HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/18/1972 Kent, Washington September 18, 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baff aro, Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood, Finance Director Winkle and Planning Director Harris Elliott moved to accept the minutes of the meeting of September 5th as printed, Just seconded, motion carried. STREETS LID 274 South Central From Willis to Green River. Dennis Scott described the UAB funded project, consist- ing of the improvement of South Central from Willis to the Green River bridge, with four 11 ' lanes and a center two-way turn lane, curbs and gutters, storm drains, illumi- nation, sidewalks , underground power and telephone and landscaping. He noted that the estimated total cost of the project is $1 , 304, 500 .00 , of which $1 ,084, 000 would be funded by UAB, $150 , 000 by the LID and $70 , 500 from the C ' ty. Mr. Street explained that the financing of the proposed project would be through a 10 year LID bond issue. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Link protested the proposed LID, stating that some of the outlying areas which contribute to the water runoff should be included in the LID area. Scott noted that the appraiser had recommended that that the boundaries be established as described in the LID. Mr. Lemley stated that if the costs are higher than the esti- mates, the people will pay more than the preliminary assess- ments reflect. Alex Thornton asked if there had been any material change in plans for the area between Russell and Willis. Dennis Scott explained that the City wanted to pro- vide five lanes all the way to Willis so as to allow a left turn at Willis . He noted that Thornton's property abuts the street and that the engineers had proposed an option allow- ing five lanes without disturbing much property, but that a grade change would be necessary. He stated that the appraiser had been instructed to not contact Thornton until the City decides which option to take in this area. Scott stated that access and egress to Thornton ' s building will be affected and that this would be considered a point of damage by the appraiser. Mrs. Harwood stated that she was not in favor of sidewalks and asked if the lighting was included in the LID. Scott stated that the City will be submitting an application for Forward Thrust funds for lighting, and if approved, this portion will be dropped from the LID expense. He pointed out that sidewalks do not disturb the parking areas and if the project eliminates existing parking areas, this would be considered as a damage to property by the appraiser. Mr. MacDonald stated that the proposed LID would eliminate his access to parking, Scott noted that this also could be considered a point of damage. Written protests were read from Mario Paoli and E. J. Silling. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letters and for them to be made a matter of record, Elliott seconded, motion carried. There were no further comments and KITTO MOVED to close the hearing, Masters seconded , motion carried. MARTELL MOVED for the Council as a committee-of-the-whole to review each protest at 7:00 p.m. , Monday, September 25th, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Street suggested that those who protested verbally, submit written protests to the Council . Kent-Kangley. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1793, providing for condemnation for right-of-way necessary for the widening of Kent-Kangle y Road. JUST MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded, motion carried. STREETS Railroad Crossings. MARTELL MOVED to direct the City Engineer to apply to the Washington Grade Crossing Pro- tection Fund for state assistance to upgrade the signals and install gates on the Gowe-Street-Burlington Northern crossing, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Street Lighting. A letter was read from Gary Fisker and four other property owners residing or having a business on the east portion of S . 218th between the East Valley Highway and the Valley Freeway, requesting the installation of street lights. It was noted that the Traffic Engineer has reviewed this request, has contacted Puget Power and made arrangements to place two or three lights in this area. MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the letter be noted and to approve the Administrative action taken, Kitto seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & RIBCO. Mayor Hogan has appointed Don Beuthin, 2236 S. 251st, SANITATION to the RIBCO citizen participation committee. Garrison Creek Sanitary Sewer Extension. Dennis Scott des- cribed the Environmental Assessment for the proposed improve- ment of the Garrison Creek interceptor. He noted that an interceptor sewer is proposed on S .E. 224th from 100th Ave. S .E. to 108th Ave. S .E. and along 108th Ave. S .E. from S . 224th to approximately 400 ' south of S . 224th. He noted that this facility would eliminate two lift stations and would provide a gravity sewer for the drainage basin. He briefly described the land resources, water resources, air quality, solid waste, social factors and construction impact of the project. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Jack Stewart spoke in opposition to the proposed improvement, noting that the area to be served is not in the City of Kent. He stated that there are approximately 12 homes facing 124th which would be required to share in the cost, even though they had no problems with septic tanks or ground water. Dennis Scott stated that the Public Health Department has had complaints in the area east of 108th. Mr. Stewart concurred that the sewers were needed by many in the area, but should not be paid for by the few residents on 124th. The City Engineer stated that the fund- ing program has not been resolved and that it was never antici- pated that the full cost would go to the adjacent property owners Upon Stewart 's query, Street noted that the City cannot require that property outside the City limits connect to the sewers, but that the County Health Department can make such requirements. Walt Ramsey stated that a grant has been approved covering 48% of the cost of the interceptor sewer. The City Engineer noted that there is a 15 day period for written comments on this project. There were no further comments and MASTERS MOVED to close the hearing, Kitto seconded, motion carried . ELLIOTT MOVED to direct the City Clerk to send a copy of the minutes of this hearing to the appropriate agencies, Just seconded, motion carried. LID 273 S . 228th Water and Sewer. The City Attorney introduced Resolution 733, authorizing the Mayor to sign an agreement bet- ween the State of Washington, EAA and the City for aid in financ- ing the construction of LID 273 . ELLIOTT MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Just seconded, motion carried . LID 267 Sewers East Valley Highway from S . 