HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/03/1972 Kent, Washington January 3 , 1972 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7; )0 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion. HEALTH & LID 267 Sanitary Sewers East Valley Highway SANITATION From S . 212th to S. 218th. Street explained that the financing of the proposed sewer proj- ect would be by LID bonds . The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. Robert Boyd , Real Estate Manager for Burlington Northern Railroad , noted that the railroad owns approximately 75 acres in the area, some of which is within the boundaries of the project. He noted that about 15 acres were to be developed so the consulting firm of Stevens, Thompson and Runyon were engaged to design a sewer. Mr. Boyd asked that the hearing be postponed for 30 days in order to discuss the location of sewer lines, cost of sewers , benefits, etc. with the engineers . There were no other objections or comments from the floor and MARTELL MOVED to close the hearing, Clements seconded. Under discussion, Wickstrom pointed out that Burlington Northern proposes to bring in the sewer from a different direction, which would affect the cost of the project as well as the overall bene- fits to the railroad . Burlington Northerns consultant explained that the railroad property would be served less expensively from the west. Street suggested that since the railroad ' s proposal would affect the service to the other properties , that the hearing be continued to the next council meeting. Martell withdrew his motion, Clements withdrew his second. MARTELL MOVED to continue the hearing to the next council meeting, Elliott seconded, motion carried . LID 267 . BARNIER MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign a request for federal assistance on the LID 267 project, Martell seconded , motion carried . LID 272 EVH Street Improvement From S . 212th to S. 228th. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1757, creating LID 272 for street improvements to 84th Ave. S. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded , motion carried, with Baffaro voting nay. LID 272 - Right-of-Way Acquisition. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the City Attorney to hire two negotiators to acquire the necessary property for right-of-way for LID 272, Masters seconded, motion carried, with Baffaro and Clements voting nay. LID 272 - Time Table . Dennis Scott explained the proposed time table for LID 272, noting that the UAB funding pro- vided for the contract to be completed within 15 months, or Mid-August, 1972. UAB has required that a Critical Path Method diagram be drafted , outlining phases of work and time required on each. He pointed out that some time had been lost when the original LID ( 270 ) was defeated. It was pointed out that letters to the property owners would be carried by the appraisers. LID 269 Sanitary Sewers - 98th Ave. S . MARTELL MOVED to accept as complete, Jim Biggar ' s contract forthe sanitary sewer on 98th Ave. S . , Barnier seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & LID 259 - Time Extension - Horseshoe Acres Sewer. SANITATION Street noted that the engineers had agreed that a change order for a 40 day extension of time should �"' be granted to the contractor. He asked that action CORRECTED • REFER TO be withheld however, pending receipt of a new change MINUTES OF - �- 7 order to instead allow the contractor to shut down operations from March 1 to April 28. He suggested that the cleanup work could be done during this period, as the lines could not be used until the pump station is completed on April 28th. Drainage Problem. A letter from the Department of Social and Health Services was read-, regarding a water drainage problem at the driveway to their build- ing at 21851 84th Ave. L . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the matter to the proper department, Martell seconded, motion carried. Willis Street Water & Sewer Installation. MASTERS MOVED to approve Change Order #1 submitted by Select Con- tractors in the amount of $1 , 233 .50 for the removal of a concrete block 4 ' X 5 ' X 301 , in connection with the Willis Street water and sewer project, Barnier seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED to accept the contract as complete, Masters seconded, motion carried. STREETS Street Lighting -_ West Valley Highway. It was noted that Del Armstrong, the consultant on street lighting for the West Valley Highway has submitted a preliminary design, and is ready to start the final design. The City Engineer suggested that these plans be discussed at the January loth work session. Traffic Code. A notice from the King County Council was read noting a public hearing in the King County Court- house on January 17th at 9 : 30 a.m. to consider the adoption of an ordinance relating to the King County Traffic Code, a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk ' s office. MASTERS MOVED to place the letter on file, Elliott seconded, motion carried . POLICE & A letter was read from the Order of the Eastern Star, FIRE commending the Police Department for their assistance in directing people to a reception in Kent recently. MASTERS MOVED to file the letter, Martell seconded, motion carried. A letter from Hal Cline was read, commending Police Officer Byerly for his action in response to an emergency call to the Cline home recently. