HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/01/1972 Kent, Washington
May 1 , 1972
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott,
Jackson, Just, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street,
City Attorney Mirk, City E,�gineer Snerwood and Planning Director Harris
Elliott. moved that the minutes of the meeting of April 17th be approved
as printed, Masters seconded , motion carried .
STORM LID 271 East Hill Storm Drainage. Don Wickstrom,
DRAINAGE described the project, consisting of storm drainage
in the vicinity of Kent-Kangley and the Benson inter-
section. The total acreage of the drainage basin is
1300 acres, of which 140 acres are proposed to be
included in the LID, at an estimated cost of $245 ,000 .
He noted that construction could begin in September. .
Mr. S-reet explained that the financing of the proposed
project would be by the 10 year LID bond issue, with
the interest rate yet to be determined.
The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. Father
Gretz expressed concern about the effect of additional
storm water on Mill Creek. Protests were heard from
the audience from Robert Crandall , Robert Waitt, Helen
Sant, Lloyd Wray, Joseph Clark, Grace Perrins, Florence
Rasmussen, Ralph Horn, Lloyd Daman and Jim Plemmons.
Letters of protest were read from John Perrins, Myrl
Johnson, S. J. Jarvis, Roy Sant, Grover Smail , Melvin
Sells, Joseph Clark, Floyd Lien, Lloyd Wray, Orville
Kelso, Britt Smith, Jim Plemmons, Melvin Rugg and Robert
Crandall .
Some of those protesting the improvement questioned the
city's right to include properties lying outside the city
limits. Residents of the area opined that the benefits would
be for the shopping center only. MARTELL MOVED to accept
the letters and place them on file, Jackson seconded, motion
carried. After all who wished to speak had been heard,
JUST MOVED to close the hearing, Kitto seconded, motion
carried. ELLIOTT MOVED for the Council , acting as a
Committee-of-the-whole, to review each of the protests at
8:00 p.m. , Monday, May 8th, noting that the City Attorney
will be directed to prepare an ordinance in accordance with
the results of this review, Masters seconded, motion carried.
HEALTH & LID 259 Horseshoe Acres Sewer. A letter was read from
SANITATION George McCulley of the Environmental Protection Agency,
advising that the EPA grant offer in connection with Horse-
shoe acres sewer, has been approved for increase by
$7, 140.00 , by the Department of_ Ecology. MASTERS MOVED to
accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record ,
Elliott seconded , motion carried.
LID 25.9 . A letter from George W. Slater Co. was read ,
requesting an extension of time on the Horseshoe Acres
Sewer project, with the completion date to. be changed from
April 28 to June 15 , 1972 . MARTELL MOVED to approve the
request, with Slater to pay any additional engineering
charges, Masters seconded, motion carried. MASTERS MOVED
to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of
record, Elliott seconded, motion carried .
Sewer Connection. A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs.
Sidebotham of 812 Wynwood Drive, stating that because of
an error in the City's "As built" drawings of the sewer
line, additional footage had to be dug, resulting in a
break in the blacktop and the curb. They are now request-
ing the City 's assistance in repairing the damage. The
City Engineer reported that the "as built" drawings in-
correctly indicate a depth of 171 , as the sewer was installed
HEALTH & before the street was built. He noted that he and
SANITATION the Street Superintendent had inspected the area and
found that about 75 ' of curbing needs to be replaced,
but that only about half of this is attributable to
the side sewer problem. He suggested that if the owner
would replace curbing at a cost of approximately $200 ,
the City would do the rest of the work, at an estimated
cost of $400 to $450 . KITTO MOVED to accept the letter
and the Engineer 's report, Just seconded, motion carried .
Kitto noted that a claim had not been filed and MOVED
to refer the matter to the City Attorney for a report back
to the next Utilities Committee meeting, Jackson seconded ,
motion carried.
