HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/30/1972 Kent, Washington
October 30 , 1972
SPECIAL meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 :00 p.m.
by Mayor Hogan. Present: Councilmen Baffaro, Elliott, Just, Kitto,
Martell , Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Attorney
Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Finance Director Winkle
1973 Mayor Hogan noted that the purpose of the special meeting
TAX LEVY was to consider the 1973 tax millage, and that it was
necessary to notify the King County Assessor ' s Office as
to the Council 's action by November 3rd. The City Attorney
read Ordinance 1801, fixing the tax levy for 1973 as follows :
8 mills (based on $ 72, 411,500) $1 , 379 , 292
.91 mills (based on $171 ,558,474) 156, 118
TOTAL 8.91 mills $1 , 535 ,410
ELLIOTT MOVED to adopt Ordinance 1801 , Kitto seconded.
Upon Martell 's question, Street noted that the differ-
ence in the assessed valuation figures was due to the
senior citizens ' exemption from excess levies, in effect
for the first time this year. Elliott noted that the
assessed valuation had increased by approximately 4%
and Street pointed out that this amounted to approxi-
mately $5Q,000 more than last year, but that Kent' s share
in the cost of the revaluation of the City would be
$30, 232.90, which the County would deduct from the City's
1973 property tax receipts. Elliott noted that the por-
tion of the West Hill in the Federal Way School District
had had a sharp increase in taxes due to the revaluation,
and concluded therefore that the remainder of the City
must have regressed or held at the same level. Street
agreed and noted a letter from Jay Steinberg of Cambridge,
stating that those in his area who had been revalued were
contributing the extra thousands of dollars to the City,
while the majority of the homeowners had had no increase
in taxes. Street pointed out that Steinberg suggested
that a special rate be applied or that credit be given on
utility bills, but that this was impossible. Upon Thornton 's
question, Street pointed out that changes would show in 1974
for those properties now being revalued. Street noted that
the extra .91 mills was possible because the citizens had approved
General Obligation Bonds for City Hall, Fire and Library.
Motion to approve the ordinance carried unanimously.
/ Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen
Mayor City Clerk