HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/06/1972 Kent, Washington November 6, 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen Baffaro, Elliott, Kitto, Martell, Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Finance Director Winkle, Planning Director Harris and Assistance City Engineer Engeln. Councilman Just and City Engineer Sherwood were absent. Kitto moved to approve the minutes of the meetings of October 16 and October 30 as printed, Masters seconded , motion carried. STREETS LID 272 EVH Improvement - S. 212 to S. 228th. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1802, confirming the final assessment roll for LID 272 . ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded. Under discussion, Mr. Merville Bishop spoke again in opposi- tion, noting that the property owners will not benefit from the project. Motion carried. Street Names. It was noted that the Administrator has recommended that the City request that the Valley Freeway off ramp near S .E. 228th be designated as NORTH CENTRAL - 84TH AVENUE SOUTH, and that finger signs be installed directing traffic toward Central or to 84th S. , whichever is appropriate. KITTO MOVED to direct the Administrator to so notify the State Highway Department, Elliott seconded. A letter from John Fournier Jr. was read , suggesting that the name Central Avenue should be carried to S . 228th and "East Valley Road" from S. 228th to the North Kent city limits. Martell agreed , noting that the name "East Valley Road" is known from Renton all the way to Sumner. Merville Bishop and Fire Chief Foster spoked from the audience in favor of using "84th Ave. S . " , stating that it is easier to locate addresses on numbered streets. Motion carried, with Martell voting nay. Right-of-Way. It was noted that at the last work session, the Council considered Harlan Bull ' s donation of a right- of-way deed for a parcel of property 40 feet wide in the vicinity of S . 194th Street. The Engineering Department recommended that the right-of-way either be 60 feet with a turn-around on the east end, or that a utilities easement be granted to the city and any roadway be a private road. MASTERS MOVED that the recommendation of the Engineering be accepted and Mr. Bull so notified, Martell seconded, motion carried. LID 274 South Central Improvement. Upon the recommenda- tion of the City Attorney, MARTELL MOVED to hire the firm of John Day and Associates to negotiate for South Central right-of-way, Kitto seconded, motion carried. A LETTER was read from Carmen Espejo, requesting that side- walks be installed in the vicinity of 24724 20th South and noting the need for a signal at the corner of Highway 99 and S . 252nd. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the Utilities Committee, Kitto seconded, 'motion carried. STREET Willis Street. Upon the recommendation of the City Engineer, LIGHTING MARTELL MOVED that the Signal Electric, Inc. contract for lighting of W,.11is Street be accepted as complete and for the retainage to be paid when legal, Kitto seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & LID 273 S . 228th Sewer & Water Improvement. Letters were SANITATION read from Elmer M Hugh, President of Precision Spring and Stamping Corp. and from Robert Randolph, President of Fluid Control , relative to the sewer problem in the area. Both businesses are anxious for the City to proceed with this project on the premise that the EDA funding will be approved. Street pointed out that without the EDA funds, $150 ,000 would have to come from property owners in the LID, or the City would have to determine how to raise this additional SUM. He noted that protests had forced abandonment of this project in April 1971 under LID 263, making it necessary for the City to seek funding from EDA. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letters and refer the matter to the next council meeting, Elliott seconded. Street noted that he would report at the workshop meeting if he had any further information by then. Motion carried. HEALTH & Side Sewer Request. It was noted that discussion was SANITATION held at last work session concerning a side sewer re- quest from Merville Bishop. The Engineer was directed to notify the contractor installing the sewer to cross 84th Ave. South, to give a cost figure to Mr. Bishop for installation of a side sewer, while he is connect- ing the 84th crossing. Sanitary Sewer Crossing. Upon the recommendation of the City Engineer, Martell MOVED to accept as complete, the F. A. Breda contract for the East Valley Highway sanitary sewer crossing, Elliott seconded, motion carried. SewerExtension - Benson East Plat. A letter was read from W. J. Daheim, requesting consideration of extension of sewers to an additional area adjacent to Mayer Built Homes or the Stocton area. MARTELL MOVED to approve the request of Mayer Built Homes for the ability to extend sanitary sewers to Benson East, Thornton seconded, motion carried. WATER At the last work session, the Engineer was directed to approve Mr. Hauff ' s request to connect to the Kent water main at the intersection of 116th S .E. and S . 240th under the following conditions : 1 . The owner is aware and will pay his proper share of a water main cost when the same is installed along 120th Ave. S .E. 2. The owner will acquire an easement for the pro- posed temporary service from 116th S.E. MARTELL MOVED that the City Attorney approve the easement and draw a contract for the above described extension, Kitto seconded, motion carried. POLICE & A letter was read from T. W. Mackenroth of Burlington FIRE Northern Railroad, expressing appreciation for Fire Chief Foster 's assistance in discussions regarding de- railments at a recent Skagit County Fireman 's Association meeting. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Elliott seconded, motion carried . PARKS & Russell Road Park. