HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/17/1972 Kent, Washington July 17 , 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Couccilmen: Elliott, Just, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood, Finance Director Winkle. Council- men Baff aro and Jackson, City Administrator Street and Planning Director Harris were absent. Elliott moved that the minutes of the meeting of July 3rd be approved as printed, Masters seconded , motion carried . HEALTH & Drainage. Councilman Martell noted that the Utilities SANITATION and Engineering Committee will meet with Mr. Plemmons on Tuesday, July 18, at -8:.00 a.m. in the office of Fire Lieutenant Arnie Bryant. LID 273 S. 228th Water and Sewer. The City Attorney introduced Ordinmce 1780 , ordering the improvements of Water and Sewer on S. 228th Street under LID 273 and providing for the method of payment. ELLIOTT MOVED to adopt Ordinance 1780, Masters seconded, motion carried. It was noted that at their regular meeting on July 24 the Utilities Committee will discuss the request for sewer service made by Mayer Built Homes. Benoroya Easement and Bill of Sale. The City Attorney noted receipt of water and sewer easements and billcf sale for the sewer line from the Benoroya Company for facilities adjacent to S. 208th and the East Valley Highway. Upon the Engineer ' s recommendation, JUST MOVED for the City to accept the easements and the bill of sale, Martell seconded , motion carried. ' Water Pollution Control Act. The City Attorney intro- duced Resolution 729 urging the Congress to proceed with all due speed to produce suitable compromise water pollu- tion control legislation for enactment before this session adjourns. A letter was read which will be sent to House and Senate members from Mayor Hogan relative to the importance of the proposed bill . MASTERS MOVED that Resolution 729 be adopted, Just seconded , motion carried . Shoreline Management Act. A letter from John Spellman was read noting that meetings were held to discuss the best use of the $9000 grant to King County for shoreline inventory purposes. An agreement has been proposed under which Kent will retain its responsibility to complete the inventory. requirements of the Shoreline Management Act of 1971; but will receive technical assistance from King County. KITTO MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement, Masters seconded , motion carried. FINANCE Water Rate -Brdinance. Elliott noted that an amendment to the water rate ordinance had been discussed at the Finance Committee meeting and will be presented at the next Council meeting. Alcoholics Program Fund. City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1781 , creating an Alcoholic Program Fund . MASTERS MOVED to adopt Ordinance 1781 , Martell seconded , motion carried . Segregation Requests. MARTELL MOVED that the Engineer and Treasurer be authorized to prepare segregations in the usual manner for the Benoroya Company for LID 264 and for ULID #1 , Masters seconded , motion carried . MAREELL MOVED for the Engineer and Treasurer to be authorized to prepare segregations in the usual manner for Mr. and Mrs. Hiroto Mizoguchi for LID 252 and for ULID #1 , Masters seconded, motion carried. STREETS LID 274, South Central Proposed Improvements. It was pointed out that on July loth, approximately 55 citizens attended an informal meeting to discuss the proposed improvements of South Central , from Willis Street to the Green River. The general concensus of opinion favored proceeding with the project. The City Attorney intro- duced Resolution 727, declaring the City's intent to create LID 274, to improve this part of the City by the construction and installation of asphaltic concrete sur- face on South Central from Willis Street to Green River to provide four (4) through traffic lanes with a fifth (5th) lane to provide a two-way left turn lane together with the construction and installation of sidewalks, curbs and gutters, storm drains, illumination and underground power; and to set the public hearing for September 18, 1972. ELLIOTT MOVED to adopt Resolution 727, Just seconded, motion carried. The City Clerk noted receipt of two letters, one from W. W. Morrill favoring the project and one from John C. Hoover on behalf of Mrs. Verne Elliott, stating that if an LID is proposed, it will be opposed by his client. Street Naming Policy and Name Changes. MASTERS MOVED to