HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/05/1972 Kent, Washington September 5 , 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baff aro, Just, Kitto, Martell and Masters , City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Finance Director Winkle. Planning Director Harris and Councilmen Elliott and Jackson were absent Masters moved to accept the minutes of the meeting of August 21st with the following correction: On Page 3, under heading of Des Moines Sewer District, the resolution number should be 1972-23, instead of 1972-73 , Baffaro seconded, motion carried . STREETS LID 258 4th Avenue Improvement. Upon the City Engineer 's recommendation, JUST MOVED to approve the negotiated settle- ment of $4, 239 as the City's half of the cost for the Burling- ton-Northern Fourth Avenue crossing, Masters seconded, motion carried. LID 272 EVH Improvement From S . 212th to S. 228th. The City Attorney reported that George Wilson, negotiator for the City, has contacted owners along East Valley during the week August 28th through September 2nd. LID 272. MARTELL MOVED for the final hearing on LID 272 to be held at 8:00 p.m. on October 16th, Kitto seconded, motion carried. LID 272. MARTELL MOVED to approve Change Order #1 in the amount of $200 , submitted by LDL Land Development Co. to furnish and install 8 ' of steel casing around the existing 16" water main, Masters seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & Garrison Creek Sanitary Sewer. MARTELL MOVED for a public SANITATION hearing to be held on September 18th on the Environmental Impact of the Garrison Creek Sanitary Sewer, Kitto seconded. Under discussion, Street noted that the public would have an opportunity to hear an explanation of the project before the City submits it to the Department of Ecology. Motion carried. LID 273 S. 228th Water and Sewer. It was noted that the City has received the EAA grant for installation of water and sewer lines for LID 273 . MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the EAA grant dated September 6, 1972 in the amount of $55 ,000, Masters seconded, motion carried . Sanitary Sewers - S. 203rd. It was pointed out that Pacific West Realty has requested that the City sponsor an application to EAA for a grant or loan to extend a sanitary sewer to the present Aero Structures building. If the application is approved, the City will negotiate a contract for late comer , charges and for the repayment of the loan. The City Attorney introduced Resolution 732, authorizing the Mayor to sign an application for a grant and/or loan to aid in financing the construction of sanitary sewers on S. 203rd Street. MARTELL MOVED to adopt the resolution, Just seconded, motion carried . Storm Sewers - Yorkshire Addition. The City Engineer reported that the cost of extension of the storm drain across the state right-of-way near 25523 32nd Place South would exceed $1000. Upon the Utilities Committee ' s recommendation, the Administrator met with Mr. Winningham, reviewed the City's decision, and notified him of the continuation of the city policy as expressed on May 24, 1972, that without an easement from the State Highway Department, it would be illegal for either the City or Mr. Winningham to place the water onto the freeway property. HEALTH & Sanitary Sewers - Cambridge East. It was noted that dis- SANITATION cussion was had at the last work session regarding the re- quest from B. Douglas Webb of Subdivision Management, for Council consideration of entering into a negotiated contract concerning sanitary sewer service to Cambridge East. Mr. Webb was assured that consideration would be given if a satisfactory sewer maintenance contract was submitted, in accordance with the report of the Sewer Superintendent, along with the regular subdivision plat. WATER Water District #75 . Street noted that the Boundary Review Board hearing on the Water District #75 franchise has been postponed until September 28th. POLICE & Mayor Hogan requested suggestions for an appointee for the FIRE Citizen 's Advisory Board for "Project Escape" , in connection with a program for alcohol offenders. Fire Chief Foster noted that the Burlington-Northern Railroad and the Kent and Auburn Fire Departments will conduct a safety display in the Auburn yards on September llth and 12th from 10 :00 a.m. to noon and from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. PUBLIC The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1787, covering drug SAFETY control and abuse. JUST MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded , motion carried. TRANSIT Mill Creek. A letter was read from Westley D. Johnson, suggest- SERVICE ing that the bus transit fare be discounted for those who commute regularly and the route changed to eliminate the Renton stop. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, for it to be made a matter of record and to send a copy of the letter to B 'Young Ahn, King County Transit Engineer, Just seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Mill Creek. A letter was read from the Department of Housing RECREATION and Ubran Development, noting approval of the City's second requisi tion in the amount of $17, 644.81 in relation to the Upper Mill Creek Canyon project. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to place it on file, Just seconded , motion carried. COUNCIL A letter of resignation from the City Council was read from Councilman James Jackson. MASTERS MOVED to accept the resigna- tion of Councilman Jackson, Martell seconded, motion carried. Street noted that in accordance with discussion of the Council in work session on August 28th, the following schedule will be followed in the selection of a new councilman: 1 . Written applications will be received and held by the City Clerk or City Administrator until September 18, 1972. 2. These applications will be given to Councilwoman Masters and the Council will review each application. 3 . All applicants will have a personal interview on September 25 , 1972. 4. The Council will make its selection in open Council meeting on October 2, 1972. AFFIRMATIVE The City Attorney introduced Resolution 731, adopting the ACTION Summary Statement Affirmative Action Program as an official PROGRAM policy of the City of Kent. MASTERS MOVED to adopt the resolution, Just seconded, motion carried. WORKSHOP It was noted that the Utilities Committee will meet at 7:00 p.m. , Monday, September llth and that the discussion with the Planning Commission regarding the number of commissioners will be at 7 :45 p.m. , prior to the workshop. FINANCE MASTERS MOVED to pay all bills received on or before September 5 , 1972, after approval of same by the Finance Committee at their meeting of September 13th at 8:00 a.m. , Kitto seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 8: 20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Je en Mayor City Clerk