HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/22/1972 Kent, Washington
February 22, 1972
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott,
Jackson, Just, Kitto , Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street,
City Attorney Mirk and City Engineer Sherwood
Just noted th at. the action taken at the last meeting regarding the
matter of the Mayor Pro Tem, on Page 7 of the minutes, was procedurally
incorrect according to Roberts Rules of Order. He noted that after the
amendment passed, the vote should have been taken on the amended motion,
not on the original motion. The Council agreed, however, that the
action failed to name either a Mayor Pro Tem or a Council President.
MARTELL MOVED to approve the minutes as recorded, Elliott seconded,
motion carried.
STREETS LID 262 Gowe Street. It was noted that at the
work session held February 14th, the Council con-
sidered Mr. Leeper ' s protest to the improvement
of Gowe Street. MASTERS MOVED that having been
reviewed, Mr. Leeper 's protest now be rejected,
Kitto seconded, motion carried. The City Attorney
introduced Ordinance 1760 , ordering LID 262 for the
improvement of Gowe Street from Eouth 4th Avenue to
South 6th Avenue, and of South 6th Avenue from West
Gowe Street to West Meeker Street. ELLIOTT MOVED for
passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion
HEALTH & Kent Highlands Shopping Center. Upon the City
SANITATION Engineer' s recommendation, MARTELL MOVED to direct
the City Treasurer to release the $500 cash bond of
Walter Griffen which was deposited to guarantee
completion of utilities installation at Kent High-
lands Shopping Center, Kitto seconded , motion
A letter was read from the King County Comprehensive
Health Planning Council noting that public meetings
regarding various health issues will be held on
February 24th at 7: 30 p.m. in Redmond City Hall ,
March 2 at 7: 30 p.m. in the Plymouth Congregational
Church and on March 4 at 10 :00 a.m. in Bannon Hall ,
Seattle University. Street suggested that the City
be represented at one of these meetings. MASTERS
MOVED to accept the letter, Just seconded, motion
Sewer Connection. A request has been received from
Don Lundberg, developer of the Kenton Firs Plat,
located in the vicinity of 116th Avenue S .E. and S.E.
227th, for temporary sanitary sewer service through
the Stockton Addition Pump Station, pending extension
of the Garrison Creek Interceptor sewer line. If
service is granted, they agree to advance funds required
to complete the Garrison Creek Interceptor on the basis
that the advance will be applied to the payment of area
assessments and connection fees to be assessed later,
and to prepay a portion of the area assessment and
connection fees as required , and to purchase revenue
bonds if required to assist the City in financing this
interceptor in the event that Federal and State funds are
not sufficient. Upon the City Engineer ' s recommendation,
ELLIOTT MOVED to direct the City Attorney to. prepare a
contract and to direct the Mayor to sign same in accord-
ance with the terms of the Lundberg proposal , Martell
seconded, motion carried.
WATER Kangley Acres Plat. A letter from Miles Drake was
read asking of City water was available for the pro-
posed Kangley Acres Addition subdivision. MASTERS MOVED
to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the next
work session, Elliott seconded , motion carried.
WATER Highridge Plat. A letter was read from Miles Drake
asking for a letter stating that in the Council min-
utes of September 7 , 1971 , the City had agreed that
city water and sanitary sewer service was available
for the proposed Highridge Addition to King County.
MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for the City
Clerk to send a copy of the September 7th minutes to
Mr. Drake, Kitto seconded , motion carried.
POLICE & Mayor Hogan presented Certificates of Commendation
FIRE to Bruce Kemppainen, Rod Bonnifield, Cliff Hunt and
Dave Seversike in recognition of their meritorious
service to the City in reporting a fire and rescuing
a man from the burning building.
ZONING Seijas. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1761 ,
approving the Seijas rezone from MHR to C-3 . MASTERS
MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded,
motion carried.
BIDS Closed Circuit TV. The following bids were received
for a closed circuit TV system for the Police Depart-
Aero Marc $5 , 723 .34, inc. tax
Central TV $4, 587 . 76, inc. tax
MASTERS MOVED to accept the bid of Central TV, Elliott
seconded , motion carried. It was pointed out that this
acquisition would be entirely financed by federal funds .
POLICE BIDS The following bids were received to furnish two police
cars :
Bowen Scarff $5 , 072 .46, inc. tax & trade
Strain 's 5 , 495 . 21 , inc. tax & trade
Bill Hazelett 5 , 503 .54, inc. tax & trade
Street pointed out that the call for bids requires fur-
nishing a bid bond or cashier ' s bond in the amount of 5%
of the bid, but that Bowen Scarff had not complied and
Hazelett had submitted a business check. The City
Attorney stated that these two bids were not acceptable.
