HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 04/17/1972 Kent, Washington April 17, 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott, Jackson, Just, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood, Finance Director Winkle and Planning Director Harris Masters moved that the minutes of the meeting of April 3rd be approved as printed, Kitto seconded, motion carried . WATER Water Extension. A request has been received from Charles Welchco for extension of city water to serve properties outside the city limits at S.E. 240th and 116th S.E. Upon Street ' s recommendation, MARTELL MOVED that the City enter into a contract with Mr. Welchco under which he would pay $4.08 a front foot for 120 ' for each connection until 660 ' are paid for as, a late comer 's charge, Kitto seconded, motion carried. Water Connection. A request has been received from Mr. Squire to connect to a 6" water main to serve prop- erty outside the city limits, presently served from the Derbyshire water system. Street noted that there is inadequate water service in Derbyshire now, and recommended that the request be denied. KITTO MOVED to deny the re- quest for water connection, Jackson seconded , motion carried. HEALTH & LID 267, East Valley Highway Sewers. The City Attorney SANITATION introduced Ordinance 1767, confirming the final assessment roll for LID 267. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordi- nance, Martell seconded, motion carried. Easement. It was noted that Puget Power has given the city an easement for a sanitary sewer across its property on East Valley Highway. MARTELL MOVED that said easement be accepted and filed , Jackson seconded , motion carried. STREETS Reith Road. MARTELL MOVED to approve Change Order #2 sub- mitted by LDL Land Development Co. in the amount of $1200 to build 1200 feet of rock lined ditch, in connection with the Reith Road project, Masters seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Personnel . Barney Wilson stated that a replacement for RECREATION Jamie Parsons will be made some time in May. Mill Creek. Upon the recommendation of the Park Board, BAFFARO MOVED that the firm of Wilsey and Ham be used to complete the "Ecologocal Environmental Study of Mill Creek" , with payment to be made from the unexpended balance of last years budget, Just seconded . Under discussion, Elliott noted that this would have to be included in the proposed amended budget ordinance, and suggested that the matter be referred to workshop, since all city departments were not in favor of the study proposal . Masters stated that in view of the total cost of the study, that all of the Council should hear the presentation. Kitto, Just and Baffaro voted aye. Elliott, Jackson, Martell and Masters voted nay. Motion carried. FINANCE LID Segregation. MARTELL MOVED that upon proper applica- tion and payment of necessary fees , a segregation be made in accordance with standard practice for Earle W. Stevens ' property in ULID #1 . Masters seconded , motion carried. McLean & Co. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Street, ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the Mayor to notify McLean & Company that the present contract is to be terminated on its expiration date of May 21, 1972, Martell seconded, motion carried . Street pointed out that when a new issue is to be considered, the City may want to enter into a contract with a financial institution at that time. POLICE & Ordinance 1768 was introduced by the City Attorney, FIRE allowing discharging of firearms within the city limits under certain conditions. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance , Masters seconded, motion carried . Social Security Program. It was noted that the Police Department held an election on April loth concerning their continuance in the Federal Social Security Program. The vote was unanimous in favor of withdrawal from the program. The City Attorney read a Certification of Referendum and Notice of Intent to Terminate O.A.S. I. Coverage by members of the Police Department, effective July 1 , 1974. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the certificate and forward it to the Office of the Governor, Kitto seconded, motion carried. SAFETY FIRE Lieutenant Bryant of the Fire Prevention Bureau presented & BUILDING slides showing improvements made to some older buildings CODES in the community. Karl Hagerup of the Building Inspection Department noted that in the past year, 41 unsafe buildings had been demolished under criteria set forth in Volume 3 of the Building Code . FIRE CODE The City Attorney stated that an ordinance will be pre- pared for the next council meeting to reflect changes to the National Fire Code and the 1971 Uniform FireCode. UNDERGROUND It was noted that at the Utilities Committee meeting, a WIRING recommendation from Dennis Scott was reviewed regarding undergrounding on S . 212th, Phase III (LID 261 ) and the East Valley Highway Improvement (LID 272) . Street recom- mended that the City enter into a contract with Puget Power to install underground wiring for these two projects at their filed rate of $4.50 per foot for installation, with the City contracting for the ditching. