HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 12/20/1971Kent, Washington
December 20, 1971
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order
at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier,
Clements, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator
Street, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted
by motion.
STREETS LID 272 EVH Improvement from S. 212th to
S. 218th. Dennis Scott described the project,
consisting of a 5 lane structure with a 12'
two-way left turn in the center, underground
power, street lighting, curbs, gutters and
storm drains. He pointed out that the proposal
and cost breakdown are the same as the original
project proposal under LID 270, except that the
sidewalks have been deleted. The LID portion
of the project has, therefore been reduced by
approximately $20,000 and the total cost is
estimated as follows:
UAB $936,400
Forward Thrust 27,000
City 69,800
LID 67,000
TOTAL $1,100,300
He stated that the costs to the property owner
in addition to the assessments, included trench-
ing, backfilling, and the conversion of the ser-
vice entrance and meter base. The public hearing
was opened. Dick McGovern objected to the amount
of the assessment and stated that the citizens
of Kent should contribute since all are benefiting
from this improvement. Merville Bishop and Mrs.
Bouvier concurred. Mr. Robins stated that he has
been using the East Valley Highway for 16 years
and as a taxpayer would not object to contributing
a small percentage to the improvement. Upon his
question, Street pointed out that over $900,000
of the cost is coming from other than property
owners. Al Brown, representing the Ulrick Invest-
ment Co. spoke in favor of the project. Mr.
Purdy noted that an overwhelming majority ofthe
people were opposed, and had defeated the original
project under LID 270 which had included sidewalks,
and he opined that the new proposal was not much
different from the original. Mayor Hogan noted
that some of the residents had indicated they would
be in favor of the project if the sidewalks were
deleted. Mrs. Moyer concurred with Purdy. Letters
or protest were read from Lucien and Olga Bouvier
and Milton Link, owner of the Kent Garden Apartments.
ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the letters and place them
on file, Masters seconded, motion carried. There
were no further comments or objections from the
floor and MARTELL MOVED to close the hearing,
Elliott seconded. Baffaro stated that he agreed
with the property owners that the City should bear
most of the expense of the LID. Upon roll call
vote, Clements, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters
voted aye. Baffaro voted nay and Barnier was ab-
sent at this time. Motion carried. MASTERS MOVED
to drect the City Attorney to prepare the necessary
ordinance to order the improvement for the next
council meeting and to direct the City Engineer to
proceed with the work on this LID, Lee seconded,
motion carried, with Baffaro voting nay and Barnier
STREETS Willis Street Improvement. It was noted that
the undergrounding wiring for Willis Street has
been reconsidered and the property owners have
been notified and informed of the costs involved.
Mr. Bruns spoke against the improvement and the
expense to the property owners and at his request,
Street read portions of Ordinance 1695 pertaining
to underground wiring requirements. MASTERS
MOVED that upon reconsideration, the undergrounding
of wiring along Willis Street be included in the
project, Barnier seconded, motion carried, with
Baffaro and Clements voting nay.
Benson Road and Black Diamond Road. A letter and
resolution from the Meridian Community Club were
read, expressing concern for vehicular and pedestrian
traffic on the Benson Road and the Black Diamond
Road and urging proper lighting and right and left
hand turn lanes. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter
and resolution and to refer them to the proper
committee, Clements seconded, motion carried.
HEALTH & Garrison Creek Interceptor. Street read Resolution
SANITATION 713, authorizing the City Engineer to sign an
applic tion to be submitted to the State Department
of Ecology for a grant to assist in construction of
the Garrison Creek Interceptor. ELLIOTT MOVED for
adoption of the resolution, Clements seconded, motion
Sewer Extension. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the Bill
of Sale from Walter E. Griffen for the Kent Highlands
Sanitary Sewer extension, Martell seconded, motion
FINANCE Segregation - ULID #1. A request has been received
from Prudential Mutual Savings Bank for segregation
of assessment #134 in ULID #1. MARTELL MOVED to direct
the City Treasurer and City Engineer to make the
segregation in accordance with standard practice,
Elliott seconded, motion carried.
