HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 03/06/1972 Kent, Washington
March 6 , 1972
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7:00 P.M. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott,
Jackson, Just, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street,
City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris
Masters moved that the minutes of the meeting of February 22 be approved
as printed, Just seconded, motion carried.
STREETS South Central . ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the Mayor
to sign the application for UAB funding for the proposed
improvement of South Central and that Hill , Ingman and
Chase be designated consulting engineers , Just seconded,
motion carried.
Traffic Control . Elliott pointed out that the State
will be advertising for bids for the 4th and Gowe and
the Smith and State street traffic signal improvements
on March 13th, with construction to begin on April 1 .
HEALTH & LID 267 Sanitary Sewers. MASTERS MOVED for the final
SANITATION hearing on LID 267 to be held at 8:00 P.M. on April 3 ,
1972 , Martell seconded , motion carried.
CITY HALL MASTERS MOVED that upon the recommendation of the
architect, the contract of Monroe Construction be
accepted as substantially complete, Jackson seconded.
Street pointed out that the architect has acknowledged
that the leaks in the lobby were due to faulty design
and would be corrected at his expense. He further noted
-'that Monroe Construction will be required to complete
the items on the "check list" within the 30 day waiting
period, except for the sealing of the exterior masonry,
which must be done in warm weather. The architect has
suggested that the City accept a certified check from
the contractor as a guarantee that this will be done.
Motion carried.
WATER Kangley Acres Plat. It was noted that the staff has
developed insufficient information on the request for
water at Kangley Acres. MASTERS MOVED that the matter
be brought to the next work session, Jackson seconded,
motion carried.
FINANCE Upon the City Engineer ' s recommendation, MARTELL MOVED
to authorize the City Treasurer to release the $500
cash bond posted by National Bank of Commerce in connection
with street repairs, Just seconded, motion carried.
Water - LID 256. A request has been received from Mr.
Northfield for an LID segregation in LID 256. ELLIOTT
MOVED to direct the City Engineer and City Treasurer to
make thr requested segregation in accordance with stand-
ard practice, Martell seconded, motion carried.
STORM LID 271 East Hill Storm Drainage. MARTELL MOVED to
DRAINAGE direct the City Attorney to prepare a resolution form-
'ing LID 271 for the East Hill Storm Drainage, with the
preliminary hearing date to be May 1 , 1972, Masters
seconded, motion carried .
LIBRARY The City Attorney read Ordinance 1763, providing for
the issuance and sale of $300, 000.00 G.O. Library Bonds.
JUST MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Kitto seconded,
motion carried .
CITY Martell suggested that at the next workshop, consideration
PROJECTS be given to publishing a fact sheet for new projects,
containing information on the scope of the work, time
schedule, financing, how it applies to citizens, etc.
On Street 's question, Elliott clarified that this would
not apply to projects totally financed by the City.
BIDS Willis Street Lights. Bids have been received
for the installation of the street lights which
is separate from the undergrounding project, as
follows :
SiT al Electric $7, 790.00 , inc. tax
General Service 8,095 .50 , inc. tax
Fox & Nystrom 9 , 644. 25 , inc. tax
Westcoast Electric 11 ,025 .00 , inc. tax
Upon the City Engineer 's recommendation , MASTERS
MOVED to accept the bid of Signal Electric, Elliott
seconded , motion carried.
LID 267 Sanitary Sewers - EVH. The following bids
were received for LID 267 , Sanitary Sewers:
J. E. Work, Inc. $93, 731 .66, inc. tax
National Construction 102, 306. 75 , inc. tax
Bowers Construction 133 , 023.45 , inc. tax
Lundberg Construction 140 , 636.73, inc. tax
LDL Land Dev. Co. 141 , 856.58, inc. tax
Tri-State Construction 142, 197 . 30 , inc. tax
Frank Coluccio 169 , 673 , 18, inc. tax
O 'Leary Construction 280 , 189 . 35 , inc. tax
MARTELL MOVED that the low bid of J. E. Work, Inc. be
accepted and that the failure of the bidder to have his
signature notarized on the non-collusion affidavit is
an informality in the bid and is waived by the Council ,
Just seconded, motion carried.
Two Police Cars . The following bids were received to
furnish two police cars :
Bill Hazelett $5 , 224.92, inc. tax and trade
Strain ' s 5 , 253 . 21 , inc. tax and trade
-Bowen Scarff 5 , 336.46, inc. tax and trade
A letter from the Police Department was read recommend-
ing that the bid of Bill Hazelett be accepted, including
air conditioning units at $315 .90 for each car. MASTERS
MOVED that the Police Chief ' s letter be made a matter of
record and that the Council accept the recommendation
awarding the bid of Bill Hazelett, including the air
conditioning units , Jackson seconded , motion carried.
ZONING Mr. Stark stated from the audience that he has leased a
building at 21409 East Valley Highway to be used for
church services. He has been informed by the Planning
Department that this is not permitted in an M-2 zone,
nor is it permitted under a conditional exception. Mr.
Stark stated that the lease was obtained through a realtor
who indicated that the zoning was proper and asked if the
Council could take steps to allow the church use. The
' City Attorney stated that this would require changing
the zoning ordinance and advised against it. He noted
that Stark should seek legal counsel to terminate the
lease. JUST MOVED to acknowledge that the appeal of Mr.
Stark has been heard and that the Council desires to take
no action to have the zoning ordinance amended, Martell
seconded, motion carried.
COUNCIL In conjunction with the Council organization which was
COMMITTEES announced at last Council meeting, the following times
have been suggested for meetings:
Public Safety and Recreation Committee - 7:00 P.M. on
the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each months.
