HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/03/1972 Kent, Washington July 3 , 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Elliott, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood, Finance Director Winkle and Planning Director Harris. Council- men Baffaro, Jackson and Just were absent. Elliott moved that the minutes of the meeting of June 19th be approved with the following corrections : On page 1 , the reference to the time covered by the Arterial Street plan should be 1973-1978, instead of 1972- 1977 , and on page 3 , it should read Glenn Nelson Park instead of Russell Road Park, Masters seconded, motion carried . HEALTH & LID 273 , S . 228th Water & Sewer. The City Engineer SANITATION described the proposed project, consisting of the installation of sanitary sewers, water mains and a street extension in the vicinity of S. 228th Street and presented slides of the area. He noted that the estimated cost of the project is $262,100 , of which $197, 100 is to be funded by EEA and EDA and $65 ,000 from the LID. He stated that the construction could begin on October 9th, with a completion date of approximately December 22nd. Mr. street explained that the financing of the proposed project would be through LID bonds. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Joe Carpinito pro- tested the proposed LID, noting that he is presently being assessed for sewers, and is adequately served. The City Clerk noted that a letter had been received from J. H.Thompson favoring the proposed LID and asking for further information, which was subsequently sent to him. Letters of protests were read from Western General Construction Co. and from Joe Carpinito. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letters and for them to be made a matter of record, Martell seconded, motion carried. There were no further comments from the audience and MARTELL MOVED to close the hearing, Elliott seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance creating LID 273 , Kitto seconded, motion carried . LID 273. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the EEA contract for $55 , 000 in connection with LID 273, upon the City Attorney's approval , Masters seconded, motion carried. It was noted that tihe EDA funds have not yet been approved. Sewer Rate Study. It was noted that the City entered into a contract with Seattle-Northwest for a sewer rate study in 1971 , but the funds were not carried over to 1972. The , City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1778, amending the 1972 Sewer budget to allow $6000 for the sewer rate study from the uhbudgeted, unexpended balance. MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded, motion carried. 'Sewer Rates. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1777, regulating, controlling and fixing rates for sanitary sewer service both inside and outside the City of Kent. MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Elliott seconded, motion carried . A LETTER was read from Mayer Built Homes regarding a lift station constructed by their company within the Plat of Stockton and requesting service be granted to the 10 acres for which the lift station was originally planned. MARTELL MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the Engineering Department, Masters seconded, motion carried. A LETTER was read from John D. Spellman and C. Carey Dons- worth, suggesting that the comprehensive solid waste plan be included in the Metro environmental management planning effort in order to attract a more significant contribution of state and federal resources. MARTELL MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Kitto seconded, motion carried. WATER Water District #75. It was noted that four property owners have requested an extension of Waster District #75 ' s main in S. 272nd. Mr. Street pointed out that Kent is not in a position to offer water service along S. 272nd in the near future , and recommended therefore that the city suggest that S . 272nd is a logical boundary and that it should so serve. KITTO MOVED for the City Engineer to so inform Water District #75 , Elliott seconded, motion carried. Bill of Sale. MARTELL MOVED to accept the bill of sale from Stephen J. and Jacqueline M. Perkfy for 75 feet of 6" water main on Downing Avenue, Kitto seconded, motion carried. STREETS LID 261 . ELLIOTT MOVED that the final hearing on LID 261 , S . 212th, Phase III be held August 7th at 8:00 p.m. , Kitto seconded , motion carried. LID 261 . ELLIOTT MOVED that the City enter into a con- tract with Dames & Moore for soils engineering on S. 212th, Phase III. It was pointed out that the cost was estimated to be between $14, 500 and $17, 500 , Masters seconded, motion carried. South Central. It was noted that an informal meeting of the property owners involved in the improvement project for South Central will be held on July 10 at 7 : 30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, prior to the committee meeting and work session. FINANCE KITTO MOVED to release Jim Nickle 's $200 demolition bond, Martell seconded, motion carried. IT WAS NOTED that the Finance Director will discuss credit for certain water accounts at the Finance Committee meeting on July 17th at 8:00 a.m. THE SUGGESTION that the City have a representative at the . Miss America Pageant was reviewed at last work session. It has been suggested that Mrs. Charles Welchko would be the most appropriate representative and that the City could pay her transportation costs of approximately $360.00 . MASTERS MOVED to appoint Mrs. Charles Welchko as Kent 's representa- tive to the Miss America Pageant, with the City to pay her transportation costs, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Mayor Hdgan noted that the funds would be charged to the Mayor 's and Councils travel budget. PARKS & It was noted that Puget Power met with representatives of RECREATION Auburn, Kent and Jukwila to discuss the possible use of the old interurban right-of-way as a bike path, or horse or walking paths. Puget Power has suggested that these prop- erties might be leased for extendedperiods of time . Their first suggestion is that a pilot project might be set up to utilize the right-of-way between S . 