Drainage. A letter was read from Dr. Rowbottom, noting
flooding of the Kent Medical Center caused from the in-
creasing flow of water coming down the East Hill. He
expressed concern that any additional water coming through
Mill Creek will definitely endanger properties below the
hill. ELLIOTT MOVED that receipt of the letter be recorded
and that a copy of the proposal from Wilsey and Ham be
directed to Dr. Rowbottom, Masters seconded, motion carried.
MASTERS MOVED to approve the Mayor 's letter to the Depart-
ment of Social and Health Services in Olympia, outlining
Kent 's plan for allocating 2/ of liquor profits and tax,
as is now required by State statute, Elliott seconded,
motion carried .
WATER A letter was read from George Hopewell , requesting city
water connection to property located at 22210 93rd Ave. S.
Martell recommended that the matter be referred to the City
Engineer to explore alternative sources . MASTERS MOVED to
accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record,
Elliott seconded, motion carried.
STREETS East Valley Highway (UAB 8-1106-10 ) . It was noted that
Urban Arterial Board 's approval has been received for the
South Central street paving project. MARTELL MOVED that
J. Carroll Shoe be retained to advise on the method of
assessment and amounts of assessment which reflect benefits
to adjacent property, Masters seconded, motion carried.
PARKS & Bids - Glenn Nelson Park. The following bids were received
RECREATION for the proposed construction of the Glenn Nelson Park:
Basic Bid
Sun Up Construction Co. $117, 800
Morrison Construction Co. 122, 800
Mayer Construction Co. 130 ,509
Lewis & Adler 132, 237
Lincoln Construction Co. 139 ,595
Olympic Landscaping 139 , 714
Doolittle Constuuction Co. , 151 ,000
Included in the basic bid were six alternates. The Park
Department has recommended that Alternates 1 through 5 be
deleted, with the provision that if additional funds become
available from IAC or BOR within 60 days , that some or all
of the alternates be reinstated. KITTO MOVED to accept the
bid of Sun Up Construction, as presented by the Parks Depart-
ment, Elliott seconded, motion carried.
FINANCE The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1770, creating a
petty cash fund in the amount of $50 for the fire department.
ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Just seconded,
motion carried.
PARKS & Mill Creek. Upon Street 's recommendation, BAFFARO
RECREATION MOVED that the City contract with Wilsey and Ham to
complete the "Ecological Environmental Study of Mill
Creek" , in accordance with their proposal dated April
11 , 1972, Elliott seconded, motion carried, with Martell
voting nay.
FINANCE The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1771 , appointing
the National Bank of Commerce as fiscal agent for the City,
ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance , Baffaro
seconded, motion carried.
TRANSIT It was noted that a letter was sent to John Spellman,
SERVICE requesting that the County consider Boeing ' s offer to
provide an experimental park and ride station for 60
days at the Boeing parking lot, just west of the West
Valley Highway.
ZONING Mead . It was noted that the Planning Commission had
continued their hearing on the Mead rezone and MASTERS
MOVED to continue the Council ' s public hearing until
June 5 , 1972, Martell seconded, motion carried.
PUGET SOUND The City Attorney introduced Resolution 720, prohibiting
AIR outdoor burning of waste material in the City, unless
POLLUTION the Fire Chief determines that there is no alternate dis-
posal method available. KITTO MOVED for adoption of the
resolution, Jackson seconded , motion carried.
ASSOCIATION A letter was read from John Spellman, advising that a
OF AGENCIES meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 3 at 10 : 30 a.m. ,
in the Renton City Library, regarding establishing an
Association of Agencies in King County. KITTO MOVED to
accept the letter, Masters seconded, motion carried.
Mayor Hogan noted that she will attend.
FINANCE ELLIOTT MOVED to approve payment of the bills received
through May 5 , after audit by the Finance Committee at
its meeting on May 15th at 8 :00 a.m. , Masters seconded,
motion carried . It was noted that a Finance Committee
meeting will also be held on May 5th at 8: 30 a.m.
MEE`1'ING ADJOURNED: 9 : 30 p.m.
Respectfull submitted,
Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen CITY CLERK
Mayor City Clerk