HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/02/1972 Kent, Washington October 2, 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Finance Director Winkle. Planning Director Harris was absent. Elliott moved to accept the minutes of the meeting of September 18th as printed, Just seconded, motion carried . COUNCIL Mayor Hogan opened the meeting for nominations to fill APPOINTMENT the position vacated by Councilman Jackson. It was determined that the election would be by secret ballot, and that selection must be by a majority vote of the Council, which is 4 votes for a particular individual. MARTELL MOVED that Alex Thornton be nominated to be selected for the Council, and noted that Thornton had indicated he would not seek re-election to the Council next year, Elliott seconded . BAFFARO MOVED to nominate Stephen Roberts, Kitto seconded. JUST MOVED to nominate all remaining candidates : Donald Beuthin, Patricia Hart, Robert Heriot, John Morgan Long, Kent Morrill, E. L. Purdy, Joy Sponaugle and Larry Storment, Kitto seconded . It was noted that Lester Norman had withdrawn his candidacy. ELLIOTT MOVED that the nominations be closed and for the Clerk to distribute ballots to each Councilman, Martell seconded, motion carried. The Clerk read the ballots as follows: Heriot one vote, Roberts 2 and Thornton 3 . The votes on the second ballot were: Heriot 1 , Roberts 2 and Thornton 3 . It waspointed out that the Council could, at this point, eliminate Heriot if they wished. Kitto objected to this proposal , and Street noted that this decision was to be made by the Council . Just asked about procedure to break a 3-3 tie. The City Attorney reported that under the Optional Municipal Code provisions, the Mayor could appoint from any of those who were nominated if the position was not filled within 30 days of the date the position became vacant. Street noted that the 30 day period would expire on October 5th. John Morgan Long requested from the audience that his name be withdrawn. On the third ballot, Roberts and Thornton each received 3 votes. JUST MOVED to recess for 10 minutes, Kitto seconded, motion carried. The City Attorney noted that the recess is not an executive session. The meeting reconvened at 8: 25 p.m. KITTO MOVED to recess again for 20 minutes for an executive session, on the ruling of the City Attorney that it is appropriate, Elliott seconded , motion carried. The meeting reconvened at 8:57 p.m. and a fourth ballot was taken as follows: Alex Thornton 4 votes and Stephen Roberts 2 votes. KITTO MOVED for Lhe Clerk to record the record of this election in the minutes of this meeting, Elliott seconded, motion carried . Alex Thornton was then sworn in as Councilman by the Clerk. STREETS LID 274, S. Central from Willis to Green River. It was noted that on September 25th, the Council reviewed each of the protests to LID 274 which had been received at the time of the preliminary hearing and those received on or before September 25th. In addition, oral protests were heard. Letters of protest received after the preliminary hearing of September 18th were read for the record from: Mrs. Alan Playford, Olga Taylor, Florence F. Moyer, John M. Obenchain, John C. McDonald, Milton Lanway and Attorney Paul Cressman, representing Freida Gandler of Westland Hatchery. After due consideration of each protest, the Council sitting as a committee-of-the-whole, recommended that the LID be formed as presented . KITTO MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to form LID 274 in accordance with the plans and specifications presented at the preliminary hearing, Just seconded . Underrdiscussion, Dennis Scott pointed out that the protests totaled only 10 .8% of the dollar LID value. Motion carried . STREETS LID 274. THORNTON MOVED for the firm of Dames and Moore to be utilized for soils testing along South Central, under their standard fee schedule with an estimated cost of $3400 to $3900 , Masters seconded . Under discussion, Thornton pointed out that soils testing on Central has been done before in connection with water and sewer projects. Scott and Sherwood pointed out that the results of the previous testing would be utilized, but that different additional tests were necessary for a street project. Motion carried . Lighting, It was noted that Puget Power has presented a contract to cover underground wiring, other than street light circuitry, at the intersection of Meeker and the West Valley Highway. As discussed at the last work session, it is recommended that the contract be approved, after being amended to include the street lighting. MARTELL MOVED to approve the contract as amended, Elliott seconded , motion carried. Intersection - Titus & Central. The Traffic Engineer submitted a report deeming the intersection of Titus and Central a traffic hazard, and has recommended that East Titus be made one-way east bound from South Central to Scenic Way. The Administrator pointed out that citizens could use the alley in front of the IGA store or the street in back for a safer entry into Central Avenue. ELLIOTT MOVED to direct the Street Department to place the necessary signs to enforce the Engineer 's recommendation of one-way for one half block on Titus, Kitto seconded . Under dis- cussion, Just pointed out that the hill in the alley in front of the IGA is very dangerous when the streets are slick, and suggested that barricades be placed there when it snows. He further suggested that a traffic count be made in the alley. The City Engineer noted that the traffic count would be made before the placing of the signs. Motion carried. HEALTH & Garrison Creek Sanitary Sewer Extension. A letter was read SANITATION from Jack Manz protesting the proposed improvement of the Garrison Creek interceptor. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for a copy of the letter to be forwarded to the appropriate agencies, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Sewer Extension. It was noted that the E1 Rancho Theatre sewer extension was reviewed at the last work session. The C ty Engineer recommended that the threatre be allowed to extend a crossing of East Valley at their expense and then not be required to extend the line either north or east, for there is no assurance that either extension would be used. MARTELL MOVED to approve the City Engineer 's recommendation and to direct the City Engineer to notify the threatre of this decision, Kitto seconded , motion carried. LID 267 Sewers EVH From S. 212th to S. 218th. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1795 , fixing the terms for repayment of the EAA loan in the amount of $25 ,000 in con- junction with LID 267. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. LID 264 Benaroya Sewer. It was noted that inspection of the completed sanitary sewer installed by Di Orio Construc- tion reveals several faulty or portentially faulty joints and that a section of the line is not laid at the prescribed grade. Numerous conferences have been held with the City Engineer, City Attorney, the Contractor and his attorney. Upon the recommendation of Administration, MARTELL MOVED that Di Orio Construction Co. be directed to complete the sanitary sewer in LID 264 in accordance with plans and specifications upon which the job was bid, Kitto seconded , motion carried . Sanitary Sewers - S. 203rd. It was noted that EAA has approved a loan of $25 , 300 for installation of a sanitary sewer along S . 203rd. HEALTH & Sanitary Sewers - Kenton Firs. Receipt of a bill of SANITATION sale was noted from Don Lundberg and Donald Jacobs covering sanitary sewers in Kenton Firs. Upon the Engineer 's recommendation, MARTELL MOVED to accept said bill of sale, Kitto seconded , motion carried . Des Moines Sewer District. Street noted receipt of Des Moines Sewer District Resolution 1972-28, Adopting a plan of additions and betterments to their comprehensive plan. Upon the recommendation of the City Engineer, MARTELL MOVED to approve the resolution, Kitto seconded, motion carried. WATER S. 218th St. Reservoir. It was noted that the contract with Atlas Construction Co. was discussed with the Finance Committee on September 29th. Change Order #6 was reviewed and the final cost of the contract explained. ELLIOTT MOVED to approve Change Order #6 submitted by Atlas Con- struction Co. in the amount of $25 ,033 .60 , Martell seconded, motion carried. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the Atlas Con- struction Co. contract as complete, in the amount of $571 , 488. 34, Martell seconded , motion carried. Water District #75 . It was noted that the Administrator had attended the Boundary Review Board hearing on Water District #75 franchise application. It was pointed out that it is necessary for the Water District and the City to agree upon a common boundary and submit the information to the County. Water Extension. Martell noted that the Utilities Committee had considered the request of Harold Learned for city water to be extended to his property located near the corner of 118th S .E. and S .E. 277th. The committee has recommended that since all city water in this area comes through the Derbyshire pump station, and some customers now served receive inadequate service, that no further extensions be made until a main is extended along 116th S .E. to eliminate the Derbyshire pump station . MARTELL MOVED that the request of Mr. Learned described above be denied until adequate water is available to serve this area, Just seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Street reported that the proposed revenue sharing for the City of Kent is $182, 610 , based (1) on population ( 2) tax effort of the community and ( 3 ) poverty index. He recommended that the Council consider utilizing the money for storm drainage projects. POLICE & The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1794, adopting the FIRE 1971 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code. MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded, motion carried . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1796, amending Ordinance 1242, controlling the sale of fireworks. BAFFARO MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Just seconded, motion carried. A letter was read from T. W. Mackenroth of Burlington Northern Railroad , expressing appreciation to Mayor Hogan for her attendance at the safety display in Auburn on .September 11 and 12 . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Kitto seconded, motion carried. A letter was read from Fire Chief Foster , requesting that the week beginning October 8th be proclaimed as Fire Pre- vention Week. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Kitto seconded , motion carried. Mayor Hogan then proclaimed the week of October 8 through October 14 as Fire Prevention Week. A letter was read from Ron Richardson, Football Coach at Kent Junior High• School , commending the Fire Department for their response to an emergency- call at the .school on September 25th. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Elliott seconded, notion carried. STREETS LID 274. THORNTON MOVED for the firm of Dames and Moore to be utilized for soils testing along South Central , under their standard fee schedule with an estimated cost of $3400 to $3900 , Masters seconded . Under discussion, Thornton pointed out that soils testing on Central has been done before in connection with water and sewer. projects. Scott and Sherwood pointed out that the results of the previous testing would be utilized , but that different additional tests were necessary for a street project. Motion carried. Lighting: It was noted that Puget Power has presented a contract to cover underground wiring, other than street light circuitry, at the intersection of Meeker and the West Valley Highway. As discussed at the last work session, it is recommended that the contract be approved, after being amended to include the street lighting. MARTELL MOVED to approve the contract as amended , Elliott seconded, motion carried. Intersection - Titus & Central. The Traffic Engineer submitted a report deeming the