HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/17/1972 Kent, Washington January 17 , 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmen : Baffaro, Jackson, Just and Kitto were sworn in. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Elliott, Jackson, Just, Kitto, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Minutes of the last meeting were approved with the following correction: Under LID 259 - Time Extension . . . "pending receipt of a new change order to instead allow the contractor to shut down operations from March 1 to April 28th" should read: "pending receipt of a new change order to instead allow the contractor to shut down operations from January 10 to March 1, 1972" . HEALTH & LID 267 Sanitary Sewers on EVH from S. 212th to S . 218th. SANITATION Mayor Hogan opened the continued public hearing on the proposed sanitary sewer project on the East Valley Highway from S. 212th to S. 218th. Don Wickstrom reported that the engineering staff had met with representatives of the Burlington Railroad, and had, by changing the proposed system slightly, been able to reduce the cost of the pro- ject about 12z/. The railroad had agreed with the proposed changes, and there were no other objections or comments from the audience. It was noted that no written objections had been filed . MASTERS MOVED to close the public hearing, Kitto seconded , motion carried. MARTELL MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to form the LID, Masters seconded, motion carried . LID 259 , Horseshoe Acres Sewer. A request has been re- ceived from Tri-State Construction for an extension of time on the Horseshoe Acres :.ewer project from the present completion date of January 10 , 1972 until April 28, 1972 . MASTERS MOVED to grant a time extension until April 28th to Tri-State Construction, with the contractor paying for the additional inspection costs, Martell seconded, motion carried. Drainage Problems. Street Superintendent Kendall has reported that the surface water problem at 21851 84th Ave. S. has been rectified . Proposed LID 268, Sanitary Sewers on EVH from S. 180th to S. 192nd. It was noted that a petition has been received from seven property owners to form an LID for the installation of a sanitary sewer along East Valley Highway just south of 180th. It was reported that the logical installation would include property both inside and outside the present city limits, and that the majority of the property outside the city limits is owned by the Menge estate, who have been against the annexation and utility improvements. Street noted that the Attorney representing the estate has been contacted and will report their position. MARTELL MOVED that receipt of the petition be recorded and referred to the City Engineer, for study, Just seconded , Potion carried. STREETS Street Lighting - Willis Street. Street noted that after further exanination of the Willis Street underground wiring project, it has been determined that the best method is to enter into a contract with Puget Power to install this pro- ject under their filed tariff rate of $23 per lineal ft. The total contract price is $28, 060 . Upon Street 's recom- mendation, MASTERS MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract with Puget Power, Kitto seconded, motion carried, with Baffaro voting nay. LSD 262. The City Attorney introduced Resolution 715 , • ,declaring the City 's intent to form LID 262 for certain improvements on Gowe Street from 4th to 6th and along 6th from W. Meeker to W. Gowe, and setting the public hearing for February 7th, MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Martell seconded , motion carried . STREETS West Valley Highway - Street Lighting. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the City Engineer to contract with Del Armstrong, Consulting Engineer, to complete plans and specifications for the call for bids for the West Valley street lighting project. Masters seconded. Under dis- cussion, Street explained that $25 ,000 was budgeted in 1971 for this project and the City contracted with Mr. Armstrong for the preliminary work. The City Engineer noted that the report should be received within 4 to 6 weeks. Motion carried. Kent-Kangley. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read, endorsing the proposed improvements of the Kent-Kangley Road from Central Ave. to the Benson High- way and urging the City to improve and provide a permanent structure of the proposed walkway. ELLIOTT MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the letter, Martell seconded. Under discussion, Street explained the State has agreed to an extruded asphalt curb with 5 ' asphalt in back of it. Motion carried . Reith Road - Military Road Intersection. A letter of request for consideration of the improvement of the Reith Road - Military Road intersection as a UAB project has been sent to the UAB Board. It was noted that this request is based upon the fact that the City is not utilizing all of the UAB funds allocated for improvement of Reith Road and that King County is willing to pay their proportionate share. Reith Road. It was noted that the contract for completion of Reith Road expires January 17, 1972, and the contractor, LDL Land Development Co. , has requested a time extension because of bad weather. The request also asked that engineer- ing and inspection be extended , which is not in accordance with City policy. MASTERS MOVED that a time extension of 103 days be allowed, with the contractor to pay for extended engineering and inspection charges , Martell seconded, motion ,carried . Frager Road. A letter was read from Meyring and Associates regarding a survey conducted by their firm of the parcels of properties abutting Frager Road between S . 