212th to S. 218th. The City A torney introduced Resolution 734, authorizing the Mayor to sign an agreeemnt between the State of Washington, EAA and the City for aid in financing the construction of LID 267. MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Street noted that the required ordinance would be considered at the next meeting. Health Department. It was noted by Administration that on September 13th, County Executive, J hn Spellman, held a meeting with suburban Mayors and Administrative officers. The subjects discussed were the health department and 911. In addition to the Health Department proposal that has been discussed, the County agreed to include arbitration in any contract. With that inclusion, there does not appear to be the need to form a Health District. The County is going into 911 in 1974, and it will be available to suburban cities if they desire to enter into an agreement. A recommendation from our Police and Fire Departments will be submitted in the near future. HEALTH & It was noted that representatives of Cascade Sewer SANITATION District and the City met and have worked out a common boundary for service, which will be submitted to King County and the Boundary Review Board. It is proposed to review water service boundaries in a similar manner and submit them also. WATER A letter was read from Harold N. Learned, requesting City water service for property at 118th Ave. S .E. and S .E. 277th Place. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the Utilities Committee, Martell seconded, motion carried . A letter was read from Robert Leaver of the Department of Social and Health Services , noting that $150.00 has been received for tuition scholarships from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency in connection with the Cross Connection Control courses attended by City employees Willis Hansen and Jerry Highsmith. He requested that the City make a decision as to the disposition of the monies received. Upon the recommendation of the Administrator, MARTELL MOVED to use the money for pre-paid attendance for two more City employees at the next Cross Connection Control school and to so notify the Agency. Elliott seconded, motion carried. COUNCIL The City Clerk read letters of application for the vacant Council position from the following citizens: Alex Thornton Patricia S . Hart Joy Sponaugle Stephen 0. Roberts Don Beuthin Robert A. Heriot John Morgan Long E. L. Purdy Lester E. Norman Larry Storment Kent Morrill MASTERS MOVED, to accept the letters and to place them on file, Kitto seconded. Under discussion, Masters requested that a copy of each letter be provided for each Councilman. It was noted that the applicants will be interviewed by the Council shortly after 7:00 p.m. at the workshop meeting on Monday, September 25th. It was further determined that all will be notified by letter and that applicants will be interviewed in alphabetical order, with a time limit of approximately 10 minutes for each. Motion carried . FINANCE ELLIOTT MOVED for the City's checking account to be transferred to the Kent Branch of Pacific National Bank of Washington, Martell seconded. Under discussion, Street suggested that the matter be held over to the next meeting. The motion and second were withdrawn. LID Segregation. MARTELL MOVED to direct the City Treasurer and City Engineer to segregate assessment 49 in LID 259 , after receipt of proper forms and fees, as requested by E. J. McDermott. Elliott seconded , motion carried . POLICE & It was noted that Mayor Hogan has appointed Edmund Walker, FIRE 525 Woodland Way, to represent Kent on the "Project Escape" alcoholics program. UNIFORM The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1788, adopting Chapter BUILDING 13 , 49 and 70 of Appendix of the Uniform Building Code, 1970. CODE ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1789, repealing Ordinance 110 , relating to abandoned buildings. MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded, motion carried . Ordinance 1790 was introduced by the City Attorney, repealing Ordinance 1116 relating to glass doors. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1791 , amending Sections 3, 4, and 6 of Ordinance 1140 , relating to moving of buildings. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinahce, Kitto seconded, motion carried. UNIFORM The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1792, repealing BUILDING Sections 4, 5 , 6 and 7 of Ordinance 244, relating to CODE moving buildings and damage to streets, sidewalks , etc. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried . PLANNING It was noted that Planning Commission Chairman Rayfuse COMMISSION has requested that the city reconstitute a nine member Planning Commission, and that Planning Director Harris favored a 7 man Commission for more effective results. The Administration has recommended that the 7 man commission would better serve the community. MASTERS MOVED for the number of members for the Planning Commission to be set at 7 and for the City Attorney to prepare an amending ordinance. Elliott seconded and noted that the proposed ordinance should not become effective until the board was again reduced to 7 members by attrition. It was pointed out that some of the member ' s terms will expire in July 1973. The motion and second were withdrawn and MASTERS MOVED for the number of Planning Commission members to be seven, to become effective upon attrition or when terms expire in J ly 1973 , Elliott seconded . Martell noted that the commission had requested that the board remain at 9 members, and that he favored adhering to their wishes. Kitto opined that a 7 member board would be more effective, but that he preferred to respect the wishes of the committee. Baffaro stated that the commission should decide, and S reet pointed out that the Council must make the decision, and that the chairman had stated that if there was a 9 member board, some would be allowed time off, so that 7 would always be present. MOTION FAILED with Masters and Elliott voting aye and the remaining members voting nay. Street pointed out that retention of the 9 member board was now contrary to city policy and Martell noted that the city policy had just been changed . LIBRARY Street noted that it is proposed to have a ground breaking ceremony for the library on Thursday afternoon on September 28th. FINANCE Claims received through September 5th, for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting. Current Expense $34, 934. 60 Parks 12,087.84 Library 144. 77 City Streets 11 , 384.18 Arterial Streets 30 , 340.98 Park Forward Thrust 158.43 City Hall Construction 897. 75 East Valley Constr. 48 , 287.04 EVH - Willis to GR 1 , 702. 39 Equipment Rental 5 , 612. 30 Firemens R/P 404. 34 LEFF Disability 2, 145 .60 LID 261 , S. 212th, Ph. III 163 , 291 .85 Sewer 29 , 714. 25 Water 7,895 .48 Garbage 25 ,550 .46 TOTAL 374,552. 26 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 259 , Horseshoe Acres Sewer Hill , Ingman & Chase 359.54 Hill , Ingman & Chase 2 , 325 . 72 Video Scan Company 375 .00 North Kent Water Constr. LDL Land Development Co. 14, 383.95 Seattle Trust & Savings 1 ,514.10 Hill , Ingman & Chase 284. 29 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10 :00 P.M. / - Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan �- Marie Je n Mayor City Clerk