HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/05/1972 Kent, Washington June 5 , 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott, Jackson, Just, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood, Finance Director Winkle and Planning Director Harris A Girl Scouts Group, lead by Mrs. Don Schrup, presented the four freedoms flag ceremony. The girls are meeting the challenge of active citizenship to qualify for first class scout pins, and answered questions on this subject. Elliott moved that the minutes of the meeting of May 15th be approved as printed , Baffaro seconded, motion carried. STREETS Burlington Northern Railroad Crossing - S. 259th. In conjunction with the suggestion that the S . 259th crossing be closed, the County Traffic Department counted 560 vehicles per day crossing tracks on S . 259th Street and has concluded that closing the crossing would inconvenience a number of people. It has been suggested that the crossing remain open with the existing stop signs. MASTERS MOVED for the stop signs to be left in place and for no other signalization to be done at this time, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Intersection - Weiland Way and Kent Kan ey. The City Engineer distributed a written report covering research of the traffic problem at Weiland and Kent Kangley Road. He recommended that no change be made at this time at the intersection, since a safety program is now being made, covering speeds on all city streets. He further noted that the State Highway Department has a widening program for Canyon Drive which may improve the intersection. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the City Engineer 's recommendation, Masters seconded, motion carried. LID 261 S. 212th Phase III. MASTERS MOVED that subject to final EDA approval from Washington, D.C. , the contracts noted as "LID 261, S. 212th, Phase III" in the minutes of the meeting of May 15 , 1972, are awarded to LDL Land Develop- ment Co. , Kitto seconded, motion carried. LID 270 EVH Improvement S 212th to S. 228th._ It was noted that the right of use and necessity has been awarded to the City, in conjunction with the East Valley Highway Improvement. West Meeker and West Valley Highway. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1772, providing for condemnation and acquisition of certain property for the purpose of improving and widening West MeekerStreet and the West Valley Highway. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Jackson seconded , motion carried. Reith Road. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the contract of LDL Land Development Co. as complete, and for the retainage to be paid upon receipt of standard clearances, Masters seconded, motion carried. LID 257., James Street (Contract A) . MASTERS MOVED to approve Change Order #3 submitted by Red-Samm Mining Co. in the amount of $515 .96, and to accept the contract as complete, Elliott seconded, motion carried. FORWARD The City Attorney introduced Resolution 722, authorizing the THRUST City Engineer to request the King County Council to amend FUNDS King County Resolution 34569 to add : (1 ) S. 212th, from East Valley Highway to 92nd Ave. S. , ( 2) East Valley Highway from S. 228th to S. 212th, ( 3 ) East Valley Highway from Willis Street to the Green River for Forward T-brust funds . JUST MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Masters seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & Garrison Creek. MARTELL MOVED to direct the City Engineer SANITATION to apply for a County franchise for sanitary sewer service for the Garrison Creek area, Masters seconded , motion carried. HEALTH & LID 273 S. 228th Water and Sewer. The City Attorney SANITATION introduced Resolution 723 , authorizing filing of applica- tion to EDA and EAA for a grant and/or loan for the construction of S. 228th sanitary sewer and water main. KITTO MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Masters seconded, notion carried. LID 273. The City Attxney introduced Resolutirn 724, declaring the City's intention to form LID 273 for the purpose of installing sanitary sewers and water mains in the vicinity of S . 228th Street and setting the public hearing for July 3 . ELLIOTT MOVED for adoption of_ the resolution, Martell seconded, motion carried. Beautification. It was noted that the City clean-up has been completed at a cost of $6, 516. Mayor Hogan noted that a number of letters will be sent to various groups who contributed to the success of the Kent clean-up project. Mayor Hogan noted receipt of a complaint from the Cambridge area resident regarding dumping of garbage in a residential area. She stated that the Street Department will clean up the area and post "No Dumping" signs. FINANCE LID 267. The City Treasurer has certified that during cash prepayment period for LID 267, collections amounted to $11 , 442 .48, and that it is therefore necessaLy to sell LID 267 bonds in the amount of $111 , 976. 76. ELLIOTT MOVED receipt of the certification of collection for LID 267 be recorded in the minutes, Masters seconded, motion carried . LID 267 . Finance Director Winkle noted that proposals had been received for bonds for LID 267 as follows : Foster and Marshall 6% William Harper 6.05/ Seattle Northwest 6. 