180th and S . 272nd Streets . MASTERS MOVED to direct the Parks and Recreation Department to enter into negotiations with Puget Power to develop a lease or recreational easement for the interurban right-of-way, Kitto seconded . Under discussion, Martell asked if the right-of-way could be used for Metro transit service also. Mr. Harris stated that Puget Power has no such plans for the immediate future, motion carried. Glenn Nelson Park. KITTO MOVED to approve Change Order #1 submitted by Sun Up Construction, contractor for the Glenn Nelson Park, in the net amount of $1, 295 , Masters seconded , motion carried. POLICE & A letter from Dr. Rudolph Cumberbatch was read, noting that FIRE Marvin Berg, Albert Bond, Robert Dunakey and Sam Grubbs had successfully completed the Emergency Medical 'Technician Course at Green River Community College. MARTELL MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Kitto seconded , motion carded. A LETTER was read from Dave Leonard, requesting that he be absolved from any liability incurred by the placement of trees planted adjacent to Leonard Drugs. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the City Attorney, Elliott seconded, motion carried. POLICE & Union Negotiations. Street noted that an agreement has FIRE been reached with the Firemen 's Union. It is basically an extension of the present contract with a 3% raise, effective March 1, 1972. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract, Martell seconded. Under dis- cussion, Street noted that the City had agreed to pay for a physical examination for each fireman each year. Motion carried. RETIREMENT It was noted that the City's retirement program has been SYSTEM transferred from Statewide to Washington Personnel Retire- ment System (PERS) . PERS does not have released matching funds, and they require that prior service for active employees be funded now rather than later. It is recommended that the City pay prior service claims on Gilbert Kendall and Kenneth Evenson and request the balance of released matching funds be returned to the City. These funds can then be used to pay prior service costs of retired employees . ELLIOTT MOVED to direct the Administrator to request action as described above, Masters seconded, motion carried. FRANCHISE A letter was read from Future Cable Communications of America, requesting a TV cable franchise in the City of Kent. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, for it to be made a matter of record and to refer the matter to the propser department for response, Kitto seconded, motion carried. STORM The City Engineer reported at last work session that the DRAINAGE proposed North Park Storm Drain project would require an NORTH PARK expenditure of about $270,000. Further refinement will be made and a meeting with the petitioners will be scheduled. MEEKER It was noted that the Meeker Day celebration is scheduled DAYS for July 19-22. The Jaycees have requested that the follow- ing streets be closed: Meeker from 2nd to 4th Second from Meeker to Smith Smith from 2nd to 4th The Fire Chief has proposed that a fire truck and extra firemen be stationed at First and Smith during the peak hours on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. KITTO MOVED that the City agree to the street closures, and for the City to contribute $200 to the Fire Department in lieu of overtime. He noted that the money will be donated to the Cambridge Women ' s Club fund for furnishing the Fire Department aide car with special radio equipment, Masters seconded, motion carried. Discussion was had regarding business license requirements in connection with the Meeker Day celebration. Mr. Steve Burpee of the Kent Jaycees, requesting consideration be given to a consolidated business license. Mr. Street recommended that each business selling a product be required to have a license, as they are competing with Kent merchants. Upon Winkle 's suggestion, MASTERS MOVED that a business license fee of $6.00 be charged for those who are selling a product, , or of a commercial nature, excluding non-profit organizations, and that one building permit be issued to Ezra Meekers Day Committee for $20.00 for the booths, Elliott seconded, motion carried. KENTWOOD Upon the City Attorney's recommendation, ELLIOTT MOVED to HILLS #4 release the plat bond for Kentwood Hills #4 posted by G. P. Kent Construction Co. , subject to the approval of the Engineering and Sewer Departments and upon receipt of the $900 engineering and inspection fees now outstanding, Masters seconded, motion carried. ZONING Alle. It was noted that the Alle application for rezone has been withdrawn, and a request made for a refund of the $50 fee. Upon the recommendationof the Administrator, ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the withdrawal of the Alle rezone applica- tion and to deny the request for a refund of filing fee, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Street noted that the expense of publication had already been incurred. PLANNING KITTO MOVED to confirm the Mayor 's reappointment of Willis COMMISSION Calhoun, Paul Morford and Dennis Neifert to the Planning Commission, Masters seconded, motion carried. TRANSIT It was noted that the City's share of 'the public SERVICE transit bill for May was $587.14. MILL CREEK Merville Bishop noted the presence of oil in Mill POLLUTION Creek. Bob Kristofferson stated that it is difficult to determine where the oil is being dumped into the creek. FINANCE ELLIOTT MOVED to pay the bills received on or before July 5 , 1972, after approval by the Finance Committee at its meeting of July 17 at 8:00 a.m. , Martell seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan c Marie Jens CITY CLERK Mayor City Clerk