MARTELL MOVED to accept Strain ' s bid, Elliott seconded.
Upon Jackson ' s query, Street noted that the Council could
reject all bids, & recall . Martell withdrew his motion , Elliott
withdrew his second. ELLIOTT MOVED to reject all bids , Just
seconded , motion carried .
ORDINANCE It was noted that the petition for a dog control ordinance
was reviewed at the work session on February 14th. KITTO
MOVED that the Council be permitted to discuss this item,
Martell seconded. It was determined that the present
budget does not contain sufficient money to properly enforce
a leash law. Street recommended that the Council ask for
the community 's views on this proposed legislation. Mr.
Halgerson opined from the audience that the Council should
have an ordinance prepared in advance and set a date for a
public hearing on the issue. Kitto withdrew his motion,
Martell withdrew his second . MARTELL MOVED that considera-
tion of this petition be tabled for a period of six weeks
to enable the citizens of Kent to express an opinion on
this issue, Masters seconded, motion carried.
BUS Letter s from Mrs. Kathleen Larkin and Colleen Kipper were
TRANSIT read urging that the City continue to support bus service
to Kent. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letters and place them
on file, Martell seconded, motion carried.
A letter was read from Aubrey Davis Jr. , Chairman of the
Transit Committee, advising that a public meeting will be
held on Wednesday, February 23rd at 7:30 p.m. at the Kent
Junior High on the new Metropolitan Area Transit Plan.
MASTERS MOVEDto accept the letter and place it on file,
Jackson seconded, motion carried . Several Councilmen ex-
pressed interest in attending.
BUS TRANSIT It was noted that the Kent share of the operation
of the bus system for January, 1972 is $373.94.
Upon Street' s recommendation, KITTO MOVED that the
City ' s participation in the operation of the bus
system be extended to May 31st, Just seconded.
Under discussion, Mayor Hogan pointed out that after
May 31st, the contract will have to be reconsidered,
as funds were only budgeted until this time and the
Metro election has now been set over to September.
Motion carried , with Masters voting nay.
RIBCO A letter was read from Charles V. Gibbs , Executive
Director of Metro, advising of two public meetings
regarding RIBCO which are scheduled for February
23rd at 8:00 P.M. in the Eames Threatre in the Pacific
Science Center and on the 24th at 8:00 p.m. in the
Puget Power Auditorium in Renton. MASTERS MOVED to
accept the letter and place it on file, Just seconded,
motion carried. It was determined that the Council
would be represented at the meeting.
RAILROAD The railcrossing at S. 259th was discussed at the
CROSSING last work session and it was reported by representa-
tives of King County that stop signs had been erected.
The County and City Engineering Departments will jointly
work to determine the traffic and the possibility of
closing this crossing.
BUILDING It was noted that Century Battery Company has applied
for a building permit in the vicinity of 86th Avenue S.
and South 228th Street and that they propose to use a
holding tank for sewage. The City Attorney has prepared
a contract, which includes the following stipulations:
1 . A performance bond payable to Kent in the
amount of $5 , 000 to provide for cleanup of
any overflow or spillage from a sewage, hold-
ing tank.
2. File an agreement to regularly pump and
service the holding tank.
3 . An alarm system to be installed to warn
of overfilling.
4. Agree to connect to a sanitary sewer system
when available.
5 . Agree to support an LID for installation of
a sanitary sewer system and not protest such
a project.
MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Building Director to
issue a building permit when a contract containing
the above stipulations is signed by the owner of
Century Battery Company and the bond has been received
by the City, Jackson seconded, motion carried .
TRAFFIC Street pointed out that at the last work session, the
SAFETY City Engineer pointed out a proposed project to be
funded by the Washington Traffic Safety Committee. The
objective of this project is to expand the city' s ability
to obtain and analyze traffic engineering data. The
City ' s contribution will be 338 hours of engineering
time and 125 hours of clerk and data processing time.
The City Engineer introduced Mr. Bishop of Transportation
Planning and Engineering Inc. Upon the City Engineer 's
and Administrator 's recommendation, MASTERS MOVED that
$te City enter into a contract with Transportation Planning
and Engineering, Inc. , subject to the approval of the
City Attorney and to authorize the Mayor to sign the
contract and the application to the Washington Traffic
Safety Committee, Elliott seconded , motion carried.
