HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/03/1972 Kent, Washington April 3, 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott, Jackson, Just, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood, Finance Director Winkle and Planning Director Harris Baffaro moved that the minutes of the meeting of March 20th be approved with the following correction on page 3 : . . . . "funding for Parcels 7 and 8 would be covered by: 25/ IAC, 25% Forward Thrust and 50/ HUD' , Elliott seconded, motion carried . STREETS James Street, The City Attorney and Consulting Engineers have negotiated a settlement with Red - Samm, concerning the installation of a sewer line in conjunction with the construction of James Street, and recommend that a performance bond in the amount of $25 ,000 running for two years from this date be accepted in lieu of replacing the line. It has been determined that although the line has settled to some degree, the capacity has not been reduced greatly. MARTELL MOVED to accept • the offer of Red-Samm of a performance bond in the amount of $25 ,000 payable to the City for two years , guaranteeing a sewer line, Just seconded . Upon the recommendation of the City Attorney and Dennis Scott, MARTELL MOVED to amend the motion to clarify that the acceptance of the performance bond was for two years past the one year guarantee , Just seconded. The amendment carried unanimously. The amended motion carried unanimously. James Street. A letter from James Curran was read, suggesting that in the interest of beautification, the City could dispense with the numerous "No Parking" signs on James Street. Mayor Hogan noted that consideration was being given to removing some and changing the message on others. She suggested the matter be referred to the Traffic Engineer. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and refer it to the Traffic Engineer, Jackson seconded, motion carried. LID 262 Gowe Street Improvements. MASTERS MOVED to authorize the City Engineer to hire SE & A Con- sulting Engineers/Planners as landscape architects on the Gowe Street project, Elliott seconded, motion carried . Traffic Control . ELLIOTT MOVED for the Traffic Engineer to review the accidents at the inter- section of the Kent-Kangley Road and Weiland , . ,to consider the changes that will occur when the highway is widened, and to report his recom- mendation to the Council , Masters seconded , motion carried. Kennebeck . Street noted that at the last work- shop, it was determined that use of Kennebeck between Pioneer and James should be limited to service trucks for maintenance of Mill Creek and a telephone conduit, as this is a narrow, un- surfaced public right-of-way. MARTELL MOVED that traffic by all motor vehicles except service trucks be prohibited on Kennebeck between Pioneer and James, Just seconded , motion carried . HEALTH & LID 267 Sewers EVH from S. 212th to S. 218th. SANITATION The public hearing on the final roll for LID 267 was opened by Mayor Hogan. There were no comments or objections from the floor and the Clerk reports that no written protests were received. ELLIOTT MOVED to close the hearing, Just seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance confirming the roll for LID 267, Masters seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & Sewer Connection. Sometime ago, monthly payments SANITATION over a two year period was suggested for the connec- tion charges for Metro Heavy Hauling. The property owner, whose signature was required on the contract, had previously stated that any contract for late comers charge would be the responsibility of Metro. Street recommended acceptance of a contract with Metro only, since even if Metro has not completed payment at the time they discontinue use of the prop- erty, the remaining balance still would be due from the property owner before another tenant or the owner could use the property. MARTELL MOVED that the contract for payment of the late comers sewer charge be accepted when signed by Metro Heavy Hauling, Elliott seconded , motion carried. A LETTER was read requesting approval for installation of a private sanitary sewer system, including a hold- ing tank at 7122 S. 196th. MARTELL MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Kitto seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED that an agreement be signed with Mr. Hedland for a holding tank, with provisions for the holding tank as stated in their letter and that the Hed- lands will make a continuing effort to obtain an easement, so a side sewer can be installed , Jackson seconded. Under discussion, Street clarified that this same request was made by Dale Williams and the Council was not now accept- ing a