204th and S. 212th on the west side of the Green River, and requesting that the City accept this survey as a public record and documentation. MASTERS MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the letter and to refer the matter to the City Engineer for a report to the Council concerning its validity, Elliott seconded , motion carried. TOPICS . MASTERS MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the TOPICS contract for federal assistance in the cost of installation of traffic signals at 4th and Gowe and at Smith and State, Elliott seconded , motion carried . WATER Water District 105 . MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract to sell water to Water District #105 , for which the district will pay a minimum of $250 per month, Masters seconded, motion carried. POLICE & A letter was read from Robert W. Bratton regarding the FIRE agreement with King County for use of their jail facilities including the work release program, Cedar Hills Alcoholic Treatment Center, and problem drinking driver grant pro- grams. Street pointed out that although Kent does not use the county jail facilities, it is probable that we may want to use the other facilities and therefore recommended that the agreement be signed by the Mayor. MASTERS MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement, Just seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Street noted receipt of the standard contract between the RECREATION City and King County concerning the two King County recreation staff personnel who are stationed in Kent. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract with King County regarding parks & recreation personnel, Masters seconded , motion carried. LICENSES Pawnbrokers. The City Administrator has recommended that Robert Wray ' s pawnbrokers license be revoked because Mr. Wray submitted an application for a pawn- brokers license stating that tie was the sole owner of the business; but he had, in fact sold the business on contract in June, 1971 , and then stated that he had re- purchased the business in December 1971 . BAFFARO MOVED that the pawnbrokers license of Robert Wray be revoked for good and sufficient cause, namely an apparently in- correct application, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Upon Street 's recommendation, MARTELL MOVED that a tempo- rary pawnbrokers license be issued for the first quarter of 1972 to Mr. & Mrs. Tom Damron, who are the legal owners of the business, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. UNION It was noted that on January loth , representatives of the City Council and representatives of Local #910 met in mediation in the Seattle office of the State Department of Labor & Industries and an agreement was reached wherein the present contract would be continued until October 1 , 1972 . At a meeting held January llth, the city members of Local #910 voted to reject the mediated agreement. The City therefore has no contract and will continue payment of salaries at the 1971 level . RIBCO A letter from Ribco was read noting that a meeting will be held on January 25th at 8 :00 p.m. in the Shaw Room of the Seattle Center and the meeting will be repeated on January 27th at 8 :00 p.m. in the Puget Power Auditorium in Renton, for the purpose of introducing studies of water quality, usage and allocation in the Green and Cedar River basins. MASTERS MOVED for the letter to be made a matter of record, Jackson seconded, motion carried. STADIUM A letter from Michael H. Tank was read suggesting that the City of Kent and the Kent ChambEr of Commerce support the businessmen who wish to build a stadium in Kent. MASTERS MOVED to discuss the matter at the next workshop meeting, Elliott seconded, motion carried. ZONING Wynn. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1758, approv- ing the Wynn rezone from MHR to C-3 . MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded , motnn carried. LEGISLATION A letter from John D. Spellman was read , urging the City to pass a resolution supporting the passage of federal revenue sharing, during this session of Congress . MARTELL MOVED to accept the letter and to request the Mayor to submit an unnumbered resolution to the Washington Congressional delegation, Masters seconded, motion carried. ASSOCIATION A resolution was passed by the Bellevue Council recommend OF WASHING- ing Councilman Foreman of Bellevue to fill the position of TON CITIES AWC Director from our district and urging the City of Kent to support the candidacy of Mr. Foreman. MARTELL MOVED that the City of Kent take no position in the matter, Kitto seconded. Under discussion, Baffaro suggested that the matter be discussed at the next workshop, Martell withdrew his motion, Kitto concurred. MARTELL MOVED to refer the matter to the next workshop, Baffaro seconded, motion carried . COUNCIL It was noted that the organization of the Council , the appointment of a Mayor pro-tem or Council President and other related matters will be discussed at a work session to be held Monday, January 24, 1972 . BIDS Legal Advertising. It was noted that no bids were received for legal publications and the matter was postponed to the next meeting. Fuel Oil . The following bids were received to furnish fuel oil for the library: Suburban Fuel . 1545 per gallon City Transfer . 1555 per gallon MARTELL MOVED to accept the bid of Suburban Fuel , Elliott seconded, motion carried. BOARD OF MARTELL MOVED to confirm the Mayor ' s appointment ADJUSTMENT of Steve Dowell to the Board of Adjustment, Kitto seconded, motion carried. PLANNING MASTERS MOVED to confirm the Mayor ' s appointment COMMISSION of Paul E . Morford to the Planning Commission, Just seconded , motion carried. FINANCE MARTELL MOVED to authorize the City Treasurer to release the $500 cash bond posted by the Kent School District in connection with a water line through the school property. The line has been completed and accepted by the City, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 8 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hoga Maxie Jensen CITY CLEMb Mayor City Clerk