COUNCIL MARTELL MOVED that Masters be elected as Council
President, Just seconded . Under discussion, Kitto
opposed the motion, opining that the position of
"Mayor Pro Tem" was the proper term. Baffaro agreed .
Upon Mayor Hogan ' s question, Martell explained that
among the Council President's responsibilities would
be: to be Mayor Pro Tem, to appoint committees and
committee chairmen and probably to be the presiding
official at council work sessions. The City Attorney
noted that there was no provision for a Council Presi-
dent under the Optional Municipal Code, and one elected
as such would have no authority to preside over council
meetings and could not act as Mayor in the Mayor 's
absence. MARTELL AMENDED the motion that Masters be
appointed Mayor Pro Tem and Council President, Elliott
seconded. Kitto noted that he was in favor of only a
Mayor Pro Tem at this time , Baffaro concurred. Upon
roll call vote on the amendment, Baffaro and Kitto
voted nay. Elliott, Jackson, Just and Martell voted
aye. Masters abstained. Amendment carried. Upon
roll call vote on the amended motion, Baffaro and Kitto
voted nay. Elliott, Jackson, Just and Martell voted
aye. Masters abstained . Motion carried .
Council President and Mayor Pro Tem Masters appointed
the following Council committees :
Public Safety and - Baffaro - Chairman
Recreation Kitto, Just and Jackson
Annexation, Utilities - Martell - Chairman
and Engineering Elliott, Jackson & Baffaro
Finance and Personnel - Elliott - Chairman
Kitto, Just & Martell
PARKS & Bike Route. A letter was read from Barney Wilson,
RECREATION requesting permission to utilize certain road rights-
of-way for the purpose of extending the Green River
bike route from S. 212th to the Isaac Evan Park in
Auburn. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to
grant the Parks Department permission to utilize
these rights-of-way, Just seconded, motion carried.
BOARD OF A letter from the Board of Adjustment was read, ad-
ADJUSTMENT vising the Council of the problems relating to the
operation of non-conforming storage yards and especially
wrecking yards` particularly the fencing requirements .
MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the
matter to the next work session, Jackson seconded,
motion carried.
A letter was read from Wayne P. Parker, Attorney repre-
senting Donald M. Barnes, owner of property adjoining
the truck depot maintained by Widing Transportation
Inc. , and advising that Widing has failed to meet time
requirements contained in Bard of Adjustment Resolution
#73 which granted a conditional exception to Widing.
Fie noted further that Mr. Widing had agreed to certain
conditions in a letter dated January 14, 1970, but had
failed to abide by them. MASTERS MOVED to accept the
letter and to refer the matter to the next work session,
Jackson seconded, motion carried.
STATE SUIT It was noted that by the next council meeting, figures
will be compiled of city purchases of cast iron pipe so
that the Attorney can make a determination as to whether
Kent should join in the price fixing suit.
SISTER The Kent-Kaibara Town Affiliation Committee presented a
CITY 1971 financial statement and a proposed agreement in which
the City agrees to pay the committee $500 per year for support
of the services of the Sister City Program. The City Attorney
introduced Ordinance 1762 , authorizing the Mayor and Clerk
to execute the agreement with the Kent-Kaibara Town Afffilia-
tion Committee. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance,
Kitto seconded. President Grayce Thomas and member Pat
Henderson explained the program briefly and noted that in
the proposed 1972 budget, funds are allocated for the
National Convention to be held in Seattle in August.
Motion carried.
SUBURBAN A letter was read from the Suburban Mayors Associa-
MAYORS tion noting that a dinner meeting will be held at
ASSOCIATION KIRO Studios in Seattle at 7 : 30 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 1st. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and
place it on file, Martell seconded, motion carried .
FINANCE Claims received through February 5th, for which
authorization for payment was given at the last
Current Expense 43 , 356. 47
Park 6, 871 . 28
Library 462.91
Street 9 , 314. 10
Park Forward Thrust 59 , 853 .52
City Hall 852 . 34
James Street 27 , 194. 54
Equipment Rental 4, 693 .99
Fire R/P 1 , 596 .82
Leff Disability 1 , 404. 40
Sewer 53 . 424. 22
Water 6, 152 . 10
Garbage 19 , 799 .81
Reith Rd . Ph. I 11 , 697 . 18
East Valley Constr. 13 , 853 . 15
Horseshoe Acres 21 , 037 . 73
LID 261 324.94
TOTAL 281 , 889 . 50
Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan MariDT-ean-'�W,
Mayor City Clerk