20/ He recommended that the proposal of Foster and Marshall be accepted . ELLIOTT SO MOVED, Martell seconded, motion carried. LID 259 Horseshoe Acres Sewer. The City Attorney intro- duced Resolution 721 , authorizing the Mayor to sign payment requisitions for the Horseshoe Acres Sewer Project. MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Martell seconded, motion carried. LID 259. It was noted that in order to draw the maximum amount of Federal funds (90%) for the Horseshoe Acres 'Sewer project, it is necessary for the City to enter into an audit contract. Upon the recommendation of the Finance Director, MARTELL MOVED that the City enter into a contract with the State Auditor 's Office to audit the Horseshoe Acres Sewer project, Just seconded, motion carried. LID 259 , Contract I. A letter was received from the En- vironmental Protection Agency, advising that a 10/ planning increase, amounting to $3 , 750 has been granted on the pump- ing plant portion of the Horseshoe Acres Sewer project. MARTELL MOVED that receipt of the letter be noted in the minutes of this meeting, Masters seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Release of Bonds. Upon the City Engineer 's recommendation, MARTELL MOVED to authorize the City Treasurer to release the $1000 cash bond posted by Glendale Realty, subject to completion of the stall marking, Elliott seconded, motion carried. MASTERS MOVED to authorize the City Treasurer to release the $500 cash bond posted by Armstrong Homes, Inc. in connection with the water main extension on an easement to serve prop- erty located at 27004 Downing Avenue. The release is subject to the following conditions : 1 . Written release from the property owner on the condition of the easement. 2. Backfilling around the gate valve box. 3. Completion of a Bill of Sale for the water main. Jackson seconded, motion carried. FINANCE It was noted that on July 2, 1971 , Mr. Hellickson posted a $200 cash bond and was issued a permit to demolish a house, however he failed to do the work and on April 17 , 1972 , the Building Department issued a permit to Frank 's House Wrecking to remove the building. Frank 's House Wrecking posted a $200 cash bond also. On May 16, 1972, Mr. Hellickson was issued another demolition permit to remove his building. The Building Department recommends the return of Frank 's House Wrecking $200 cash bond and further payment of $99. 22 from Hellickson 's cash bond to satisfy the City of Kent ' s obligation to Frank ' s House Wrecking. MARTELL SO MOVED, Just seconded, motion carried . LID Segregation. MARTELL MOVED that upon proper application and payment of necessary fees, segregation be made in accord- ance with standard practice for property owned by Jack A. Benaroya in LID 253 (Assmt. #1 ) and ULID #1 (Assmt. #274) . Masters seconded , motion carried . Elliott noted that the Finance and Personnel Committee will meet on Wednesday, June 7th at 8 : 30 a.m. STREETS Gowe Street Settlement (LID 262 ) . The City Attorney reported on the court action with the Milwaukee Railroad in connection with the improvement of Gowe Street and of 6th Avenue. A settlement has been negotiated at $36,000 , an amount halfway between the amount submitted by the Railroad 's appraiser and the City' s appraiser. STORM LID 271 East Hill Storm Drainage. Letters of protest were DRAINAGE introduced as follows: Item #31 - Herb Mead, Items #32, 33 and 37 - Robert Samuel for East Hill Associates, Item #10 - Lloyd Daman, Item #58 - Florence Rasmussen, Item #26 - George Hallock, Item #43 - Virgil Lontz, Item #41 - Hazel Skagen, Item #42 - Gertrude Hale, Item #66 - Robert Waitt, Items #69 , 71 , 72, 73, 74 and 75 - Highline Savings & Loan, Items#ll , and 12 - Chester Wheeler, Item #21 - Carl Moore and Item #56 - Sofus Nesland . MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the letters of protest be recorded in the minutes of this meet- ing, Jackson seconded , motion carried . It was noted that in accordance with the direction of the Council , J. Carroll Shoe has reviewed the assessments and based on the following facts , it is recommended that the project be discontinued: 1 . The deletion of the property outside the City adds $10, 000 to the cost for remaining property owners or the City. 2 . The removal of the lateral charge along the east line of the Plemmons property would increase the lateral charge to the remaining propertys by 15%. 3. The questionable assessment of the Waittproperty. 4. The present protests amount to 47%. , The Administrator nas recommended that to implement the East Hill Development Plan, a resolution be adopted notifying the property owners that since they have rejected the proposed solution to storm draingge, tnat each owner will be required to contain the storm drainage of his property a sufficient length of time to allow existing facilities to handle storm drainage. MARTELL MOVED that LID 271 be with- drawn from consideration at this time, Elliott seconded. Under discussion, Mr. Britt Smith noted that the project was needed and that it should be done before the Kent-Kangley Road is reconstructed. Street pointed out that this LID could not pick up the installation of storm sewers in the Kent-Kangley area only. It was noted that formation of a new LID would require 90 days. Motion carried. STORM Proposed LID. A petition was presented, signed by approxi- DRAINAGE mately 40 property owners from the North Park area, request- NORTH PARK ing an LID for storm drainage along lst, 2nd and 3rd Avenues, north of James Street. KITTO