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Martell seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Lake Fenwick Funding. The City Pttorney introduced Resolution RECREATION 714, approving and providing for the execution of the con- tract for the HUD grant matching funds for the Lake Fenwick project. LEE MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Masters seconded. Under discussion, Martell stated that he was not in favor of buying property at this high price and the feder- al grants increased the taxes. Clements concurred . Wilson noted that this was approved for the Fenwick project by vote of the people. Barnier agreed that the price was high, but noted that a jury trial had set the amounts. Motion carried , with Clements and Martell votingnay. Russell Road Park. Change Order #1 has been submitted in connection with the Russell Road Park project, which includes the acceptance of Alternate #2 - cost-in-place curb per bid $5 , 253; Alternate #5 - landscaping as bid $10, 160; revision of blacktop on softball field $149 .50; spread and compact loose fill material on parking lot $550; reduce import fill material $783 . It was noted that these changes have been approved by the other agencies involved in financing this project . MASTERS MOVED to approve Change Order #1 , Lee seconded, motion carried . ZONING American Commonwealth Foundation - C-1 to C-3 . A public hearing has been scheduled for this meeting for a rezone from C-1 to C-3 , upon the application of the Renton School District. The Planning Commission has recommended that the rezone be denied . William Belmondo, representing the Renton School District, requested that the application be withdrawn since the sale of the property to American Commonwealth Founda- tion had not been sonsumated . CLEMENTS MOVED for the application for American Commonwealth Foundation to be denied , Baffaro seconded, motion carried. Harold Wynn- MHR to C-3. Mr. Harris pointed out the area on the map, located on Pacific Highway South, south of the Midway Theatre, consisting of 6% acres. It was noted that the Planning Commission recommends approval . There were no comments or objections from the floor and MARTELL MOVED to close the hearing, Lee seconded , motion carried . MARTELL MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance approving the rezone and amending the zoning ordinance in accordance with the petition, Elliott seconded, motion carried . Army Seijas. Harris pointed out that in the same general area, Mr. Seijas has applied for a rezone which does not include a very small parcel of land zoned MHR adjacent to the Seijas property. CLEMENTS MOVED to direct the Planning Commission to include this area in their considera- tion of the Army Seijas request for rezone, Masters seconded, motion carried. Sheirbon - R-4 to C-3 . A public hearing has been scheduled for this meeting on the Wayne Sheirbon application for a rezone. The Planning Commission recommended that the rezone be denied. It was noted that Mr. Sheirbon has requested that the application be withdrawn. BAFFARO MOVED that the request for rezone be denied, Clements seconded, motion carried. LICENSES Cabaret. MASTERS MVED to refer a request for a cabaret license for the Blarney Stone at 105 N. Central Ave. to the Police Committee, Lee seconded, motion carried. BIDS Street Lighting - Willis Street. Street reported that the only bid received ,for the proposed Willis Street lighting project was from Moss Construction in the amount of $126, 233 . 21 . He recommended that this bid be rejected, as it is considerably higher than the engineer 's estimate and noted that this matter will be considered at the next workshop meeting on January loth. ELLIOTT MOVED to reject the bid of Moss Construction, Masters seconded, notion carried . BEAUTIFICA- Street Trees. It was noted that the Parks Department TION proposes to make approximately 150 sidewalk cuts to plant street trees. The cutting will be done immediately, but the concrete will not be removed until it is time to plant the trees. MASTERS MOVED to authorize the Parks Department to initiate the street tree project to imrpove the downtown business section, Elliott seconded , motion carried . KENT-AUBURN ELLIOTT MOVED to allow the project "Jobline" use of office JOBLINE PRO- space on the third floor, Police wing, noting that this GRAM arrangement may be terminated when the City requires this space, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. FINANCE LEE MOVED to pay the bills received through January 20th and approved by the Finance Committee, in order to close the 1971 books, Clements seconded, RDtion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 8 :15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen Mayor City Clerk