SOMETIME AGO, a loan of $40,000 was made by the
Garbage Fund to the Sewer Fund. In order to make
this a permanent transfer, Street introduced Resolution
710, directing the City Treasurer to transfer $40,000
from the Garbage Fund to the Sewer Fund for the purpose
of paying Sewer Bond Interest and Redemption. CLEMENTS
MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Masters seconded,
motion carried.
IT WAS NOTED that a good faith check from Hi -Line Plumb-
ing in the amount of $2,200 was submitted to the City
Treasurer in connection with a water project, which has
now been completed. MARTELL MOVED to direct the City
Treasurer to pay the sum of $1,302.08 to the Kent Water
Department and return $897.92 to Hi -Line Plumbing, Lee
seconded, motion carried.
BIDS Street Sweeping. The following bids were received for
street sweeping for 1972: Addnl.
Core Area Hourly Rate
Nate Pennachi $7,680.00 $16.00
Sanco N/W Lot Serv. $7,800.00 $15.00
Upon the recommendation of the Street Department,
MARTELL MOVED to accept the bid of Nate Pennachi,
Masters seconded, motion carried.
Street Lighting - Willis Street. It was noted that
no bids were received for the proposed street lights
for Willis Street, and a new call for bids has been
issued for January 3, 1972.
LIBRARY Street read Resolution 711, requesting a special
election on February 8, 1972 to present the library
bond issue to the voters, ELLIOTT MOVED for adoption
of the resolution, Baffaro seconded, motion carried.
LIBRARY Street read Ordinance 1755, providing for
additions to the library and for a special
election to be held on February 8th to enable
the voters to decide on whether the City of
Kent should borrow $300,000 and issue General
Obligation Bonds to cover the cost of the im-
provements to the library building, including
parking. LEE MOVED for passage of the ordinance,
Elliott seconded, nDtion carried.
BUS Councilman -elect Kitto, member of the Blue
TRANSIT Ribbon Citizens Committee reported that surveys
had been made and the committee recommends reducing the
number of daily runs from 4 to 3. He noted that
Representative Cunningham is investigating the
possibility of introducing a bill which would
exempt buses from some gasoline taxes, which
would cut down some of the costs. Elliott asked
about the revenue from the freight and Mr. Ahn of
King County noted that up to now, all of the
revenue has been lumped into one category, but
that credit for freight will be given. Elliott
pointed out that the City had agreed to support
the plan for 60 days, which time would expire
January 1, Masters noted that the City was
committed to pay an unknown amount of money for
an unknown period of time inasmuch as there was
now some question as to whether the Metro Transit
election would be held in May, or be delayed until
September. Larry Coffman explained this possibility
and its impact on the cities. BAFFARO MOVED to
accept the report, adopt the reduction in bus
service recommendation, continue with the committee
study and to extend the contract for another 60 days,
to March lst. Elliott seconded. Under discussion,
Barnier commended the Blue Ribbon Committee for their
efforts. Motion carried unanimously.
BUDGET Ordinance 1756, adopting the budget for 1972 was
read by Mr. Street. LEE MOVED for passage of the
ordinance, Elliott seconded, motion carried.
PARKS & Mill Creek Funding. Street read Resolution 712,
RECREATION approving and providing for the execution of the
contract for the HUD grant matching funds for the
Mill Creek project. LEE MOVED for adoption of the
resolution, Baff aro seconded. Wilson explained
that the City had provided HUD with assurance that
those who were living in quarters in the Mill Creek
parksite have been properly relocated. Motion
carried unanaimously. A letter was read from the
City Attorney, notinc he had examined and approved
the resolution and the contract for Grant to Acquire
Open Space Land (No. WASH-OSA-96(G)). BAFFARO MOVED
for the letter to be made a part of the record,
Elliott seconded, motion carried.