intersection of Titus and Central a traffic hazard, and has recommended that East Titus be made one-way east bound from South Central to Scenic Way. The Administrator pointed out that citizens could use the alley in front of the IGA store or the street in back for a safer entry into Central Avenue. ELLIOTT MOVED to direct the Street Department to place the necessary signs to enforce the Engineer ' s recommendation of one-way for one half block on Titus, Kitto seconded. Under dis- cussion, Just pointed out that the hill in the alley in front of the IGA is very dangerous when the streets are slick, and suggested that barricades be placed there when it snows. He further suggested that a traffic count be made in the alley. The City Engineer noted that the traffic count would be made before the placing of the signs. Motion carried. HEALTH & Garrison Creek Sanitary Sewer Extension. A letter was read SANITATION from Jack Manz protesting the proposed improvement of the Garrison Creek interceptor. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for a copy of the letter to be forwarded to the appropriate agencies, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Sewer Extension. It was noted that the El Rancho Theatre sewer extension was reviewed at the last work session. The C ty Engineer recommended that the threatre be allowed to extend a crossing of East Valley at their expense and then not be required to extend the line either north or east, for there is no assurance that either extension would be used . MARTELL MOVED to approve the City Engineer 's recommendation and to direct the City Engineer to notify the threatre of this decision, Kitto seconded , motion carried. LID 267 Sewers EVH From S. 212th to S . 218th. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1795 , fixing the terms for repayment of the EAA loan in the amount of $25 ,000 in con- junction with LID 267 . ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. LID 264 Benaroya Sewer. It was noted that inspection of the completed sanitary sewer installed by Di Orio Construc- tion reveals several faulty or portentially faulty joints and that a section of the line is not laid at the prescribed grade. Numerous conferences have been held with the City Engineer, City Attorney, the Contractor and his attorney. Upon the recommendation of Administration, MARTELL MOVED that Di Orio Construction Co. be directed to complete the sanitary sewer in LID 264 in accordance with plans and specifications upon which the job was bid, Kitto seconded , motion carried. Sanitary Sewers - S. 203rd. It was noted that EAA has approved a loan of $25 , 300 for installation of a sanitary sewer along S . 203rd. PARKS & Russell Road Park. Upon the recommendation of the RECREATION City Attorney, MARTELL MOVED to approve Change Order #4, submitted by Bornder Construction Co. in the amount of $697.87 in connection with the Russell Road Park pro- ject, Kitto seconded, motion carried. BAFFARO MOVED to authorize the Parks Department to enter into an agreement with K ng County, accepting their funds to be used to acquire a park site in the Federal Way area, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Glenn Nelson Park. BAFFARO MOVED to approve Change Order #2 submitted by Sun-Up Construction in the amount of $938.00 , in connection with the Glenn Nelson Park project, Kitto seconded , motion carried . A LETTER WAS READ from Harland Beery, including a check in the amount of $145 . 30 for rental of the Kent Memorial Park for the Washington State Casey Stengal Amateur Base- ball Association Tournament held on August 25-27 . Mr. Beery expressed appreciation for the cooperation of the Park Department and complimented the City on the fine recreation facilities . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, place it on file, and for an appropriate acknowledgment to be made, Kitto seconded, motion carried. BEAUTIFICA- A letter was read from Clarence Shoff, expressing apprecia- TION tion to the Mayor for her letter commending his effort in cleaning and painting his buildings. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Kitto seconded, motion carried . PLANNING A letter was read from Vera Fredrickson, submitting her resignation from the Planning Commission. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for appropriate action to be taken, Kitto seconded, motion carried. TRANSIT It has been recommended that the City extend the contract SERVICE with King County for bus transportation until December 31 , 1972, with said extension to contain the 30 day cancellation clause . KITTO SO MOVED, Elliott seconded, motion carried. LEGISLATION Initiative 261 . Mayor Hogan noted receipt of a letter from the Association of Washington C ties suggesting that the City oppose Initiative 261 , pertaining to private sales of alcoholic beverages, by passing a resolution to that effect. It was pointed out that Kent could lose approximately $100, 187 from liquor profits and taxes if the initiative passed. Action was deferred to the next meeting. A LETTER was received from Dr. Lewis Despain of Federal Way, who wishes to provide fiberglass comfort seats bearing ad- vertising, for public use in the City. Upon Street's suggestion the matter was referred to the City Attorney for his opinion, and to the workshop session on October 9th. Kitto noted that the sign ordinance should be checked in relation to this matter. ASSOCIATION It was noted that Kent will host the AWC regional meeting on OF WASHING- November 16th at Meeker ' s Landing. Newly elected state TON CITIES representatives should be in attendance, and it is anticipated that all Kent councilmen will be in attendance. Mayor Hogan requested that those planning to attend so notify her office. FINANCE ELLIOTT MOVED to pay the bills received on or before October 5th after approval by the Finance Committee at their meeting of October 13th at 8:00 a.m. , Kitto seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 10:00 P.M. 9 Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jens&h Mayor City Clerk