HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/16/1972 Kent, Washington October 16, 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baff aro, Just, Kitto, Martell, Masters and Thornton, City Administrator Street, City Engineer Sherwood and Finance Director Winkle. Councilman Elliott, City Attorney Mirk and Planning Director Harris were absent. Masters moved to accept the minutes of the meeting of October 2nd as printed, Baff aro seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & Drainage. A letter was read from C. F. Intlekofer SANITATION of Burlington Northern Railroad, in response to the Mayor's letter of September 18th recommending that they install a 48" pipe adjacent to their two exist- ing 36" pipes beneath their tracks, approximately 600 ' to 800 , nor th of S. 228th. He recommended that the cost of the installation of additional pipe should be borne by the City of Kent. THORNTON MOVED to refer the matter to the Utilities Committee, Masters seconded, motion carried. LID 273, S . 228th Water and Sewer. Street reported on the status of LID 273 , stating that the EAA grant time table has started and the bid must be awarded within 90 days. He noted that it is possible that the City will receive EDA approval within 60 days, so that the shole project can be put together. Sanitary Sewers - S. 203rd. The City Clerk introduced Resolution 736, accepting an offer of a loan from EAA in the amount of $25 , 300 for the installation of a sanitary sewer in the vicinity of S. 203rd and the East Valley Highway. MARTELL MOVED for adoption of the resolu- tion and to authorize the Mayor to sign same, Masters seconded, motion carried. It was noted that the City is attempting to assist Pacific West Realty Trust, the con- tract owner, to finance a sewer system. AN ANNOUNCEMENT was read from the Army Corp of Engineers and the Department of Ecology, noting a public meeting on the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Joint Study to be held at 7:30 p.m. on November 9th at Si View Park Recreation Center in North Bend. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Baff aro seconded, motion carried . STREETS LID 272 EVH Improvement From S. 212th To S . 228th. It was pointed out that the items to be considered at a final hearing are the amounts of the individual assess- ments. The public hearing on the final roll for LID 272 was opened by Mayor Hogan. Stephen Sward, Attorney representing Mrs. August Tonelli, Mrs. Tony Bernasconi and Mr. Merville Bishop, spoke in opposition to the project and noted that written notice of their objections were filed. Letters of protest were read from: Ray Moyer of Valley Properties, Julius Car- accroli, Jean May, Eileen Kristoferson, Richard and Ellen McGovern, Lucien and Olga Bouvier, Jean and Mercedes Prandi. The Clerk noted that Mr. Sward 's written objections on be- half of Mrs. Tonelli, Mrs. Bernasconi and Mr. Bishop had been received. Mr. Sward noted that the objections were similar in form, except for Mrs. Bernasconi 's, which was then read in its entirety by the Clerk. MASTERS MOVED for all of the letters of protest to be accepted and to be made a part of the record, Thornton seconded, motion carried. There were no further comments from the audience , and MARTELL MOVED to close the hearing, Kitto seconded, motion carried. STREETS Street pointed out that the total cost of the project was $1, 237,598, of which only 5 .4/ had been assessed against the property owners. He stated that appraisers had reported that the properties in their present usage would benefit in value. Scott noted a typographical error in the zone amount for Assessment #50 , but noted that the total was correct. In answer to Mr. Sward 's protests, he explained that the roll was figured on a modified zone and termini method and that the area assessments within the zones were recommended by a qualified appraiser for the city, and that the assessments were weighted in 3 - 200 , zones, on an area charge rather than a front foot charge, as follows : Zone 1 2. 3(, per sq. ft. Zone 2 1. 2(,' per sq. ft. Zone 3 .6(,' per sq. ft. He pointed out that property acquired by the state for the Valley Freeway had been included at zone 2 figures. Some credit was given for assessments madeon LID 255 , Scott explained, because through an oversite at that time, assessments were made through the entire depth of the street instead of only half way through. Baff aro asked if the properties ' values would be increased by this LID and Scott pointed out that the qualified appraisers had stated that the area could support this assessment. Street notedthat this had been ascertained at the pre- liminary stages. In answer to Mr. Sward 's claim that the LID violated State statutes, Street pointed out that the documents had been prepared by Jim Gay, LID legal consultant for the city, and that appeals could be filed within 10 days after the confirming ordinance was passed. KITTO MOVED for the council to consider each protest at the work session to be held October 30th, Just seconded . Under discussion, Street suggested that the motion include provision for the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance approving the roll. Kitto withdrew his motion, Just withdrew his second . KITTO MOVED zo direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance approving the roll after consideration of each protest by the council at the work session to be held October 30th, Just seconded, motion carried. Street explained to Mr. Sward that this matter will come before the Council at their meeting of November 6th. LID 261. The City Engineer noted that the bridge over the Valley Freeway on the South 212th project requires pre- stressed concrete beams and recommended that the firm of Pacific Testing Labs be hired to inspect and supervise the installation of same. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with Pacific Testing Labs in the sum of $1500 to $2000 for proper checking of these beams, in accordance with their regular schedule as submitted, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. LID 274. The City Clerk introduced Ordinance 1797, creat- ing LID 274 for improvement of South Central from Willis to the Green River. JUST MOVED for passage of the or dinance, Kitto seconded, motion carried. WATER Comprehensive Water Plan. The City Clerk introduced Resolution 735 , adopting the Hill, Ingman and Chase report as the Comprehensive Water Plan. MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Kitto seconded, motion carried. It was noted that a priority of improvements will be adopted in the near future. POLICE & FIRE A letter was read from Garmt Nieuwenhuis, commending the Fire Department for their excellent performance at a gasoline fire on September 29th at the Western Processing Co. building MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record , Kitto seconded, motion carried . DRAINAGE Street noted that Lillian Schrupp Dalquist has requested that a 10 ' easement for drainage along the south side of Lot 1, Pierce 's First Addition be removed. He pointed out that after the plat was developed, the sewer was put on the west line of the lots. He recommended that the easement on the south side be deleted, if Mrs. Dalquist will sign a proper easement for the west side line. MARTELL MOVED to accept the recommendation of the Administrator, Kitto seconded, motion carried . PARKS & BAFFARO MOVED to authorize Barney Wilson to work out RECREATION some proposal with King County so that the County and City can share the cost of operating the Forward Thrust pool, based upon a distinction between use by County residents and use by City residents, Just seconded, mothn carried. STREET noted that the Board of Adjustment has recommended that the City enter into an agreement with Bogard-Hewitt for joint use of parking spaces at the Kent Memorial Park. MASTERS SO MOVED, Just seconded, motion carried. BINGO A letter was read from Prosecuting Attorney Bayley clarifying the bingo issue and explaining the SJR5 proposal on the November ballot. MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the letter be recorded, Martell seconded. Under discussion, Just suggested that a copy of the letter be sent to all organizations in Kent conducting bingo games, motion carried. FINANCE LID 261 and 272. Street noted that because it is difficult to secure outside financing for a small LID, it has been recommended that a combined bond issue be authorized for LID 261 and LID 272. A letter from the City Treasurer was read, noting that the City would seek quotations for a consolidated bond issue of approximately $115,000. MASTERS MOVED that the proposed combined 261/272 local improvement bonds be submitted for quotation as described in the City Treasurer's letter of October 12, 1972, Thornton seconded, motion carried. The City Clerk introduced Ordinance 1799 , relating to travel expanse and increasing the pay for use of a private car from 8(, per mile to lOG per mile. KITTO MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. The City Clerk introduced Ordinance 1800, creating a revenue sharing trust fund in the office of the City Treasurer. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. Martell noted that HUD has been withholding operating funds from the Senior Citizen Housing complexes in Kent as well as from leased homes in Kent, and that he expected the County Council to pass a resolution on this matter. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the City Attorney to draft a resolution requesting that HUD release the funds being held for operation of these quarters, Thornton seconded, motion carried. Receipt of a letter was noted from the Seatle/King County Convention and Visitors Bureau, requesting that the City consider investing $2500 annually in an effort to develop more visitor and convention industry throughout the County. MARTELL MOVED to forward the request to the Finance Committee, for recommendation, Thornton seconded, motion carried. GARBAGE A letter was read from Jim Plemmons, requesting that the City establish at least one garbage refuse site in Kent. He noted that containers used by the businesses in the area are used by people of the community for their personal dumping. JUST MOVED to refer the letter to the Utilities Committee for consideration at its meeting on October 30, 1972, Kitto seconded. Motion carried, with Martell voting nay UNION AND It was noted that the contracts with the Fireman 's SALARIES Union and Local 910 have been negotiated on the following basis: 1 . Pay raise of 21-2-% effective October 1 , 1972. 