Mill Creek - Additional Acquisition. Wilson noted
that in order to complete the Mill Creek Park pro-
ject, authorization is requested to negotiate for
purchase of Parcels #2, #4 and #5, consisting of
9.42 acres, in the amount of $58,500. He presented
slides of the proposed park and pointed out that
Parcels #1, #3 and #6, consisting of 11.91 acres have
already been purchased at a cost to the City of $81,500.
He pointed out that the total project price is $200,000
of which $49,375 would be the City's share. MASTERS
MOVED to authorize the Parks Department to negotiate
for Parcels #2, #4 and #5, Elliott seconded, motion
carried, with Clements voting nay and Baffaro and Barnier
absent at this time.
BINGO A letter was read from Kenneth C. Smith criticizing
the Council's recent passage of the ordinance allowing
bingo etc. in the City of Kent. MASTERS MOVED to
accept the letter and place it on file, Elliott seconded,
motion carried.
LICENSES Pawnbrokers. A letter, was read from Wyman Dobson,
Attorney representing Mr. Sam Zerwoodis, requesting
reconsideration of the request for a pawnbroker's
license. A letter from Bob Wray was read stating
that he will relinquish his license if a simialar
license is issued to Mr. Zerwoodis who wishes to
buy the business. MASTERS MOVED to accept the
letters and to make them a matter of record, Martell
seconded, motion carried. BAFFARO MOVED that the
offer of Bob Wray be accepted and a new license be
issued to Mr. Zerwoodis, Martell seconded. Under
discussion, Lee noted that Wray had sold his pawn-
brokers shop before and then started 4 new one and
he had been opposed to licensing the second one.
Martell concurred with Lee, and noted if the council
incorrectly granted a license in the past, the matter
should be studied. Barnier noted he had also been
opposed to issuance of the second license. A letter
was read from Pete Curran, pointing out that Kent's
ordinance provided for an additional }?awnbroker's
license for each 15,000 people, or fraction thereof"
and suggesting that the words "or fraction thereof"
be stricken.. This would conform with Renton and with
King County ordinances and a second license would only
become available upon the City's population reaching
30,000. Martell agreed that Curran's suggestion has
merit, but noted that a second license was issued some-
time ago and a business has subsequently been established.
Curran suggested that Mr. Shoff should also have the
opportunity to secure the license if it becomes available.
Mr. Zerwoodis stated that he desired to buy Wray's
business, but, that he would have to secure the pawnbroker's
license to do so as the license is not transferrable.
Upon roll call vote, Baffaro and Martell voted aye,
Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Lee and Masters voted nay.
Motion failed. MASTERS MOVED to file Mr. Curran's letter,
Barnier seconded, motion carried.
COUNCIL It was noted that under State Law, the new Council
takes office on the second Monday of January, and since
this is not a regular Council meeting, it is proposed
to swear in the new members on January 17, 1972 unless
otherwise directed.
KENT-AUBURN A letter was read from John Brummet requesting approval
JOBLINE PRO- of the Kent -Auburn Jobline Programs proposal for ac-
GRAM quiring office space in the new City Hall. MARTELL MOVED
to accept the letter, Masters seconded. Street pointed
out that estimates for additional wiring had not as yet
been received. Motion carried.
SISTER CITY Mrs. Mervin Thomas and Gary Thomas presented Mayor
Hogan with gifts from the Mayor of Kaibara. Mr.
Dorband introduced Yuji Yoshida who was the exchange
student from Japan from 1966 to 1967 and his parents
who are visiting from Kaibara.
FINANCE Claims received through December 8th, for which authoriza-
tion for payment was given at the last meeti g:
Current Expense
Park Forward Thrust
New City Hall
James Street
Reith Rd. Ph. I
East Valley Highway
Horseshoe Acres
Benaroya Sewer
Equip. Rental
Fire R/P
LEFF Disabl.
LID 261
FINANCE Interest Bearing Warrants
North Kent Water
Hill, Ingman & Chase
Isabel Hogan
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jensen CITY CLERK
City Clerk