HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/20/1972 Kent, Washington March 20 , 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen : Baffaro, Elliott, Jackson, Just, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Masters moved that the minutes of the meeting of March 6th be approved as printed, Kitto seconded, motion carried. STREETS LID 272. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1765 , providing for the condemnation and acquisition of certain land in connection with the East Valley Highway improvement project. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Jackson seconded, motion carried. East Valley Highway Improvement (UAB 8-1106-10) . Dennis Scott presented a ritical Path Method diagram with time revisions to be submitted to UAB, in connection with the East Valley Highway improvement from Willis Street to the Green River. Street suggested that the Council review the CPM and noted that the matter will be scheduled for a workshop session. Deed. MASTERS MOVED to accept for recording Kent Dev- elopment Company ' s deed for a 60 ' X 500 ' right-df-way at 86th Ave. S. , adjoining the south line of 228th, Just seconded, motion carried. WATER Easement. It was noted that Mrs. Barbara Perkey has granted a 30 ' X 75 ' easement to the City for a water main extension in Cambridge #6, lying south of S. 270th Street . MASTERS MOVED to accept the easement, Martell seconded, motion carried. Mayor Hogan presented Certificates of Competency from the Department of Social and Health Services to city employees Willie E. Hansen and Jerry V. Highsmith, designating them as Water Works Specialists . POLICE & It was noted that at the last public safety committee FIRE meeting, a request for permission to have a skeetgun club on Boeing property was considered. The Administra- tor was directed to have the Attorney prepare an amend- ing ordinance which would include this request, as well as the Police firing range in City Hall and other requests which may be made in the future. On the City Attorney's recommendation, ELLIOTT MOVED to refer the request to the committee again so the Attorney can resolve the many problems involved in this ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. A LETTER was read from Ron Hallissey of the Kingsport Distribution Center, expressing appreciation to the Police Department for notifying the firm of wind damaged doors during the recent inclement weather. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Martell seconded, motion carried . Air Pollution. A Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency press release was read clarifying the policy on open burning of natural vegetation in portions of King County, which are under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Natural Resources . MARTELL MOVED to accept the press release and place it on file, Masters seconded , motion carried. HEALTH & Martell noted that the Utilities Committee had SANITATION received a letter from Dale Williams, outlining the conditions he would meet in installing a pri- vate sanitary sewer system, including a holding tank for an industrial building at 7132 S. 196th. MARTELL MOVED that Item #3 in Mr. Williams ' letter not be accepted and that before accepting any sewage disposal system, easements will have to be obtained and to direct the Administrator to so notify Mr. Williams , Elliott seconded, The letter was delivered to the City Clerk at this time and read aloud, in- cluding: Item #3 "The holding tank shall be equipped with an alarm system to warn of overflowing" . ELLIOTT MOVED to amend the motion to include acceptance of the letter for the record , Kitto seconded . The amend- ment carried unanimously. The amended motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC Baffaro noted that the next meeting of this committee SAFETY & will be held on March 27th at 7 :00 P.M. Fire Chief RECREATION Foster pointed out that the new aide car is in service COMMITTEE and will be on display at the City Hall at 7 :00 P.M. -on the 27th. PARKS & Mill Creek Park. Baffaro noted that the Public Safety RECREATION ' and Recreation Committee recommended that the Park Board acquire Parcels 7 and 8 to meet necessary requirements for grants of the State and Federal Government and to accept Parcels C and D, donated by Miles Drake. He pointed out that funding for Parcels 7 and 8 would be EFER To covered by: 25% HUD, 25% Forward Thrust and 50% HUD. CORRECTED • R KITTO MOVED to authorize the Park Board to purchase MINUTESOF ..� .. Parcels 7 and 8 and to accept Parcels C and D as a gift from Miles Drake, to complete the proposed Mill Creek Park project, Masters seconded. Under discussion, Just asked what the costs would be for the sewer and water lines in Parcel C. Mr. Wilson explained that Parcel C has approximately 300 ' of road frontage and the cost of sewer and water lines would be approximately $2500 to $3000. Motion carried. Glenn Nelson Park. It was noted that a call for bids will be made for approximately April 6th for the develop- ment of the Glenn Nelson Park. The project is funded 50% B.O.R. , 25% I.A.C. , and 25% City Forward Thrust Funds, and the estimated cost is $120 , 460.00 . FINANCE Transit. Elliott stated that the City' s cost for trans- it service was $373.94 in January and $401 .96 in February. LID Segregation. It was noted that Transamerica Title Insurance Company has requested a segregation for a par- cel in ULID #1 owned by Kentwood Industrial Park, Inc. MARTELL MOVED to direct the City Engineer and City Treasurer to make the requested segregation in accordance with standard practice, Masters seconded , motion carried. Mr. Randall Vanek Sr. , representing William Harper Company, spoke from the audience requesting that this firm have an opportunity to bid on LID bonds. BEAUTIFICA- A letter was read from Mrs . James Hackett expressing the TION appreciation of the Yorkshire residents for the shrubs donated by the City to replace those stolen at the entrance to Yorkshire. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Martell seconded, motion carried. UNION Fire Department. Elliott noted that Joe Street had pre- sented the proposal of the Firemen ' s union negotiating team and that the committee had polled the majority of the Council , and their unanimous decision was to reject the proposal. BIDS The following bids were received for maintenance service for office equipment for one year: Warren Office Equipment $1 , 511 .83 + tax Ruben ' s Inter-Valley Business 1 , 441 . 25 + tax Machines MARTELL MOVED to accept the bid of Ruben ' s, Just seconded, motion carried. Tractor-Loader. The following bids were received for a tractor-loader: Evergreen $5 ,575 .86, inc. tax Ray Bock 5 , 859 .00 , inc. tax Craig Taylor 5 , 918.17, inc. tax Buck & Son 6, 357.14, inc. tax KITTO MOVED to accept the bid of Evergreen Equip- ment Co, , Masters seconded, motion carried. CLAIM It was noted that a claim had been filed by William Cornwell for loss of time and for inconvenience result- ing from the waterhaving been turned off at his home. The matter was discussed at the work session on March 13th. Upon the recommendation of the City Administrator, MARTELL MOVED that the claim of William Cornwell be denied , Elliott seconded, motion carried. LEGISLA- It was noted that under House Bill #194, the State has TION preempted the cities ' right to license contractors in all fields except a business license, therefore it will be necessary to amend the City ' s ordinance by June 1 , 1972 . COUNCIL The City Attorney introduced Resolution 716, establish- ing rules of procedure for council meetings. MASTERS MOVED to adopt Resolution 716 with the following correction : Under Section 8 to place Item #5 (Public Hearings) ahead of Item #5 Petitions, applications , complaints, appeals, communications) , Jackson seconded. It was pointed out that Reed 's Rules of Order determine that the presiding officer will not allow discussion when there is no motion on the floor. It was also determined that the Clerk would continue to record all "Nay" votes. MARTELL MOVED to amend the motion to include this change to Section 16, "The President of the Council , who is Mayor Pro Tem shall be elected by the Council at the first regular meeting of the Council following each general election, and shall be elected for a two year term. Standing committees, their membership and times of meeting shall be decided by the president of the council" , and to change Section 18 to read "Except during the fourth and fifth orders of business rather than the fifth and sixth orders of business Masters seconded. The amendment carried unanimously, The amended motion carried unanimously. PAWNBROKERS It was pointed out that the temporary pawnbrokers license LICENSE of "Lucky Loans" is about to expire. The present license holder, Tom Damron has asked that a regular license be issued to Tom Damron and Sam Zerwoodis, partners in this business. Upon the recommendation of the Police Depart- ment, JUST MOVED that a regular panwbrokers license be issued to the partnership of Damron and Zerwoodis doing business as "Lucky Loans" , Baffaro seconded, motion carried. FLOOD A letter was read from Roscoe Burr of the King County DAMAGE Civil Defense Division, noting that it is anticipated that Federal Government assistance will be made available for damage resulting directly from the heavy rains since March 4. 1972. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Jackson seconded. Street noted that if the City is eligible, the funds could be used for repair of the badly damaged city streets. Motion carried. Street noted that on March 28th there is an all day meeting in Seattle at the King County Engineers Office, concerning surface drainage, including a tour of the pumping plant. EAST SIDE - Street noted that a meeting held last Friday with GREEN RIVER representatives of King County, Hill , Ingman & Chase WATERSHED and Soil Conservation Services, discussion was had PLAN regarding storm drainage. He pointed out that in the original plan, it was anticipated that the Black River project would be financed as follows: 95/ of construc- tion' - Soil Conservation Services, Remaining 5/ plus acquisition of rights-of-way, would be divided three ways as follows: 1/3 from a Bond Issue, 1/3 from the State and 1/3 from the Local Entities. It was noted that the bond issue had failed and the State was with- out funds for the remainder of the project . The pump- ing plant is complete and Soil Conservation Services will finance a ditch as far as S . 180th Street, but the Clty would have to decide how to finance extending the ditches. Tne estimated cost of acquisition of rights- of-way and 5% of construction would be 3. 2 million dollars. He stated that acqusition of open space would be considered as eligible for federal funds and that it is conceivable that portions of the land acquired for ditches could be used for bridle paths and bicycle paths. FINANCE Claims received through March 5th, for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 37, 625 .88 Park 10 , 626. 78 Library 184. 21 Street 14,018,09 Park Forward Thrust 8 , 911 .66 City Hall 2, 516.98 Equipment Rental 3 , 344.90 Fire R/P 972.83 LEFF Disability 1 , 393.60 Sewer 27 , 669.45 Water 7, 237. 22 Garbage 21 , 763. 72 228th St. Constr. 178. 29 James St. Constr. 56.85 Reith Road Ph. I 18 , 809 .95 East Valley Constr. 613 . 30 Horseshoe Acres 6, 985 .59 LID 261 577.43 163 , 486. 73 Interest Bearing Warrants North Kent Water Hill , Ingman & Chase 172.12 Hill , Ingman & Chase 20.47 LID 267 Daily Journal of Commerce 53 .55 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :00 p..m. Respectfully '� submitted, 9 1760._� Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen Mayor City Clerk CITY CLFRK