HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/21/1972 Kent, Washington August 21 , 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott, Just, Kitto and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Engineer Sherwood, Finance Director Winkle and Planning Director Harris. City Attorney Mirk and Councilmen Martell and Jackson were absent Elliott moved to accept the minutes of the meeting of August 7th, with the following correction: On Page 1 , under the heading of East Hill Drainage; the spelling should be Mr. Due instead of Mr. Dew, Just seconded , motion carried. STREETS LID 272, EVH Improvement From S . 212th to S. 228th. Bids were opened for LID 272 on July 26th as follows: Bellevue Bulldozing $705 , 578.00 LDL Land Development Co. $730, 494. 72 Valley Cement Construction $750, 000.00 After discussion ofthe bids on the East Valley Highway Construction at last Council meeting and at the work session held August 14th, it was requested that the Engineer and Administrator meet with the Finance Committee on August 16th. The committee has come to the following conculsions and recommendations: (1 ) the bids were balanced and nothing seemed to be particularly out of line; ( 2) new bids might be higher than the present bids; ( 3 ) thirty days would have been lost; (4) that the best bid should be accepted. ELLIOTT MOVED that any informalities including the failure to submit the "affirmative action" certificate and receipt of addendum falls within the Council 's right to waive, and to accept the submitted certificate, Masters seconded, motion carried. Lee Purdy suggested that the City is enter- ing into this project too soon because about 10 parcels needed for rights of entry have not been secured. He further noted that he had been contacted only once and wanted the opportunity to discuss the matter with the City. Street noted that the City Attorney had indicated that there are less than 10 parcels to be settled, but that there was suffi- cient rights of entry. Dennis Scott stated that the contractor was aware of this when he bid on this project. He further noted that the condemnation date has been set for the first week in October, but that the construction would take about a year, so the contractor would not be delayed. Street stated that he would contact the negotiator, Mr. Wilson of Futrell , Inc. for Mr. Purdy. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the best bid of Bellevue Bulldozing in the amount of $705 ,578, Masters seconded. Elliott noted that the contractor was aware that all rights of entry had not as yet been secured and pointed out that neither the contractor nor the consulting engineers were concerned that this would cause any delay, motion carried . LID 261 , S. 212th, Phase III. The City Clerk read Ordinance 1785 , confirming the final assessment roll for LID 261 . KITTO MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried . Intersection. A letter was read from W. C. Bogart in response to the Mayor 's letter, regarding the sight distance hazard at the E. Titus Street and South Central Avenue intersection, and agreeeing to meet with the staff for further discussion on the matter. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and refer the matter to the Traffic Engineer to review and report back, Just seconded. Under discussion, Mayor Hogan noted that in the future, it is anticipated that Titus may be made one-way, East. Street suggested that traffic counts be made before any decision is made on this matter. Motion carried. HEALTH & LID 259 Horseshoe Acres Sewer - Contract I. A letter SANITATION was read from Russell K. Taylor of the Department of Ecology, noting that LID 259 , Contract 1 has received a priority rating to increase the state grant by $3, 570. The state grant now totals $18, 750 and the federal grant is $41 , 250. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Franchises , Water & Sewer. Street noted that the City had made application to King County to extend sewer lines outside the city limits. King County has now requested that applica- tions for franchises for sewers and water cover a period of several years, therefore the City's application would have to be amended to include the 98th Ave. S. sewer. He noted that since the Comprehensive Water Plan is now completed, application for a water franchise for several years may also be filed. MASTERS MOVED to authorize the Administrator to make said application, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. LID 267 Sewers - EVH From S. 212th to S. 218th. The following bids were opened on July 26th for the LID 267 project: (all items include tax) Schedule A Schedule B National Construction $130,823 .18 $132, 923 .18 O'Leary Construction 149, 380 .88 150, 220.88 LDL Land Dev. Company 163, 663 .50 164, 398.50 Frank Coluccio 181 , 697.25 182,537. 25 It was noted that the bids were reviewed at last Council meeting and at the work session held on August 14th and that a pre-construction conference was held with the low bidder, National Construction Co. on August 17th, MASTERS MOVED to accept the best bid of National Construction, under Schedule B, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Side Sewer Regulations. The City Clerk introduced Ordinance 1786, adopting the "Kent Side Sewer Code - 1972 Edition" . ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried. Storm Sewers - Yorkshire Addition. The State Highway Depart- ment was contacted concerning the possible extension of the storm sewer which exists between Lots 45 and 46 in the Yorkshire Addition, which is of concern to Mr. Winningham. The City has been directed to present a plan for consideration to the High- way Department whicn would include installation of pipe and an energy dissipator. The Engineering Department has been directed to present a preliminary cost figure. Des Moines Sewer District. Street noted receipt of Des Moines CORRECTED - REFER TO Sewer District Resolution 1972-73, adopting a plan of additions 9-$- 7� MINUTES OF and betterments to their comprehensive plan and denoting addi- tions to be made in 1972. Upon the City Engineer's recommenda- tion, MASTERS MOVED to acknowledge receipt of Des Moines Sewer District Resolution 1972-73 and to approve same, Kitto seconded, motion carried. WATER Water District #75. It was noted that the City has received notice that an informal review of the proposed franchise for Water District #75 will be held by the King County Boundary .Review Board on August 24th at 8: 30 p.m. The franchise area is being