MOVED to accept the petition, Martell seconded, motion carried. TRANSIT MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign a hold SERVICE harmless agreement with the Boeing Co. for use of their parking lot in connection with the park and ride facility, Kitto seconded, motion carried. It was noted that a public hearing will be held by Metro on June 7th at 7 : 30 p.m. in the Council Chambers on Social and Economic Effects and Environmental Impact of the Proposed Metropolitan Area Transit Plan" . Kitto, Martell and Masters indicated that they planned to attend. TOPICS The City Attorney introduced Resolution 725 , referring to an agreement between the City and the State and authorizing the State to withhold from the City 's monthly gas tax allotments from June through November 1972, the sum of $33, 468.00 in connection with the TOPICS program. MARTELL MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Jackson seconded, motion carried. RIBCO It was reported at the last work session that it is now proposed to have RIBCO make a solid waste study. RIBCO is applying for both State and Federal Funds. If these funds are received, the cost to Kent will be $2, 387 for 1973-74-75 . If no Federal Fundsare received , the cost will be $6,079 for three years . MASTERS MOVED that as Kent 's representative with Metro, the Mayor be authorized to enter into such a program in the name of the City, Kitto seconded , motion carried . HEALTH & Mayor Hogan presented a safety award for the year 1971 SANITATION from the Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Commission to Bob Kristofferson, Superintendent of the Sewer Department. ARBITRATION A letter from Phyllis Lamphere was read , noting that the LEGISLATION ' City Council of the City of Seattle will continue to oppose any binding arbitration bills from the policeand fire lobbies during the 1973 session. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Jack- son seconded, motion carried . ICY CREEK Baffaro noted that the Kiwanis Club had requested permission to construct a building at Icy Creek for use of youth groups. BAFFARO MOVED to grant the request and for the Administrator to notify the Kiwanis Club, Elliott seconded , notion carried. SENIOR Lease of Lot. The City Attorney has prepared an agreement CITIZENS under which the City will lease vacant property at 426 E . Meeker Street from Margaret Egan to be used for a garden by the senior citizens. Tne City has agreed to maintain the property and to pay the taxes of approximately $90 .00 per year. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign tiie agreement, Kitto seconded, motion carried. ELLIOTT ASKED about the sidewalks at the Meridian Terrace Senior Housing complex and Street noted that two estimates had been received, but neither was acceptable. SIGN A letter was read from L. W. Miller of Tube-Art Displays, Inc. ORDINANCE criticizing the Planning Commission for the manner in which the public hearing was held on the sign ordinance proposal , and offering the free services of the Business Advertising Council for advice in writing a sign ordinance. MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the letter be noted and that copies of the letter be sent to each Planning Commission member and to each Councilman, Kitto seconded, motion carried. ZONING Mead, R-1 to R-4. Mr. Harris noted that the subject property is east of 104th Ave. S .E. on the south side of S.E. 248th. He stated that the original application covered approximatelly 25 acres, but that the Planning Commission recommends approval for only 16 acres, leaving a strip of R-1 along S.E. 248tn. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Mead explained the plans that the Kassuba Development Co. had for the area, including the proposed accesses to the apartment complex. Mead noted that the owners wished to be included in any drainage project in this area. There were no further comments or objections from the floor and ELLIOTT MOVED to close the hearing, Masters seconded, motion carried. MASTERS MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance in accordance witn the Planning Commission ' s recommendation, Elliott seconded, notion carried. AGRICULTURE Mid Valley Land Co. The public hearing was opened on CURRENT USE the application of Mid Valley Land Co. for an agricultural ASSESSMENT current use assessment under RCW 84.34 for property located at 277th and the West Valley Highway (Smitn Brothers Dairy) . It was noted that the Planning Commission recommends approval , with the stipulation that the oil heating operation shall not be further expanded. There were no comments or objections from the floor and MASTERS MOVED to close the hearing, Elliott seconded , motion carried. ELLIOTT MOVED to approve the application of Mid Valley Land Co. , Inc. , in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, Masters seconded, motion carried . PLAT Kentwood Glen #3. MASTERS MOVED For the Council to consider the preliminary plat of Kentwood Glen #3 at the June 19th , meeting, Kitto seconded, motion carried. FINANCE ELLIOTT MOVEDto pay all bills received on or before June 5, after approval by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8:00 a.m. , June 14th, Martell seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 : 30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, t� II� nt Isabel Hogan Marie Jense Mayor City Clerk CITY ci 'ILK