HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/15/1972 Kent, Washington May 15 , 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott, Jackson, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Finance Director Winkle and City Engineer Sherwood Masters moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 1 , 1972, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Mayor Hogan announced that Assistant City Engineer Joe Engeln had recently passed the state examination and had been licensed as a P.E. in civil engineering. His license was then presented to him by the Mayor. STREETS Reith Road. Upon the City Engineer 's recommendation, ELLIOTT MOVED to approve Change Order #3 submitted by LDL Land Development Co. in the amount of $2 , 625 for furnishing and planting 150 trees, Masters seconded, motion carried. Beautification. A letter was read from the State High- way Commission, noting that they will review specific plans that the City might develop regarding landscaping of the traffic island areas of SR 181 at the intersections at S. 196th, S. 212th, S. 228th and S. 238th Streets. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record , Elliott seconded, motion carried. Beautification. A letter from W. C. Bogart of the State Highway Department was read , approving the City's proposal to remove and salvage the chain link fence in the area adjacent to SR 516 between the railroad crossing and 4th Avenue and suggesting an agreement under which the City would also plant and maintain this area. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and refer the matter to the proper department for action, Martell seconded, motion carried . In accordance with the committee meeting of May 1 , MAR- TELL MOVED to direct the City Attorney to amend the Hedlund contract to allow a gravel surfaced parking lot at the Hedlund apartments, Masters seconded, motion carried. ELLIOTT MOVED for the property owner to be required to install sidewalks at the Meridian Terrace Senior Housing Complex, Masters seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & A letter was read from the Tuberculosis and Respiratory SANITATION Disease Association, designating the month of June as "Quit Smoking Month" and requesting that a chairman be selected for this area. ELLIOTT MOVED to appoint Mr. Street as local chairman, Baffaro seconded , motion carried . Sewer Connection. The City Attorney reported that he sent the proper forms for filing a claim to Mr. and Mrs. Sidebotham in connection with their complaint about the engineer 's maps of the Wynwood Drive area sewer line. S. 228th Water & Sewer Project. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize Mayor Hogan to sign an application for EDA funding for the proposed S. 228th water and sewer project, Martell seconded, motion carried. WATER Water Rates. A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hildebrandt, protesting the proposed increase in the City' s water rates. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for a response to be made, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Connection. It was noted that the City Engineer was in- structed to explore alternative sources of water for the Hopewell property located at 22210 93rd Ave. S. The City Engineer recommended that Mr. Hopewell be allowed to connect to the 8" main served from the S. 218th reservoir . MARTELL MOVED that Hopewell be allowed to connect to the transmission line with the stipulation that at some future date, when the service line is installed , he will connect to that line, will not oppose formation of an LID, and will pay his fair share of the footage , Masters seconded, motion carried . POLICE & A letter was read from Bonita Dunn, commending the FIRE Fire Department for their service in a recent rescue call to their residence. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record , Elliott seconded, motion carried. The Department of Social and Health Services have made a routine inspection of the City's jail, copies of which have been forwarded to the Council. It was pointed out that the only real criticism concerning the locks has been corrected. STORM LID 271 East Hill Storm Drainage. It was noted that DRAINAGE the written protests to LID 211 were reviewed by the Council acting as a committee-of-the-whole. The Engi- neering Department reported that Unit #2, consisting of property located outside the city limits, had a protest of 72% of the cost of this unit. MARTELL MOVED that Unit #2 of LID 271 be deleted from the LID by reason that the protest is in excess of 60%, Elliott seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED to direct the Administrator to contact J. Carroll Shoe to verify that those assessments in question are valid, Elliott seconded. Under discussion, Kitto expressed concern on proceeding before the Mill Creek study is finished so that the possible consequences to Mill Creek will be known. Motion carried, with Kitto voting nay. PARKS & Russell Road Park. Upon the recommendation of the Park RECRATION Department, MARTELL MOVED for a 45 day time extension to be granted to Bordner Construction Co. , in connection with the Russell Road Park project, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Russell Road Park. ELLIOTT MOVED to approve Change Order #3 submitted by Bornder Construction in the amount of $802 for 150 yards of foundation gravel in the sewer ditch, Martell seconded, motion carried . TRANSIT A letter from John Spellman was read, noting that he had SERVICE forwarded the City 's letter to Mr. B'Yound Ahn, directing him to provide a route analysis for the proposed park and ride station at the Boeing parking lot and further asking him to contact the officials of Auburn and Tukwila to obtain their concurrence with the proposed change. Street presented a map to the Kent News Journal , designating the parking area at the north end of the Boeing parking lot, parallel to the West Valley Highway. Elliott pointed out that the billing from King County for transit service in April was $206. 71, instead of $446. 71 , due to an error in the December billing. A letter was read from Aubrey Davis, Chairman of the Metro Transit Committee, advising that a meeting will be held at 7 : 30 p.m. on Thursday, May 18th at Kent City Hall to discuss the proposed new Metropolitan Area Transit Plan. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Martell seconded , motion carried. CITY HALL MASTERS MOVED to accept the contract of Lewis and Adler as LANDSCAPING complete and for the retainage to be paid upon receipt of standard clearances, Kitto seconded, motion carried. FINANCE ELLIOTT MOVED to appoint Gerald Winkle as Federal Disaster Funds Coordinator for the City, Masters seconded, motion carried. PERMIT A letter was read from Art Kleppen of the Kent Oxygen Co. , questioning the fee for a fill dirt permit. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for a response to be made, Elliott seconded. Street explained that the rates for fill dirt permits are established by the Uniform Building Code, and are the same for all cities which have adopted the code. Motion carried. RIBCO A letter was read from Charles V. Gibbs relative to the two water studies in the Green and Cedar river basins and noting that a local community meeting will be held at 8:00 p.m. on May 24th at the Green River Community College. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Martell seconded, motion carried . PLANNING A letter from the Cambridge Women 's Club was read, requesting permission to erect a sign in the median strip at the Cambridge-Kentwood entrance at 264th and Military Road. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the proper department, Jack- son seconded, motion carried. PUGET SOUND Mayor Hogan noted receipt of a letter from the Air AIR Pollution Control Agency, stating that Lynnwood, Snohomish, POLLUTION and various other cities had taken the same stand as Kent regarding burning regulations. LAW AND A letter was read from the American Legion, inviting city ORDER officials to attend a Law and Order Program on Tuesday, PROGRAM May 16 - at 8 :00 p.m. at the Kent Legion Hall . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Martell seconded, aDtion carried. BIDS LID 261 S. 212th Phase III. It was noted that five bids were received on the LID 261 project. There are four schedules in the bids, including EDA financing on certain Items and UAB and LID financing. For this reason, it is necessary to have individual motions of acceptance. The best bid was that submitted by LDL Land Development Co. as follows: Schedule A - Roadway S. 212th $399 , 326.50 Schedule B - Intersection - EVH 131 , 697. 75 Schedule C - Structure - S. 212th 297, 777.90 Schedule D - Watermain 60 , 617.00 + tax MARTELL MOVED that the low bid of LDL Land Development Co. be accepted for Schedule A - Roadway, S. 212th, Phase III in the amount of $399 , 326.50 and Schedule C in the amount of $297 , 777.90 - Structure, all in EDA Project No. 07-1-00100, UAB Contract No. 8-1106 (04) and LID 261 , Elliott seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED to accept the low bid of LDL Land Development Co. for Schedule B - Intersection - East Valley Highway in the amount of $131 , 697. 75 , all in UAB Contract No. 8-1106(09 ) , and LID 272, Elliott seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED to accept the low bid of LDL Land Development Co. for Schedule D - Watermain, in the amount of $60 , 617.00 , plus sales tax, all in EDA Project No. 07-1-00099 , Elliott seconded, motion carried. Fire Hose. The following bids were received to furnish fire hose : L. N. Curtis American Rubber 1 z $.86 per ft. $.93 per ft. 231,211 $1. 32 per ft. $1. 31 per ft. 3Z11 $3.10 - $3. 20 per ft. $2.97 per ft. MARTELL MOVED to accept the bid of L. N. Curtis to furnish 1000 ft. of 1%" hose, Kitto seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED to accept the bid of American Rubber to furnish 2000 ft. of 21­2" and up to 1850 ft. of 3z" hose, Kitto seconded, motion carried. PUBLIC It was noted that four possible Public Works Impact WORKS Projects were discussed at the committee meeting last IMPACT week: a fire training tower, a dog pound, completion PROJECTS of the fourth floor of the city hall and of the third floor in the police wing, and completion of the city warehouse. Street pointed out that the tower would require about 5 acres and would cost approximately $38,000 , which would not include land acquisition. The dog pound costs were estimated at $12 to $15 a square foot. Completion of the warehouse, including 52 stalls for vehicles, two heated garages, chain link fence, asphalt paving, storm drain and water main, etc. , would cost approximately $162 , 000 of which $43 ,000 would be the City 's share . Fred Bassetti had determined that to complete the fourth floor of the city hall and the third floor of the police wing, was estimated at $180 ,000 , of which $138,000 would be from federal funds and the balance, plus architect fees, from the City. Street pointed out that the City has 17 PEP employees , one half of whom should be hired at City expense next year, and this expenditure must be considered before committing funds for any of these four projects. It was suggested that the matter be further discussed at the work- shop. The federal money will not be available until after July 1 , at which time plans should be available. CONFERENCES It was noted that the Association of Washington Cities & conference will be held in Seattle, June 13-16th. BAFFARO CONVENTIONS MOVED to name Jeanne Masters, Mayor Hogan and Charles Martell as voting delegates, and to name Joe Street, Marie Jensen, Gerry Winkle and Margaret Drotz as alternates, Kitto seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Claims received through May 5th, for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 40,110 . 27 Park 16, 107.02 Library 232 .63 Street 17, 624.06 Park Forward Thrust 26, 111 . 72 Library Const. Fund 14, 238.00 City Hall Constr. 3,835 .89 S'. 228th U,A.B. 14,874. 69 4th Ave. U.A.B. 190 .40 Reith Road Ph. I 43 , 759 .76 E. Valley U.A.B. 9, 460 .46 E. Valley (Willis to Gr. Rvr) 1,894. 39 Horseshoe Acres LID 259 40 , 414.87 98th Ave. LID 269 288 . 70 Equipment Rental 14, 386. 24 Fire R/P 1 ,193 .04 LEFF 2, 379 . 20 S. 212th Ph. III LID 261 1 ,088.63 Water 6, 333.06 Sewer 31 , 266.04 Garbage 22, 755 . 72 TOTAL $308,544.79 (Covering vouchers #10496 through #11007 ) Interest Bearing Warrants North Kent Water (IBW #356) Hill , Ingman & Chase $67 . 32 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :05 p.m. / Respectfully submitted, C-, '✓�� �� '��-�.tn�'/ Yam„ Isabel Hogan Marie Jense Mayor City Clerk (ITT cLI-r7K