HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/07/1972 Kent, Washington February 7, 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott, Jackson, Just, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Engineer Sherwood, City Attorney Mirk and Planning Director Harris MASTERS MOVED to approve the minutes of the last meeting as printed, Martell seconded , motion carried. STREETS LID 262, Gowe Street._ Assistant City Engineer Joe Engeln described the project, consisting of the improvement of Gowe Street from S. 4th to S. 6th and along S. 6th from W. Gowe to W. Meeker of approximately 1115 lineal feet to a two lane, one-way street with some parking. The project will include concrete curb and gutters, sidewalks, storm drains, underground power and phone lines, lighting, landscaping and the improve- : ment of the Milwaukee Railroad crossing by the installa- tion of cantilever signals. Mr. Engeln described the cost of the project as follows: LID $31 , 400 Forward Thrust 37, 144 Other Funds 145 , 636 TOTAL COST $214,180 Mr. Street explained that the financing of the proposed street project would be by 12 year LID bonds, with 10 payments , with the interest rate yet to be determined . He noted the proposed schedule as follows: advertise for bids on March 17th, final hearing on May 1 , con- struction to begin on June 12th, and a completion date of September 30th. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. There were no objections or comments from the floor. A letter of protest was read from Mr. Leeper. Mayor Hogan noted that the letter would be made a matter of record. MARTELL MOVED to close the hearing, Elliott seconded, motion carried. ELLIOTT MOVED that the Council , acting as a committee-of-the-whole, will review all pro- tests at the regular work session at 7 : 30 p.m. , February 14th, Masters seconded, motion carried. LID 272 EVH Street Improvement from S. 212th to S. 228th. A letter was read from six property owners within the LID 272 boundary, objecting to the LID and further objecting that the final assessment will not be based upon the "zone and termini method" as was the preliminary assessment. Mr. Street pointed out that the zone and termini method was never used in this project. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file with the record of LID 272, Kitto seconded , motion carried, with Baffaro voting nay. SR 167 , Kent Bicycle Path. A letter from the State High- way Department was read regarding the development of a bicycle route under the Valley Freeway Bridge over the Green River and agreeing to an adjustment in their access control fencing, if the City would do the actual constru- tion of the bicycle path. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Elliott seconded , motion carried. Mayor Hogan noted that the Park Department has agreed that this would be acceptable . Petition. A petition was read from nine families in the Cambridge South area, requesting that that section of Hampton Way, east from the intersection of Somerset Lane to the dead end, not be sanded in the event of snow. MASTERS MOVED to file the petition and to forward a copy to the Street Department, Just seconded, motion carried . PARKS & Russell Road Park . Street noted receipt of Change RECREATION Order #2 for R. 0. Bordner Construction Co. , in the amount of $1 , 163 .80 for installation of a Metro meter- ing manhole . He pointed out that Metro will bear the expense and Bordner Construction will make the installa- tion. MASTERS MOVED to approve the change order, Martell seconded, motion carried . A LETTER from Reverend Gretz was read, noting that the Park Board has accepted with regret, the resignation of James Parsons and further requesting the City increase the starting salary for this position to $12,000 a year. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the next work session, Elliott seconded, motion carried. FINANCE LID Segregation. It was noted that Security Title has requested a segregation for a parcel in LID 249. It was pointed out that assessments for LID 249 were based on a front foot basis and therefore there is no legal method for a segregation to be made. MASTERS MOVED that the request be denied and that Security Title be notified of the reason therefore, Martell seconded , motion carried . POLICE & A letter was read from the Police Department requesting FIRE that a referendum vote be held to determine whether Leff members wish to remain in the Social Security coverage group. MASTERS MOVED that the receipt of the request for a referendum vote by the Police Department be noted and that a date for voting on the referendum will be April loth, 1972, Elliott seconded. Street noted that when the Fire Department was formed in 1965 , the members chose to forego the Social Security program, so they would not be involved in this action. Motion carried. CITY PROPERTY Addition to the City Shops. Upon Street ' s recommendation, KITTO MOVED to approve Change Order 41 for Busch Construc- tion in the amount of $329 .04 on the addition to the City Shop Building, Masters seconded, motion carried . RAILROAD A letter was read from the Chamber of Commerce offering CROSSING their assistance to the City and County to coordinate a program for the installation of stop signs at the inter- secti.on of S. 259th and the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks as a temporary safety measure and to offer their assistance working for the installation of a rail crossing signals. MARTELL MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Elliott seconded , motion carried. BIDS Legal Advertisements . At last council meeting, it was noted that no bids had been received for publishing legal advertisements for 1972, however a letter bid was mailed by the Kent News Journal , dated January 7, 1972 and should have arrived prior to the bid opening. Street noted that the bid was the same as the existing rates at: $2.12 per column inch for first publication $1 .91 add 'l publication $. 235 per line for first publication $.19 11 " " add '1 publication Upon Street 's recommendation, MASTERS MOVED to accept the Kent News Journal bids as submitted, Kitto seconded, motion carrried . Ball Field Lighting - Memorial Park. It was noted that 10 bids were received for lighting a ball diamond at Memorial Park under Phase III of the park lighting pro- gram. The three low bids are as follows: Base Bid Alternate Close Electric $14, 760 $2, 250 Signal Electric 14, 792 2, 537 Service Electric 15 , 400 2, 750 Upon the recommendation of the Park Board , BAFFARO MOVED to accept the bid of Donald Close, including the alternate, Masters seconded, motion carried. BIDS Sand Spreader. It was noted that Sahlberg Equip- ment Company was the only bidder on a sand spreader, in the amount of $3 , 735 .90 , including tax. Street pointed out that the bid meets all specifications and is less than the budgeted amount of $4,000 . ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the bid , Martell seconded , motion carried. It was determined that the spreader would be mounted in a truck and used for sanding when snowing. POLICE BIDS Closed Circuit TV. Street stated that a report will be made at the next council meeting on the bids which were opened on Friday, February 4th for a closed circuit TV system for the Police Department. LEASE It was noted that the State leases one office at the shop building for use of the Electrical Inspector at $75 .00 per month. Upon Street 's recommendation, MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the lease extension for 1972, Kitto seconded , motion carried. STATE Street noted that the State was bringing suit against SUIT cast iron pipe distributors in connection with fixed prices. The Water Superintendent is checking to see how much pipe Kent has purchased to see if it would be advantageous for Kent to be a party to the suit. The City will automatically be included unless the State agency is notified by March 15th. MASTERS MOVED that the Attorney and Administrator determine the action the City should take and report at Next Council meeting. Motion carried . DOG CONTROL A petition, containing 21 signatures was read, request- ORDINANCE ing that the City consider adoption of a dog control ordinance. MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the petition be noted and for it to be referred to the next work session, Just seconded , motion carried. SALARIES Kitto and John Gretz of the Park Board noted the recent loss of two valuable city employees because of the City ' s present salary scale. Father Gretz expressed concern about keeping the job descriptions up to date, and suggested that a citizen 's committee initiate a salary review, especially for the higher level positions. Street noted that updating of job descriptions was already underway. PLANNING It was noted that Diane Olson had resigned from the COMMISSION Planning Commission. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the resigna- tion of Mrs. Olson and for a letter of commendation to be sent, Masters seconded, motion carried. MASTERS MOVED to confirm the Mayor 's appointment of Dennis Neifert to the Planning Commission, Kitto seconded, motion carried . PLANNING Mr. Bill Hand noted that the Planning Commission had considered his request to allow light manufacturing in a C-3 zone at 208 Morton Street and asked what action would be taken. Mr. Harris explained that the Board of Adjustment will consider the matter on Wednesday, February 9th at 7 : 30 p.m. COUNCIL MARTELL MOVED that Councilman Masters be selected as permanent Mayor pro-tem and President of the Council , Elliott seconded . CORRECTED REFER TO The City Attorney pointed out that there is no provision • for a Council President in a third class city. KITTO MOVED MINUTES OF .,� to amend the motion that Councilman Masters be selected as W f permanent Mayor pro-tem, Baffaro seconded. The amendment carried , with Martell voting nay. Original motion failed , with all dissenting, except Martell who voted aye and Masters who abstained. Martell spoke against the proposal of referr- ing items to the Council as a committee-of-the-whole which would make standing committees unnecessary. He opined that separate committees kept the line of communication open between the council and the citizens . ELLIOTT MOVED that Councilmen Baffaro, Elliott and Just be approved for member- ship on the temporary Finance Committee, Kitto seconded, motion carried unanimously. ZONING Seijas Rezone - MHR to C-3 . Mr. Harris pointed out the area on the map, consisting of approximately 13 acres, located at S. 240th and Pacific Highway S. , and including a 15 ,000 sq. ft. adjacent parcel which the City Council asked to have included . He noted that the Planning Commission recommends approval , and that there was an opportunity to consider a trail through the property to the proposed park and that the Planning Department is develop- ing a proposed trail plan. The public hearing was opened . There were no comments or objections from the floor and MARTELL MOVED to close the hearing, Just seconded, motion carried. MASTERS MOVED to approve the rezone and to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to amend the zoning ordinance to approve the change of zone, Martell seconded , motion carried. ANNEXA- Star Lake. A 10% petition has been received requesting annexa- TION tion of approximately 20 acrees, which includes the Star Lake Elementary School. It was noted that the property is contiguous to the present city limits on both the east and north. MARTELL MOVED that receipt of a valid 10% petition is acknowledged and accepted. Elliott seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED that the petitioners submit a 75% petition agreeing to accept the pro- rated share of the City 's existing bonded indebtedness, Elliott seconded , Under discussion, Elliott suggested that consideration be given to setting a time limit for the submission of the 75% petition in the future. Street concurred. Motion carried. CENSUS It was noted that the City proposes to conduct a census in April 1972 . FINANCE MARTELL MOVED that the bills received on or before February 5 , 1972 ' and approved by the Finance Committee be paid, Elliott seconded, motion carried . Claims received through January 20th, which represent final payments for 1971 : Current Expense 90 , 305 . 20 Park 24, 313 . 22 Library 840 .14 Street 19 , 421 .83 Park Forward Thrust 90 , 196.12 City Hall 4, 298 . 17 228th St. Constr. 1 , 804. 30 James St. Constr. 198 .94 Reith Rd. Constr. 1 , 103 .14 SR 99 Pac. Hwy. S . 5 , 192 . 28 East Valley Constr. 3 , 794. 37 Horseshoe Acres 4, 575 . 27 Benaroya Sewer 601 .05 98th Ave. S. Sewer 2, 742 .62 Equip. Rental 8, 396. 29 Fire R/P 461 .52 Leff Disabl . 2 , 063 .17 LID 261 21 , 245 . 27 Sewer 7, 326.50 Water 15 , 121.87 Garbage 21, 493 .03 TOTAL 331 , 405 . 30 Interest Bearing Warrants_ North Kent Water Valley Cameras 53 .92 Hill , Ingman & Chase 561 . 71 MEETING ADJOURNED: 8: 30 p.m. / Respectfully submitted , Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen Mayor City Clerk