Annexation, Utilities & Engineering Committee - 7 :00 P.M.
on the lst and 3rd Mondays of each month.
Finance and Personnel - 8:00 A.M. on dates to be
announced at regular Council meetings.
COUNCIL Regular Council Meetings to be held at 8:00 P .M.
COMMITTEES on the lst :and 3rd Mondays of each month.
The Council will meet as a committee-of-the-whole
at 8:00 P.M. on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each
month. (Workshop meetings)
Since committee meetings may not be held if no business
has been referred to this committee, the City Administrator
will be directed to place a schedule of the meetings for
the following week on the public bulletin board at the
South entrance to the City Hall on Friday of each week.
If any committee chairman calls a committee meeting for
a time other than the above schedule, he will notify the
City Administrator at least 12 hours before the meeting
so notice may be given to the new media.
MASTERS MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare a
resolution containing all of the above items , except
the date and hour of Council meetings, Baff aro seconded.
Under discussion, Elliott noted that the Finance Committee
would schedule meetings to review the updating of the
job descriptions and the policy manual. Motion carried.
COUNCIL The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1764, changing
MEETINGS the regular meeting time of the Council from 7:00 P.M.
to 8:00 P.M. on the lst and 3rd Mondays. MASTERS MOVED
for passage of the ordinance, Elliott seconded, motion
carried .
BOARD OF The complaint concerning the operation of Widing Trans-
ADJUSTMENT portation on Highway 99 was reported at last work session.
A review of the conditional use permit and subsequent
meetings with Mr. Widing are as follows:
1 . The permit required that Widing work for
the improvement of Highway 99 by widening
to 5 lanes. This has been accomplished.
2. That he start construction within 6 months.
The starting date is not recorded, as permits
for grading were not required then.
3 . On January 14, 1970 following a meeting held
between Mr. Widing, Mr. Martin, Mr. Barnes,
Jim Harris and Mayor Hogan, Mr. Widing wrote
a letter to the Mayor in which he agreed to
the following:
a. Agreed to shield flood lights so
as not to reflect on Barnes property.
This has been done.
b. Agreed to discontinue use of the public
address system, if possible between 10 :00 P .M.
and 7:00 A.M. Mr. Barnes stated that periodi-
cally the public address system is used during
these hours until the neighbors complain.
C. Agreed to construct a drainage ditch on
south border of property to eliminate
surface drainage onto Barnes property.
This has only partially been done and
is in need of maintenance.
d. Agreed to "fencing of our property on a
gradual and progressive basis" . No fence
has been installed.
e. Agreed to "bulletin all of our employees
and make a concerted effort to have them
enter and exit the property in the quietest
manner possible" . We have no way to verify
this action.
BOARD OF In addition, a bulletin has been placed by Widing
ADJUSTMENT requiring that all debris be picked up and nothing
be allowed to go into Barnes property. Mr. Barnes
stated that for the most this is being done.
The use of chain saws to cut dunnage during the
proposed restricted hours has occured . This
obviously is in violation of the spirit of the
use permit .
Street suggested that the matters of fence construc-
tion and the ditching be changed to dates certain;
the ditching may require the installation of a catch
basin to keep the water off Mr. Barnes driveway.
MASTERS MOVED that the City Administrator contact
Mr. Widing, negotiate the items of contention, and
report back to the Council , Just seconded, motion
Fencing. Street reported that the Board of Adjust-
ment 's questions regarding fencing had been reviewed.
It was found that in some instances, city requirements
have been preempted by State Law. Fencing of some
operations is controlled by the City' s zoning ordinance
and those which existed before the adoption of the
ordinance became legal non-conforming uses. Unless
there is a change of use or an addition, we do not have
a legal right to require fencing. The enforcement of
Board of Adjustment conditions is the responsibility of
the City staff which reports to the City Council . The
inspection programs are being reviewed and a directive
will be issued to determine this responsibility. ELLIOTT
MOVED that upon it 's completion, a copy of the directive
designating the responsible party for all inspections be
sent to the Board of Adjustment, Masters seconded,
econded, motion
carried .
SISTER A letter from Grayce Thomas was read, requesting that
CITY March 18 through March 25th be declared as Sister City
Week in Kent, and noting that a three cities banquet be
held on March 22 at the Green River Community College.
MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, for it to be made a
part of the record and for a response to be made, Elliott
seconded, motion carried. Mayor Hogan read a Proclamation,
declaring March 18th through March 25th as Sister City Week.
CENSUS Mayor Hogan noted that it is proposed to ask four questions
in conjunction with the City Census which will be taken
between March 17th and April 7th, concerning the needs of
Kent ' s senior citizens . The questions were developed as a
part of the city' s new full time Elder Americans program
and would provide information as to the numbarof people
who are over 55 , physically handicapped, in need of the
"not meal program" or in need of transportation. Phyllis
Mauritsen, Census Supervisor, spoke against the proposal ,
opining that it would take too much of the census enumera-
tor ' s time. She suggested that the questionnaire could be
included in the utility billings. Street noted that many
renters do not receive utility bills. He suggested that
the matter be discussed with Mrs . Mauritsen to determine
what procedure could be used .
STATE Upon the City Attorney' s recommendation, MASTERS MOVED
SUIT to inform the Federal Court that the City of Kent does not
desire to participate in the suit against several manu-
facturers of cast iron pipe and fittings, Just seconded,
motion carried .
FINANCE ELLIOTT MOVED that the bills received on or before March
5th be paid after approval by the Finance Committee at its
meeting to be held at 8:00 A.M. , March 14th, Martell
seconded, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan Mar e Jense
Mayor City Clerk � _,