septic tank or drainfield , but only a holding tank. Motion carried. WATER Kangley Acres Plat. It was noted that Ron Benson 's request for extension of city water to Kangley Acres was discussed at the work session held March 13th. The Council determined that the extension of water from Derbyshire could not be allowed until a new main is extended along S.E. 116th. It was pointed out that Benson could extend a main along S.E. 114th. The City Engineer was directed to inform Benson of this action. POLICE & The City Attorney read a draft of a new ordinance, which FIRE would allow discharging of firearms within the city limits under certain conditions. ELLIOTT MOVED for the City Attorney to prepare a final ordinance in accordance with directions given by the Council , Jackson seconded, motion carried . A LETTER was read from Judge Eide of the Aukeen District Court, urging the City of Kent to consider providing financial support for the King County Probation Department. KITTO MOVED that receipt of the letter be recorded and referred to the City Attorney, Chief of Police and City Administrator and for a report to be made at the next Public Safety Committee meeting, Masters seconded , motion carried. PARKS Reservoir Park. The City Attorney introduced Resolution 718, authorizing application for funds to cover 75% of the cost of completing the park in conjunction with the S. 218th St. reservoir. MARTELL MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Elliott seconded , motion carried . STORM LID 271 Storm Drainage at Kent-Kangley & 104th. The City DRAINAGE Attorney introduced Resolution 717, declaring the City's intention to form LID 271 for the purpose of installing storm drainage in the vicinity of Kent-Kangley and 104th and setting the public hearing for May 1 , MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the resolution , Kitto seconded, motion carried. BIDS Library G. O. Bonds. The following bids were opened and read aloud for the Library G. O. Bond issue: Net Int. Cost Int. Rate Seattle First National $88, 631 . 24 4. 7019/ Bank National Bank of 92,900.00 4.9283/ Commerce Foster and Marshall 87, 740 .00 4. 6546/ Pacific National Bank 88, 926. 30 4. 7175/ of Washington Bank of the West 90 , 130 .00 4. 78143/ ELLIOTT MOVED that the representative of Foster and Marshall and the Director of Finance verify the bids and report back to the Council , Kitto seconded , motion carried. After review, of the bids, the Finance Director recommended that the best bid. of Foster and Marshall be accepted. ELLIOTT MOVED that the bid of Foster and Marshall for purchase of Library G. 0. Bonds be accepted, Martell seconded, motion carried . Gowe Street - Water Line. Only one bid , in the amount of $2, 234.51 , inc. tax, from Charles Fournier, was received to install a water line in Gowe Street. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the bid of Charles Fournier, Masters seconded, motion carried. POLICE BIDS The following bids were received for a detective car: Bowen Scarff $2 , 442.99 , inc. tax & trade Bill Hazelett 2, 746.45 , inc. tax & trade Strain ' s Auto 2, 675 .83 , inc. tax & trade BAFFARO MOVED to accept the bid of Bowen Scarff, Elliott seconded, motion carried. CITY It was noted that the contract for additions and alterations PROPERTY of the city warehouse is complete and acceptance has been recommended by Don Bogard , Architect. MARTELL MOVED to accept as complete, the contract of Busch Construction Co. and for the retainage to be paid when it is legal to do so, Kitto seconded, motion carried. DOG CONTROL It was noted that a petition for a dog control ordinance ORDINANCE was previously tabled for a period of six weeks to enable the citizens of Kent to express an opinion on this issue. No opinions were received regarding this issue. MASTERS MOVED that consideration of the request for a dog control ordinance be removed from the table and the proposed draft ordinance be discussed, Elliott seconded , motion carried. A letter was read from Margie Johnson, President of the Cambridge Women 's Club advising that a dog problem exists in the area areound Star Lake School . ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Masters seconded, motion carried. A letter from the Police Chief was read , noting that in order to enforce a leash law ordinance, the City would require additional manpower and enlarged shelter facilities. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Just seconded, motion carried. MASTERS MOVED that sufficient interest has not been expressed for consideration at this time, Just seconded. Under discussion, Masters , Martell and Elliott concurred that the proposed ordinance is excellent, however it could not be enforced under the present condi- tions. Motion carried. PROPERTY JUST MOVED to direct the City Engineer to notify the ACQUISITION State Highway Department that Kent is interested in acquiring the surplus property adjacent to Thompson Avenue, west of the Valley Freeway, Martell seconded, motion carried . IT WAS NOTED that a proposed contract has been received from the State Highway Department for the City to use as a park, that property west of 4th, south of the Kent Elementary School and adjacent to the Valley Freeway. JUST MOVED that the City enter into said contract, Masters seconded , motion carried . PUGET SOUND A letter was read from Madeleine Shean, small cities ' GOVERNMENTAL representative to the Executive Board of the Puget CONFERENCE Sound Governmental Conference, stating that she will visit Kent in mid-April . Mayor Hogan noted that Mrs. Shean would be seeking information as to how the PSGC may assist in the cities ' plans, and that the Council would be notified when a date has been set for her visit. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and that it be made a matter of record , Jackson seconded, motion carried . PUGET SOUND A notice was read from the Puget Sound Air Pollution AIR Control Agency announcing a public hearing to be held POLLUTION on Wednesday, April 12th at 1 : 30 p.m. at the Seattle Pub- lic Library to consider proposed aihendments to fire regu- lations. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Kitto seconded, motion carried. ECONOMICS Notice has been received that the State of Washington is ASSISTANCE implementing its Economic Assistance Act of 1972 and ACT have requested that the City submit capital projects which would either create or save jobs . The program is similar to the Federal EDA Plan. The City has submitted three pro- jects from those submitted to EDA and will attend a meeting in Olympia on April 5th to get further information. KING COUNTY A letter was read from John D. Spellman, advising of a GOVERNMENTAL series of meetings with the King County Governmental AGENCIES Agencies to discuss the possibility of establishing an Association of Agencies in King County, the first of which will be held at 9 :00 a.m. on April llth in the King County Courthouse. It is suggested that one person be designated to represent each agency. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and refer the matter to the workshop session, Kitto seconded, motion carried . KENTWOOD Upon the City Attorney' s recommendation, MARTELL MOVED to HILLS authorize the City Treasurer to reimburse the Sewer Depart- ment for cleaning sewer lines and securing manholes in Kentwood Hills #2 and #3 from the cash bond posted by G. P . Kent Construction Co. , Elliott seconded, motion carried. MOBILE HOMES Mr. Harris noted that there were a number of people in the audience interested in the proposed new mobile home ordi- nance and advised that the matter wouid be discussedat the next work session. BEAUTIFICA- A notice was read from the State Highway Department calling TION attention to a tree planting ceremony to commemorate "Earth Day" on April 21st at 9 :00 a.m. at the City Hall . BEAUTIFICA- Street noted that the Rotary Club is considering an TION "instant park" project at the site of the old City Hall , in conjunction with "Earth Day" . He stated that the new owner of the building adjacent to the site is interested in cooperating by painting or bricking the side of the building and suggested that the City could expend a small amount of money for the project. Barney Wilson noted that the Rotary Club will discuss the matter at their meeting on April 4th. Mayor Hogan noted that April 21 through May 19th will be "Kent Clean-up Month" . ZONING Bogard. It was noted that the public hearing for the Bogard rezone scheduled for this date has been cancelled as unnecessary. Mead-Samuel Annexation. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1766, amending Ordinance 1647 by correcting the legal description in connection with the zoning for the Mead-Samuel Annexation. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. BOARD OF It was noted that disposition of the complaint by Mr. ADJUSTMENT Barnes, concerning the operation of Widing Transportation has been referred to the City Attorney. CIVIL SERVIC& MASTERS MOVED to confirm reappointments to the Civil COMMISSION Service Commission for Don Bell to April 1976, and John MacGregor to April 1978, Kitto seconded, motion carried. FINANCE ELLIOTT MOVED that the bills received on or before April 5th and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8:00 a.m. , April 14th, be paid, Martell seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jesse Mayor City Clerk CITY CLERK