adopt the following guidelines for street names: 1 ) Numbers will be used wherever practical, 2 ) For arterial streets which cannot be numbered, the names of Kent valley pioneers will be used, to be chosen from a list provided by the White River Historical Society, 3 ) Police & Fire Departments will confer on proposed street names for all new plats, Just seconded, motion carried. Elliott noted that the Police, Fire and Street Departments had conferred, aad the Fire Chief had recommended that the por- tion of the old Reith Road which runs southwesterly from the Lake Fenwick Road to the new section be renamed S. 254th Street and for the new section and the remainder of the old section to be called Reith Road. ELLIOTT MOVED to approve the Fire Chief 's recommendation, Kitto seconded , motion carried . It was determined that there would be no name change for the Lake Fenwick Road. TRANSIT Metro Transit Plan. The City Attorney introduced Resolution 728, supporting the principles of the "Metro Transit Plan" and urging its implementation at the earliest possible date. MARTELL MOVED to adopt Resolution 728, Just seconded, motion carried. Metropolitan Transit Operating Expense A report on Metro- politan Transit operating expense was received. It was pointed out that Kent 's share of June 's deficit agreement was $388.02, and the amount for May was $587 .14. MISS AMERICA , A letter was read from Vi Welchko expressing appreciation PAGEANT to the City for paying her expenses to accompany Beccy Pozzi to the Miss America Pageant in September, in Atlantic City, New Jersey. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Elliott seconded, motion carried. PERSONNEL Vacation. Elliott noted that the annual leave policy had been reviewed by the Personnel Committee and MOVED that the annual leave and procedure policy be adopted by the Council , for the direction of the administration, Masters seconded, motion carried. PARKS Mill Creek Draina e Study. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1779, authorizing expenditures of $6000 from the unbudgeted, unexpended balance in the Park Department Fund for the purpose of paying for the Mill Creek Drainage Basin Study as previously authorized. MASTERS MOVED to adopt Ordinance 1779 , Elliott seconded, motion carried. RETIREMENT The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1782, creating an SYSTEM Employees Prior Service Fund to cover the PERS costs for prior service for retired city employees . ELLIOTT MOVED to adopt Ordinance 1782, Masters seconded , motion carried. STORM It was noted that the Utilities Committee will confer DRAINAGE on the North Park proposed storm drainage project at NORTH PARK 7: 30 p.m. on July 24th. Notices of the meeting will be sent to the property owners involved. MEEKER DAYS Don Hillmeyer of the Lions Club requested that individual business licenses not be required for the Meekers Day celebration. Masters noted that the request was out of order, since the Council had acted on this matter at the last meeting. KITTO MOVED for the Council to reconsider the action taken at the last meeting. Motion failed for lack of a second. KITTO MOVED to suspend the Council ' s rules of order to allow Steve Burpee of the Jaycees to speak on the subject, but the motion failed for lack of a second. Mayor Hogan noted that the Council had given due considera- tion to this measure at a workshop meeting as well as at the Council meeting. Both Masters and Martell concurred. FINANCE Claims received through July 5th, for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting. Current Expense 39 , 939 .51 Park 13 , 726. 28 Library 56 , 261 . 61 Street 17, 254. 90 Arterial Street 1 , 444. 38 Park Forward Thrust 307.50 City Hall Construction 4, 718.50 James Street Construction 34, 562.96 4th Avenue Construction 1 , 312.81 Reith Road Construction 52, 423 . 79 East Valley Construction 24, 428.50 East Valley Highway Sewer 529.50 Horseshoe Acres 3 , 786.05 Equipment Rental 8, 334. 28 Fire Relief & Pension 877.57 LEFF Disability 1 , 899 .18 LID 261 7, 548. 28 Sewer 36, 950.11 Water 10 , 891 . 35 Garbage 22, 611 .49 Total 340, 600.55 Interest Bearing Warrants Park 33, 145 .43 East Valley 9,850 . 39 Horseshoe Acres 41 , 782. 38 North Kent Water Const. 10 , 933 . 37 95 , 711 .57 MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:40 p.m. i Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen City Clerk cmc c�ct2K