compared with the Kent Comprehensive water service plan. MASTERS MOVED to direct the Administrator and/or the City Engineer to present to the Boundary Review Board any conflicts between the Kent water plan and the Water District #75 franchise area, Kitto seconded, motion carried . Rates. The City Clerk introduced an ordinance to amend Ordinance 1776, to allow refunds for a portion of water service charges to certain senior citizens or disabled persons. Elliott noted that a proposal to amend the water rate ordinance in a similar manner had failed to pass at the June 19tii meeting. Street pointed out that this proposed ordinance contains a difference amendment which WATER Administration was directed to prepare. ELLLIOTT MOVED to adopt the proposed ordinance, Masters seconded. Upon Baffaro ' s query, Winkle estimated the cost for processing accounts for each qualifying citizens would be $20, and the revenue derived approximately $24. Just opined that the processing costs would be more than $20 . Upon Masters ' question, Harris stated that 2bout 600 residents would fall into the senior or disabled citizen category. THE MOTION FAILED, witn Elliott and Masters voting in favor, and Just, Kitto and Baffaro dissenting. FINANCE Upon the City Engineer ' s recommendation, BAFFARO MOVED to direct the City Treasurer to return the $500 cash bond deposited by Mobil Oil Corporation for a street cut at 720 N. Central , Kitto seconded, motion carried. LID Segregations. It was noted that a review of state statutes revealed that each request for an LID segregation must be approved individually by the Council . LID Segregation. ELLIOTT MOVED to direct the C it y Treasurer and City Engineer to segregate assessment #178 in ULID #1 , after receipt of proper forms and fees, as requested by Transamerica Title Insurance Co. , Masters seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Upon the recommendation of the Park Department, BAFFARO MOVED RECREATION to release the final retainage in the amount of $1701 , to Donald W. Close Co. , for the installation of lights in the small ball field at Kent Memorial Park, Masters seconded, motion carried. BAFFARO MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement wherein the City may use the Puget Power right-of-way tnrough the City for hiking, bicycles, two-wheeled motorized vehicles and equestrian traffic, Masters seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that the ribbon cutting for the trail will be held at 10 : 30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 29th, motion carried . Garrison Creek Reservoir Park. It was noted that the City has received a 75% matching grant for improvement of Garrison Creek Reservoir Park. It is requested that approval be given to entering into a contract with Olson, Ricnert and Bignold to draw the final plans, specifications and inspect the work of contractors for a fixed fee of $10 , 419 . BAFFARO MOVED to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign said contract, Elliott seconded, motion carried. POLICE & A letter was read from Judge McLeod asking the Mayor to appoint FIRE a member to a Citizen ' s Advisory Board for "Project Escape: , in connection with a program for alcohol offenders. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to submit suggestions to the Mayor, Kitto seconded, motion carried. PUBLIC Drug Control . A letter was read from Detective Sergeant SAFETY Roger Bean, requesting a meeting with the Public Safety Committee to discuss a proposed ordinance covering drug control and abuse. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, for it to be made a matter of record, and to refer the matter to the Public Safety Committee, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Baffaro scheduled a meeting of the committee for 7 :00 p.m. , Monday, August 28th, prior to the regular workshop session, and noted that the crossing signal for 3rd and Willis will also be discussed . ANIMAL A letter was read from Phyllis Lamphere of the Seattle City CONTROL Council , suggesting that the City consider contracting for services with the Seattle-King County Animal Control Program. MASTERS MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the letter, Kitto seconded. Street noted that Kent and Renton propose to utilize the present facilities for now. Motion carried. POLICIES & The City Clerk introduced Ordinance 1784, adopting the PROCEDURES policies and procedures manual , promulgated October 14, 1971 , including revisions thereto. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Elliott seconded , motion carried. ZONING The City Clerk introduced Ordinance 1783, approving the Bel.1-Anderson rezone from M-1 to C2. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. PLANNING A letter from James Rayfuse was read, recommending that a nine member Planning Commission be reconstituted. MASTERS MOVED for the letter to be made a matter of record, to refer the matter to the September llth work session, and to so inform the Planning Commission, Elliott seconded , motion carried. TRANSIT It was noted that the City 's share of the public transit SERVICE service bill .for July was $413 . 76. MISS AMERICA Elliott stated than Nancy Gregory (Miss Kent) , and Carol PAGEANT Gregory U st runner up) will be attending the Miss America Pageant at Atlantic City. FINANCE Claims received through August 5th, for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 36, 860 .65 Parks 15 ,538. 29 Library 298.98 City Streets 22 , 808.51 Arterial Streets 3, 107.48 Garbage 631. 24 Library Constru. Fund 10, 123.52 City Hall Constr. Fund 79.81 James St. Constr. 587.94 Reith Road Constr. 48, 427. 25 E. Valley Constr. 443 .10 E. Valley Hwy. Sewer Constr. 1 ,500 .00 Benaroya Sewer Constr. 5 , 950 .19 Equip. Rental 875 .41 Firemens Relief & Pension 1, 499.69 LEFF Disability 97, 519.88 212th St. Ph. III 31 , 555 .16 Sewer 7, 112.13 Water 22, 923. 77 Park Forward Thrust 32, 470 .00 TOTAL 340, 313.00 Interest Bearing Warrants Parks Security Title Ins. 237, 191 .04 Bordner Construction 19, 902.50 Sun Up Construction 15 ,504.00 East Valley - Willis to GR. Hill , Ingman & Chase 2 , 047.00 Hill , Ingman & Chase 129.83 LID 259 , Horseshoe Acres Sewer Hill , Ingman & Chase 2,065 .42 George Slater Co. 15 , 032. 31 Tri-State Constr. 44,546.56 Jeanne Norford 30 .00 Hill, Ingman & Chase 1 ,875 .90 KC Dept. of Public Works 14.00 North Kent Water Hill , Ingman & Chase 219.47 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:15 P.M. f / _ Respectfully submitted, Marie Jens n City Clerk