218th will be ready for side sewer connections in two weeks , and that the potential users along this line will be notified to connect to the sewer within 90 days. LID 273 , S. 228th Water & Sewer. The City Administra- tor reported that on November 13th he went to Olympia and reviewed progress of the proposed project with John Herter of EAA and with Jerry Scutt who contacted EDA. It was pointed out that one item of information was missing in connection with the application, and that every effort is being made to get approval for this project. Garbage Containers . It was suggested that the trash containers along Meeker Street were too highfor some children to use, therefore the Street Department is placing some lower receptacles in strategic locations. East Hill Shopping Center - Storm and Sanitary Sewers. Upon the City Attorney' s recommendation, JUST MOVED to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper documents to release the $31, 975 Chris Enterprises Inc. bond, submitted by Jim Plemmons , in connection with the installation of storm and sanitary sewers in the East Hill Shopping Center, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Garrison Creek Sewer. It was noted that an Environ- mental Protection Agency Grant for construction of the Garrison Creek sewer amounting to $44,810 or 33% of the estimated cost, has been received . In addition, according to present regulations, this grant may be increased to 75%. A 15% State grant will be received in the next few days. Lundberg Construction Company has agreed to advance the costs of engineering for this project, estimated to be $12 , 000, prior to the bid award. Estimated cost of project $142,525 Estimated eligible costs $135 ,800 33% grant 44,810 15% grant 20, 370 65 , 180 77, 345 Increase in 33% grant to 75% grant 57,036 Amount of local funding $20 , 309 Lundberg has agreed to advance the engineering costs which occur in 1972 and to carry 50% of the local costs for a period of time, at the city' s normal interest rate. If the increased grant is not received, a review of this entire project must be made. The City would pay for the engineering even if the project does not go at this time, for the plans will be used at some date. Upon Street 's recommendation, KITTO MOVED that the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Grant C-530437 (WPC-WN-437) be accepted and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign this con- tract, Martell seconded , motion carried. HEALTH & ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize Hill, Ingman & Chase SANITATION to complete plans and specifications and submit the request for increasing the grant to 75%, Kitto seconded , motion carried. MARTELL MOVED for the City Attorney to prepare a contract between Kent and Lundberg Construction, in accordance with the above, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Street pointed out that the Federal Water Pollution Act of 1972 recently passed , provides grants of 75% for sewer interceptors and planning of separation proj- ects. In addition, the State has a 15/ grant program together with a 10/ loan for preliminary engineering planning. He recommended that Hill, Ingman and Chase be authorized to assist the City in preparation of the applications to submit to the Federal and State agencies. The projects include the Kent-Des Moines Road and Hines Station Interceptors, Linda Heights Pump Station im- provement and the sanitary storm separation study. JUST MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign said applications, Elliott seconded, motion carried . Western Processing. It was noted that Western Process- ing has requested permission to utilize a Kent sewer which exists in an easement on the Costello property, adjacent to platted 72nd Street. The Utilities Committee has directed the Administrator and the Sewer Superintendent to negotiate. The following is the action taken: 1. Sewer Superintendent Kristofferson has advised Western Processing to submit application for an industrial waste permit from the State of Wash- ington and Metro. 2. Upon receipt of approved application, Western Processing may install a testing manhole ad- jacent to the present manhole and bring sewage to the testing manhole. 3. Western Processing must install a meter to measure sewer flow. STREETS Underground Wiring - West Gowe. Upon the recommendation of the City Engineer, MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Puget Power underground conversion agreement for West Gowe, Masters seconded . Under discussion, the City Engineer noted that Puget Power is concerned about securing easements necessary for placement of their vaults, therefore there may be some small additional cost over what is spelled out in the contract. He further noted that the call for bids will be in February. Motion carried. Willis Street from 4th Ave. to Central Ave. A fetter was read from the Highway Commission, assuring the City that the State will fulfill their commitments in connection with several reparable items within the recEn tly completed Willis Street improvement. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record , Just seconded, motion carried. LID 274, S . Central Improvement. The City Attorney noted that the City is required to go to bid within 15 months on this project, and should therefore be ready for condem- nation incase it becomes necessary. He pointed out, how- ever, that negotiations for the parcels are underway now. KITTO MOVED to authorize the City Attorney to draft an ordinance for condemnation for rights-of-way for LID 274, Martell seconded, motion carried. FINANCE The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1803 , providing for payment of City obligations by check instead of warrants and designating the manner of selection of the bank to handle the City's accounts, ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. LID 272 Segregations. MARTELL MOVED to direct the City Treasurer and City Engineer to segregate assessment #17 in LID 272, after receipt of proper forms and fees, as requested by Mrs. R. D. Valdez, Just seconded , motion carried. PARKS & Bike Route. A letter was read from Mrs. William RECREATION Adair, noting the heavy vehicular traffic on the Green River bike route and suggesting thatthe road be used for bikes only one day a week. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, to refer it to the Parks Department, and suggested they might consider establish- hg special "bicycle" Sundays. Kitto seconded , motion carried . Martell suggested that the roadway should have shoulders to ensure the safety of the cyclists. Street pointed out that UAB funds are now available for this specific purpose. Glenn Nelson Park. Upon the recommendation of the Parks Department, KITTO MOVED to accept as complete the Sun Up Construction contract for the Glenn Nelson Park and for the retainage to be paid when legal to do so, Masters seconded , motion carried. A LETTER was read from the Kent Lions Club, urging the Council to be generous toward the Senior Citizens pro- gram when preparing the budget for 1973 . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Just seconded, motion carried . WATER East Hill Trace Water Service. The Engineering Depart- ment has indicated that the existing East Hill Trace facility is presently being served through a 4" meter and 6" service line, which is not adequate for fire protection for the additional buildings now under con- struction. Separate meters are now required for each building, however the City Engineer and Administrator have recommended that the City allow continued service through a 10" meter as an expansion of the existing housing unit. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the City Administrator to issue a permit allowing a single 10" meter, Elliott seconded, motion carried . ANNEXATION Seattle First National Bank. It was noted that the 75/ petition for annexation, received from Seattle First National Bank for an area east of S .E. 104th, contains less than 10 acres and has an assessed valua- tion of less than $200 ,000. Under these circumstances, the Chairman of the Boundary Review Board has the right to waive jurisdiction. MARTELL MOVED to accept the 75% petition and to direct the City Attorney to request the waiver of jurisdiction from the Boundary Review Board, Kitto seconded, motion carried . On December 19th, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on zoning the annexation C-3 . MARTELL MOVED for the Council to hold a public hearing on January 2, 1973 on the proposed annexation ordinance and on the proposed zoning ordinance for this parcel , Kitto seconded, motion carried. BUDGET It was noted that the Finance Committee met with the Administration concerning the 1973 budget. The follow- ing priority was established after review of the fact that the total budget requests were $390 ,000 to $350 ,000 in excess of income. 1. All departments except Police and Fire Departments were to reduce their requests to the 1972 level. If this action did not balance the budget, first the Fire Department and then the Police Department were to reduce their requests. Elliott noted that the Finance Committee will meet on Wedensday, November 22 at 8:00 a.m. to review the balanced preliminary budget for 1973. TRAIN The City Attorney introduced Resolution 738, petitioning SPEEDS the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission to review and possibly reduce the train speeds in the City of Kent. MARTELL MOVED for adoption of the resolution and for the petition to besubmitted to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, Masters seconded . Under discussion, Street pointed out that the City' s liability insurance carrier has requested that the City take this action. He further noted that train speeds are set by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission rather than by the City and that the present speed of 40 ,MPH was established in 1946. Just questioned that requesting a 25 mile speed limit was the best action to take and MOVED TRAIN to table the matter until further discussion could SPEEDS be held. Motion failed for lack of a second. Original motion carried , with Just voting nay. The City Attorney pointed out that the City will review the recommendations made by the Transportation Commission. BEAUTIFICA- Mayor Hogan noted that the City has received shrubs TION from a nursery in Mount Vernon valued at approximately $3563 , from the State Highway Department. DEPARTMENT Street announced that a Director of Public Works had OF PUBLIC been hired and will begin work by the first of the year. WORKS He noted that he was formerly a Public Works Director in Coos Bay and has had experience as a City Manager aid as a City Engineer. RESIGNATION City Engineer Sherwood announced that Assistant City ASSISTANT CITY Engineer Engeln has resigned , effective December lst, ENGINEER after 9 years service with the City. He noted that Mr. Engeln is an excellent engineer, has done a fine job for the City and that his dedication and attitude has been a credit to the City. SEWER Mayor Hogan presented Sewer Superintendent Bob DEPARTMENT Kristofferson with a safetyaward certificate for no accidents and no time lost for 1971 from the Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Association. FINANCE Claims received through November 5th, for which authorization for paument was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 34, 795 .99 Parks & Recreation 38, 175 .44 Library 313 .54 City Streets 19 , 964.01 Arterial Streets 6 ,824. 32 Library Const. Fund 70, 133 .09 City Hall Constr. 342.90 212th Phase III Constr. 115 , 260.54 E. Valley Constr. 96 , 368.55 E. Valley Willis to GR 2 , 282 .06 E. Valley Highway Sewer 42 , 146. 24 H/S Acres LID 259 709.43 Equipment Rental 3 ,461.93 Firemen 's R/P 811. 72 LEFF Disability 3 ,012.94 Sewer 29, 990. 36 Water 8,986.13 Garbage 25 , 728.61 499 , 307.80 Interst Bearing Warrants. Parks & Recreation Sun Up Construction 4, 403 .25 North Kent Water Hill, Ingman & Chase 507.55 MEETING ADJOURNED: 8 :35 p.m. Respectfully submitted , 'C Isabel Hogan Marie Zenen Mayor City Clerk