2 . Pay raise of 5%% effective January 1, 1973. 3 . Increase in vacation to 12 days per year. 4. For the Fire Department who already had this vacation, an incentive or educational benefit amounting to . 7%. All other benefits remain the same as the present contracts . KITTO MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign both contracts for the period October 1 , 1972 to September 30 , 1973, Martell seconded, motion carried. The City Clerk introduced Ordinance 1798, amending the 1972 budget to include a 2-2% pay raise for all other employees, effective October 1, 1972. MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded, mothn carried. BIDS Two Police Cars. The following bids were received to furnish two police cars: Strain 's Auto $5 , 786.02, inc. tax and trade Bowen Scarff $6,028 .96, inc. tax and trade The Police Department has recommended that the low bid of Strain ' s Auto be accepted. KITTO MOVED to accept the recommendation of the Police Department and to award the bid in accordance therewith, Martell seconded, motion carried. PLANNING A letter was read from Duane Peak, submitting his applica- tion for the vacant position on the Planning Commission. MARTELL MOVED hat receipt of the letter be recorded, Kitto seconded. Under discussion, Mayor Hogan suggested that applicants for the vacancy on the Planning Commission con- tact Planning Director Harris by October 30th and for him to recommend two applicants to the Council at the November 6th meeting. Motion carried. TAX LEVY Street noted that the assessed valuation figures have not as yet been received from the County. He noted that the ordinance adopting the 1973 property tax levy must be passed within 10 days after receipt of same. LEGISLATION Initiative 261. It was noted that the passage of Initiative 261 would remove the State from the operation of retail liquor stores and place it under those licensed to sell such a product. The State Liquor Board estimates that Kent would receive $104, 000 in liquor profits and $59, 000 in tax in 1973, under the present conditions. The Association of Washington Cities has requested that the City oppose Initiative 261 and has noted that none of the proponents of the bill have suggested a way in which the cities might receive substitute revenues. THORNTON MOVED for the Council of the City of Kent to oppose Initiative 261, Masters seconded. Upon roll call vote, Just and Kitto voted nay, Thornton, Masters and Martell voted aye. Motion carried, Baff aro was absent from the chambers at this time. A letter was read from the Renton City Council, urging the City to oppose the Dog Racing Initiative Measure #258 which will appear on the November 7th ballot. THORNTON MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Masters seconded, motion carried. BENCHES It was noted that at the last work session, Dr. Despain presented a proposal to install benches at various locations within the City on street right-of-way. Kitto noted that some businesses had objected to this proposal and MOVED to table action to the next council meeting on November 6th and for the matter to be discussedat the October 30th work session, Thornton seconded, motion carried. PROCLAMATION A letter was read from Arlene Rowe, requesting that the Mayor proclaim the month of October, 1972 as International Toastmistress Month in Kent. THORNTON MOVED to accept the letter, Masters seconded, motion carried. Mayor Hogan read the proclamation, declaring October as "International_ Toastmistress Month" . A letter was read from Bill B. Young, urging the Mayor to proclaim October 23rd as United States Day. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Thornton seconded, motion carried. Mayor Hogan then proclaimed October 23rd as "United States Day" . BLOOD BANK It was noted that blood is needed and that the mobile blood bank will be in Kent at 4th and Crow from noon until 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 26th. FINANCE Claims received through October 5th, for which authoriza- tion for payment was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 70 ,002.40 Parks & Recreation 8,980 .89 Library 146.97 Streets 16, 154.82 Arterial Streets 57 ,956 .16 Library Constr. 77, 278.47 City Hall Constr. 2, 282.87 James St. Constr. 34.19 Reith Rd. Pn. I 16.13 E. Valley Constr. 41 , 223 .51 EVH Sewer 50 , 144. 33 Equip. Rental 3 , 164.83 Firemen's R/P 469 .66 LEFF Disability 4, 261.46 LID 261 53 , 666.16 Sewer 30, 727 . 36 Water 9 ,813 .46 Garbage 23 ,450.34 TOTAL 449,774.01 Interest Bearinq Warrants Parks & Recreation Truman Castle 1 , 600 .00 Sun Up Construction 24, 795 .00 EVH Willis to Green River Hill, Ingman & Chase 1,897.98 Hill, Ingman & Chase 892 .12 LID 259 H/S Acres Sewer Hill, Ingman & Chase 353 .60 George W. Slater Co. 9,026.75 Hill, Ingman & Chase 244.90 Hill, Ingman & Chase 2, 608.27 North Kent Water Atlas Construction 9 ,032.49 LDL Land Dev. Co. 2, 334.20 Seattle Trust & Say. 245 .71 Hill, Ingman & Chase 64.62 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 : 35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie C�sen Mayor City Clerk