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said contract with Puget Power, Jackson seconded , motion carried. PUGET SOUND ' It was noted that the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control AIR POLLUTION Agency held a public hearing on April 12th concerning the changing of their fire regulations to conform with House Bill #47 which will go into effect on May 23rd. Following the hearing it was reported that the agency adopted a policy of allowing certain burning in areas where the population density is 2000 or less per square mile, which would include Kent. Mayor Hogan suggested the matter be further discussed at a work session so that the City could adopt a policy regarding burning. She asked that copies of ordinances from other cities be secured for study. , RIBCO A letter was read from Charles Gibbs of Ribco, noting that federal grants will provide most of the cash necessary to complete the required water pollution control and abatement plan and the related water resources management plan in connection with the Green River and Lake Washington drainage basins. The City had agreed to participate in the cost of .the plan, which will now be unnecessary since the grants will finance the project. Mr. Gibbs noted however that the City will be asked to provide certain information on land use and planning . ELLIOTT MOVED to place the Lettter on file, Masters seconded, motion carried. STORM Street requested that the City Attorney and Administrator DRAINAGE be authorized to utilize the services of James Gay of Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay and Moch for an opinion regarding utilization of a monthly charge for storm drainage. This charge could then be used to pay principal and interest on a revenue bond issue. MARTELL MVED that the Attorney and Administrator be authorized to contract for necessary legal services to be paid from 519--700--300 , Masters seconded, motion carried . TRANSIT Street noted that the bus transportation agreement SERVICE will expire on May 31st and recommended that the City enter into an extension of the contract as follows: 1 . The City will continue until September 30, 1972 if the measure fails at the election in September. 2. The City will continue until December 31 , 1972 if the measure passes in September. KITTO MOVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a contract extension based upon Items 1 and 2 above, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Masters stated that she has had preliminary discussions, with the Boeing Company regarding future utilization of their paved, lighted parking area for parking for those using the bus system. She suggested that the matter be referred to the Utilities Committee so that a proposal can be presented to the Boeing Company. STATE It was noted that the Washington Economic Assistance ECONOMIC Act is to be implemented as follows : ASSISTANCE ACT 1 . Any project considered must create jobs when the project is finished, as well as the jobs created by construction. 2. A contract must be let within 90 days of approval . 3. No money is available for planning. 4. So far, no restriction of the percentage of cost has been determined , so at presented it is assumed that the Washington Economic Assistance Act could pay 100%. Kent has submitted three projects, but cannot assure immediate jobs, following completion of the projects. FRANCHISE A letter was read from William L. Monson of Clearview T.V. Cable, enclosing a copy of the Federal Communications Commission rules governing cable television service which became effective March 31 , 1972. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Jackson seconded , motion carried. LIBRARY The City Attorney introduced Resolution 719 , transferring monies from the Library Cumulative Reserve Fund to the Library Construction Fund 1972. KITTO MOVED for adoption of the ,resolution, Martell seconded , motion carried. PLANNING The City Attorney introduced Resolution 718 A adopting a "Sphere of Influence" report for the city as recommended by the Planning Commission. KITTO MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Just seconded, motion carried. SALARIES It was noted that a contract was negotiated with the pub- lic works employees which is a continuation of the present contract with a 3% raise in wages . ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign said contract, Masters seconded, motion carried . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1769 , amending the budget ordinance to include items contracted for in 1971 , but not paid for; a 3% adjustment in wages for employees beginning March 1 , 1972 and additional costs in connection with projects started. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. IT WAS noted that a new pay schedule has been developed, reflecting a 3% change in the base. ELLIOTT MOVED that the pay schedule, dated 1972, be adopted as a part of the Employee Policy Manual , Kitto seconded, motion carried . BEAUTIFICA- Mayor Hogan noted that "Earth Day" will be observed TION on April 21st and that the Kent News Journal will highlight various beautification projects in the community. It was pointed out that the old city hall site is being brought up to grade and will be seeded as soon as possible. A letter was read from John and Hildur Mullen, commend- ing the city officials and employees for their efforts in having Mill Creek Road and it' s environs posted. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, and suggested that appreciation should be expressed to the Mullens for their outstanding contribution toward the beautification of the city. FINANCE Claims received through April 5th, for which authorization for pay was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 64, 516.52 Park 10 , 408. 60 Library 399 . 30 Street 6 , 520.52 City Hall 45 , 069.47 228th St. Constr. 47 , 148.40 James St. Constr. 365 .44 Reith Rd. Ph. I Constr. 2, 992.48 E. Valley Constr. 689 . 27 Horseshoe Acres 35 , 367.11 Equipment Rental 7, 864. 31 Fire R/P 675 .98 LEFF Disability 1, 631.48 LID 261 669 .49 Sewer 30 , 615 . 79 Water 8, 654. 63 Garbage 22 . 019 .17 285 , 607 .96 Interest Bearing Warrants: Park Frances E. Petty 58, 656.58 LID 262 Carroll Snoe & Assoc. 50 .00 LID 267 Carroll Shoe & Assoc. 129 .00 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, r � Isabel Hogan Marie J_e`Ttsen Mayor City Clerk CITY