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept as complete, RECREATION the contract of Bordner Construction for the Russell Road Park, and to pay the retainage when legal, Baff aro seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Health Department. It was noted that it is necessary for 2% of the liquor profits and tax to be utilized in one of the approved alcoholism programs. King County has agreed that if the suburban cities channel the 2% through the King County Health Department, credit toward any charge for Alcoholism programs may be taken from the proposed health department charge. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with King County wherein the Kent 2% liquor profits and tax will be forwarded to King County for use in an approved comprehensive alcohol program, Elliott seconded, motion carried. PUGET SOUND It was noted that Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency AIR POLLUTION will hold a public hearing on December 13th to consider changing the present Air Pollution Control Regulation #1 . KITTO MOVED that receipt of the notice of public hearing on the proposed amendments to Air Pollution Control Regu- lation #1 is acknowledged and that upon the recommendation of the Fire Marshall , Kent would continue its present policy, Thornton seconded. Fire Marshall Bryant explained that the amendment would permit open burning under certain conditions, requiring extensive policing. Motion carried. GARBAGE A letter was read from William Hoffman, noting that CONTAINERS the trash containers attached to light poles throughout the City are placed too high on the pole for children to utilize them. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the Utilities Committee, Elliott seconded, motion carried. BUSINESS A letter was read from William and Mary Fortune, noting LICENSES that city employees had been very courteous and helpful in processing their business license application. MARTELL MOVED to accept the letter, Masters seconded, motion carried. BUDGET Parks Department. Letters were read from Mr. & Mrs . Lloyd Martin, Juanita Fraser and Aletta Williams expressing con- cern that a cut to the Parks Department budget would delete the Senior Citizen program. Letters were also received, but not read, from Mrs. Esther Bosma, Elizabeth Dockery and Marian Yorthey relating to the same subject. Street pointed out that the proposed budget was out of balance by $300 ,000 and he had alerted all departments to expect some cuts, but that there were no plans to reduce existing services . MASTERS MOVED to place the letters on file and for consideration to be given in this matter, Kitto seconded, motion carried. PLANNING Based on a report from the Planning Commission and the Planning Director, Mayor Hogan recommended that Duane Peak and Frank Chopp Jr. be designated as the two new members to the Planning Commission. KITTO MOVED that they be confirmed as the new Planning Commission members, Elliott seconded. Under discussion, Planning Director Harris noted that the recommendation was based upon interviews with the 6 applicants, as well as on answers to a questionnaire. Martell suggested that individuals other than professional people should also be considered and noted that he was pleased to see that a youthful member had been appointed. Motion carried. BIDS Equipment Rental . The Equipment Rental Department recommends accepting the lowest bids for the following pieces of equipment: 1973 Medium Class 4 Door Sedan Bill Hazelett $3, 663.03 , inc. tax Strains Auto 3, 799.95 , " " Tom Mattson Motors 3 ,809 .19 , " " Kent Gilchrist 4, 281 . 66, " 1973 3/4 Ton Cab & Chassis Pickup (no bed) Bill Hazelett 3 ,087. 38, inc. tax Tom Mattson Motors 3 , 196. 72, " Kent Gilchrist 31255 .46, " 1973 4-5 Yard Dump Truck Tom Mattson Motors 8,811 . 65 , inc, tax Kent Gilchrist 9 , 348.51 , " " Bowen Scarff 10, 316.00 , " KITTO MOVED to accept the best bids as presented, Masters seconded, motion carried. ANNEXATION Seattle First National Bank. It was noted that a 10% petition for annexation has been received from Seattle First National Bank for an area along the east side of 104th S.E. , located 528 feet South of S .E. 256th. The petition has been checked and found sufficient and the property owners have been in- formed that the 75% petition must include acceptance of the existing city indebedness. MARTELL MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the 10% petition and to accept it, Masters seconded, motion carried. ELLIOTT MOVED to notify the prop- erty owners that the Council will accept a 75% petition, to be filed within 60 days, providing it includes acceptance of the existing city indebtedness, Masters seconded, motion carried. FIRE HYDRANT It was pointed out that discussion was had at the last work ORDINANCE session regarding the request from Mr. Russo of the Julius Russo Wholesale Nursery Company for a variance from the fire hydrant requirement. The Fire Marshall has obtained a written agreement that this variance would only allow the construction of temporary green houses and whenever any permanent buildings were built, the water hydrants would be required . MASTERS MOVED to accept the signed agreement, Martell seconded, motion carried. GARBAGE It was noted that in conjunction with Jim Plemmon 's request, a letter was sent to King County Councilman Dave Mooney, requesting that the "Titus Pit" transfer station be reopened. HOUSING The City Attorney introduced Resolution 736, supporting the suit of the King County Housing Authority and the REGTED • REFER TO National Association of Housing and Redevelopment officials ►UTES OF ��"-1D" 7� in their suit against the Office of Management Budget of the government in an effort- to have operating funds released for low cost housing . MARTELL MOVED to adopt the resolution and to have copies forwarded to the designated organizations, Masters seconded , motion carried . BENCHES A letter was read from the Chamber of Commerce, noting that they have not taken a position regarding Dr. Despain's proposal to place benches containing advertising in the down- town area. They indicated that they will conduct a thorough survey in the downtown business area and would report to the Council by November 15th. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, place it on file and to table the matter to the next council meeting on November 20th, Baff aro seconded. Under discussion, Elliott objected to the delay in this matter, Jim Harris pointed out that the proposal to place advertising on benches would conflict with the proposed new sign ordinance, which is now being scheduled for public hearing. The City Attorney noted that Dr. Despain would have to agree that in the event the new sign ordinance waspassed, the benches will not be considered as a non-conforming use. Martell stated that he could see no purpose in continuing to delay this matter and the idea of the benches seemed a good one at no cost to the city. Masters opined that the benches should not be allowed since they would be illegal if the new sign ordinance is passed. She withdrew her motion and Baff aro withdrew the second. Masters noted that after January 1, Metro is supposed to pro- vide covered benches. MASTERS MOVED to deny the request of Dr. Despain until the new sign ordinance has been reviewed, Thornton seconded . Elliott stated that this was unfair to Dr. Despain because he was willing to take the risk and has agreed to remove the benches if the new sign ordinance is passed . Motion carried, with Elliott and Martell voting nay. LEGISLATION The City Clerk read City of Renton Resolution #1823, opposing HJR 21 which would allow combined City-County governments. THORNTON MOVED to accept the resolution, for information purposes, Masters seconded , motion carried . A letter was read from Robert C. Anderson, Mayor of the City of Everett, urging the City to support Referendum 26, the waste disposal bond issue proposal . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Kitto seconded, motion carried. TAX LEVY The City Clerk read two letters from J. M. Steinberg, dated June 23 , 1972 and October 25 , 1972, relating to the increase in taxes in the Cambridge area due to the revaluation program. He pointed out that these citizens would be paying increased taxes , while the majority of the rest of the Kent residents would not, because their property had not yet been revalued. He suggested that a special rate be given or that credit be allowed on the city utility bills. MASTERS MOVED to acknow- ledge receipt of the letters, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Discussion ensued, and the Administrator advised : 1. This inequity is a continually recurring problem. While the whole city of Kent has not been revalued, some properties other than those mentioned by Mr. Steinberg have been paying taxes on a revalued basis for two or more years . 2. The city does not have a legal right to make a separate adjustment of taxes. 3. To attempt to adjust through utility bills is also not only illegal , but there are many Kent citizens on the West H_L11 who receive their water and sewer service from a Water or Sewer D strict. MASTERS MOVED to direct the Administrator to respond to Mr. Steinberg, outlining the three items above, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. VETERANS A letter was read from W. W. Hamilton, Coordinator of ACTION South King County Veterans Action Program to Mayor PROGRAM Hogan, recommending Mr. David Johnson to a position on the board. BAFFARO MOVED to accept the letter and to confirm the Mayor 's appointment of David Johnson, Kitto seconded , motion carried. BEAUTIFICA- The Mayor noted receipt of a letter from Miles Sand and TION Gravel stating that they had replanted shrubs and trees at their plant site. She noted that the original plantings had been stolen, and commended Miles Sand and Gravel for replacing the shrubs. The Mayor pointed out that many of the city trees along James Street had been destroyed. The City Attorney suggested that someone talk to the students at the Kent Junior High School regarding this matter, as he had ob- served children in this age group bending trees on James Street. RESIGNATION A letter was read from City Engineer, Glen Sherwood, CITY announcing his resignation after more than 16 years in ENGINEER this position, to be effective December lst. Martell commented that he knew of no other employee who had worked as hard, and who always tried to do his best for the city. KITTO MOVED to accept the letter, Masters seconded. Masters noted that Sherwood should be commended for his efforts over the years, as they had obviously been at times unpleasant, as 'well as gratifying. Motion carried. Street had noted that the resignation was accepted with great respect for Sherwood 's many years of devoted work, and that appreciation was expressed on behalf of not only the present council , but for the many council members of prior years . ASSOCIATION It was noted that the Association of Washington Cities OF WASHING- Legislative District meeting will be held at Meeker 's Landing TON CITIES on Thursday, November 16th at 7 :00 p.m. and that each Council member is expected to attend. FINANCE Elliott moved to pay the bills received on or before November 5 , after approval by the Finance Committee at their meeting of November 15, 1972 at 8:00 a.m. , Kitto seconded, motion carried. Street noted that the preliminary budget will be reviewed at this meeting also. MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 : 20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen Mayor City Clerk